HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-09-SC-min LEXINGTON SCHOOL COMMITTEE
Tuesday, May 9,2017
Town Hall,Selectmen's Meeting Room
1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA
Chair, Alessandro Alessandrini; Vice-Chair, Eileen Jay;Jessie Steigerwald; Kate Colburn; Kathleen
Lenihan; Superintendent, Dr.Czajkowski;
Absent: Student Representative, Matt Campos
The minutes were taken by Kristen Cronin, Executive Assistant to the School Committee and
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
The meeting convened at 6:37 pm in Open Session.
Call to Order and Welcome:
Chair, Alessandro Alessandrini called the meeting to order, and introduced committee members.
At 6:37 p.m.,in open session, the Chair moved that the School Committee vote to go into Executive
Session under Exemption 3: To Discuss Superior Court Civil Action No. 1581cv05504 and to reconvene
in open session.
Alessandrini—AYE;Colburn—AYE; Lenihan—AYE;Steigerwald—AYE
At 6:40 p.m.,the Motion was approved 4-0 by a roll call vote, and the minutes for the Executive
Session are in a separate document.
At 7:01 p.m. Mr.Alessandrini called the Open Session back to order and invited public comments.
Public Comments:
Superintendent's Announcement:
• Dr. Czajkowski introduced Monica Visco, the new Director of Human Resources to the public
• Dr. Czajkowski announced the appointment of Robert Shaw for the High School Principal
• Dr. Czajkowski updated the Committee on the Director of Facilities search.
• Dr. Czajkowski updated the Committee and public on the swastika that was found in the boys'
bathroom in the high school.This incident has been reported to the police.
• Dr. Czajkowski updated the Committee on a very productive Administrative Council meeting
that took place today.
School Committee Member Announcements:
Kate Colburn: Kathleen and Kate attended their first working group meeting on School Capacity.The
meeting focused mostly on the high school as Laura Lasa and Pat Goddard will be retiring by the end of
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the summer.The next meeting will be on May 17.The high school musical was a wonderful
Eileen Jay:The Science Curriculum review will be presented to the School Committee in the coming
weeks as they enter into year two of the review. Regarding the Diversity Think Tank, Dr. Czajkowski and
Carl Valente will be sending out a memo to request people to join the Diversity Think Tank team.The
Academic Subcommittee of the Community Coalition held two out of three community meetings to
discuss the New Times article on student stress in Lexington. Eileen also enjoyed the high school
Kathleen Lenihan: Kathleen will be updating the committee on her liaison assignments via email.The
high school musical was amazing.
Jessie Steigerwald:Jessie welcomed Monica Visco.Jessie served on the committee that hired her.Jessie
was thankful for how quickly Dr. Czajkowski responded to the hate crime was that was in the boys'
bathroom at the high school.Jessie and Eileen had a curriculum review meeting.The Science Curriculum
was the main topic.
Alessandro Alessandrini:Sandro thanked the students and staff that took part in the high school
musical. He welcomed Ms.Visco and Mr. Shaw to the Lexington community. Sandro thanked everyone
involved for addressing the hate crime so rapidly.
Consent Agenda:
1. Vote to Approve School Committee Minutes of January 3, 2017 (Jessie/Eileen)
Motion to approve consent agenda items 1.
The Motion was approved (3-0).
1. Scientist Day—Jay Kaufman &Sanjana Puri
Sanjana Puri, Lexington High School junior, presented her idea of establishing an Annual
Scientist's Day in Massachusetts schools to the School Committee. Sanjana has been working
with Representative Jay Kaufman to begin the process of Scientist's Day in Massachusetts.
The School Committee moved to endorse Scientist Day. (Steigerwald/Alessandrini)
The Motion was approved (5-0).
2. Vote for Pelham Representative to the Permanent Building Committee—Theresa Wilson
School Committee voted to appoint Theresa Wilson as School Committee Representative to
the PBC regarding Lexington Children's Place at Pelham Property. (Alessandrini/Steigerwald)
The Motion was approved(5-0)
3. Vote on School Choice
Motion that the Lexington Public Schools will not participate in the School Choice Program for
the 2017—2018 school year. (Jay/Steigerwald)
The Motion was approved(5-0)
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4. World Language Update
Kelly Chase and Cathy Brooks updated the School Committee on the World Language research
that has been happening since January 3, 2017.As requested by the School Committee at its
January 2 meeting, Ms. Brooks visited many schools that have immersion pilot programs and also
after-school programs that are not directly operated by school districts.
