Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Clarke Middle School Auditorium
17 Stedman Road
Present: Superintendent Paul Ash, School Committee Chair Tom Diaz, School Committee
Members Helen Cohen, Margaret Coppe, Tom Griffiths and student representative Gabe
Schonfeld. The minutes were taken by Leora Tec.
L Call to Order and Welcome (Tom Diaz)
II. Superintendent's Announcements
Update on Hastings and LHS principal searches.
III. Members' Reports/Members' Concerns
Margaret Coppe: The high school Science Fair is next Tuesday.
Gabe Schonfeld: Come judge projects if you have a science background.
Tom Diaz: Thank you to the custodians for shoveling the walks. We could have an email list
about full-day Kand other topics. We could have office hours four or five hours a week.
Thank you to Mr. Sakhuja for allowing us to meet though he could not be here.
Tom Griffiths: A web foium is a good idea.
IV. Discussion
1. Discussion of Full-Day Kindergarten
Dr. Ash opened the discussion by mentioning that he and Carol Pilarski spoke to the Extended
Day directors to find out the impact of full-day kindergarten on their programs. There may
need to be busing between schools of kindergarteners. They are putting together an RFP for
extended day programs.
Dr. Ash presented the status of full-day kindergarten.
The Committee asked questions and discussed the issues related to full-day kindergarten
including how METCO relates to the proposal.
There were comments from audience members.
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The superintendent will prepare a packet and a letter to parents about full-day kindergarten for
March 3ra
V. Motion to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing potential litigation, not
to return to public session (Cohen, Griffiths). Cohen-aye; Griffiths-aye; Coppe-aye; Diaz-
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