Meeting - September 9, 1941
A meeting of the Executive Committee of the Lexington
Committee on Public Safety was held in the Selectmen' s Room,
Town Office Building, Tuesday evening, September. 9, 1941 at
8 00 P M
Chairman Luther R. Putney, Messrs Walter E Sands, Carl
Terhune , Lee E Tarbox, Robert Person, Harold B Lamont , Alan
Adams , Robert Whitney, Manfred Warren, Leland Emery and Allen
Rucker, Jr were present
Mr Walter Sands reported that an Air Raid Warden School
will begin September 29th This School will consist of ten
evening sessions to be held in the Lexington High School on
Monday and Wednesday evenings .
Mr Walter Sands moved that Mrs Grace Merriam be asked
to conduct a ten-hour course in First Aid for women Mr Alan
Adams seconded the motion, and it was so voted
Mr Sands reported that three moving pictures will be
shown at the graduation of the Auxiliary Police on September
18th The police billies and arm bands will also be presented
at this time
It was the decision of this Committee that the police
billies, which are Town property, should be kept at the Lex-
ington Police Station until further notice
Mr Carl Terhune explained what he had done relative to
First Aid instruction for men. He was instructed to proceed
with his plans to obtain instructors , form classes, etc
The meeting adjourned at 10 20 P M