HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-08-10' I SELECTMEN'S MEETING August 10, 1942 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday, August 10, 1942 at 7:30 P.M. The members of the Board were notified of this meeting by the Chair- man at the regular meeting held on August 3, 1942. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. Chief Edward W. Taylor and Mr. Wrightington appeared before the Board. 59 Chief Taylor car registration The Chairman told the Chief that it appeared from the records that the car used by him as Chief of the Fir'® Department, and personally, had been improperly and illegally registered for some ten years and the Selectmen had to do something to straighten the matter out. The registration showed it registered with the Town of Lexington as owner and with Mr. Taylor as Chief. He asked if the Town of Lexington was the owner of the car. He said he had records here of the Board of Fire Engineers for 1934 and 1937. In 1934 it was voted that the Chief's new car be accepted by the Fire Department to be used by him as Chief but maintained at his expense, the car to be registered by the Town of Lexington as of August 31, 1934. On December 23, 1937 the Board of Fire Engineers voted that Chief Taylor's new Oldsmobile be accepted by the Fire Department to replace the Hudson sedan which was accepted by the Department in November, 1934, the car to be registered by the Town of Lexington. Trans- fer was made November 8, 1937. The Chairman said that the Chief apparently had the car registered with M plates prior to 1934, but he said that he had not. Chief bought Taylor said that he t a new Hudson car in Y gh 1934 and gave it to the Town and when it reached the poi# where it was not good enough for him to drive to fires, he substituted a new Oldsmobile for it and gave that car to the Town. The Chairman akked if it was the Chief's intention that the car should belong to the Town and the Chief replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said that legally the car could not be- long to the Town as it was necessary for a Town Meet - Ing to accept a gift before it legally became the property of the Town. Mr. Wrightington said that he did not know as a vote of the Town was necessary in this case. The Chairman asked if he would consider that the acceptance by the Board of Fire Engineers made the car legally the property of the Town.and he replied in the affirmative. 59 Chief Taylor car registration '7 The Chairman Chief asked if the had any recollection of any action taken by the Selectmen prior to those in office now. The Chief said that he did; in January 1937 the Board of Selectmen voted to insure his pre- sent car. The Chairman said that that was correct, but asked the Chief if any previous Board voted to accept this car or if the vote in 1937 about insur- ing it,. -Mas the only thing. The Chief said that in 1934 Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Goodwin, became active in checking on the illegal operation of motor vehicles on the highways and he was particularly anxious to straighten out Fire Department apparatus. The Chief realized this and had the choice of saying he would not drive his own car to fires or that the Town should furnish him with a car. He decided to register his own car as a Town car. A car cannot have a red light on front or cannot exceed the speed limit unless it is fire apparatus, police apparatus„ or an ambulance. The Chief discussed the matter with the Selectmen and they said they appreciated the situation and the Chief said that if he could make arrangements so that he could transfer the car to the Town then the Town would be protected when he was answering fire calls. Then the time came when insur- ance companies would not insure vehicles of this type under the conditions which this car was being used. On January 7, 1937 a vote was passed by the Selectmen that the Chief should pay a certain part of the • insurance and the Town should pay the balance. The Town was going to pay the proportion which an ordinary citizen would pay for private use. A week or two after, the Board changed its vote and decided to have the Chief pay what an ordinary citizen would pay (about $45.00) and the Town would pay the excessive insurance which protects it when the Chief is answering fire calls. He said that after using his Hudson for four years it became necessary to purchase a new car and he sub- stituted the Hudson with a brand new Oldsmobile which he made over to the Town. He said that that car was the Town's and the Town could do anything it wanted to do with it, The Chairman said that the mere vote of the Fire Engineers to accept the car would not make it legally the property of the Town, in his mind, but if Mr. Wrightington says that legally the purport was to accept the gift, it was all right with him. He asked Mr. Wrightington if that vote was sufficibnt to make the car the property of the Town. Mr. Wrightington said he believed so and that the car was properly registered and did belong to the Town. Mr. Rowse asked how the Town was protected in the use of this machine by the Chief for other than Fire Department Work out- side of Lexington. Mr. Wrightington said that the • • Chief carried insurance and paid for it and'that was sufficient. The Chief said that the car was fully protected either way. Mr. Rowse asked if the Insur- ance was on a Town policy and the Chief said that it was on the schedule. Mr. Saran asked why the Chief should buy a car and pay for it himself and give it to the Town. The Chief said he had always wondered about it himself, but if the Town bought him a car he would have to buy another for himself. Chief Taylor retired at 7:40 P.M. Mr. Wrightington said that the arrangement was not an ideal one, but that the alternative was ex - pens ive.. Mr. Wrightington retired at 7:55 P.M. Air Raid Regulations for the Town Office Building, Cary Memorial Building, and Barnes.Property were sub- Air Raid mitted by Mr. Paxton. Regulations Mr. Rowse moved that the following regulations be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Air Raid Regulations for Town Office Building, Cary Memorial Building, and Barnes Property. 