HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-05-12-NTOB-min.pdf tia .F,IUG or :r tw`P TOVat oiryfa�xAil.'1i BUTI0DINO Lwriu -? COW4ITT1 } F3 .y i„,, 107, Present a! es ar's lioo'por, ?earthen, liouiton,, Burnham, fobertron, bollard, a;ztd CuetF nee'. The Cinar 'ia"at'd pro ented the report c4 the Coi cd ttee on, Plans which is so Sriitowni Co have .hod r number of meetings a” aofl'ereeeez with the l ' t.sa;, fe,r building: ftr t -ubmitted ,aau. with, this fe it rnuoh concerned over the pens/bin livibion of opinions in having m building C mnetruCtcrcl ra. one of three building unit which would not be a completed proposition until the third building perk built ias w,g._iurtt un office hal-ding constructed ,rid place,: tke U eat.ia' oly independent unit. Ws thoretor auggeatec1 to the architects that they submit to uss all possible goer r and sketches which would chow the possible arrangement of general business !ad town buildings upon thy entire Ora between O.", '•nt tre-t ,nd kletchtw avenue. :Lx such possible Ly outs wen submitt 4 These shooed eoemere?.,f butiaing.s' placed upon each Siete of the Maro:xq i. L Lot flush ;4th the building line clearly de,signotiug the extent of control which °uch oormurrot'el development would hsve over aaiy paueibie rar.ra a?sent of butldingn upon the Geary Land, Those,,,. tetvehen sloe ,hvw tho various Arr,° ,uge_ meents= of two 4u4 thr e,i build gs upon the C* e:y aand, t;2e office buil zing being Slatted in various rays; 1,e4 end to the street, broadaide to the street, an a tine with the C .ry Baiting, dud brought forward. There sttt.^ <7,:te brought out the poi ibie utitinnti.on e' the t :tom between the C, r'r i Cut .rad Pletcher arenas f€a.t Toth purposes poses ifl well at a -irrtl...r utilization of the triongui.5a.r lot between Fletcher AVOW* end Woburn a=ta.°e;et, The:an- ca;eetcttee< oiii}rh .t%Latetd tie desirability of eon,^ ie,or'itinn of an office bui.,t,eting constructed rind placed as nn entire Independent unit, The .rc?az.tec't odvisec*1 un that ouch P building ehocalc1 be pieced rt.fprof,mately on the building line an close to 'Vine Hrot* ns, possible,. °iad tt,.t $n till the µ•.nhitecte:tro rteaul.d not be control ,eat by the design of that :on ett. 1 Building but would mot ganez i1y b:a wniee e .t,h ,by comm reit.l. development which b:ou,W be, placed alongside of it on tho Warrington 1,,.x6, tour committee wore uxauximoun in itP decision that the throe bul iairagx unit i.ong the first linos suggested shou:.1 be the plan upon which, the town committee ought to agree, but fso.l it rise to rotor ,yen to your committee an follows; nThe.t we rugr ert to the ti-.ner ,, Committee eor;rielor. ti -n of t ho .ariviembilityr of receiving the advices of w ,me well. town 1. :*a;1;.9©epe architect on thin prwosed )ay citta : sa. Brown Ibmitted .an entirely net,: plan of the rectatauguIt r bunting with the vr.uit 3 rez•:aved from the corners bent aftor °Med Ewan t'An nd ter, lreel oy submitted wn, ea":irely nes plan berer.St 1r ©"iced s l"n n8a f.th wore freedom in shape nd design y0t hnrmoni©uw in orc aitetoture with toe tiomeriui atali4:ing, Those p1an:Z wens given careful coaeiider .tion bad it wa voted, "'haat the sub corm ttee+ con- tar PI n rBe the best saubua.ittei2 to date end recommends it for adoption b, the Goner .') Committee, sand further voted, ”That the sub cammittee approve the goners' LI out as shown in scheme 6 t,nc2 re. commends it for adoptjpn by the General C€ammtttee,r The rough estimates of cost of bui_d,itag 448' sre ala Pollen: Building construction r?7$ cmtU tture 06,000, .feats and sundries 16,0143, grtding , 8,000, rut total 008,011‘ The construction of building ag0 estimated se slightly le: than B. Ict thestdeliberatierm rur committee a o.5 influenced, by the opinion of Loth. ne nitects Unit the iaormonious grouping at three buildings %cola beat serve the tli n, end titin by Piroper Innd4,cr.ping the ere/ beirm the Lemoriai Building sad be, theemployment of sculptured :140 010 or some' mach 4eflc0, a proper broi°:tnee would be hp,O, Pica D. lends, Itself to this in:gement* We believe this v'ryngen nat would meet the objections of taco. °rho feel that the entire pl. ..n of btildinnge would be out of bA,agee until such time qua rr third building earl con. 1tnpoettully submitted, 14 W. Werthenx George "o Wry e°lbert tf. Ournhom Jmmea O. Robertson. Orenoia C:�2attaabot'ysin Narer tt C. i Doper Theodore A, C'o tans@ lie also presetara'taac: plans '—S3- were studded by the committee giving tho different £ect t:iorw of the buildings upon the lot adjacent to the emorisl Building, and informed the Gamma 1 Coasmitte+e that they r'eve:°tea back to ttaa original J.