From Ms. Brooks' research at other schools and online, it seems that there are many
considerations, including commitment to the program for long-term growth, cost implications,
timeline, and many logistical questions. Ms. Brooks also researched global citizenship and
language exposure programs for an after-school program.
K. Colburn: What did you observe at other schools about their trajectory? How did they start and
what did they develop into?
Ms. Brooks explained that it varied greatly across schools, and none of the towns were quite like
Lexington. Most schools expanded to all of their elementary schools, but generally stayed at
one/two classes of immersion in elementary. FLIES (Foreign Language in Elementary School)
J. Steigerwald: Can you explain the cost neutral part of this program?
Ms. Brooks explained that the start up of classroom would involve additional cost for materials
but the staff member who taught the class would be an elementary teacher that is already within
the district who happens to be bilingual.The majority of schools that were researched agreed
that it was cost neutral.
The School Committee agreed that the program should not be confined to one school as all the
elementary schools would benefit from world language.
If a pilot program were to be offered, it would need to be offered at each school and done on
half-day Thursdays.This would need to be negotiated with teachers and the district would be
responsible for transportation to take on that cost.The question is how often this pilot program
would be offered: once a month,twice, every Thursday of the month, etc.
The School Committee agreed that Mr. Alessandrini and Ms. Colburn will discuss World Language
further with Cathy Brooks and Kelly Chase.
5. Organizational Chart—Policy CCA
Dr. Czajkowski proposed a new organizational chart to the School Committee, which would
eliminate the Special Assistant to the Superintendent position and establish a new position,
Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning and Operations. Overall, she is recommending
this reorganization for two reasons: the cost savings based on district goals as well as
inefficiencies in technology department in that this would create more efficiencies. Dr.
Czajkowski is seeking approval from the School Committee on newly proposed organizational
chart and the job description for the new position,Assistant Superintendent for Strategic
Planning and Operations.
Mr. Ian Dailey reviewed the cost analysis regarding the new organizational chart proposal.
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In addition to the duties that the Special Assistant currently does,the Assistant Superintendent
for Strategic Planning and Operations will be evaluating and supervising staff, supporting
departments in establishing budgets, and assessing and supporting the Technology department.
6. Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning&Operations Job Description
Motion to approve the restructured Lexington Public Schools Organizational Chart as described,
effective July 1,2017. (Alessandrini/Lenihan)
Motion was approved 5-0.
Motion to eliminate the position of Special Assistant to the Superintendent and establish the
position of Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning and Operations.
Motion was approved 5-0.
Motion to approve the job description for the Assistant Superintendent of Strategic Planning and
Operations. (Alessandrini/Colburn)
Motion was approved 5-0.
Ms. Lenihan will be on the search committee for Director of Educational Technology and Mr.
Alessandrini will be on the search committee for Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning and
7. Homework Feedback Presentation: PowerPoint is posted online May 10, 2017.
Sandy Trach and Maureen Kavanaugh updated the School Committee on the data analysis and
feedback on the Homework Policy IKB.
The Policy Subcommittee met on May 8 to recommend revisions to the homework policy.This will be
a step-by-step process; there are no expectations for the June 20 School Committee Meeting.The
first policy reading is scheduled for the May 23 School Committee meeting., An announcement will
be sent out to all parents via Blackboard Connect.
School Committee Members gave feedback on the policy:
J. Steigerwald: Recommends incorporating minimizing screen time into the Homework Policy for
various ages. Time management should not be a purpose of homework, but strategies should be
accessible to parents as resource, possibly on LPS Website. Household chores can help teach time
management. Group homework should be addressed in the policy.There needs to be more
conversation around what is expected.
K. Lenihan: Reviewing the pie chart, 30%of teachers are potentially not following the homework
policy, especially at the high school level. We constantly hear that there is not an agreement in
community about homework., Some think more, some think less. Teachers are the professionals
who know the correct amount of homework that needs to be given to students, not the parents or
the community.
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E.Jay:The policy will be the beginning for teachers to strike the balance.There will be a difference
between the written policy at the district level and the administrative protocol guidelines.
A.Alessandrini: This policy is a complex issue and we should be relying on educators.This is a great
start to the policy.
Motion to adjourn. (Steigerwald/Jay)
The Motion was approved 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m.
Meeting Materials:Agenda; A.1-Agenda Item Summary,A.2-Agenda Item Summary A.3-Agenda Item
Summary A.4-Agenda Item Summary, Memo, Powerpoint A.5-Agenda Item Summary,Organizational
Chart,Cost Analysis,Assistant Superintendent for Strategic Planning and Operations job Description
A.6-Agenda Item Summary,A.7-Agenda Item Summary
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