1. The Air Raid Shelter for these three build- ings is the lower foyer of the Cary Memorial Building near the coat room. 2. During any daylight raid all offices shall be closed as soon as possible, and all persons In any of the buildings shall go to the Air Raid Shelter, with the exception of those employees who work at the Report Center. 3. The switchboard shall be closed and the switchboard operator shall go to the Report Center or to the Air Raid Shelter. 4. During the night raids the users of any of the Conference Rooms, Estabrook Hall, the Offices in the Town Office Building, or the Barnes Property shall go to the Air Raid Shelter. In the event that there is a large number of persons using Cary Hall during an air raid, they shall remain where they are and not go to the Air Rkid Shelter. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Spencer could no longer serve as Administrator for the War Price and Rationing Board because he is a municipal employee. The Clerk was instructed to write the Rationing Board to find out if they wished to have . Mr. Spencer replaced. Mr. Spmcer off Rationink Board 594 The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Garrity had suggested that the Children in East Lexington Bus and in North Lexington be granted the privilege of Tickets using bus tickets to attend the swimming pool. The Clerk was requested to ask the Middlesex & Boston Street Railway Company to grant this privilege. The Chairman informed the Board that Daniel J. O'Connell had telephoned today and said that he was Tax title willing to pay $500.00 for the lot on Fletcher Ave., sale formerly in the name of Benjamin F. Pearce and Arthur Kendall. It was voted to sell the lot to Mr. O'Connell provided no higher offers were re- ceived after the lot had been advertised. • • • The Chairman said that the suggestion had been made that Mr. Viano be requested to build a bicycle rack in the rear of the theatre so that the- patrons Bicycles would not park the bicycles in the sidewalk in front of the stores. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Viano's cooperation in the matter. The Chairman said that Edson Pero, who formerly Refund operated the home Dining Room at 1787 Massachusetts Cam. Vic. Avenue, had requested a refund on his Common fee Victualler's license fee because he closed the restaurant.in February. It was decided to refund $4.00 to Mr. Pero, this representing the fee from March 1st on. Letter was received from Major Allen M. Tinker of the Massachusetts State Guard suggesting that a State State Guard group be formed in Lexington. The Board Guard felt that the Auxiliary Police Force was adequate to protect the Town and that a State Guard unit was not necessary. Letter was received from Richard E. Truesdell Teller advising that he would be unable to serve as a Teller in Precinct One, Mr. Potter moved that Edith T. Kew of 705 Mass. Avenue be appointed in Mr. Truesdell's place. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application for the use of Cary Hall on August 12, 1942 for a dance for servicemen was received. Use of Mr. Saran moved that the use of the hall be Hall granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Garrity had suggested that the Children in East Lexington Bus and in North Lexington be granted the privilege of Tickets using bus tickets to attend the swimming pool. The Clerk was requested to ask the Middlesex & Boston Street Railway Company to grant this privilege. The Chairman informed the Board that Daniel J. O'Connell had telephoned today and said that he was Tax title willing to pay $500.00 for the lot on Fletcher Ave., sale formerly in the name of Benjamin F. Pearce and Arthur Kendall. It was voted to sell the lot to Mr. O'Connell provided no higher offers were re- ceived after the lot had been advertised. • • • II� • The Chairman said that the Building Inspector told him that he could not get along on the $8.00 a month car allowance he is receiving. He asked if the Board wanted to do anything on the matter. It was decided to take no action on the request. Letter was received from the A propriation Committee advising that the sum of 272.34 had been transferred from the Reserve Fund to the Police De- partment Expenses Account to pay the additional cost of the purchase of two new police cars. The money was transferred on condition that only two police cars be operated in performance of duties and one of the new cars be stored, while the lbw mileage car was being used. 'The Clerk was requested to ask the Supt. of Public Works to consult with Mr. F. K. Johnson to see that proper steps were taken to prepare the car for storage so that it would not deteriorate while being stored. Letter was received from Allen W. Rucker, Chair- man of the Committee on Public Safety, advising that he had been appointed Vice Controller, Area C. Region V It was voted to instruct the Chairman to write Mr. Rucker a letter of appreciation for his services and to nominate Mr. Melville W. Webb to serve in Mr. Rucker's place. Commitment of water house connections, water miscellaneous charges, abatement of water guaranty, and water rates were signed. The meeting adjourned at 8:37 P.M. A true record, Attests Clerk 595 Building Inspector Transfer Chairman Com. Public Safety