HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-23-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE Tuesday, May 23, 2017 Town Hall,Selectmen's Meeting Room 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA Present: Chair, Alessandro Alessandrini; Vice Chair, Eileen Jay;Jessie Steigerwald; Kate Colburn, Kathleen Lenihan Superintendent, Dr.Czajkowski; Absent: Student Representative, Matt Campos The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent The meeting convened at 6:32 pm Call to Order and Welcome: Chair, Alessandro Alessandrini called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members. At 6.32 p.m.,in open session, the Chair moved that the School Committee vote to go into Executive Session under Exemption 2: To Discuss Negotiations with Non-Union Personnel(Human Resources Specialist, Payroll Specialists/Supervisor, Human Resources Office Manager—Middle Manager, Transportation Coordinator—Middle Manager and Procurement Operations Manager—Middle Manager. Alessandrini—AYE;Colburn—AYE; Lenihan-AYE;Steigerwald-AYE;Jay-AYE At 6:53 p.m.,the Motion was approved 5-0 by a roll call vote, and the minutes for the Executive Session are in a separate document. At 7:00 p.m. Mr.Alessandrini called the Open Session back to order and invited public comments. Public Comments: Mary Anton, Bowman Principal, introduced Kindergarten students that read letters in support of donations for a buddy bench at Bowman Elementary School. Superintendent's Announcement: • Dr. Czajkowski updated the committee on the timeline for the Director of Instructional Technology position. Sandra Trach, Special Assistant to the Superintendent, will chair the search committee and School Committee member, Kathleen Lenihan, has volunteered to be on the search committee • On May 24, we will have a School Committee workshop to work on this year's goals as well as next year's goals at 4:00p.m. at the Central Office • May 30th Project Base Learning Visioning Day at the Heritage Museum,facilitated by the Buck Institute with participants from the Joint Council as well as from the Lexington Education Foundation (LEF)which is funding the PBL grant. LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 • Robert Shaw has withdrawn his name from consideration as Lexington High School principal because of circumstances outside of his control. Dr. Czajkowski has no update at this time and will keep members posted. School Committee Member Announcements: NONE Alessandro Alessandrini read a joint letter from Board of Selectman, School Committee, Superintendent, Town Manager, Lexington Human Rights Committee, and Lexington Police Department to the community regarding the recent hate crime incident at the High School. Move to authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the committee. (Steigerwald/Alessandini) Motion approved 5-0 Superintendent, Dr. Czajkowski, stated that she has been working closely with Town Manager, Carl Valente. We believe this to be a Town issue and realized we do not have an accepted protocol in place for responding to this type of crime. Specifically, how to track these types of incidents, inform local officials and residents, and how the town should respond to this type of crime. Dr. Czajkowski will communicate with Maureen Kavanaugh, Director of Planning&Assessment,who reports school and discipline data to the state. Ms. Kavanaugh will be investigating on how this will be reported to the state. On Wednesday, May 17th,Town Manager, Mr. Valente, Police Chief. Marl Core, Department of Public Works, Dave Pinsonneault, Human Service Director, Charlotte Rogers, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Melissa Battite, and two members of the Human Rights Committee met to discuss this matter and to put in place a plan to develop a protocol for when a town/school hate crime happens in our town. On Thursday, May 181h,the Town Manager, Police Chief and Dr. Czajkowski met with LICA, Lexington Interfaith Clergy Association, to explain how we are responding to this incident. Asked for help in developing a protocol for any future incidences. Contacted Anti-Defamation League,they will also assist to help with a town protocol. Not pleased with own collective response to incident. Both Mr.Valente and Superintendent agreed that they will keep BOS and SC informed as they develop this protocol. Consent Agenda: 1. Request for Approval of Donation for a Buddy Bench at Bowman Elementary School 2. Request for Approval of Donation by the Cohen Family for the Sphero SPRK+at Bowman Elementary School 3. Vote to Approve 2017-2018 Lexington High School 10-12th Grade Field Trip to Rome, Italy, February 16 through February 24, 2018 4. Vote to Approve Lexington High School 2017-2018 Chinese Exchange Trip to China,April 9 through April 21, 2018 5. Vote to Approve Lexington High School 2017-2018 French Exchange Trip to Antony, France and Geneva, Switzerland, February 8 through February 23, 2018 6. Vote to Approve Funds from the Box Tops for Education Program to Hastings Elementary School in the Amount of$141.10 7. Vote to Approve Funds from MESPA And the World Bank to the Lexington Public Schools in the Amount of$1,750.00 LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 Motion to approve consent agenda items 1-7. (Steigerwald/Colburn) The Motion was approved (5-0). 8. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of January 13, 2017—tabled 9. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of January 21, 2017 Motion to approve consent agenda item 9(Alessandrini/Steigerwald) The Motion was approved (3-0) New members, Ms. Colburn and Ms. Lenihan did not vote because they were not present at the January meetings. Agenda: 1. Update from the Lexington Education Foundation (LEF): • Janice Litwin from the Lexington Education Foundation updated the community about LEF's principle activities during the 2016-2017 school year. • LEF was able to award 30 grants totaling$242,923 during the July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017 period. 0 7 Program Grants: $160,771 0 14 Fellowships: $24,402 0 9 School Community Grants: $57,750 o Project-Based Learning o Carol Pilarski Program Grant for Professional Development • Fundraising: o Celebration for Education: A Global Weekend Party! This is LEF's biggest event and major fundraiser of the year. The fundraiser will span over two days: Friday,June 9th afternoon-evening: a free event for families. Saturday,June 10th evening. o STAR Awards teacher appreciation/end of school year campaign: LEF STAR Award is a gift that gives twice—it honors a special teacher while providing funds that go directly to supporting teacher-initiated grants that enhance your children's education • LEF Leadership and Organizational Planning: o Volunteer Recruitment: LEF is a volunteer-run organization. We encourage parents to contact us about joining our team. E-mail: info@lexedfoundation.org o Organizational Priorities: Strengthening our external and internal communications, deepening relationships with teachers and parents at every school, enlarging and diversifying our revenue base, and expanding participation from diverse constituencies within Lexington. But the overriding goal is to foster innovation— and joy—in teaching and learning from kindergarten to high school by supporting imaginative, important work in our schools. 2. Discussion of LHS Honors Chorus Field Trip to Greece/Bulgaria Tour,April 12 through April 21, 2018: A new trip was presented for the first time. School Committee members, Kathleen Lenihan and Jessie Steigerwald expressed concern about the cost of the trip and students missing two days of school. Concerns were expressed about what happens to students who miss classes when they are on an officially"approved"trip, do other teachers support the trips and make accommodations for students? There were challenges in the last trip to China which were not LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 fully processed after the trip. Trip leader Mr. lanuzzi said he had surveyed parents and of those who responded,there was support for the trip. School Committee feels newer trips are being brought to their attention last minute, not enough time to digest. Members asked if they did not approve the trip, would there be time to adjust it or had committements already been made? Trip leaders were asked whether they would consider visiting one country instead of two in order to avoid missing school. Other members agreed they would like to have these concerns discussed further. Dr. Czajakowski has asked Mr. Alessandrini to form an Ad-Hoc Committee of the School Committee to work with Administration on policy around field trips. Kathleen Lenihan and Jessie Steigerwald would like to work with Dr. Czajkowski with specifics on what the School Committee would like to see with regard to field trips, i.e. specific details,timeline, costs, fundraising, international trips, vacation time, etc. We need to establish more specific direction regarding student trips that can incorporated into our policies so it is very clear to everyone going forward. Motion vote to approve 2017-2018 Lexington High School Honors Chorus Field Trip to Greece/Bulgaria Tour,April 12 through April 21,2018(Alessandrini/Colburn) Motion Approved 3-2 3. World Language Curriculum Review—Year 3 Catherine Brooks, Middle School World Language Department Head, and Amy Moran, High School World Language Department Head, reported to the School Committee on the work completed during Year 3 of the World Language Curriculum Review with a Powerpoint presentation. • Year 3 Highlights: o Aligned and created common standards-based thematic units o Created common performance assessments and measurement tools o Analyzed current course proficiency levels through the use of proficiency o assessments o Examined core practices in world language learning o Implemented, revised and formalized thematic units within PLC groups. Began to establish and revise curriculum maps in ATLAS Rubicon Members of the World Language Curriculum Review Committee again noted that time to collaborate would be the most important form of professional learning going forward. The committee would like to embed the emerging ACTFL intercultural competency guidelines into our curriculum. This will necessitate additional training next year. School Committee and Dr. Czajakowski thanked the World Language Curriculum Review Committee for all their hard work throughout the years and for providing them with an update. 