HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-10-21-LCPS-min.pdf LEXINGTON COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Meeting - October 21, 1941 A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Lexington Committee on Public Safety was held in the Town Office Build- ing on Tuesday evening, October 21 , 1941 at 8 00 P M. Chairman Luther R Putney, Messrs . Harold B Lamont , Lee Tarbox, Robert Person, Leland Emery, Alan Adams , Walter Sands , Robert Whitney, Manfred -arren, Mrs Lamont and Mr Minard of the State were also present. The Chairman reported that he had a bill in the amount of $ 3.80 for printing Registration Blanks. TMIr. Person moved that the bill be approved for payment Mr. Whitney seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman reported that he had received a letter from Mr. Kimball of the State Planning Division, giving his report relative to the operation of our Resort Center. Mr Person reported on the meeting held in Boston He said that the Food Committee is supposed to find out when a shortage exists and then report it to the Regional men, who will obtain the food. The local food committee will not have much to do except to report that we are in need of food. As far as transportation goes , the regional men know where the buses are , how many are on duty, who the drivers are , number of passengers , where trucks are kept and when filled with. gas Any large movement of people will be done by the State. Mr Lamont reported that the Planning Division had to consider the work on various division problems of the aifferent divisions He reported that there _s going to be another division formed--the Evacuation Division Mr Sands told the committee that he had received a resignation from Norman Hooper as of October 43, 1941 Mr Sands tried to contact Chef Tayler to must head the Auxiliary Fired Department and appoint his captains and lieutenants to sit around the Control Board. If Chief Taylor does not accept this , he should recommend someone in his de- partment to take it Mr Sands reported that he had taken. the responsibility of sending out BOO letters calling everyone in Lexington, who had signed for Civilian Defense work, to active duty. This will eliminate the alibi that nothing has been done Mr Whitney moved that Mr. Sands be reimbursed for the expense involved Mr. Person seconded the motion, and It was so voted. Mr Person informed the committee that Thomas McNamara has expressed a desire to organize schools to teach persons intereasted, in how to put together and operate two-way radios Mr. Sands moved that Mr Person contact Mr McNamara and give him all possible help, also to see the School Committee relative to the subjedt Mr Lamont seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr Minard informed the committee that he or some other State representative were sitting in at all meetings in every Town for first-hand information He reported that the next maneuvers would be in about six weeks . In the next maneuvers, the Planning Division for the State will write out incidents for every single town These will be put in sealed envelopes. The envelopes will have a notation as to where it is to be opened and at what time. A representative of General Needham' s office will be out to inspect all Report Centers. Mr Putney read a letter from the Planning Division. Action will be taken on this at the next meeting The meeting adjourned at 10 20 P M