HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-09-2822 � SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' September 28,1942 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Buidling on Monday evening, September 28, 1942 at 7:30 P.M. Messrs. Potter, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Potter served as Chairman pro -tem. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to sign the following orders granting joint pole locationst Audubon Road, southwesterly side and southeasterly from a point approximately 100 feet southeast of Mass. Avenue, - 2 poles; Highland Avenue, westerly side, ap- Pole proximately 145 feet north of Washington Street, - 1 pole; locations from pole located in Curve Street, approximately 245 feet east of Mass. Avenue, — install guy wire and anchor; from pole located in Steadman Road, approximately 260 fest north of Allen Street, - install guy wire and anchor. The Clerk informed the Board that Louis McDonnell ' of 6 Mayflower Road, Arlington had been admitted to the Middlesex County Sanatorium today. This man has a Lex - Admission ington settlement. She asked that the Board approve to Sana- his admission. torium Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. McDonnell's admission to the Sanatorium be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Robert Cady offering to pay $100.00 for lots 371 to 378 inclusi#e on Harbell Tax title and Balfour Streets. Mr. Potter said that the Com - sale mittee on the sale of real estate approved of the acceptance of the offer. Mr. Sarano moved that lots 371 to 378 inclusive on Harbell and Balfour Streets be sold and conveyed- to onveyedto Mr. Robert Cady for the sum of $100.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. H. B. Blodgett offer- ing to pay the suiA of $60.00 for lots 29,30, and 31, Tax title Rosemont. Mr. Blodgett asked if he could pay $10.00 'sale down and $10.00 per month. Mr. Potter said that the Committee on the sale of real estate approved of the acceptance of the offer. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Blodgett's offer be ' accepted provided he paid cash for the lots. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 23 Letter was received from the Committee for Service Men requesting a permit to hold a Tag Day in Lexington, on Saturday, October 17, 1942. Tag Day Mr. Locke moved that the permit be granted. Mr. Permit Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 7:42 P.M. Mr. James J. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing of a juror. Mr. Edson R. Mabey, mover, of 119 Grant Street was drawn to serve Juror on Criminal Business at Cambridge beginning November 1, 1942. Letter was received from Adams & Blinn requesting approval of a plan showing a parcel of land on Mountain Road, part of the Simonds estate, and containing 4.11 acres. The plan was approved by the Supt. of Public Works. Mr. Sarano moved that the Board, acting as the Board of Survey, approve the following plan entitled "Plan of Land, Lexinggton, Mass., July 27, 1942 Scale: 1 in. w 40 feet, W. C. Paxton, C.E." Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' At 7:45 P.M. Messrs. James J. Carroll., Frederic L. Fischer, and John A. Lyons appeared before the Board. These men comprise the Committee appointed to revise the Police Regulations. The Chairman said that the Committee was invited to appear before the Board so that it might organize and elect a Chairman. He told them that the Committee was to feel free to call upon the Town Counsel for advice at any time and to consult with the Selectmen and the Police Department at any time it desired. Mr. Fischer moved that Mr. John A. Lyons be elected Chairman of the Committee. Mr. Carroll seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Committee retired at 7:55 P.M. At 8:00 P.M. Mr. George W. Emery appeared before the Board. He said that among the apparatus of the Fire Department was a light wagon used for emergency supplies, etc., purchased second-hand in 1929. The Department also has a 1922 Lincoln used for brush fires. The Board feels that these two pieces of equipment should be replaced at once as they are afraid that it will be impossible to replace them if they wait any longer. The Engineers wish to purchase two two -ton chassis and the Department will make the bodies. 1 Approval of plan Comm. on Police Regulation Fire Dept. apparatus 24 The gngineers believe the chassis will cost about $1,000.00 each --at any rate, not more than $2500.00 for the two. Mr. Emery requested the Selectmen to take whatever steps are necessary to have the Appro- priation Committee transfer sufficient funds to pur- chase the two chassis. Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer a sum not to exceed $2500.00 for the purchase of two new chassis for the Fire De- partment, Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 1 Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington to the effect that the Court had decided in favor of the Town in the case of Yeo v. Lexington, involving a claim for back salary of officer Henry H. Harvey. A second letter Legal was received from Mr. Wrightington as a result of a Issue telephone call from the trustee in bankruptcy,.a Mr. Yeo. He talked of carrying the case on excepticfta-to the Full Bench of the Supreme^Judicial Court. Mr. Yeo V. Wrightington told him he thought he was not justified Lexington in taking it up and would not succeed. Yeo finally said that he would -abandon the ease if he were paid $50.00. Mr. Wrightington asked if the Board wished to settle the case for that amount. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Wrightington be informed that the Board would be willing to settle for any amount not in excess of $50.