HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-05-25522 Street lights SELECTMEN'S MEETING 0 May 25, 1942. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, May 25, 1942 at 8:00 P.M. Chair- man Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 8:05 P.M. Mr. Allen W. Rucker, Chairman of the Lexington Committee on Public Safety, appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of dimming street lights. He said that the Army and the State had issued new regulations cutting down wattage, etc. and the dimout is .to be made effective at once. The Town will have to pay the cost of shielding the lights. The Chairman asked if they desired all the Town lights turned out and Mr. Rucker said that if two out of three were turned out, it probably would be all right. This would be in the center of the Town and nothing would have to be done in the residential area. He said that he had been in to the State House today and read the following letter addressed to him: "This is to confirm my conversation with you authorizing you to order the extinguishing of some street lights in your community until proper treat- ment has been made of these lights to eliminate sky - glow. I know in extinguishing these street lights you will bear in mind the safety of traffic. I might add that I know the Edison Company are now in a position to apply approved methods for dtfh- ming out all types of street lights. Harold W. Fenner,Executive Directo, Region V" The Chairman said that he talked with the Edison Company today and they have not yet sent through any written recommendations. Mr. Carens of the Edison Company advises that the metal cone type shield would be better for us. The Chairman asked him how soon the work could be done and Mr. Carens thought it could be done by the end of this week. Our lights will re- quire a 10" cone. Mr. Rucker retired and the Board voted to request the Edison_Company to install proper opaque cone vents as shown under the Skyglow Control Plan dated May 20, 1942 issued by the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety. The vents are to be installed by Friday evening, • • r1 May 29, 1942 and if they are not installed by Friday evening, the Board voted to request the Edison Com- pany to remove two out of every three bulbs along Massachusetts Avenue from Woburn Street to, and in- cluding the junction of Massachusetts Avenue and Lincoln Street, and to and including the junction of Bedford Street and Harrington Road. Mt. Rucker returned. The Chairman told him that on various occasions the Board had discussed the matter of moving the Report Center from the Selectmen's Room. It was suggested that the dressing rooms in the rear basement of Cary Hall might be a good location and Mr. Rucker said that he would look it over and advise the Board at the next meeting how the Committee felt about it. He retired at 8:25 P.M. Letter was received from the Appropriation Com- mittee advising that an expenditure not to exceed $350.00 for equipment for the Demolition Squad was approved. The Appropriation Committee also approved the sum of $100.00 for food for the men on duty at the Observation Tower. A sum not to exceed $500.00 for Secondary Communication System was also approved. Letter was received from the Appropriation Com- mittee advising that the second request of the Select- ften to increase the salary of the Forest Warden from $50.00 to $200.00 per annum was denied. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that that body had approved an expenditure not to exceed $270.00 for the purchase of a Munroe Calcu- lator, this sum to be transferred from the Reserve Fund; one half chargeable to the Town Accountant's Office and the other half to the Assessors' Office. The Chairman informed the Board that the Munroe Calculator owned by the Engineering Department was to be turned in and an allowance of $50.00 would be made on it. The new machine will cost $340.00. A transfer from the Reserve Fund will amount to $270.00 and the allowance will be $50.00, making a total of $320.00, leaving a deficit of $20.00. The Engineering Depart- ment iw willing to pay this balance because they will use the machine as well as the Town Accountant and the Assessors. The Chairman asked if the Board approved this method of paying for the machine and there was no objection, Letter was received from the Appropriation Oommittee advising that an increase of $1.00 for Miss Charbonneau, 52 Reper t Center Demolition Squad Forest Warden's Salary Munroe Calculator an employee in the Town Accountant's office had been approved. Letter was received from the Appropriation Com- mittee advising that an expenditure not to exceed Chairs for $70.00 for the purchase of chairs for the office of Board of the new Board of Fire Engineers had been approved. Fire The Appropriation Committee further advised that if Engineers a transfer is necessary later to make up a deficiency in the Cary Memorial Building Expenses Account, such transfer will be approved. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that they had approved a transfer of $55.55 from the Reserve Fund for printing the annual reports_ of the Town Accountant and the School Committee. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that they had approved Increasing the starting salary of Town clerical office help from 13.00 to Starting $15.00 per week, and further that any clerks now em - Salary ployed receiving less than $15.00 per week be increased to that amount. The Chairman said that Miss Eleanor Heaney, a clerk in the Assessors' Office, was the only one receiving less than $15.00 per week. Mr. Rowse moved that Miss Heaney's salary be increased to $15.00 per week effec- tive on May 29, 1942. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Meetings Board on Monday, June B. 1942 and to meet every two weeks thereafter during the months of June, July, and August. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 9:03 P.M. He said that the Auxiliary Police had requested Uses of permission to use Cary Hall on Thursday, June 11, 1942 Halls for a school of instruction and.an entertainment. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that the Lexington Community Chest had requested the use of a Conference Room on May 26, 1942. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the room be granted free of chatge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Committee on Public Safety had requested the use of Cary Hall on the evening of May 31, 1942. • '• • Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had received a request from two of the residents on Cary Street that the sewer be extended for a distance of approximately 200 feet. The estimated cost is $472.00 and the better- ment assessments will amount to about $131.00. Mr. Paxton said that there was sufficient stock on hand to do the job and he recommendedthat the extension be made. Mr. Locke moved that the Board authorize the exten- sion of the sewer main in Cary Street for a distance of approximately 200 feet. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had sent re- quests to four companies for prices on coal for the Town Office Building. He received two replies. The Robert J. Fawcett Co. bid 18.95 per ton for Pennsylvania coal with a mine price of 3.20. That company bid on Culver mine coal which has a C classification. This coal is screened at the mine. The Lexington Coal Company bid $8.65 per ton for Pennsylvania coal with a mine price of $3.05. This com- pany vid on a grade A run -of -the mine coal. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Moloy informed him that the coal received from Fawcett last year was the best coal ever burned here and he also feels that it is more economical. Mr. Rowse asked if the bids could not be on the same basis and Mr. Paxton said that he would ask the Lexington Coal Company to bid on screened coal. Mr. Rowse asked what coal he preferred for the Public Works Building and Mr. Paxton said he believed it would not be necessary to have screened coal there as there are men on duty day and night. He figured on putting in 160 tons at the Cary Memorial Building now. The bin at the Public Works Building holds about 25 tons and they are going to build a bin outside to hold 50 tons. It was decided to hold the matter over. Mr. Paxton said that the Building and Plumbing Inspectors had put through bills of $2.50 each for pay- ment of their police badges. Mr. Paxton did not approve the bills as he understood that Special Police officers were to pay for their own badges. The Chairman said that the Town had never paid for any Special Police officerst badges to his knowledge. It was felt that the_Inspectors should pay for their own. Sewer Ext. Cary St. Coal bids Police Badges .526 The matter of overtime pay for employees was dis- cussed and upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was, VOTED: That all employees on an hourly basis in the Public Works Department be paid time and one half Overtime for overtime between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M. and on Saturday for the entire day except in cases where these hours constitute their regular shifts. Mr. Paxton asked if the Board had any objection to his changing his telephone service so that the number would be unpublished. He said that there are emergency Phones at the Public Works Building and calls should go there and from there to his home. He said he would give the Board his number and also leave it at the Public Works Building. The Board had no objections. Letter was received from the Rotary Club author- izing the Selectmen to purchase a suitable Service Flag Service to be flown on the pole at the Cary Memorial Building Flaf and to charge the expense to the Lexington Rotary Club. The Chairman said he had talked with Mr. Merriam, the Secretary of'the Rotary Club, and the latter thought a flag would cost around $25.00. The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to obtain prices on a flag and to let the Board know by letter what the cost would be. The Chairman informed the Board that Walter Webster, the son of Mrs. Dorothy Webster of 116 Woburn Street, has been reported missing in action while serving with the Royal Canddian Force. Upon motion of Mr. Saran, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to extend Mrs. Webster an expression of sympathy in behalf of the Town of Lex- ington. It was further voted that a copy of the follow- ing letter be sent to the Lexington Minute Man, the Allied Veterans Council, and the School Committee: May 25, 1942 Mrs. Dorothy Webster 116 Woburn Street Lexington, Massachusetts Dear Mrs. Webster: The Board of Selectmen of Lexington understands that your son, Walter, has been reported missing in acti5n while serving with'the Royal Canadian Air Force. At a meeting of the Board held oh Monday, May 25, 1942, it was voted to extend you an expression of sympathy in behalf of the Town of Lexington. • r 0 • • • No words of ours could sufficiently express that which we feel for you. However, the name of your son and his heroic service is herewith permanently recorded in the records of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington. It was further voted that a copy of this letter be sent to the Lexington Minute Man, the Allied Veterans Council, and the School Committee of Lexington. ARG:EML Sincerely yours, Archibald R. Giroux Chairman,Selectmen. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9530 P.M. and.retired at 10;00 P.M. Letter was received from the Allied Veterans Council in reply to the Chairman's letter requesting that organization to take the responsibility of see- ing off the Selectees from the Woburn Armory. The letter said that the Council was not in'a position to take this responsibility. It was decided to re- quest the Rotary Club to take charge of seeing off the Selectees. Letter was received from the East Lexington Men's Club thanking the Selectmen for the new lighting at the Adams School. Governor Saltonstall's Executive Order #14 was re- ceived and noted. Common Victualler's license was granted to Mrs. Hattie E. A. Peckham, 37 Hancock Street. Commitments of water and sewer house connections, water liens, and water rates abatements were signed. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Wrightington about a proposed Act creating a separate Board of Public Welfare. Mr. Wrightington discussed .the matter with the counsel of the House of Represen- tatives. Mr. Wrightington suggested a five man Board to be appointed annually on the ground that a five man Board cannot be controlled easily should anyone desire to control such a Board and further that annual appoint- ments are safer inasmuch as objectionable members can be removed more easily. It was decided to insert an article in the warrant for the next Town Meeting to see if the Town will vote to petition the Legislature for a special Act creating a separate Board of Public Welfare in the Town of Lex- ington. 527 Selectees Board of Public Welfare Article The Board discussed the advisability of having a separate Board of Health. It was decided to insert an article in the warrant for the next Town Meeting to see Article if the Town will vote to petition the Legislature for a special Act creating a separate Board of Health in the Town of Lexington. The Chairman informed the Board that Mr. Morse had sent letters to ten concerns requesting bids on a new Welfare car. The only bid received was that of F. K. Johnson,Inc. Car bids bidding on a 1942 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe Four Donr Sport Sedan. The bid was $910.31 less an allowance of $200.00 on the old car, making a net cost of $710.31. The Chairman said that $500.00 was appropriated for a new car leaving a deficit of $210.31. However, $110.31 of this can be paid from the Automobile Maintenance Ac- count. Mr. Potter moved that the Ap ropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 100.00 from the Re- serve Fund to make up the difference. Mr. Locke seconded the motion. If the transfer is approved then Mr. Morse is authorized to purchase the car from F. K. Johnson, Inc. at their bid of $710.31. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attests Clerk t t • 13 •