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A '777-- 4ltrrr"' _ 40 •, 2._ -' 7i-,n KILHAM,FlOisKINS ati GREELEY NEW YORK ,, 25 WEST 44th SI:, r ii4c , fi44-----Lk, ‘ ARCHITECTS vainapairr 6465- 74;.,4;" ,th&r: i:114 NO.9 PARK stun BOSTON. abeddress, \ f ._. , MO#110fe A.r? OFFICE 8011001.10 LiZnigtOR VOWS ..- _ Meeting .at 9 park $1;,- April k, 1927°' .-., 4444 -,,,-‘-L*: a. t'-..7* . --- w H. 2%1044 tam** W. • gassrai T. tu ler ciketilfrba V Present:- w D. tea- • 41* and Lk to 'arts - . ._ A. N. tiadatto* ft ' ' - a: - ittioussit 400444000704,, wise and areas, stair A jfri,;:- -it los-- ,444, e4,,,-_,;-4 , Girl ,-. , " .,a, -77 re77,2,-.7,70 latintaakk : ,'ItOtatr_ at _ ;RP?, ,, , 4) •;‘,."*."i.:- - siatiat- ' ',, • .--but .'• -as- -tar - Between Its,. oin-tt.stiltWgf ' , '.. . ; *se of tam .awaram+-4W-,firrre-- '.- - -,.• . ( ,:-0,,,,It __. , ,. , , , . , Bu -tcL-t.--tx , . =•,- - Distance..144111414. IOU 1.40 : 14411,‘„u7,174. . .- Memorial.- * litt4e.,..4lett: ----,,::' - ." . ,b4$00-410Th a-11 ,buir-I-3 , W.: Pre --,- • .-- , - - - —•Atittowsr. . . . , - -wall. 110 . ,--- -J,-7:71. ty -“-rt-k ..,- .e- ! 1,-..'f -zfht--5, /- 40 -,,,,--52.in' -----,-.-, tith tiksoitta 19 t,‘"-:„ „ •:,;:iir .;-• -.s,:,/t:. , s.„. ,.„;At. .'„, -Zr- ,' , 1404-ttitik •$„?. :.r.;.y7455 -5?,-4,5441:i,'‘. .-.r . '''.! • is- a H', if; --iiketi`40::- it`;1':''4- r..• ii ," ' - '4**, ,fr 1 1 `::',,,„,...:. ,Th lir- isit e717: tZ.t'ini' 4 4 6 , I ,S- ja.alit tut,4 *Fint- -:-., ..-k. at- lot.6 ' 4.';' F%54 .7 '''FI I. -1"11*• ..57.41ta- It 1411-44. ...v .-*e. -'119', ,s,.,,_- 41V.4.;,,,, °"; -. ' - '--_0,4 . - T- ,,, ,-,:'>flosaw,„, ,,,... T T$41 1 TAT:A :;1'‘:t-T 2 : ::::t 'T.''1r, :, eir. 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'otter uses now .-: col***',sal* _:-*-- Allaw*k---,-m-!- - - ..,ittirkl i .1 \ 1 -2.. to remain in first building, using all of it. Addition to first building not difficult on central corridor plan, but awkward on rower plan. Plane proposed permit of seasonable expansion with; ltering building. (7) agile, Building to be two story, pitched roof, to resembleeh[ morial building in style and material. Window on front desirable. question of best width raised. Model of entire Memorial group suggested, at probable}cost of $150.00 to $ 175.00 to help determine questions of proportion, design, and exact looation. (8) zested Prooeduret Period for model - 10 days - April 14th Decision - Date of meeting to decide on plan and location - April 14 or 15 Working drawings - begin April 15. Working drawings - and specifications - complete May 13. Advertise for bids - Friday, May 13. Bids received - Monday, May 23.