HomeMy WebLinkAbout1927-04-15-PLANS-rpt.pdf 1 L r Pi.,_ OFT OF T1ii. LAMS IJB CallTm 0IIPLFL 4?iri_l 15, 10'7 The Plans Pub Conw ittoe report foli o e h ve h-L number e ._e ting., ad c )nferen.ces -in the Architec F e .elt that e ft:_ e not entir .1, F tis ie:' v::ith the plans fir l':uil..ings he firsi, fl.bmitted nd With thie felt wuc'P concerned over the ,jos, ii) I e _ivisi n of opinions in in, ving building con. trusted r one of thre building :.nit hich toult. not be completed )ropoTition .ntil the third builLin as built, a ;^inst an office building con. tructec. hd ;laced ,. n antire], tndenendent unit e e_ afar u; er ted to the :c li teCt.: tat t.ley sub..it to us 1' pp ible no. s ..sn.c s :etcnes .nicn culd sho Lhe no^sibl a rr -ngement of general cusinesa nd torn buildingmi upon the entire are bet''een Gr at Street nd Fletche' avenue ,.,is 'ucla possible lay out Were submitted These she od commercial buildings placed upon ec Un siae of he 4ie cri ..1 Lot flush with the buil- i_ r, line clearly -e -ign: _.lag the eatezt of control •Lich ._uch co:anerci. .1 development -gufl a, ve over ny ,jos ible .r.raaige.'.ent of huildin;,s upon the C .ry L nd. These n' otches -,lso shoved the various .rr nge- ment of tt 'o end three builain, t upon t'ae Cary _,and, the of ice building being '1 ceu in VL.ri ou Tri , i e e:u i.o the street, o n. ide to the street, o._ ; lime :±h the C,r buiJ iia , i, nrought sor- TLere so U„OUziht 'a T e c) i:.Ji . Utiliz' tian of the I .nd bet-eon the C, ry ,,, :lid i no Fletcher Rvenue icr Town :ur `Gees LF -ell -s h,imil r utilization_ of the trlongul r lot het' een Fletcher "venue and churn area These dketches e- ph. Rized. the clesir bility of cop identcio__ of an Dffice builFLina can, tructe_-r? :TEC, 1 ce a entire]. ind.e;Denc.ent unit The 'spites{' cvised u; .ha t such a bui_d.in should be p1 Cep 1 I Fp roxim. tely on the building line s close to Vine B:L'JO i possible, nd Lh-t in this the .rchit ecture '"oe l u not be controlled b- Jae A design of the _ed;IOrial Buiidinr nut ould 1^O t generelhj> 'ith any commerci .1 ,evelopment 'lith OUid be p1 cei., alongside of it on the _1 .rringtoin a;n Jour currii t tee -ere un. nimous in it, dec cion tih`t the three building unit noun the fir t dines =ug, ested should be the _ 1. n unoin .hich the to .n CO' ii.'i t" e ought to gree, but feel it vise to recommend to your com?ii ttee follow Voted, "Th t ? a shggesf to die Gec er ,1 Committee consldei of ti,.0 uvis bili Uy o ' lece- viing the .dvice of so;.e -e17 '-no' a 1 ndscape rchitect on this ?roposec. 1. , nut li sir Bron submitted an entirely ne pl,.n of the r.:ct ngular building 'ith the v'ult remove-1 from the corners here.afL_ c lied n i' r, -nd _r. Greeley submitted a a.nfirely no- ilcu here. fter wall eL Pl, n 41Bti ith more freedam in =ha e nd design yet it .r__oni ous in a.l onitecture ith the e%ol in 1_ Bui ld. ng The. e )l. ns 'r'ere given careful consideration -Tic' it i:"£' voted, rTh._.1 the sub committee consider plan "B" as the best submitted to late nd recommend: it for oPtiDn by the General Con-.ittee"g 1. further voted, "Th t the pub committee -11 m( ve the general lry out as shoe n in cheme 5 nd recommends it for .doption by the General Committee lr The rough estim•_ t_s of cost of building "F•" are Es follo• s Builc.in,, construction 7",0n0, furniture tE,000, fees nd sunc_ries :95,0 D, greding "'3, , iii;. tot: 1 ;90, 000 The construction of building "fin estimrted slightly less than B In the, e deliberations your committee tes influenced b•= the ()Anion of both .rchitect thL t tue h ri:ionious grouping of three buildings oulc best serve the to':n, tha i, hTr mo-.)or 1. mdscarin0 the .res bel o' the Le not ial. bui luin•4 nd by the emplornent of sculptureu fl --pule of some such device, a pro ser b. =ante 'ould be ih, d Plan B lends itself to this rr...ngement e believe this ...riangement oul i .eat the objections a ui those s;hD feel LIA, t the entire al ;.1 of builLinz.inz. out y, of or lnAce until F:uCh the Airy. building - con trusted. LeF!Eectiu_ly subuitted, ,y1..tainot , a Wit i 9