November 10, 1941
A regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the
Lexington Committee on Public Safety was held in the Town
Office Building on Monday, November 10, 1941 at 8 00 P M.
Mr Allen W Rucker, Vice Chairman, presided in the
absence of Mr. Luther Putney. Messrs Robert T. Person,
Alan G. Adams and Lee E. Tarbox were present.
Mr. Robert Person reported, relative to the Committee
on Evacuation, that Mr. Howard Custance has not yet appointed
a committee. Mr Person also reported that Mr William C.
Paxton, Chief Engineer, has not appointed a committee.
Mr Tarbox expressed the opinion that he did not think
it was necessary for him to attend these meetings now, in
connection with the Health and Social Service Division This
matter was held over for one week.
Mr Rucker informed the Committee that he expected the
Army Observation Post in Lexington would be very active. He
also said that a portion of this group might be used for the
Protection of Buildings and Shelters
The Secretary was instructed to write Mr George P Wadsworth
of 26 Haves Avenue and Mr Irving B Pierce of 60 Forest Street ,
and ask if they would be willing to serve on the Air Defense
The question of Navin„ Mrs Robert Mayo, as a representa-
tive of the Red Cross, attend these meetings was held over for
one week.
Mr Rucker read a letter from Mr James H Russell,
Secretary of the Appropriation Committee, stating that the
sum of 0100.00 had been approved for the installation of a
Report Center.
The Secretary was instructed to invite Mr Melville Webb
to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee on Tuesday,
November 18th. (Some of the members of the Auxiliary Police
feel that they should be given something to do)