HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-06-09-NTOB-min.pdf FEETING OF THE GENERAL COL,Z_ITTEE.
JUNE 9, 1927
Present Messrs William H Ballard, Albert H Burnham, James G
Robertson, Francis Chamberlain, Theodore A Custance, Edwin B. Worthen,
Fred H .Moulton, George V Nary, Norman C Hooper, also 'illtrd D
Brown and i.' Roger Greeley, Architects
The committee voted to approve the bill of the architects, the
same amounting to :1,000
Mr Greeley presented the report of the Engineers on borings for
the ne- town office building and read the same The report contained
the statement that the basement floor should be a self-supporting
floor considering the character of the soil belov it The report was
received from J R " orcester & Co of 79 1,:ilk Street, Boston.
Mr Greeley explained that the material in the floor referred to
by the engineer should be reinforces.. The reinforcement would make
a slight increase in the cost of the building, possibly "?,000. He
explained that they were having two test pits, meanwhile the plans
are getting in shape for estimates. The basement floor is thre feet
below the level of !ass Avenue
It was voted to accept the report of the engineers on borings
At the suggestion of Major Bradford V,illiams, landscape
architect, partner of Charles E. Eliot, 2nd, and graduate of Jarvard
chool of Architecture, v:a, employed by the architects to view the
generel lay out of the building He cane to Lexington and went over
the ground very carefully and took three days to make nis stucy, and
as a result, he reported favorably on the lay out that was shown him
or namely Scheme 5 which ria. accepted by the General Committee
Mr Greeley stated that he showed him all of the plane end sugge tions
made and this a the one ..r1 ived at. The only chmge he suggested vas
that evergreens be planted along the wall bet -een the Memorial Building
and To?,.n Office Building instead of having the wall plain with grass
in front, and also along the wall the other side of the Memorial Build-
ing to the flag pole and around the flag pole, No definite action was
ta-,en as the Architects suggested that after the grading was done it
could then be more readily seen hov, much shrubbery should be planted.
Mr. Greeley reported that James Stuart Smith of the Trustees of
the Isaac n rris Cary Educ- tional Fund rent over the matter of grading
and had made a report in writing This report he agreed to secure
at a 1-iter date and present to the committee. Mr. Smith teted in his
report that the Trustees desired to place in the hands of the Committee
approximately 511,400 to be allotted for grading to be expended with
other sums for that Jurpose, provided a written agreement with Mr Clair)
is made so that the lay out of the grounds may be in accordance with the
wishes of the Trustees
1r Greeley stated that the wall between the two buildings and the
wall beyond the Memorial Building should be built by the Town and the
ground graded up to it
Mr. Greeley presented txo sets of plans giving the details of
the proposed construction of the building He presented a sample
of cement treated with acid which could be used on the ground floor
This treatment gives the effect of tiling as it is marked off in
squares, and different shades such as tan, brown, and grey can be
obtained The cement is treated with si coats of this acid and
costs about 20$ per foot or a total cost of 4,500 for the basement
He explained that the walls of the basement could be lined with salt
glazed brick
Mr Robertson stated that a hollow tile vas used in the Parmenter
.chool and the architects -ere no satisfied with it, as they had a
gret deal of trouble arounc the doors, and from his reports he felt
that this was still in the experimental stage. It was therefor decided
that salt glazed brick should be used . Salt g]aed brick is to be used
for the two bedrooms in the Pol; c€ cuarters
Hot oater .
Hr. Greeley explained that they intended to put in an instantaneous
hot water herter This would supply water to the basement at all times
but it would rer_uire eight or ten seconds to get it up stairs, and ou.d
cost at least ti-10.00 per month. He e_ Jlained that the o_enorial Building
hot v ter supply is connected with the boilers, and the rum from this
building to the 0frice Building is about 180 feet . Mr Greeley felt
that this system would be most economical
A torage tank system v s =Ciso suggested.
First Floor
Terra-Lo floor -ith bras ed. es and the walls to be plastered with
dado or ducking.
The corfidor to ,he Cl rk and Treasurer's office to have iron
grille and plate glass shelf with grille above It via. suggested th t
a stocx grille might save something on the cost. The Committee deaded
in favor of a grille only, and not to have gl, °s back of grille. It was
suggested that the stairs be like the stair in the Memorial Building with
North River stone .reads Linoleum i ith filled steel treads "as con-
sidered as it is quiet The North River stone would cost more than the
linoleum riobebly about . 75.00 or "t100 00 more . A suggestion ,as mad-e
thLt the back st could be of „ loss ex3ensive material since they
could not be used so publicly At this suggestion thr Greeley felt that
cast iron tread could be used for uhe beck s'- .irs .
For the office fire proof floors it wss suggested that they could be
rubb=r tile or polite The rubber tile floor vra advised by the
architects, this oula cost bout 75 or 4;.1 00 per foot Linoleum vas
_ 1
also suggested as was cork flooring, which could cost about 55
per foot laid The City of laltham has resolite flooring marked off
in squares in their new City Hall The Committee seemed to object
to resolite flooring as being hard to care for It was therefor
decided that the corridors should be terrazzo base and floor, nd
linoleum should be used in the offices a.na rubber tile or terrazzo
in the Selectmen' s Room The architects suggested that rubber tile
be used in this room owing to the fact that it is cuiet
;second Floor
It was decided ro have the corridor on the second floor of
terrazzo and wooden flooring in the offices, and to have stud
partitions with wire lath and hard plaster.
