October 28, 1941
A regular meeting of the Lexington Committee on Public
Safety was held in the Town Office Building on Tuesday evening,
October 28, 1941 at 8 00 P M
Chairman, Luther R Putney, Messrs Harold B Lamont ,
Robert T Person, Lee E Tarbox, Alan G. Adams , Robert Whitney
and Walter Sands were present
Mr LeRoyer , of the Adjutant General ' s office , appeared
before the Committee to discuss with the Committee the
possibility of organizing a State Guard Reserve Unit in the
Town of Lexington
Mr LeRoyer retired
Mr Robert Whitney made the motion that no such unit
was necessary at this time for the military protection of the
Town of Lexington Mr. Robert Person seconded the motion, and
it was so voted.
Mr Tarbox moved that , due to the fact that all members
of the Committee were not present , action on the recommendations
of the Planning Division be held over for one week.
Mr Person seconded the motion, and it was so voted
Mr Putney read a letter from the Board of Selectmen
stating they had asked the Appropriation Committee to transfer
the sum of $200.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Lexington
Committee on Public Safety
A letter was received from Mr Minard recommending that
a representative of the Red Cross be a member of this Committee
No action was taken on the matter
Mr. Putney read a recommendation from the Planning Board
that volunteer workers do the work on the Moreland Avenue
section, the reason being that this would be actual experience
working on roads and doing such work as might be necessary after
air raids when bombs may have destroyed streets in Lexington
Mr Whitney moved that a letter be written to the Board
of Selectmen stating that the Committee does not consider
this project an emergency and it also feels that they have
no authority over such a program
Mr Person seconded the motion, and it was so voted
Mr Whitney noved that the resignation of Norman Hooper
as head of the Auxiliary Firemen be accepted with regret
Mr Person seconded the motion, and it was so voted
Mr Adams moved that Chief Taylor be appointed Chairman
of the Auxiliary Firemen, with the understanding that Mr
Sands was the only one who would contact Chief Taylor on
any matters pertaining to this unit.
Mr Whitney seconded the motion, and it was so voted
The meeting adjourned at 10 35 P M
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