HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-12-13-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF DECEMBER 13, 2017 A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chair, Richard Canale with members Charles Hornig, Ginna Johnson, Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti, and Bob Creech, and planning staff Aaron Henry, David Fields and Lori Kaufman present. *******************************STAFF REPORTS******************************** General Updates: The Planning Office received an ANR application and found an error so it will come back at the next meeting. A Transportation Safety Group (TSG) meeting is scheduled to occur tomorrow morning. ***************UPCOMING MEETINGS, EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS************* Anticipated Meetings: There is a joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen (BOS) on Monday, December 18 regarding the economic development initiative for North Hartwell Avenue. There is a joint meeting with the Historical Commission on Wednesday, December 20 regarding Neighborhood Conservation Districts (NCD). Staff reviewed additional meeting dates and asked Board Members to advise staff of any conflicts. Town Meeting is scheduled to begin March 26. If the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) is approved this evening then the first meeting would take place the end of January. ************************COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE*********************** Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) - Creation and Nominations: The chair met with staff and discussed the proposed updated charge. Mr. Canale would like to have a Planning Board quorum the first night the CPAC meets. Staff presented the comprehensive plan framework and all the data that is being pulled together to establish a baseline. On a motion of Ms. Johnson, seconded by Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti, it was voted 5-0, to accept the proposed charge and membership of the CPAC. *********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION************************ Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of December 13, 2017 PUBLIC HEARING 45, 55, 65, 75 Hayden Avenue, site plan review: Chair, Mr. Canale, opened the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. with approximately 12 people in the audience. Present were Mr. Ed Grant, attorney, Rob Albro, managing director of King Street Properties, Susan Wang, co-counsel, Doug Hartnett, Highpoint Engineering, Brook Cash and Courtney Kirk, landscape architects and Bob Michaud, MDM Transportation. The applicant is looking to add a new building and parking garage at what will be 75 Hayden Ave. Mr. Albro presented the project benefits to the Town as well as agreements made in the MOU that was signed in September by the applicant and the Board of Selectmen. The changes since Town Meeting is really a refinement, which includes decreased overall site parking by two spaces, reduced building GFA by 3,500 square feet, and height increase by 4.5 feet. The plan will meet the LEEDs threshold. The structure of the garage was changed and the height increased by three feet, but is essentially the same plan presented at Town Meeting with a few modifications. Landscape architects Courtney Kirk and Brook Cash, presented the proposed updated landscape plan. Rick Kuhn, architect, presented the building renderings regarding the proposed garage with sidewalks and lighting. Bob Michaud, MDM, conducted the traffic analysis and indicated working with planning staff to enhance the PTDM plan for the site. The expanded PTDM plan was presented showing the proposed enhancements that will work towards decreasing the number of single occupancy vehicle trips occurring on and off the campus. Individual Board member Comments:  This is a brownfield renovation and good to have a pervious pavement increase.  Concerned about the increased height especially so close to the conservation land. Consider additional green plantings to eventually have the appearance of the garage from the conservation land disappear in 20 years.  Plants labeled GT what are they? Brook Wading said that was honey locust. Since that is not a native species it should not be planted near conservation land and want plants native to Middlesex County.  The bridge what is the material and how will snow be handled for safety? Mr. Hartnett said there would be no vehicles but have no plan as of yet.  There is a lot of materials, how will they create a uniform appearance? Use materials that are pervious.  Where is the interior bike parking? Inside the building at 75 Hayden.  Appreciate the work done on the PTDM plan. Minutes for the Meeting of December 13, 2017 Page 3  Show the exact amount of parking spaces needed, we only want to approve what you actually need. Provide proof of what spaces are needed and demonstrate how you need 1,624 spaces and not 1,200 spaces. The applicant will follow up with staff.  Will you put in the document in writing non-exclusive parking to allow unrestricted parking for residents? Mr. Grant said that was addressed in the MOU and will discuss further.  What is the circulation plans for bicycles? The current use would be sharrows and the lanes would be for shared use of both bikes and cars.  Change and add an explicit intent to ensure equalization of subsidies and services to employees for different modes of transportation.  A number of residents wanted to see parking for an internal drop-off point and or parking for people to be able to take the shuttle. There has been some talk to have easy access to zip car for any members, and the shuttle loop which is a paid service. A park and ride would generate more trips and was not included in the traffic study and there is a risk factor and is not appropriate for this campus for the public and how the parking is used.  What are the designers proposing to prevent light pollution from the building at night? There will be shades on the building and coatings on the glass and will look at glass coating to keep light in.  What can be done to the surface of the building to soften the surface of the building facing conservation? Looking at different textures for the outside of the building.  What is going to be done regarding noise increase based on the old baseline? How will you minimize the noise to address noise spillover from generators? There will be housing for the generators and the noise will be monitored. Audience Comments:  This is very upsetting that the applicant is only allowing 4 spaces to access the trailhead, which is conservation land. You told Town Meeting there would be adequate parking for the trailhead and that needs to be in writing. If not, I will recommend that the Planning Board turn down the permit. Individual Board member Comments:  Peer review on drainage, will that be done with Conservation Commission? Yes. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Ms. Corcoran Ronchetti, it was voted 5-0, to continue the public hearing to January 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of December 13, 2017 *************************BOARD ADMINISTRATION**************************** 2018 Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article Discussion: This is usually the time to present to the Board of Selectmen any proposed warrant articles, but with all the items the Board should discuss this matter on December 18 at the joint meeting. The following items were discussed for the Town Meeting Warrant:  Technical corrections to NCD to clarify the intent of 75% and who is sponsoring the fix on December 20 at the joint meeting. Clarify definitions regarding the study area, article language, and who will sponsor the article;  The Pierce-Lockwood and Turning Mill NCDs;  An owner’s petition for a small commercial rezoning in the Marrett Road/Spring Street area;  331 Concord Ave Planned Development District (PDD) proposal;  North Hartwell Avenue for Spring Special Town Meeting at the end of annual town meeting;  186 Bedford Street might add on for an additional PDD; and  Belmont Country Club site is looking for a Fall Special Town Meeting. Board Member reports: Mr. Hornig gave a status update on the proposed CPC articles for the fiscal year 2019. Minutes Review and Approval: On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the minutes of November 15, 2017. On a motion of Mr. Hornig, seconded by Ms. Corcoran-Ronchetti, it was voted, 4-0-1, (Mr. Creech abstained), to approve the minutes of May 4, 18, June 1, 15, 29, July 20, August 24, 30, September 7, 28, October 19, and December 14, 2016. On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 p.m. The meeting was recorded by LexMedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on the Planning Board website in Planning Board packets.  Applications for site plan review for 45, 55, & 65 Hayden Avenue (68) pages.  Plans for site plan review for 45, 55, & 65 Hayden Avenue (18) pages.  Kings Street Properties for Hayden Avenue power point presentation 39 pages given at the public hearing. Bob Creech, Clerk