4. Counseling Curriculum Review—Report on Results Val Viscosi, K-12 Director of Counseling, and Manjula Karamcheti, LHS Director of Counseling and K-12 Assistant Director of Counseling, reported to School Committee on the work completed during the final year of the Counseling Department Program Review with a Powerpoint presentation. • Year 4 Highlights: LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 o Refinement of SEL Lesson Plans o PBIS at Middle Schools o SEL for I-Block/WIN/ICE/Enrichment/SEL Blocks o Signs of Suicide Curriculum in Grade 7 Health Classes o Analysis of SBIRT Data And Form Revisions o Postvention Training and Document Revision o Section 504 Revision of Forms and Aspen Access o Parent Communication • Social Emotional Highlights: o Core Curriculum o Flex Extension/Targeted o Flex Delivery: Counseling/Classroom/School o Clear Outcomes: DA, CCC,ASCA M&B o Data: Focus Implementation/Measure Impact o Collaborative • Safe &Supportive Schools Prevention, Intervention & Postvention: o Intervention: SBIRT o Data: YRBS&SBIRT for Prevention o Prevention: Signs of Suicide ACT(IAAA&SEL) o Postvention: Response Protocols & Partners School Committee thanked Ms. Viscosi and all members of the Counseling Department Program Review Committee for their continued hard work and success since program review started. Members had some feedback on Mindfulness, suicide protocol/systems approach on prevention all the way to postvention,and transition to grade levels. 5. DiNisco Update on Hastings Project Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, introduced Donna DiNisco from DiNisco Design who reviewed the schematic design for the new Maria Hastings Elementary School. The schematic design documents were completed in early May and provided to the designer's estimator and to Walsh Brothers (Hastings Construction Manager) for estimating. The presentation identified design elements that will be individually priced. A reconciled construction estimate will be reviewed on June 6 with School Committee. Donna DiNisco gave a Powerpoint summary update that included: • Proposed Site Plan • Proposed Plan (First floor plan, Second Floor plan,Third floor plan) • View from Drop-off Loop • View from Entry Drive • View from Playground • Solar PV Assessment/Option Study • Solar PV Assessment/Parking Lot Study • Site Access/Considerations • Project Schedule/Milestones • Milestones Dates: o June 5, 2017 = Cost Estimate Reconciliation & PBC Meeting o June 6, 2017—School Committee Meeting LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 o June 28, 2017—MSBA Schematic Design Submission o August 23, 2017—MSBA Board Meeting (Project funding agreement) • General Schedule o July—November 2017—Design Development o Oct/November 2017—Lexington Town Meeting o December 2017—August 2018—Construction Documents • Early Packages o Site Enabling o Foundations &Steel o Geothermal Wells Discussion included: Solar panels, windows, canopy drop off area, emergency vehicles, traffic pick up and drop off during school hours, and location of cafeteria. 6. DiNisco Update on Pelham Project Donna DiNisco reviewed for the School Committee slides for the low, medium, and full renovation pre-schematic cost summaries for shared use the Pelham School by Lexington Children's Place and Lexington Community Center. Slides Reviewed: • Pre-Schematic Objectives • Site Plan • Existing Conditions • Code Assumptions • PCBs • Low Scheme Overview • Site Plan/Considerations/Low/Minimum • Site Plan/Considerations/Mid/Medium • LCP Floor Plan/Mid/Medium • LCP Floor Plan/Low/Minimum • Medium Scheme Overview • Full Scheme Overview • Site Plan/Considerations/High/Full • LCP Floor Plan/High/Full • New LCP Scheme Overview • Site Plan/Considerations/New LCP • LCP Floor Plan/New LCP • Project Costs (Low/Medium/High) • Next Steps/Timeline (construction in about a year) Discussion Included: Prioritizing program and safety for LCP, i.e., bathrooms, sinks in rooms; Abatement and PCBs through heating system; and parking/traffic. 7. Discussion of LIPS Capacity Planning Memo and TBA Proposal Pat Goddard, Director of Facilities, reviewed a four-page letter summarizing Lexington Public Schools capacity planning over the last three years, including projects currently in design and construction. LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 Mr. Goddard was given a proposal from TBA Architects identifying the tasks necessary to assess the space needs at the high school. Currently,the biggest concern at the high school is capacity and space with the impending large middle school classes coming in by 2020. Mr. Goddard is requesting available end-of-the year school department funds to contract TBA to complete four of the tasks quoted below: Task A: Conceptual Master Planning I. Interview designated staff to identify areas to be considered for renovation, and establish space assignment and organization including department,grade, and function II. Prepare program memorandum identifying discrete programmatic components with associated spaces and functions III. Configuration analysis: color coded diagram to illustrate existing configuration,space utilization per MSBA guidelines, meetings to review IV. Identify areas for reallocation and space mining, renovation, expansion