3. Y ^.6, 1927
Present ;eies:.rs Arthur Maddison, Custance, Chamberlain,
Burnham, Tenney, 1'orthen, Robertson, Hooper, and illiam R.
Greeley architect
Voted to authorize the Chairman of the Committee to sign
the contract for oreli uins.ry work with architect, as submitted
doted that report of "Committee on interior of building"
be scceujted
Voted that "Committee on moving fire alarm" report .,t next
Suggested we leave the outside decoration of building to
Architect. with the sugge tion that it be as plain as possible and
still be in keeping with the i.lemoral Building
Report progress sn borings
Discussed list of bidder ; left it to the architects to comiile
list and ubmit it to Committee
Suggested bdids be in our hands June 20, 1997
Discus, ed name of landscape architect to consult and decided
that the -architects consult with Cary Trustees as to the landscape
rchitect they a .rove, Lo look over ocstion, design etc of the
office building
Suggested that architects have profile ketch of building and
plan ofpropo ed layout showing iel, tion with Memorial Building j
finished in black and white prints for the report to be sent to the
Discus ion of report Tritton by ..ir '` orthen made some sugge;tions
and corrections .
Voted to authorize the "Committee on sale of Town Hall
property" to report 7ith bids by June 20, 19P7
Next meeting to be at the call of Chairman
Meeting adjourned at 10 30 P M
Herman C Hooper,
Clerk, Pro tem.