Country pine was suggested by the architects Spruce and brown
ash were suggested by the Committee. It was finally decided to
have brown .h for fini h ir Moulton suggested Phillipine
mahogany could be had for a very reasonable =rice and could be used
in the Selectmen' s Office
Boors and Toilets
Mr B-dlerd objected to a revolving door t the entrance He
felt that a vestibule with an inside door would be better After
riscussion it we voted to h. ve the vestibule instead of the revolving
Objection 1= mi.de to the toilets on the ides of the door Bing
the entrance to the building Mr Greeley stated that this could
not necesv_.rily mean ground glas for the outer rindo rn An opaque
glass could be placed inside of the indo, , and he also felt th._ t
there would. be no noise et the entr rice caused by the loc• ion of the
Police Station.
Mr Uorthen suggested that a sign with a light be placed on the
building directing -parties to the Station
Kr Greeley tated thr t his plans could be completed tomorror
or Saturday and could go out to the bidders Saturday noon or Monday
night at the la test He could then have the bids on ._ond y, June '0,
1927 he felt that if the Town iueeting should be held on June 30, 191'7,
that the report of the Committee in the meantime should be printed
also suggested as was cork flooring, which roulu cost about 55
per foot laid The City of Valtham has resolite flooring marked off
in squares in their new City Hall The Committee seemed to object
to resolite flooring as being hard to care for It was therefor
decided that the corridors should be terrazzo base and floor, lid
linoleum should be used in the offices and rubber tile or terre7zo
in the 2electnen' s Room The architects suggested that rubber tile
be used in this room owing to the fact that it is cuiet
Lecond Floor
It was decided I o have the corridor on tne second floor of
terrazzo and wooden flooring in the offices, and to have stud
partitions with wire lath and hard plaster.
Country pine v r suggested by the architects Lpruge and brown
ash were suggested by the Committee. It ,"as finally decided to
have brown h for fini .h Ur Moulton suggested Phillipine
mahogany could be had for a very reasonable price and could be used
in the Selectmen' s Office
Boors and Toilets
Mr B,11ard objected to a revolving door t the entrance He
felt that a vestibule with an inside door would be better After
ciscussion it wa votea to h, ve the vestibule instead of the revolving
Objection w s made to he toilet, on the ides of the door bdng
the entrance to the building Mr Greeley stated that this would
not necesE .rily mean ground glan for the outer rindog:•n An opaque
glL.ss could be placed inside of the eindo'u, end he also felt th, t
there would. be no noise et the entr nce caused by the loc ion of the •
toilets •
Police .,station.
Mr Porthen suggested that a sign with a light be pl, ced on the
building directing parties to the Station
Mr Greeley hated that his plans could be completed tomorrow
or Saturd, y nd. could go out to the bidders Saturday noon or Monday
night at the latest Re could then have the bids on reond y, June "O,
1927 He felt that if the Town meeting should be held on June 30, 1927,
that the report of Lhe Committee in the meantime should be printed
Letter was received from Albert B Tenney nd re. d to the
Committee Mr Tenney eh�ressed the opinin that he thought that
the Torn i, 11 proposition as being rushed too -quickly snd that :ore
time should be given to the ssme
Letter vas Iso received from Arthur N . Madd.i: on Mr. Maddison
stated that he hod loolred over the plans of the contemplated office 1
bui_ldinw ani- t.ted that they let _ith hi. pprovl He et: ted Jhc-t
he felt thet the Town should asx for the authorization of the sale
of the Town Jail , t the Tot.:n _'eating rather them it for another
Town Meeting after the propos..l of the new town office building is
m< de.
-: r Ballard read hi letter that he had written to the Board
stating his objection: in regaru to hurrying the t long He
stcted that since the Town did not authorize the sala of the Town
Hall property, he was not averse to going before the To :n with ,he
Proposition of a nev town office building and securing authorization
for the sale of the present to'.n ofiice building so that the bids
could not have to be received in e. rush.
-r. Greeley read the list of prospective bidders, after the list
w,. s read a fey: names were added making s total of twelve in all
A fev of the miscellaneous items were discussed such as, hardyrcre,
1650 00, sprinkling system, hld electric fixtures Forced ventila-
tion vas suggested for the _ c_ectmenis Office
Fire /Jam Svst- n:
Lr Robertson reported for the committee on f iiee alarm that it ,vas
the c.,ncensus of opinion that the fire larm system shouli be divorced
from the nev town office proposition and that the lot alongside of the
fire station, where the Bhiley paint shop is located, could probably
be purchased and. a one story fireproof building erected ,hich would
house the fire alarm system
The report of this committee was ,cce .ted and a suggestion w: s
made th. t on estimate of the cost of the lot and proposed building
be made and this item be included in the general report
hale all the above suggestions were lade, definite details were
left cith the architects
Gener;:.l discussion w: s hoc in regard to the titles to be inserted
in the arrant, the time of the town meeting, the sentiment of the people
tot and new to-n office building, the use of the ::indge money to--ard
the construction of this building, and issuing of note to cover con-
struction work It wns decided to present the report of the com-
mittee, ask the town to accept; present )r•o_position to build the new
town office building; present the proposition to sell the present
-,own hall property and appropriate Toney for the negotiation of the
construction of the nei. building; authorize this committee or nes
committee to set. Town Ha17 lid the Selectmen to execute the deed and
to transfer from the General Surplus s.nd Revenue Account ll,Olf
received from the sale of the Rindge property
Meeting adjourned at 12 15 A M.
P true record, Attest