HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-11-09HIDA SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 9, 1942. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, November 9, 1942 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to approve the following pole locations and sign the orders: Lowell Street, southwesterly side and northwesterly from a point approximately 3,865 feet northwest of Haskell Street, two poles; Lowell Street, southwesterly side, approximately 2,945 feet northwest of Haskell Street, one Pole pole; Lowell Street, southwesterly side, approximately locations 1,305 feet northwest of Haskell Street, one pole; Lowell Street southwesterly side, approximately 80 feet northwest of Haskell Street, one pole; Lowell Street, southwesterly side, approximately 40 feet southeast of Haskell Street, one pole; Lowell Street, westerly side, approximately 55 ' feet north of the Arlington -Lexington line, one pole. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board to discuss welfare matters. He retired at 7:45 P.P.I. Mr. Richard Cromwell appeared before the Board. He said that the Town was going to have a set of short wave radios for use in an emergency between points in Town and outside, and in order to operate it will be necessary to Short wave have a station license. The Town must own the sets and radio sets the Town must apply for the license. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen must sign the application. Also, a Radio Aide should be approved by the Board. He said that in July Mr. Stewart C. Cairns of 47 Taft Avenue was ap- pointed by the Committee on Public Safety as the Radio Aide. That Committee would like to have the Selectmen confirm the appointment to the F.C.C. Mr. Cromwell left various papers for the Board to look over and authorize the Chairman to sign. He retired at 7:44 P.M. Letter srras received from Malcolm H. Clifford re- questing that the following members of the Auxiliary Special Police Unit be appointed Special Police Officers in the Police Town of Lexington for the duration of the war. J 70 Name Address I Lloyd L. Faulkingham 62 Woburn Street Roger W. Jackson 25 North Hancock Street Joseph R. Beauchesne 95 Spring Street Edward Peterson 43 Marrett Road Ralph L. Bullock 18 Hill Street James C. Shaw 11 Hamblen Street Frederick W. Shaw 15 Hamblin Street John Durfee 10 Webb Street Edward Abrams 198 Mass. Avenue David Goldberg 19B Mass. Avenue Hymen Marcus 217 Mass. Avenue Louis Rosendorn 59 Fottler Avenue William J. Endres 14 Oakland Street Lincoln C. Higgins 44 Bertwell Road David Arnold Rix 503 Waltham Street William J. Hanna 110 Woburn Street Fred W. Bodge 7 Belfry Terrade George S. Zittel 20 Vine Street William A. Templeton 6 Albermarle Avenue Axel Sorensen 117 Bedford Street Edward R. Sarkisian 6 Farmcrest Avenue Keith L. MacLean 80 Bloomfield Street Theodore Richards Mottola 240 Lincoln Street John F. Dowd 14 Winthrop Road ' Everett Chapman 10 Curve Street Daniel J. Coakley, Jr. 837 Mass. Avenue Gaetano Buttaro 837 Mass. Avenue Bertram P. Gurtin 84 Middle Street Leonard Kenworthy 61 Prospect Hill Road George F. Fardy 40 Preston Road Vernon Jones 51 Gleason Road Lawrence E. Stone 12 Sheridan Street Charles D. Allen 4 Paul Revere Road William John Baskin 45 Adams Street Wilfred L. Morris 77 Valley Road Eugene A. Acheson 2634 Mass. Avenue Charles L. Dwyer 15 Freemont Street Joseph B. Grinnell 19 Pone Knoll Road Frederic W. Fenerty 7 Preston Road George F. Smith 282 Bedford Street Clifton F. Barrows 8 Locust Avenue Charles Robert Rudd 30 Prospect Hill Road Rosario J. Ciccolo 12 Oxford Street Lancelot B. Cooper 15 Hilltop Avenue Henry Gnade 21 Highland Avenue Arthur R. Hood 28 Sherman Street Myron Clifton Graffam 516 Mass. Avenue R. Malcolm Scott 516 Mass. Avenue Walter C. Smith, Jr. 17 Coolidge Avenue, , fl Charles E. Rice Ira A. Rix Harold L. Tyler Walter H. Worth Ransom A. Norris 282 Marrett Road 50 Valleyfield Street 6 Muzzey Street 55 Cary Street 23 Haskell Street It was the Board's feeling that it was best to review the appointments each year and for that reason they should expire on March 31, 1943. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted that the men on the list be appointed Special Police Officers for a term expiring on March 31, 1943. Letter was received from the Boston Edison Company relative to extinguishing all street lights on warning signals. Previously, arrangements were made to have the lights extinguished on the yellow signal, but the Massa- chusetts Committee on Public Safety now requires the Company to extinguish the lights on the blue or red signal. The Edison Company requested that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to approve of this procedure. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Giroux be authorized to sign the application forms. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 71 Street lights Letter was received from Mr. Raymond L. White advis- ing that there are now 666 names on the Honor Roll. He recommended that the number on the Service Flag be changed 700 names to 700. The Clerk was instructed to notify Mr. Moloy and on Flag Mr. Garrity to change the number on the Service Flags to 700. The Chairman asked the Board what it wished to do on Mr. Cromwell's request. Mr. Potter said that he knew Mr. Cairns and believed him to be a fit person to be endorsed by the Selectmen. Radio Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Caip�ig be appointed Radio Aide Aide(confirming(confirming the Committee on Public Safety appoint- mentl and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the ap- plication forms. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman asked the Board what it wished to do about Armistice Day. Mr. Potter moved that the usual Armistice custom of closing all day be followed. Mr. Rowse Day seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:30 P.M. Mr. Robert P. Trask appeared before the Board. He said that it was imperative that more office space be provided for the Rationing Board. 72 They need about twice as much as they now have and should ' have two separate rooms. The upstairs conference room in Room for the Cary Memorial Building would be ideal for them. The Rationing Chairman wondered if it would be possible to work out Board some suitable offices in the Barnes property, but Mr. Trask rather doubted that it wo%ld be suitable as considerable hall space is needed at certain times. It was decided to have Mr. Paxton confer with Mr. Trask and Mr. Graves and to discuss the matter again next week. Mr. Trask said that the Rationing Board had been charging its expenses to the Unclassified Account. He Rationing wondered if the Board wanted him to submit a budget for Board 1943. The Chairman asked if he had any idea how much money budget would be needed and he thought that $400.00 should be pro- vided. The Government pays the girls' salaries and the Town has to pay for lights, heat, office supplies, etc. The Board requested Mr. Trask to submit budgets on the proper forms. Letter was received from the Rationing Board request- ing permission to purchase two fluorescent lamps at a price of 011.00 each. The Board also requested permission to buy a steel three -drawer file, with lock, at a cost of 945.00. The Clerk said that she believed that there were insufficient ' funds in the Unclassified Account to pay for this equipment, and upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to request the Appropriation Committee to transfer the sum of $100.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Unclassified Account. This is to pay for the equipment mentioned above and for additional supplies for the balance of the year. - Mr. Trask retired at 8:55 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington enclosing a check for $20.00 representing two payments by Joseph A. Ross. Mr. Wrightington asked to whom the remittances were to be made in the future.The Board felt that the payments should be made direct to the Selectmen. Letter was received from John C. Lichtenberg; resigning his position in the Engineering Department. The Board voted to accept the resignation with regret. Letter was received from the County Commissioners to which was attached a subpeona for assessment of damages by George E. Rogers of Lexington in connection with the land taken for the relocation of Spring Street. The Com- missioners requested that the Board authorize counsel for the Town to enter an appearance in behalf of the Town and the County in the case. ' Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Wrightington be requested to enter an appearance in behalf of the Town and County as requested. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. George C. Sheldon appeared before the Board and said that it would be necessary to furnish the Dog Officer with some funds. Mr. Potter moved that the Ap ropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 25.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Dog Officer - Expenses Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Nathan B. Bidwell stating that he had been informed that the new owner of the Roberts' property on Adams Street was going to apply for a permit to run a chicken farm. Mr. Bidwell asked that he be notified if and when such an application was re- ceived. At 9:00 P.M. the Board of Fire Engineers appeared before the Board. There was an informal discussion on various matters pertaining to the Fire Department. The group retired at 10:50 P.M. ' Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 10:55 P.M. He said that the Senior High School had requested the use of Cary Hall on November 27, 1942 from 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. when a dance would be held, the benefits of which are to be given to the Football Injury Fund. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Minute Men had requested the use of a conference room on November 18, 1942 from 8:00 P:M. to 10:00 P.M. for a regular meeting. The Chairman told Mr. Paxton that the Rationing Board would like to have the conference room and if the Board de- cides to allow them to use it, it will be impossible for the Minute Men or any other group to meet there in the future. It was decided however, to allow the 14inute Men to meet there on the eiGhteenth. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Mr. Merriam had requested the use of Estabrook Hall on November 18, 1942 for a meeting of the Air Raid Wardens. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. R1 Transfer - Dog Off. Chicken Farm TJses of Halls 74 x Mr. Paxton told the Board that Mr. Frank Sheard of 1386 Massachusetts Avenue had bill 336.58 a water of Shepard for the third quarter of this year. There was a leak water bill in the services and Mr. Shepard had to pay a plumber over $100.00 to find the leak and the Water Department assisted the plumber. The leak was between the meter and the house. Mr. Shepard recognizes the fact that the water went through the meter but wondered if the Board could do anything about reducing the bill. The average bill for this quarter is $37.00. Mr. Rowse moved that the Board authorize an abate- ment of one half of the bill. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had three watchmen at the Public Works Building all under fifty years of age, who Watchmen could operate equipment and were, possibly, men to go at P."N.Bldg. out and do a day's work. There were two questions how- ever. One, would removing them as watchmen affect the insurance rates?; and two, the protection of the stock at the building. He found that he could insure the equipment for 5,000.00 at a cost of about $80.00 per year. He would keep one man to ;take care of gassing of equipment and to take care of the fires. The Board told him he could work out the problem to suit himself. He told the Board that if he did take out burglary ' insurance, about $100.00 would have to be spent in fixing up the windows, putting on locks, etc. He said that he was not ready to recommend placing the insurance as yet. Mr. Paxton retired at 11:12 P.M. Letter was received from George E. Eaton of 9 Calvin Street, reporting an accident between his car and the Police car police car on November 3, 1942. Mr. Eaton attached a accident bill in the amount of $21.60 which is the estimated cost of repairing his car. The police officer's report was also received. Inasmuch as there is no insurance on the police car, upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the car be fixed and the bill paid from the Police Department Expenses appropriation provided proper releases are obtained. Application for readmission of Maitland P. Mundy to the Middlesex County Sanatorium was received. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be approved and signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. n 1 The Chairman told the Board that Mrs. George P. Vaccarest of 252 Marrett Road demanded that something be done so that the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. would be allowed to stop on Massachusetts Avenue, East Lexing- ton, between Marrett Road and the Arlington line. It was decided to request the P,4iddlesex and Boston Street Railway Company and the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. to meet and discuss the problem and to advise the Board of their decision in the matter. Application for certificate of character of John B. MacDonald of 509 Woburn Street was received. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be approved and signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse It was voted to approve the following pole locations and sign the orders: Forest Street, southeasterly from Belfry Terrace, four poles; Forest Street, northwesterly from a point ap- ..proximately 85 feet northwest of Waltham Street, three poles; Lowell Street, northerly from North Street, thirteen poles; North Street at southwest corner of Lowell Street, one pole. Application was received from the Lexington Theatre for permission to show the following pictures on Sunday November 15, 1942: "6ross Roads; "This Time for Keeps' and a newsreel. Mr. Rowse moved that the pictures to be shown be approved and that the Board sign the license. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board discussed the matter of moving the Re- port Center from the Selectmen's Room. Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman request the Committee on Public Safety to find new quarters as soon as possible. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that he would talk with Mr. Webb. The Clerk reported that the Health Inspector telephoned her at 5:08 P.M. and said that Mrs. Leary had done nothing to abate the nuisances at #9, #11, and #13 Hayes Lane. m Lovell Bus stops Pole locations Sunday movies Report Center 7V Mr. Rowse moved that, in accordance with General Laws Chapter 11]„ Section 125, the nuisances be re - Board of moved and the expense be paid by Bridget Leary, the Health owner of the property. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Water betterment assessments for Grassland Street In the amount of $135.00 and sewer betterment assess- ments for Cary Street in the amount of $232.00 were signed. Water miscellaneous charges in the amount of $7.93 were also signed. The meeting adjourned at 11:40 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk i IJ