HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-07-20• L SELECTMEN'S MEETING July 20, 1942 A regular meetinf of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen s Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux and Messrs. Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He said that the Lexington Parent -Teachers Association had re- quested the use of Cary Hall in the afternoon and evening of November 13th for a concert by Rubinoff and his violin, the proceeds are for the scholarship fund and for the entertainment of service men. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Rev. Harold T. Handley had requested the use of Estabrook Hall on July 24th for a meeting of the Committee on Entertainment for Service Mena Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Use of hall Mr. Paxton said that Converse Hill of Elmer A. Lord & Co. recommended that the war risk insurance be placed Insurance on a 90% basis rather than on a 100% basis. This will reduce the premium about $28.00. The Board approved of the change. ' Mr. Paxton said that two years ago the Appropria- tion Committee transferred $1300.00 to the Town Offices Account to put purchase of coal on a seasonal basis, but that was not done at the Public Works Building, because at that time the bin would not hold enough coal. They have now built an outside bin at the public works build- ing. Mr. Paxton said that he had fifty tons inside the building, and had twenty-five tons outside which have not been paid for. Between seventy-five and eighty tons are used at the public works building in &.season. He said that he would like to order another twenty-five tons to be stored in the outside bin for use in the Cary Memorial Building, if needed. He said that he needed a transfer of 4225,00 to pay for the additional coal for the public works building, but undoubtedly would have sufficient funds in the appropriation to pay for the additional coal for the Cary Memorial Build- ing. The Chairman told Mr. Paxton that the matter would be discussed with the with the Appropriation Committee. Coal Mr. Paxton asked if the Board wished the report of the Public Works Department for the six months ending June 30th, and the Chairman requested him to furnish the Board with a written report. The Chairman said that the people living at the corner of Lowell find Maple Streets had requested a Req. for "Slow" sin on Lowell Street. Mr. Paxton wondered if "Slow" the t'Slow sign would do any good. The Board discussed sign the matter, and instructed Mr. Paxton to have the sign erected. 49 Mr. Paxton requested authority to remove the traffic beacon at the junction of Lowell & Woburn Streets. This Beacon to is the only one left in town. Mr. Sarano.moved that Mr. be removed Paxton's request be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Paxton if he thought that the traffic lights on Mass. Avenue at Waltham Street might be Traffic shut off for the most part of the day. Mr. Paxton said lights he thought that if the lights were working from 7130 to 9:30 A.M. and from 4:30 to 7:00 P.M., the traffic officer on duty there probably could handle the traff-id..the rest of the time. Mr. Rowse moved that the traffic lights be kept working only during the hours mentioned above. Mr. Saran seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received a call from Metcalf & Eddy, who have been hired by the Government Water to consider the water problem at the Bedford Airport. for Bedf. . They want to know what the possibility is of tier in Airport with our main on Wood Street. This would merely be an auxiliary to be used only if the other supply failed. We have a 12" main in Mass. Ave., which is reduced to a 10" main in'Wood Street for a distance, and then to 8". _No action was taken in the matter. _ Mr. Paxton retired at 8:07 P.M. Mr. Wrightington appearedefore the Board at 8:10 P.M. He discussed the matter/gavertising the new Building and Plumbing By-laws. He said that he had Bldg. & talked with Mr. Eugene L. Morgan, Chairman of the Plumb - Plumbing ing By-law Committee, and with E. B. Worthen, Jr., Clerk By-laws of the BuildingBy-lawCommittee, who in turn talkedwith th e b stSoc k APPOPIRW w;nati`d T kfi;evqAeN;t1hs'o Adams to hold the type until next winter, when some minor changes in the by-laws can be made. By then per- haps the Tenement House Act will be revoked, Mr. Wrightington said that the Attorney General. had stricken out the section giving authority to the 49 Inspector to establish fees, with