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June 30th 1931
Report of Committee appointed by the Board of Selectmen tp investigate
and report onthe dumps of the Town of Lexington .
we have investigated and studied the dumps all over the Town and found most
of them in a rather unsatisfactory condition.
The East Lexington dump was in best condition and probably looked about as
good aswdump could be expected to look.This dump will soon be filled as the
distance etween the street and the railroad is not great and if any amount
of dump.bdone should be filled and covered within a reasonable time and
thus be eliminated as an eyesore at the entrance to the Town.
The Lincoln St dump is in fair condition but could be much better kept
than at present.
There are two small dumps on Pleasant St.Both are very unsightly with waste
material extending almost to the gutter of the Street.
Another unsightly spot is on Concord Ave.and consists mainly of old
automobiles. All other streets are practically free of dumps or rubbish piles
with the exception Lowell Street which has several places where small amounts
of rubbish and old automobiles have been dumped.
We would make the following recommendations:
" That the East Lexington dump be continued as an official dump and that the
owner be asked to keep it as presentable as possible,with the Town co-operatin
to dump good material whenever it may become available to cover up the top
of the dump.With careful supervision this dump should not be offensive."
"That the Lincoln Street dump be closed with the exception of the front
adjacent to Mr Brady' s Property and all dumping be directed to this point by
a temporary fence until this end of the dump reaches the high point of land
about 100 feet distant where it becom es invisible from the street.This end
should then be covered with clean material and closed to farther dumping
The dumping should then be directed to the extreme opposite end of he dump
and a front of about 100 feet maintained for dumping until it reaches the high
point about 100 feet distant.Then cover this end with clean material and close.
This finisin the two ends of the dump and leaves no unsightly material to be
seen from the street.All further dumping to be directed to the back side of the
dump away from the street and limited to a frontage of about 100 feet at a
time,eare being taken to keep all dumped material back over face of dump and
out of sight of the street.By following these suggestions the dump can be kept
presentible at all times and the labor lessened very substantially,as at presan
the caretaker has 10 care for about 500feet of frontage instead of being Enna
confined to a narrow front which is all thtt isnecessary."
so 0n hdsuntint e droemd thheabatchke iWleaodn be oelf detd e udumd. graded
`\' The small dump beyond Watertown Street should be levelled down and covered
with clean material and closed to any further dumping."
On Concord Ave the old automobiles should be thrown back over the face of
he dump and the top covered with clean material,then the dump should either
be elapsed entirely or maintained as a town dump and kept in a presentible
condition at all times."
On Lowell Street we recommend thatthe old automobiles be collected and taken
to the small dump in the swamp below East St dumped in one place and the kat-
1 whole of it covered and closed to further dumping unless it shoud be deemed a3
.)to established a dump in this section."
We recommend that the dumps be well posted as to how and where we want ma
material dumped and all streets where there is a tendency to leave waste :Wm,
material be well posted with prohibitive signs against dumping and that the pi
Police be asked to oo-operate to enforce these regulations