Monday, March 3, 2008
Clarke Middle School Auditorium
17 Stedman Road
Present: Superintendent Paul Ash, School Committee Chair Tom Diaz, School Committee
Members Helen Cohen, Margaret Coppe and Tom Griffiths. The minutes were taken by
Leora Tec.
L Call to Order and Welcome (Tom Diaz)
A moment of silence for Ms. Ellen Hauser
11. Public Comment
Dawn McKenna: Work needs to be done in the phys. ed. space in the high school.
III. Superintendent's Announcements:
1). Ellen Hauser, a third grade teacher at Estabrook school, died. Dr. Ash read a statement by
Principal Martha Batten.
2). Jim Banks, a physical education teacher in LPS for 42 years had an automobile accident
and is in critical condition. He is also at Estabrook.
3). Last night LEF held Educated Tastes. The professional staff deeply appreciates their work.
IV. Members' Reports/Members' Concerns
Helen Cohen: Thank you to the League of Women Voters and the Historical Society for a
program they presented yesterday on immigration.
V. Action Items:
1. Vote to Approve the Superintendent's Recommendation for the Implementation of Some
Full-Day Kindergarten Classrooms in the Fall of 2008
Dr. Ash began the presentation. He recommended a charge of$1025/year for full-day
Committee members discussed the superintendent's recommendation, in particular the fee
and the connection to METCO.
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Members of the public made comments as well.
Motion that the schools offer full-day kindergarten subject to a DOE implementation
grant of$14,900 per full-day classroom. In addition to that, the full amount of the
DOE implementation grant be used to lower the cost of the program and in addition
that $60,742 of our METCO grant be used for the same purpose, and in addition that
a fee of$1025 be charged for each participant in the program and that the program
provide for reduced fees as appropriate(Griffiths, Coppe).
And that the schools continue to offer a half-day kindergarten option (Friendly
amendment by Cohen, accepted by Griffiths and Coppe).
Paul Ash noted that the half-day option requires enough children in order to make up a
The motion passed 4-0.
Tom Diaz and Helen Cohen thanked Tom Griffiths for his 6 years of service. Tom
Griffiths spoke of how much he has enjoyed working on the School Committee.
2. Vote to Reappoint Dr. Lynne Sarasin to the Position of Deputy Superintendent of
Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development
Motion to reappoint Dr. Lynne Sarasin to the position of deputy superintendent of
curriculum, instruction and professional development
(Griffiths, Cohen). The motion passed 4-0.
3. Vote to Reappoint Mr. Robert Harris to the Position of Assistant Superintendent for
Human Resources
Motion to reappoint Mr. Robert Harris to the position of assistant superintendent
for human resources (Cohen, Griffiths). The motion passed 4-0.
VI. Motion to go into executive session to discuss negotiations with a non-union employee,
not to return to public session (Griffiths, Coppe). Griffiths-aye; Cohen-aye; Coppe-aye;
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