the approval of the Selectmen. He says that this can be done only by town meeting or by town By-law. Mr. Wrightington recommended that the following article be included in the warrant for the next town meeting: "To see if the flown will fix the fees for the issue of Building and Plumbing Permits." The Clerk was instructed to insert the article in the warrant for the next Town Meeting. Mr. Wrightington informed the Board that Arthur Earle owed approximately $490.00 on his Wood Street water guaranty. T. A. Custance and R. H. Stevens are the sureties on the bond. Mr. Wrightington said he thought that he might be able to settle the claim f6r $250.00, and requested authority of the Board to settle for that amount, if possible. Mr. Rowse moved that the sum of $250.00 be accepted in settlement of the Arthur Earle water guaranty. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington then discussed the Murphy piggery on the Lexington -Lincoln Line. He said that Dr. DeNormandie of Lincoln had made an inspection ten days ago, and found that -there were no pigs in Lexington. Mr. Wrightington said that as, there were no pigs in Lex- ington, he saw no sense in Lexington bringing suit. Mr. Wrightington retired at 8:30 P.M. At 8130 P.M. seven members of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board. The Chairman explained the coal situation, and asked the Selectmen if they wished to request a trans- fer of $225.00 from the Reserve Fund. The Selectmen being in favor, the Chairman requested the Appropria- tion Committee for the transfer. Mr. Sheldon polled his Board, and the majority were in favor of the trans- fer. The Chairman asked the Selectmen and the Appropria- tion Committee if they were in favor of ordering twenty- five tons of coal for the Cary Memorial Building, and the majority was in favor of it. The Chairman said that Mr. Spencer had told him that the Assessors were behind in their work because of the trouble over setting the tax rate. When the rate is announced, they will need another girl for four weeks at $15.00 per week. Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer $60.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors -Personal Services Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and It was so voted. Mr. Sheldon polled the Appropriation Committee and the majority was in favor of the transfer. .71 Article for warrant Earle water guaranty No further action on Murphy piggery Transfer for coal Extra girl for Assessors Car allowance Sealer Wts. The Chairman said that Mr. Chadwick, Sealer of Weights and Measures, had asked the Selectmen for additional car allowance, because of extra duties and the increased cost of gasoline. Mr. Rowse thought that Chadwick should show how much more mileage he is doing in 1942 over 19411, and also advise the Boards as to just how and why his duties have increased. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Chadwick for this information. The Chairman read a letter from Chief Sullivan ad- vising that he had contacted Childs and the Colonial Garage for bids on the new car. Childs has no cars, and Police the prices at the Colonial Garage were beyond the amount cars available in the appropriation. The Chairman asked the Appropriation Committee how it would feel about purchasing two new cars, one to be put into use now, and the other stored at the Public Workk Buildin until the Board felt it was needed. Some members of the Ippropriation Committee said they thought that both cars now owned by the Police Department should be turned in now and two new cars put on the road. The Chairman polled the Selectmen on this question, and the Selectmen were divided. Mr. Sheldon polled the Appropriation Committee and the majority was in favor of purchasing two new cars now and putting them into service now. The Selectmen said they would go along with the Appropriation Committee. The Clerk was instructed to request bids on two new cars for the Police Department, the present two cars to be turned in. She was further instructed to request bids of several out-of-town concerns. Mr. Sheldon read a letter from the Committee on Public Food for Safety asking approval of the allocation of $100.00 from Tower the appropriation for the Committee on Public Safety for food and coffee at the Observation Tower. Both the Sel- ectmen and the Appropriation Committee approved of the re- quest. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9:18 P.M. to discuss welfare matters, and retired at 9s50 P.M. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington relative Dismiss to the claim of the Town to recover welfare payments to Leaf case the late Philip Leaf. Mr. Wrightington said that he was satisfied that there Is not enought in the estate to warrant further proceedings. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington be instructed to dismiss the action. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that Daniel J. Offer to O'Connell had offered to pay $100.00 for the lot on purchase Fletcher Avenue formerly in the name of Benjamin F, land Pearce and Arthur Kendall. r� • • The lot contains 57,153 square feet, and was last assessed for $2290.00. It was decided to refer the offer to the Committee on Sale of Tax Title property. Letter was received from Neil McIntosh stating that his client was not willing to pay more than $250.00 for Lot #139 on Cary Avenue. It was decided to hold the matter over to next Monday. Governor Saltonstallrs Executive Order #27 to the effect that the provisions of law requiring a written contract or the posting or advertising for bids for the purchase of supplies shall not apply to the purchase of fuel. The Election Officers to serve until September 1, 1943 were appointed as follows: McIntosh offer Executive Order Precinct One D -Charles J. Dailey Warden D -John D. Barry Deputy Warden D -Pauline E. Bartlett Inspector D -Frederick L. Murphy Deputy Inspector R -George E. Foster Inspector R -Alice G. Marshall Deputy Inspector R -Mary E. Stankard Clerk R -Marion G. Cook Deputy Clerk D -Mary A. Rowland Teller D -Donald Cameron " D -Annie H. McDonnell " D -George F. Stygles " R-Ilda J. Field n R -James A. Wiggins " R -Richard E. Truesdell " R -L. Ellsworth Pierce " Precinct Two R -Victor H. Harmon Warden R -Clyde K. Steeves Deputy Warden R -Lucius A. Austin Inspector R -Helen K. Ditzgerald Deputy Inspector D -Randall W. Richards Inspector D -Ruth R. Ray Deputy Inspector D -John H. Dacey Clerk D -Mary E. Manley Deputy Clerk R -Arthur L. Hanson Teller D -Edward McGrory " R -Elizabeth R. Nourse " D -Madeline J. Corbett " R -Madeline V. Peterson " R-Laurina Metcalf Wilson D -Jesse Condinho " D -Helen A. McCaffrey McIntosh offer Executive Order Precinct Three R -Franklin W*Coleman Warden R -Guy Maynard Deputy Warden R -Peter Robertson Inspector R -Neil McIntosh Deputy Inspector D -Charles E. Moloy, Jr. Inspector D -Margaret E. Ormand Deputy Inspector D -John F. McKearney, Jr. Clerk D -Patrick H. McDonnell Deputy Clerk D -Cornelius P. Cronin Teller D -Virginia E. Welsh " R -Samuel W. Wellington !' R -Emma L. Hovey " D -John J. McCormack D -Henry P. Meade n R -Esther P. Graham " R -Bessie Davis " Precinct Four R -Howard E. Custance Warden R -Frederick S. Britton Deputy Warden R -William E. Mulliken Inspector R -Irene E. Robinson Deputy Inspector D -William E. Dailey Inspeotbr D -Daniel A. Gorman, Jr. Deputy Inspector D -Mary J..Ferry Clerk D -Joseph Dailey Deputy Clerk D -Helen T. Maguire Teller D -George J. Vaughn " R -Caroline F. Deloury R -Carl Hauck " D -Francis H. Maguire D -Agnes G. Hall n R -Robert Cady " R -A. Thomas Ferry " The report of the 1942 April 19th Committee was re- ceived and read by the Chairman. Mr. Locke moved that April 19th the report be accepted and placed on file, and the com- Committee mittee Discharged. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. • • 0 • 0 Report of the School Lunch Project for the month of Jure was received. Application for a license to board two infants was received from Gladys Smith of 12 Locust Avenue, and ap- plication for a peddler's license was received from Theron H. Gough of 451 Concord Avenue. Both of these being renevald., Mr. Rowse moved that they be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Saran said that a group of women wished to give lessons in canning, and he requested permission to use the balance of the.$100.00 allowed for the garden on Waltham Street to purchase supplies for garded en Wal phem Upeet *-0eha 4 67APP-1-lata SAW #-he canning. He then said that 50.00 would probably be sufficient, and he requested the approval of the Board of the expenditure of this amount of money to can food to be given to welfare reciients. It was decided to approve the expenditure of 50.00, this amount to come from the welfare appropriation. The records of the meeting held on July 6th and on July 13th were declared approved. The meeting adjourned at 10;23 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk V r,r Licenses Canning Project