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that she talked to the Town Counsel about the slaughtering and rendering license issued at 76 Laconia Street last week. Mr. Slaughter- Wrightington said that the Board apparent*y had not Ing & Render- considered the Zoning Law when the license was granted ing license as the slaughtering house was located in a R-1 Zone and was a nonconforming use confined to slaughtering. A nonconforming use may not be enlarged and for this reason the Board had no right to include rendering in the"lieense. The Clerk was instructed to request both Mr. Carter and Mr. Casey to return their licenses 6a that the Board might reconsider them. At 8:18 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. Mr. Paxton said that Stanley Higgins, who has Stanley worked for the Town since 1927, was a veteran of the Higgins last war and he has recently received a letter from the Personnel Office of the War Department. The would 1 25 like to have him accept a commission as a First Lieuten- and or Captain in the Engineering Corps. The War De- partment requested a letter from Mr. Cosgrove consenting to Mr. Higgins' appointment as a commissioned officer in the United States Army. This is not to be construed as a request for a leave of absence however. He asked if the Board had any objection to Mr. Cosgrove's sign- ing such a letter. The Board had no objection. Mr. Paxton said that Mrs. Merriam had requested the use of Estabrook Hall from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon on October 20 6, 8, and 9 for instructions in Air Raid Pre- Uses of cautions. halls Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Committee for Service Men had requested the use of the lower foyer in Cary Hall an October 8th, G. Locke moved that the use of the hall be grantl5d. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' Mr. Paxton said that the Lexington Firemen's Benefit Assoctation had requested the use of Cary Hall from 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. on October 30th for a dance. . Mr. �Zockw moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr, Paxton read a letter from Mr. A. R. Leiby, president of the Lexington Choral Society, requesting permission to use Estabrook Hall one evening a week for rehearsals. The Board felt that because of the scarcity of fuel and the demands on the janitors' ttmwo etc. that it should curtail the uses of halls as much as possible. The Clerk was instructed to in- form Mr. Leiby that the Board would appreciate it if the Society could make arrangements to rehearse some other place, and that the use of the hall would be allowed for concerts. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that fire insurance policies were expiring as follows: Date Amount Agent Oct. 18, 1942 $20,000. E. B. Worthen Oct. 25, 1942 .150000. it it it Oct. 180 1942 210000. Edw. W. Taylor & Son McCrea water bill Date Amount Nov, 9, 1942 $199350.00 Nov: 22; 1942 16,000.00 Dec. 5; 1942 100000,00 Dec: 50 1942 200000.00 Dec. 5, 1942 250000.00 Dec. 5; 1942 20,000.00 Agent E, A. Lord & CO. E. B. Worthen. John S, Valentine William H, Ballard E. A. Lord & Co. Robert Merriam Mr. Sarano moved that all the policies be.renewed through the same agents with the exception of the one held by John S. Valentine. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Sarano moved that this policy be renewed through the office of William H. Lyon, Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Walter D. McCrea of 22 Summit Road complaining of the water bill received September 1, 1942 covering excess water used from August 12 1941 to August 10, 1942. Mr. McCrea said that the t'away" card left in February was mailed the same day the bill was made out, and if he had been billed then for the excess amount registered, he would have noticed that his consumption was excessive. He felt that failure to bill him atter the card had been received was negligence on the part of the Water De. partment. He said he would be willing to pay.$35.00 for the yearts use which compared with the yearts use ending August, 1941. Mr. Paxton said that in December, 1941 an "away" card was left at the McCrea home and it was not sent in to the Department. The "away" card left in February was mailed the day the bill was made out, but because the charge had been committed to the Collector, the Department followed the usual rocedure of billing the minimum only. In May an "away card was left at the McCrea home and this was not mailed in. The Board felt that there was no evidence of neglect on the part of the Department and for this reason did not feel justified in authorizing an abatement. The Clerk was instructed to.advise Mr. McCrea and to tell him that the meter would be tested in his presence if he so desired. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that Judge Pierre Northrup complained of a water bill received by him on October 1, 1941, 1 1 C J As a result of the complaint, the meter was tested in service and was found to be registering accurately. However, Mr. Northrup refused to pay the bill. On October lot of this year the bill will be one year old and Judge Northrup was sent a notice to the effect that on September 30, 1942 a lien would be placed on the property because of the unpaid bill. Judge Northrup wrote the Department pointing out that the most he had ever paid for water rates was $11.19 and he sent a check for this amount and said that that was all he would pay. He further said that If the lien was recorded he would bring a bill in equity against the Town. Mr. Paxton told the Board that the bills preceding and following the one in question were normal and he pointed out that the October bill covered the months of July. August, and September when most bills are higher. Mr. Sarano moved that the lien be recorded. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8t40 P.M. Mr. William F. Downs, Chairman of the Salvage Committee appeared before the Board. He said that begining October 5, 1942 they were going to hold a scrap collection drive for a two-week period. Our quota is 120 poan.ds of scrap per house. Mr. Downs said that he would like to have the use of Town trucks on October 10th for the collection of salvage. If an individual is paid for his junk the Town will get credit for the amount turned in. Mr. Downs also asked for some central place to store the junk. Mr. Downs said thathe:would like to have all the junk collected on Saturday, October 10th and then have it taken out of Town by Monday night, the 12th. Mr. Paxton said that because of the lack of labor he would prefer to have the junk collected on Sunday if Town men were to do it. He wondered if there would be any objection to this. Mr. Downs saw no objection to it and it was left to Mr. Paxton and lir. Downs to work out the problem together. Mr, Paxton said that his men had taken 7,713 pounds of tin over to Watertown and for this they would receive $31.00. He asked what was to be done with the money. The Board instructed him to turn it over to the Salvage Committee, Mr. Paxton said that in 1936 the Town purchased anew pump costing $410.00 for Peter Canessa. 27 Pierre Northrup's Ovate r bill Salvage Early this year the pump broke down and was taken to the Public Works Building for repairs. Mr. Paxton had the part ordered and instructed the mechanic to Odorless make the repairs when his Clerk called to his atten- cart tion the fact that Mr. Canessa was supposed to take care of the repairs himself. He re uested Mr. Canessa to pay for the part, costing about $17.00, but he has not done so. The pump is still at the Public Works Building and now Canessa's old pump has broken down and he wants a new one. The Board instructed Mr. Paxton to have Mr. Canessa pay for the part and tell him that he then could have the use of the pump and that the Town would make no more repairs on it. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had lost one regular employee and three others had spoken to him of the possibility of other jobs. He said he Labor was getting into the position where labor was serious. situation He was not disturbed about the normal work but was worried about an emergency --such as a snow storm. The Board suggested that when a snow storm did come that the firemen shovel out the hydrants. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Garrity had two trucks that were in fair shape and he wondered if the Board Snow plows would object if he obtained prices on snow p16wscsto be put pn those two trucks. That would give him seven units for snow work. The plows would probably cost about $700.00. The Board requested him to obtain prices on them. Letter was received from the Town Accountant rela- tive to a tax bill of $21.00 received from the Town of Burlington fbr land just beyond Butterfield's Pond, In Tax 1040 the down Counsel said that the bill should be Bill charged to the Highway Maintenance Account, but last year it was charged to Unclassified. He asked what the Board wished to charge it to. Mr. Locke moved that the bill be charged to the Highway Maintenance -Wages and Expenses Account. Mr. Saran seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Harold Conant of 47 Lincoln Street, Lexington in which the writer stated Lincoln that he was worried because he had heard that the Town St. Dump intended to raise the Lincoln Street dump five feet. Mr. Paxton said that he and Mr. Garrity had discussed the possibility of raising the dump some five feet or so but before they decided to raise it, a study of the 1 1 f' 1 locus would have to be made and it would then be brought before the Board. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Conant that the Board had no intention of raising the dump five feet at the present time. Letter was received from Frances Locke Clarke of 18 Hancock Street to the effect that she believed a crack in her living room ceiling was a result of heavy trucking on Hancock Street. rbcs.. Clarke said that inas- much as heavy trucking was prohibited on the street she felt that the Town was liable. The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Wrightington for his opinion on the matter. Letter was received from the Committee on Public Safety advising that when the next test alert is held, umpires from other towns will come to Lexington to test our response to the incidents. There probably will be about twentyof them. The Committee on Public Safety requested the electmen to authorize the Supt. of Public Works to issue one gallon of gasoline per car to these officers. Mr. Paxton said that the Rationing Board had not given ,the Committee on Public Safety any gasoline yet. He understood that after a car had been used by a person on Public Safety Work, he would then go to the Rationing Board and ask for replacement of the gasoline used. The Board felt that it would have no right to allow this gasoline to be used without having coupons to cover, and also that it would be establishing a bad precedent. Mr. Saran moved that the request be denied. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Donald A. Nickerson had signified his willingness to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9:30 P.M. and retired at 9:40 P.M. Mr. Sarano told the Board that he had made in- quiries and believed that if Mr. Garrity could pur- chase his 1943 supply of arsenic of lead now, it would be the wisest thing to do. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Garrity be authorized to purchase the 1943 supply of arsenic of lead as soon as possible. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was - so voted. 29 Clarke Claim Request for gasoline Arsenic of lead RN Board of. Health rep. on Evac. Committee Garbage Letter was received from the State Department of Public Health saying that provisions would have to be made for the evacuation of individuals suffering from communicable diseases in connection with the possible evacuation of certain parts of the population in case of an emergency. The letter said that it was essential that there be a working agreement between local Boards of Health and local evacuation committees of the Massa- chusetts Committee on Public Safety. The letter re- quested that a representative of the Board of Health be appointed to serve in conjunction with the local Evacu- ation Committee. Mr. Locke moved that Miss Lowe represent the Board in this connection. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Potter informed the Board that Connors Bros. of Burlington had filed a certificate of workingmen's compensation insurance and had submitted a letter from the Maryland Casualty Company to the effect that that company was prepared to become surety in the sum of $6,000.00 on the performance bond in accordance with the terms of the garbage contract. He asked If the Board would approve a bond in this amount. Mr. Locke moved that a $6,000.00 bond for one year be approved with the provision that it be re- newed for another year. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington.re- porting that Joseph A. Ross said that he was unable Joseph A. to pay the execution against him now, and would like Ross to pay it at.the rate of $10.00 a month beginning October 1, 1942. Mr. Locke moved that the Board approve this method of payment. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that the following requests.of the Lexington Committee on Public Safety had been approved: 250.00 for salary Public � Y of a Clerk at the rate of Safety funds $18.00 per week from September 25, 1942, to the and allocated of the year; $150.00 for food for the Observation Tower; $250.00 for miscellaneous items; $166.00 for telephone'switchboard service at the rate of 5.50 per month and for electric lights at the rate of 8.33 per month for the year 1942. 1 1 1 D 31 Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that the sum of $150.00 was approved for trans- fer from the Reserve Fund to the Garbage Collection Ac- Transfer count to take care of the additional cost of the new contract starting October 19, 1942. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that it was voted to approve the transfer of the sum of $17.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Public Welfare -Personal Services Account to provide for a $1.00 per week increase in the salary of Miss Gertrude E. Mitchell, from September 4, 1942 to the end of the year. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that it was voted to transfer the sum of $5.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Water Department -Personal Services Account to take care of the additional salary of Miss Bertha Dias from November 27, 1942 to the end of the year. Letter was received from the Committee on Public Safety advising that at a meeting held on September 16, 1942 it was voted to employ a full time Clerk. The Committee requested the allocation of $250.00 to pay the salary of a Clerk from September 25, 1942 to the end of,the year at the rate of $18.00 per week. Letter was received from Mrs. Horace E. Holmes, of 68 Farmcrest`Avenue, complaining about two dogs owned by Randall Richards of 60 Farmcrest Avenue were a nu.i'san a by reason of their barking in the early hours of the morning. The Dog Officer's re- port on the complaint was received. He stated that he called on Mrs. Richards and they wish to cooperate In every way. The Clerk was instructed to request Mrs. Richards not to put the dogs out before 7:00 A.M. Letter was received from the Massachusetts State Guard requesting an audience with the Selectmen and the Chairman of the Committee on Public Safety to dis- cuss the advisability of organizing a State Guard unit in Lexington. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. The Clerk asked when the next meeting was to be held and it was decided to meet on October 5th and to omit the meeting the week of October 12th. Transfer Transfer Public Saf ety Clerk Dog Complaint State Guard 32 _. Letter was received from the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. petitioning for a license to operate motor vehicles for hire from the junction of School Street and Massachusetts Avenue, over Massachusetts Avenue to Wood Street, over Wood Street to the Lexington. Bedford Line, and return over the same route. ' MR. Locke moved that the license be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk leported that 391 votes had been re- ceived in favor of Sunday movies and 108 in opposi- Sunday tion. Nine letters in opposition were received and movies a petition signed by seven people opposing them were received. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Commitment of water rates Sec. II, commitment of water miscellaneous charges, and list of water liens were signed. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk License , A lication for the renewal of a Theatre was received from William Viano. Theatre Mr. Locke moved that the Theatre License be license granted for a period of one year from September 1, 1942, Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lovell Bus Lines,Inc, advising that through error a permit had never been obtained for the operation of motor vehicles for hire Lovell from the Lexington -Arlington line of Summer Street to Bus per- the junction of Summer and Lowell Streets, and return mit over the same route. They requested that a permit be granted. Mr. Locke moved that a license be granted the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. for the operation of motor vehicles for hire over this route. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lovell Bus Lines, Inc. petitioning for a license to operate motor vehicles for hire from the junction of School Street and Massachusetts Avenue, over Massachusetts Avenue to Wood Street, over Wood Street to the Lexington. Bedford Line, and return over the same route. ' MR. Locke moved that the license be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk leported that 391 votes had been re- ceived in favor of Sunday movies and 108 in opposi- Sunday tion. Nine letters in opposition were received and movies a petition signed by seven people opposing them were received. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Commitment of water rates Sec. II, commitment of water miscellaneous charges, and list of water liens were signed. The meeting adjourned at 10:20 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk