HomeMy WebLinkAbout1934-04-05-PATRIOTS-min.pdf Town of Lexington, Patriot 's Day committee, 1934. The fourth meeting of the Patriot 's Day Committee was held at the Town Office Building on April 5th, 1934, with all members of the Committee in attendance, namely, Eugene H Partridge, Chairman, John E. Gilcreast, A. Randall Soderberg and James H. Russell. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Partridge at 8 15 P.M. Chairman Partridge reported that he had interviewed Mr James J Carroll with reference to the matter of charge for the services of the Lexington Band, having advised Mr Carroll that the Committee, at its last meeting, expressed a feeling that the price of $75. was too high. Mr. Partridge stated that Mr. Carroll insisted that the price of $75. should stand, his feeling in this connection being evidently influenced by the fact that nothing had been done for the Band by the different organizations in the Town. The matter was discussed at some length and the motion was presented by Mr. Russell and seconded by Mr. Hoderberg, that Mr. Carroll should be informed that the Committee would allow S50. to the Lexington Band for which they would be expected to take part in the parade and furnish the music at the concert in the afternoon. Mr. Gilcreast offered an amendment that the amount should be increased to x'65. and after some discussion, it was voted by the Committee that the offer of $65. should be made to Mr. Carroll, and that if he declined to accept that amount, arrangements should be made to obtain some other band to furnish the concert. The Clerk reported that nineteen donations of 05 each had been received for the Cary Memorial flag display from the following people Harry A. Wheeler, William G. Potter, J. uhester Hutchinson, Fred W. Miller, Arthur N. Maddison, Frank H. Ready, Robert P . Clapp, LeRoy S. Brown, Hallie C. Blake, Ehilip M. Clark, Eugene J. Viand, - Guy Maynard, Anthony Ross, James J. Walsh, Willard C. Hill, Elwyn G. Preston, Frank R Shepard, Harold B. Lamont and Edward C. Stone. The Clerk stated that Mr. Stone in submitting his donation, had requested that no publicity be given to his name and that his name should not appear on any marker on the flag. It was voted by the Committee that the donation from Mr. Stone should be accepted in accordance with his request and that a marker should be placed on the staff of one flag with the name of the donor as "Anonymous". The Clerk read a letter from S. R. Wrightington in which he stated that he preferred to let the donations come from other people but if sufficient funds were not forthcoming, he would be glad to submit his donation of $5. The Clerk stated that very nice letters regarding the proposed flag display had been received from Eugene J. Viano, J. Chester Hutchinson and Frank H Ready. - 2 There was discussion of extending the flag display from the ends of the semi-circle driveway to the boundaries of the Town land. The Committee finally made a personal inspection of the grounds and decided against extending the flag display, but did decide to increase• the number of flags to be placed in the semi- circle from twenty to twenty-four. The Clerk read a letter received from Raymond A. Crawford, Music Supervisor of the Waltham High School Band, in which he stated that they would be pleased to send their band to Lexington on Patriot 's Day, but as they had no funds with which to pay for transportation, they would have to request that that expense be paid by the Lexington Committee, same to amount to $12. Mr. Crawford, in his letter, stated that if this transportation could be paid by the Lexington Committee, that they would bring over a band of from fifty to sixty players. After some discussion the Committee decided that it would be inadvisable to make any payment for transportation as such inasmuch as other organizations might feel that transportation should be allowed to them. It was therefor voted to make a donation of $12 to Raymond A. Crawford for services to be rendered to the Patriot 's Day Committee. A letter was read which had been received from Alice T. Swett, President of the Zonta Club, in which she stated that that organization had voted to participate in the parade. A latter was received from Frank B. McAllister, President of the Rotary Club, in which he stated that they had decided it would be inexpedient for the Club as a body to participate in the parade. The Clerk advised the Committee that a representative of the Lexington Grange had stated that they would provide a float for the parade. The Clerk advised the Committee that a telephone call had been received from William G. Ronald of West Somerville, in which he stated that the band of the William L. Harris Post, #196 of the American Legion, desired to come to Lexington and take part in the parade, and this would be without any expense to the Town. The Clerk stated that he had sent a letter of invitation to Mr. Honald, and the Committee voted that the action of the Clerk be ratified. Chairman Partridge reported that the Girl Scouts had accepted the invitation to conduct the early morning parade and that approximately forty would participate. Chairman Partridge stated that arrangements had been completed for the furnishing of the breakfast at the Hancock Church, the breakfast to consist of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, rolls, butter and. cocoa. - 3 - Mr. Soderberg reported that he had been in touch with the Boy Scout organization and that there would be a meeting of the Scout Commissioners on Saturday, April 7th, so that full information regarding the participation of the Scouts in the matter of service and in the matter of Scout events would be secured on Monday, April 9th. Chairman Partridge stated that he had secured the historical sketch from Mr. Worthen and on the Chairman' s request, the Clerk read the sketch to the committee. It was the sentiment of the Committee that the sketch as presented by Mr. Worthen was very fine and. while it would take up more space than first planned, it woula be inadvisable to attempt to eliminate any part, and therefor the committee decided to have a four page folded program if same could be secured at a cost not to exceed $25. The budget of the Committee was revised as follows Breakfast to Girl Scouts $15.- Refreshments for musical organizations 50. Wreath for Colonial Monument 5. Postage and Clerical expenses 15. Printing Programs 25. Donation to Raymond A. Crawford 12. Lexington Band for concert & parade 65. Lexington Drum Corps for parade 35. Wo be held in reserve for miscellaneous expenses 28. $250. The Clerk was authorized to acknowledge receipt of the parade invitations acceptances and to advise the organizations of the time and place of the starting of the parade . The Clerk was also instructed to prepare letters of acknowledg- ment of the donations for the flag display. The meeting adjourned. at 11 05 P.M. to meet again at 8 P.M. on Wednesday, April 11th. Respectfully submitted, • 'Clerk, Patriot ' s Day committee.