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Mr . Rupert H Stevens, President,
Lexington Community Recreation Association,
Lexington, Mass .
Dear Mr Stevens,
Following is a report of the committee appointed
to bring in recommendations for the Parker School Playground and
adjacent park property of the Town
The committee has met several times and visited the
property as a committee twice, consulted with Mr Garrity of the
Park Department and such other people whom it considered necessary
to consult with in order to make this preliminary report The sub-
ject is a large one to cover in one report and the Committee is
willing to carry on until such progress is made in the development
of the property as will insure its satisfactory completion
The proper development of this land cannot come
about in one year but will have to be spread over several years in
all probability, but there are certain essentials the.t ought to be
completed immediately, keeping in mind that the things done now
must fit into the whole scheme when completed in order that there
will be no wasted effort or unnecessary expense
1 That the approach to this property via Valley Road be
made passable for all the year round travel The road
should be widened and a space provided for automobiles
to turn around
2 That the northwest corner of the property next to the
present school property be graded and made available for
a playground for small children The stone wall and loose
rocks near the school property should be removed and the
present flat area regraded and made as large as possible
so that there will be room for some playground equipment
for the small children The barbed wire fence should be
removed and also the poison ivy growing around the stone
wall The present stone wall on the property line should
be removed and a suitable wire fence placed on the property
3 That the brook be lowered as much as necessary to make the
lower flat area of the property dry and at the same time
clean the brook thoroughly the entire distance through the
'The object of this association shall be to promote civic unity, community happiness
and good citizenship, by encouraging the constructive use of leisure time for adults,
youths and children, through wholesome recreation, neighborliness, self-development,
and service to the community"
COPY Sheet 2
4 . That a proper dam be installed so that the lower area can
be flooded in winter for skating. It may also be necessary
to grade the lower area somewhat to make it more level The
dam should be so constructed that when it is not necessary
to flood the property that the water will flow naturally so
that this area can be kept dry most of the year, and possi-
bly be used for other purposes to be determined later
5 That the six (6) lots of Block 70 now held by the Town of
Lexington through tax titles, be put through the Land Court
in order to clear the title That the two (2) lots owned by
aoseph Bullock and Aaron A Grant adjoining the above be
purchased by the Town, and that five (5) lots now owned by
Mr Cutter (all of Block 70) also be purchased so that the
Town will then own all the land bordered by Valley Road,
Willow Street and the present school property.
6 That two double asphalt tennis courts be built at the bottom
of the hill, one one the land purchased and bordering on the
Town's present tax title land, and the other adjacent to it
on land now owned by the Town These courts could be built
on the same level as the lower area and could be flooded
in winter to allow a larger area for skating if necessary
The courts should be placed so as to avoid the removal of
any trees
7 That a fireplace be constructed in the natural cleft in the
rocks for the use of the public , picnic parties and the like
8 That later, if and when the proper time comes ,a toboggan
slide be constructed on the east side of the hill for the
use of the citizens of the town, provided this can be done
without the destruction of any trees
The Committee feels that for the present the greatest
need in the section is for the smaller children, as there is no place
at present available for them unless they go to the Centre Playground
which is very hard of course for them to do at present It is the
thought of the Committee that if the playground ps proposed is estab-
lished perhaps part time supervision could be given a few hours a day
The supervisor could then make arrangements for the children to be
taken to the Centre playground once or twice a week as found advisable
The equipment should propably consist of a sand box, see-saws, for small
tots , swings and a merry-go-round. The committee would be glad to co-
operate with anybody or any agency with respect to the details of this
equipment later.
The approach to the property via Vally Road, is of
course inadequate for any considerable travel and is now dangerous
at certain times df the year . It is important that this approach be
"The object of this association shall he to promote civic unity community happiness
and good citizenship, by encouraging the constructive use of leisure time for adults,
youths and children, through wholesome recreation, neighborliness, self-development,
and service to the community"
COPY Sheet 3
made passable at all times This is the first requisite for the proper
us of this entire tract
The lower part of the tract will be considerably im-
proved by the lowering of the brook and the cutting of the grass , but
as previously stated it may require some grading and filling in the
low spots In other words a general leveling up so that when flooded
it will fill properly
In order to obtain the most use out of the present land
it is felt that the additional lots should be purchased by the Town as
recommended It is the belief of the committee , that these additional
lots can be purchased now at a reasonable figure , but that after the
improvements are made might not be procured as easily It seems necessary
to have this additional land if the recommendations as to skating and
tennis courts are to be followed out
The committee feels that the tennis courts will be a con-
siderable help to the program of development of this property, and also
because of the relief they will afford to the centre courts , as many now
go there to play from this section of the Town
The above recommendations are made after considerable
thought by the committee in order to make the best possible us of the
land and not to destroy the park possibilites which are great as no other
land owned by the Town in any section has such possibilities The
committee believes that no more trees should be removed and that more
red pines be planted on the side of the hill
It is felt that the land available even with the land
proposed for purchase would not be large enough for a base-ball diamond
or adequate athletic field Perhaps land more suitable for this purpose
can be obtained elsewhere, possibly on the southeast side of Valley
Road nearby
Yours very truly,
Leonard Jellis
Dorothy T Taylor
Elsie G. Prentiss
Wm R Rosenberger
Roy A Ferguson
Committee on Parker School Playground
and adjacent Park Property
"The object of this association shall he to promote civic unity, community happiness
and good citizenship, by encouraging the constructive use of leisure time for adults,
youths and children, through wholesome recreation, neighborliness, self-development,
and service to the community