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December 84 1027 BELTING OF THE i3UIt.tflG COWIT"EE GS 4EV TCU 'OFFICE $UI LLI.sf3. Meeting et B F.M. Pr•elent Teodore A. Cuathe ce, Albert B. ilurnhum, J.4mea a. itobe'rtscn, etillitm H. Ballard, B. Porthen, Norma C. deeper, Fred R. !tcnttt n, Arthur S. M A.uisoza, Georg& 7, iiary. The coar4ttee voted to a.p iiovo the following ballet �. J.. Benneally Co. Beating 4.8.41 James E, Gray Grading 4809.ES U. 1, HP l ey ?alectric Co. Electricity 850,00 doscaph 4. Greenwood Building Contractor 2051E,EG Kilba a* ftopkins & Greeley architects $f6474..74 Suggestion was msec by Mr. Greeley that on the M tiorisl Build- ing an the top frieze oter the front door that the wor&ta 'flown of Eesiagto , Massachusetts" be _pl ced, .nd on the Towu Off'iee Build. ins that the ?zords ereerr;M.fficaflibe plcie& in large lettere., "Pc1 ce Pt, tirxnv IA the rear, to identify the buildings, Mr. taultna felt that the 'or* Masaaci.:usett mos superfluous, , . alnb offered the suggestion of s"Town L:aekup^ instead of "Police (Static/el as suggestive of Colonial dsym. The suggestion W83 also offered that simply. the worn ° i,ezi.rtgtou"be placed upon the Memorial Building, It Wks finally cegiu:e'd that the architect should draw up stetehee shoring the lettering so tirt the committee w Ela be able to vie the same. "hen these si:etches were dr° wa up, it wes decided to have someone represent the Trustees to Come before the committee and decide %thich lettering would be placed upon the building. n.etter whs. received from the Architects in 'ohich they coiled attention to the fsct tn. t the arigiasl speeUlesticns cut out the plastering of ceiling., Ui the garages, cella, labcratories,bs„e- meat vtuytF inn storage spews: Jad the ;uestion had been raised ay to fhqthe_r be committee Should authorize. tt't_ t the ceilings be plastered. The committee re'4ueRted Br. firev.ey to secure figures on this extra .rric, and also t! secure figure& on steel Irene :screens far the Office Building.. The ueation of rubber flooring mg considered and it was re.-©rted by the Chairman end Mr. Greeley f , t ttr. case, who represents the . tednen =roduet5 Company, submitted prices as follows for rubber tile flooring. .electmen's e5$2,31, For ail the otficeta an the lower floor exce=pt the hollfwys which wiL i be terrazzo tlil6T.i,00 For everything upstairn .n+l down ex- clusive of the terrazzo 1 hr. €#reeIey also reported that if the committee would use sone of the stock ttwt the ''"tediacn Products Ccsnppsy htl on hgdt which had been ordered for other pl,.eea but not used, disCount of 15% cou 3 be received. This + tter Wes tsa't decded ugony but was laid on the table, True record, Attest, HELEN C GALLAGHER Cleric, i _