-ct t,4.oa of the bUling on the int with the suggestion that an ornamented flagpole. be erected on the lot on the other aide of the ! moria'i Building mating ,-. balance. Mr. tagu'?ton siggeasted thst Wm plan be acasapteaa. There Wfl theta some Afl-3,4sSaiou a.0 to whether ti cau a br ; '' cee rot to the it ^east maim! s (rcrrates° of 77 feet instead of 58 Leet as the pan e:h,l.s for, Attention s>r a v, .lvd to the t 'ct tha, s then the building Is pia>..csd end to the street can addition cath, be added to the rear of the htit4i.4 ''ivy Cone. -t:/1h yy, 1.It2Oth&'r' dt;g,ge Lion h,0 m=,s"t to bLtve the center *art of the building proposed, b5'r. Greeley project tar= Ling tho ;ttr4gat lino of the font., W . 'a4."xl. .s. D. Brown he wan present at this time, wivIzied that thin be not done. tar. Breen Gxp.1 _ia.cd .,•s t ,:_chemc ssp rrk:a'ibh is the pun proposed by ';3=tdrrci D. Drown, con ales J,),000 cubic feet and ret the rote of 58"t per cubic .foot would cost t71,600. l havgym- T . which is tho bul-,ding proposed 'b; 'il .i s R. Greeley, eontni►.as 136,3' cubic feet bad et the rate of 5Z .er cubic foot won. :' coot 174,0` +r. 1. 1 Brc f.n ParniAboi the 'Ind with the fo' lowing figures giving compevi on of cost ':l pork in other pJ ae1 >z?here t,itJa&.i x' bui,.,lino were built. "art: Bni;la,di fig t T3eth.on Institute, (f',ecora;t otss:,) 4Dt cu. Ct. Wskef1.1 z MPS, (First class) with vatcl"ts, rble and etc TPA It w Central Trust, Cambridge, ( lrrt elAL,;s) with vn att;,: etc, 050N IS Tol.ephonn Buiiaiug'-', ( First el.rn.a ;a ) 6I 704 n Cron' nt Cornpsny.,, d3sza;.3, r to iAay.ington is$ttoe Biailsiing in size ,n, ch 4r,vter built In M3 550 0 0 Elided Coulaen who built theme two banks, estiM4tea the coat of ,: building Lilco this town office batidix to be at agst to 550* in ad4tlass to the cost of the building suggested, the furniture will cost $5,00';x, grading and extras #o.io, architects gee and etc. 2 bctssiou arose as to whether the root of the bui1din should be fire proof crow/truant= or whether a second °laws roof' could be built and is sprinkler err system Installed* And ua to whether the difrerenee "n the cont of ttha etddittoual rote of ineur,nee would warrant putting on €. first class construction roof, gr, Greeley ;trted thv t this w 4, detail tile:r, Bout: be :oritd Jut ' to then the plans of t a building %sere made, ars Basiero called attention to tin feet t ,rpt t the last meeting of the '1'«"fera . CoaxItte e the 'rnb oota`t- ttee were roque zted to gyp ahead with the in of the center cot' .ldor buildings gr. Worthen, rat th ;t: the plan. recommended by tho cc,mwitteo could be considered ,r, t:aocliflot„tion of t o center corridor g/lon inAs aueh as a part of th. offices wan los tea with center corridor. After t iz dii e.miA. 4 V' rias voted leant tas, :':';cart of tiv. Pira Committee be aeeepted. It wcA 410,so voted th, t the it^neral Committee adopt the recommendation s ° the a CommI t♦� 'm :�h' t t` ,ca i3, be ucceptec, this being su est to the iF, ,isrcvtl of the two mesa:ft:To of the committee who wore nt resents nAmety, l:1r. tot A .r7, 4z, .rd. Ltr, 'fonney, 'nzd when the tt) xrovel of the two '7th)r neater', of the co&a'tee iv received, if it be race visa,, then the .T"Chityctt be inotru.atni t thio" pl -no of !a iron scale so th t th$ e'xt14ttot4 ern h.'ve bettor plane to :quay, and that these pl ur be drawn on r iaerti',r 'sc& to ah'.-Ano £1 5oY Flgtu nod e.1ent tions. It war a?,.Lie voted t'7 dept p1. ni ta, shoring the Ion: titre of the zrui,,- of hui. . .;tug: autjeet to 'hc ;ap rov' I of Mr. tin noy tnr kr, Ir',sddieo4. It waz Itt , tint the rtolon of and .c, -i F.7 ,:rehltect be abt t?,iaed on tk> a lege out of the buildings .,rn, 1,4d* .Report of Committee at t;ft,le of Twin Bir. William lir W I tsrd, Chairman of this Committee, Qz:ere thi, :D L :ming rxeyart Int thq G%.bl:".t„d.fl ti ,,4a of thnjGenera? Committee* Lica stated th t this report hid not been aipj ove4 by either Irs Tenney or Lv. a M;'^.d7Ct-0 'idrn they hi art `of j •4w mn°. y , :. `.4es at'}t::, t to Lilo Au& committee, t, T.'e', -Irt of thea a!1b-eomctttee on 's--^tire of the present 'own hall prove,try. We . uggea: ^; t bo t even the ho Fad Corc.'ri't .raao be; no : yattscrizst,tion from tin Town Beta nnegot.ie to rx sole or the property, that we believe It is essential 15r the Cossmitte,e to advertise f'o proprlaa . for the Auaci°tase of the proeosty co thrt the Committee may kresaerat to Ale Tom ec e,t bide for tho ,:uschax a of he nail-Erty tat the .ro o tie thr t they present ,Ctual bids for the ,section of the proponoci new °Mee bu.Y.:.i.Alag. The time when (suet prrxpoo al,s ehuui „ be Invited et be determined :,xt the ''We time tit. t :in: ,' p'l nas sad spe„tt.tr,: t,lura .:Area given tc oontr Fetors to hid :7n he erection of the tae:', °Moe i uil:ngs The I+ bids for the purrchaase of the Town Boll property should be made gust prier to the date .greed upon for tonna meeting rand ehauXd be ripen for .Cteapt,arns„e by the Teem fore pea^?oo ofhirtty deyn to cover the cntingena of 4 possible revision or of:lee buil' ng bili io order 'tl-ut both tranceetions soup/ be o;rried through sirnultseeoussl.y. The Town hear ysl ae ld as building line on zn.l.l of the property on the easterly ,side of µtussechusetta Avenue between the Town Mall. property ;and ?'atebor Avewad. The sole of the '.Gavin kiell, property should not t include bon fee of tee lc:+r.:d iy'irxa; between k*::�5•ac usetts Avrune end the coetinus'tei.ou of thie building .Line. it shoo-d include, however. the right for the purchaser. except for buiiing purpose , to mu thin 20-tont ,*trip until <niCh time s ansa_ required by the Toner for :street, t' p prop°, l ealau e4 c1,1 ta'ar a ':;er+o35,'w el '; G't%.:°' tZl ed, 6te00`.r. for t41;i' of the amount Of the p' eche ac price, the bra.i,rance Vo be )lu'td '4t1-4u thirty buys utt 4c soceptsnce tao aurapo'lel, & nce there are no tgxes ass aced for tlxaa year 1a.„7, the buyer saorald not be liable £or tae OA .w property prior to April 1, la60 In.susrasnon premi ;nag; , caxau e be adjusted as of the de ten en which title smell a d. A fUrrtta.•cr condition of the Vroposel encu id be gees oeatuptuov of the ,rraa:a'+mars by tho Tc+'u .Lox t period of one yeicak from the c't f,to on which title posted. - ouch occupancy by the Towe to be free of rental. We have giv€ao rasarxel,.der4�tiGtx to the use of venni,= or the property for .a extension of 'r A t'.1:4:o 4trcu4 to the ten of the lott end mother street northerly towerd the ic,s i"l.reed ?tgtiwu tar i Lori= Utroet. While there i , csome merit id thi.rg plEas, we believe. the t the frresent preb,Xem of our Co'iadttee Ls sufficiently complastea4 in bridging c:boxrt ae sale of the Tom. lG;ala, p eJp':r"ky k, "a en ecocitazcC el biog for constructing g new office buli.ding so that eny further eump1 .easti::an of extending a".Ev,1:3is %Ga ‘tre4O t;;a,^u tict Total t aJ.1, property ehou C be 4e;.retder;ad ou itt; own r +rity betwec r1 the Tern end the puxche er of the property. • We have slag consider wbother ; r'arure a3adva;ntegeous sale could. be 17.144 by the Town vsaying rent tor: their ono yor ogeup ,.noy, in which evert: the Tom would need to reserve the right to cancel the is141. on thirty days hoti.O$ aur Ag the Iasi* Thur w t of the period, Yid we hsve also con,,idered the poselbility of hailing the agreement for *ale ruu X'tn. e r,:iar-F.v.w at one ye. x.•, , tbc, 4 crJn to r ply t:tt elle, l tai a':3r,1 velment of a.t4 of the purchste prico :oa:f.a x: sufficient guar ,.ntee that the buyer would an(l4,1et' the e £u'-`ch 0 et ;be 4:n4 4;d r:,f ,j tt.r. rio :0 not believe that either of these plan:! 2111 produce sats ;s tit:tetory result ?GJ the one which recommac.4. It zhse v,00rt nr thie, EEub_Lo t ttoo menet, ' 1th nur • s •revvsal,, we wh ul l like to have :raw instruetien.•., to propasre the nocev: ay documents to be on-emitted for” your flrxa, appr.ow l.. Thi on A, be completed cn'•oe,pt for the dates which nein be inserted laatevr, and young, Cub-Corr,.3tteo eta ,J104 iaa. Utsaharge .. ;tom very :1.bort 13, Tenney r,rthur N. 'M,:dd1 sane. Fled Mouton �'Sl1.t nm N. S ,7.Lra'ra.: