HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-09-23-NTOB-min.pdf 1 OFFICE BUILDING COAT:ITT= MEETING SPT"-,BER, C, l9v7 Meetingc.t 8 'v _ ,i "_ec or."i Custance, Burnham, Bal. ard, Robertson, C'_hanberlai_i, Hooper, t:orthen, MEddis n, and ¶oulton were present The Trustees of the Isaac Harris Cary Eaucationa.l Fund, namely, Robert P Clapp, James Stuart Smith, Hallie C B' _,ira and Geort,e E. Brigs came before the Committee to view the plans on grading They were informed that the committee have voted to adopt Ocheme B as the plan for the grodinr, nd Mr Smith of the Trustees, stated that the plan satisfied him e-cent th t at the door rhere Line entr°nce to the stale is made there =ill be heavy articles carried in and out and he felt th, t there should be n drivewry intc the door there trucks could drive u'7 ind load or unload r Cmith alto stated that the Trustees would reserve the right to do some planting, but that it -as theii desire to have the committee relieve them of all res_oons bility on the gradin; lir Clap informed the Committee th, t the Trustees would contribute 1^,000 toward the grading The T;uste' s kem ag agreed upon cheme B with the suggestion of the drive- 'lay up to the stage coor The Committee suggested th, t an alternate estimate be received for the parking space and drivel y on the east side of the memorial Building, and voted to t if it cool( be secured for a season ble price, we should do it at this time The Trustees were in favor of th e-tra _c rkino soace 4r Brown reported th t Mr Green: ore , the 1 or est bidder, stated th t if he receivea the contract fot the New Town Office Building, he -ould start it right ov-ay and he figures he could have the building fini hed by the Jst of Hay, l'- l8, and it i--ould targe him bout one hour te get the bond for the contract sr Greenwood' s bid -as '75,698 .nd the Board voted to a--ard the contract to Joseph S Greerr ood, "60 Tremont Street, Boson, at the price of:75,698 with the privilege of theaalt-ernates and rec_uesto the .rchitect, Mr T illerr' D Bro: n, to notify him at once Mr Bror.n presented the form of contract draon u_ by the office of Ki1Aam, Hopkins w Greeley The 'u;;0estien as made that the standard form of contract be used rath;r than the :ere,sent form of contr ct, .nd the ,_rchitect war instructed to 'Z&>r ths r �310 .1 ._ to-revise the standard form in accon. once -i_th the present conditions It Dncs vnteu to award the cnntr ct for heL ting to V J Kenneally Co , 256 Dover street, Boston, for the sum of :560 and it was voted to airard the electrical contract to H Haley Co for the sum of ' '-'860 In regard to th, grading contract, it -as decided to la.Z- this matter over until such time a_ tl-e committee receives the additional • bid for the e: tra, v.irk heretofore oo -en of The architect ,rac r uestea t love tile contracts before the Board on Tuesda- evening next .-th the er-ception of the grading con- tract nd. have the Parties re dy to sign the same The Chairui,_n -as authori ed to a-rioint el sub-committee of three to c.ct as a building committee to Lirect the construction of the Torn Office Building The meeting adjourned at 9 e5 = A True record, Attest Clerk 1 l