scenarios, two meetings to review From a planning stand point, School Committee would like wording added to Task 5 to include phasing options for the high school. Move that$32,600 of FY2017 School Department available funds be expended to contract TBA Architects to perform tasks Al through A4 as outlined in their May 8,2017 proposal. (Steigerwald/Colburn) Motion Approved 5-0 School Committee will recess for 5 minutes 8. Superintendent End of Year Self-Assessment Superintendent, Dr. Mary Czajkowski, presented a summative report of her 2016-2017 Goals. Per the process outlined by DESE,the Chair will summarize the ratings and comments from individual members and present a report of the School Committee's Superintendent Evaluation at the June 6, 2017 School Committee meeting. All educator ratings including the superintendent's rating must be submitted to the DESE no later than June 30, 2017. A copy of the Binder with evidence by Standard and professional practice goal and district improvement goals is available for review at the Superintendent's office, located at the Central Administration Building. Members will submit their feedback on the Superintendent to Alessandro Alessandrini prior to June 6, 2017 School Committee meeting. 9. Homework Policy First Reading—Public Hearing Sandra Trach, Special Assistant to the Superintendent, and Maureen Kavanaugh, Director of Planning and Assessment, presented the Administration's draft of a revised Homework Policy IKB for the first of two public readings. LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 A draft copy of the homework policy is available for review on the LPS Website. Members provided feedback and will send additional input in a timely fashion as the committee agreed they wished to stay on track for approving a new policy before the end of the year. 10. Award Food Service Agreement The current food service contract terminates on June 30, 2017. A Request for Proposals (RFP) process was conducted to establish a new contract beginning July 1, 2017. The initial term will span July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. On March 10, 2017,the School Department made available its Request for Proposals for School Food Service Management Services. On March 22, 2017, site visits were conducted with three interested vendors. Vendor site visits to Lexington were conducted at Lexington High School, Clarke Middle School, Estabrook Elementary School, and Bowman Elementary School. All questions that prospective vendors had were due on April 3, 2017. In total, 16 questions were received and answers were provided. Additionally, a total of two amendments were issued in advance of the April 5, 2017 deadline. All bids were due to the Central Administration building by 11:00 a.m. on April 7, 2017. As of the deadline, one proposal was received. The School Administration recommends School Committee award the contract to Whitsons Culinary Group. Members had questions regarding the parent survey that was conducted. Another survey that includes parents and more students will be conducted to help make some adjustments to the program going forward. They asked about the ability to make menu adjustments after the contract is granted, and a desire to provide opportunities to meet and receive feedback from students and parents. Motion to award School Food Services management contract attached,substantially as to form, to Whitsons Culinary Group for the period of July 1,2017 through June 30,2018, with the ability for school administration to award up to four additional 1-year terms. (Alessandrini/Jay) Motion Approved 5-0 11. School Committee Position on MASC's"Recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission" Jessie Steigerwald is proposing that School Committee take a position in favor of MASC's recommendations on the "Foundation Budget"The state uses the Foundation Budget to distribute taxpayer funds for public education. The Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) has studied the foundation budget implementation and assembled a set of recommendations. In particular,they are asking to have the true costs of health care, special education and English Language Learner programs included in the Foundation Budget. Move that Lexington School Committee support the Massachusetts Association of School Committees "Recommendations of the Foundation Budget Review Commission" (Steigerwald/Alessandrini) Motion Approved 5-0 Motion to adjourn LSC Meeting 5-23-2017 The Motion was approved 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 a.m. Meeting Materials:Agenda;A.1- Letter from LEF Presidents to School Committee; Descriptions of grants awarded in FY2017; Global Party Announcement A.2-International Field Trip Materials A.3- Powerpoint Presentation A.4- Powerpoint presentation A.5-May 4 letter, May 8 proposal;A.6— Copy of World Language Review update memo with appendices; Copy of World Language Review slide presentation A.7—Copy of Counseling Department Program Review update memo; Copy of Counseling Department Program Review slide presentation A.8—Summative report of the Superintendent 2016-17;Goals flash drive of evidence of goals.A.9 - none A.10- Food Service Management Contract A.11—MASC's recommendation LSC Meeting 5-23-2017