HomeMy WebLinkAbout1942-01-080 SELECTATEN'S MEETING January 8, 1942 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room on Thursday, January 8, 1942 at 8:15 P.M. In accordance with instructions of the Chairman, the Clerk telephoned each member of the Board on Wednesday, January 7, 1942 and notified them of the time and place of the meeting. Each member said he would be present. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Assistant Clerk was also present. At 8:20 P.M. the following members of the Appropria- tion Committee appeared before the Board: Messrs. George C. Sheldon, Raymond A. Bond, Richard W. 1a;*nard, Robert Fawcett, George M. Hynes, and James E. Spellman. The following members of the Executive Committee of the Lexington Committee on Public Safety were also pre- sent: Allen W. Rucl.er, Robert ',Vhitney, i'dalter E. Sands, Lee E. Tarbiox, Melville W. Webb, Alan Adams, Ralph Tucker. Mr. Carl Terhune, Chairman of the First Aid Parties was also present. Chairman Giroux informed the group that the records of this meeting were to be kept as a part of the Select- men's records. Mr. Giroux said that the Chairman of each Committee present has received, or should have re- ceived, a copy of the minutes of the last meeting and unless we hear to the contrary, we will asslune that those records were correct. The Chairman said that this being a meeting of the Board of Selectmen, there was some Town business which should be taken care of. He read a letter from the State Department of Public Health relative to holding further clinics to facilitate the inoculation of dogs for rabies. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was unanimously voted that the Selectmen declare an emergency in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Sec. 31, in order to incur obligations to hold an emergency Rabies Clinic. The Chairman said that inasmuch as money expended for the Corriittee on Public Safety was under a vote of the Town, it should be spent under the jurisdiction of the three Boards 71C sai;7� that no action should be taken by these three Boards unless a majority of each • Board was present. Rabies Clinic In the case of the Selectmen, three members would be • necessary; the Appropriation Committee at least five members and the Committee on Public Safety, six mem- bers. Mr. Sheldon stated that he thought this was an excellent idea. Mr. Rucker said that the Committee on Public Safety was agreeable to this suggestion. Mr. Rucker moved that money be expended only on the basis as sug-ested by Mr. Giroux. Mr. Sheldon seconded the Notion, and it was so voted. Mr. Giroux said that the question may come up, where the Boards differ, as to whether or not purchases should be made and they should decide tonight what the deciding factor is to be. That is, is it to be a, majority of all present or is it to be a vote of the Boards. He said that if three members of the Board of Selectmen voted in favor of a matter, it would mean that the Board was in favor. Mr. Rucker said that it will be necessary for the two Boards to have a majority in favor. As for the Committee on Public Safety, no re- quest for funds will be made unless a majority of that Committee is already in favor of the request. Yr. Giroux asked Mr. Rucker if he felt that both the Select- men and the Appropriation Committee must concur. Mr. Rucker replied that if one of the Boards disagreed, the request would be out. Mr. Rucker said that for the sake of simplicity his Committee would present no re- quest for funds to the other two Boards unless the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Committee on Public Safety had already agreed on the amount. Mr. Rucker said that the first item to be considered at this meeting was the matter of sirens. He said that his Committee recommended the purchase of five units, 3 five -horse power units and 2 two -horse power units at a total installed price of $2340.00. Mr. Giroux said that the thing that was disturbing him was that the Town By-laws require that bids must be taken on all purchases over $1,000.00. He said that Town Counsel ti' rightington had .set the Committee on Public Safety up under the Law and he knew of no excep- tion which can be made to the Town By-laws. Mr. Sands said that he had two other bids. One was for $3,000.00 per unit, plus installation received. from R.C.A. and a bid of $2850.00 received from L. W. Bills. Mr. Potter said that he thought the bids should be submitted in writing. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Select- men and reported that the Board of Selectmen were in favor of the expenditure of $2340.00 for sirens. Chairman Sheldon of the Appropriation Committee took a poll of his Committee and reported that the Appropriation Committee was also in favor. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is hereby authorized to purchase sirens for the Town of Lexington at a sum not to exceed $2340.00. After considerable discussion relative to guns, am- munition, and night sticks for the Auxiliary Police, Mr. Rucker moved that the Committee on Public Safety be authorized to purchase 72 guns at $13.50 each or a total of $972.00. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Select- men and reported that the Board of Selectmen were in favor of the purchase of 72 guns at a total of $972.00. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the Appropriation Committee and reported that his Board had voted five in favor and one opposed. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is hereby authorized to purchase 72 guns at a price not to exceed $972.00. Mr. Rucker moved that the Committee on Public Safety be authorized to purchase 5,000 rounds of high velocity ammunition and 5000 rounds of practice ammunition at a total cost of X375.00. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Select- men and reported that they were unanimously in favor of purchasing the ammuniton at a cost of $375.00. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the Appropriation Committee and reported that five members were in favor and one in opposition. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is hereby authorized to purchase 5,000 rounds of high velocity ammunition and 5,000 rounds of practice ammunition at a total cost not to exceed $375. Mr. Rucker moved that the Committee on Public Safety be authorized to purchase five dozen night sticks at a total cost of $14.80. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Selectmen and renorted that the Board of Selectmen i were unanimously n favor of purchasing five dozen night sticks at a total cost of $14.80. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the Appropria- tion Committee and renorted that his Board was unani- mous l,r in favor. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is herebir authorized to purchase five dozen night sticks at a cost not to exceed $14.80. 0 Eff Sirens Guns Ammunition Night Sticks Mr. Rucker reported that Dr. Crumb of the Medical Division recuested three mobile first aid kits for ambulances. Dr. Crumb can obtain the three kits at a total cost of X500.00. Mr. Rucker moved that the Com- mittee on Public Safety be authorized to purchase three mobile first aid kits. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Select- men and reported that the Selectmen were unanimously in favor of this purchase. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the -Appropriation Committee and reported that his Committee was unani- mously in favor. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Mobile Public Safety is hereby authorized to purchase three Units mobile first aid kits at a cost not to exceed $500.00. At 9:50 P.M. Chairman Giroux opened the bids re- ceived on the construction of the Air Craft Observation Tower to be erected on Sunset Rock, Robinson Hill. The bids were as follows: Observation Gordon D. Richards $1135.00 Tower Walter G. Black 1097.00 bids Custance Brothers 1177.00 J. L. Douglass 791.00 Mr. J. L. Douglass' bid was considerably lower than the other bids and the Boards felt that possibly Mr. Douglass did not fully understand the specifica- tions. Mr. 1,7bitney retired at 9:55 P.M. to telephone Mr. Douglass. Fie returned to the meeting and reported that he was unable to get any answer. Chairman Giroux declared a recess. Chairman Giroux called the meeting to order again at 10:10 P.M. Mr. Whitney reported that he was not able to reach Mr. Douglass so it was decided to proceed with the meeting and take up the matter of the bids later on. Mr. Rucker brought up the subject of employing a secretary to work full time for the Committee on Public Safety. He stated that his Committee would like Sec. for authorization to employ a girl to be strictly under the Comm. on orders of the Committee on Public Safety at a salary Pub.Safety not to exceed $18.00 per week. Mr. Giroux asked where the girl would work and Mr. Rucker replied that he would like to have her here in the Town Offices. Mr. Giroux stated that he would like to present the idea that if a girl is employed, that she be located at the switchboard. The reason for this being that humerous calls coming in through the Board are for the Committee on Public Safety and CJ C] people inquiring naturally come to this office. Mr. Rucker stated thpt he would be perfectly willing to co-operate with the Selectmen in this suggestion. After further discussion relative to the duties of the secretary and the salary, Mr. Rucker moved sum the sm o£ $500.00 be set up for clerical hire and the secretary would not l;e paid in excess of w18. per week. J.Tr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rucker read Governor Saltonstall's Executive Order #1 relative to the powers and duties of the Public Safety Committee. Mr. Rucker said that he wished to call to the Board's attention the fact that he had received com- plaints from Auxiliary Police in that the local police did not obey the Alert Order of December 26th. Mr. Rucker stated that between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. only one patrol car was in action manned only by one man. Lanterns for Report Center Mr. Rucker said that some three weeks ago the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety instructed the Lexington Committee to have lanterns placed in the Report Center. Mr. Rucker stated that a request had been made to the Public Works Dept. for these and as no action has been taken, it would appear to indi- cate lack of co-operation. Mr. Rowse suggested that whenever the Committee on Public Safety has a request for Town equipment that it be made directly to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Potter suggested that the Committee purchase their own lanterns. Pyr. Rucker reaiiested the sum of $10.00 for the purchase of four lanterns to be kept at the Report Center. Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Selectmen and reported that the Board was unanimously in favor of the request. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the Appropriation Committee and reported that his Committee was unani- mously in favor also. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is hereby authorized to purchase four lanterns at a cost not to exceed $10.00. that Mr. Rucker requested/funds be provided to cover the cost of coffee and food for the men at the Obser- vation Post on duty after midnight. Mr. Potter made the motion that the sum of $100.00 be set aside for food and let it go as far as it will. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. w Lanterns for Report Center 366 Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Selectmen and reported that the Selectmen were un- animously in favor. Chairman Sheldon took a poll of the Ap-Dropria- tion Committee and reported that his Board was un- animously in favor. In accordance with this vote, the Committee on Public Safety is hereby authorized to set up the sum of 4100.00 for food for men on duty at the Observation Post. Mr. Rucker brought up the question of sidearm per- mits and the 50¢ fee. Mr. Giroux stated that this matter would be taken up with Mr. Wrightington for ad- vice, and instruction. Mr. Whitney left the meeting at 10:35 P.M. to telephone Mr. Douglass. He returned to the meeting and reported that Mr. Douglass stated he thought he understood the s:)ecifications and that lie only sub- mitted an estimate and not a bid. Chairman Giroux stated that the bid could be awarded to 7r. Douglass providln�! he was willing to do the work for the price quoted in his estimate. Mr. Whitney suggested that Mr. Douglass' price be thrown out inasmuch as it is an estimate and not a bid. After careful consideration of the bids, Mr. Rucker moved that the bid of Gordon D. Richards, in the amount of 41,135.00 be accepted inasmuch as he is Award Obser- the lowest bidder. vation Post Chairman Giroux took a poll of the Board of Select - Bid men and reported that the Selectmen were unanimously in favor of awarding the bid to Gordon Richards. Mr. Sheldon took a poll of the Appropriation Com- mittee and reported that five members.of his Board were in favor of awarding the bid to Gordon Richards and one member was not voting. It was decided that the Board of Selectmen would advise Mr. Richards that his bid had been accepted. The Chairman asked what the liability of the Town would be in case someone was shot or in case an individual was hurt. It was decided to take the matter up_ with Mr. %VriEhtington and call a meeting to discuss the sub- ject at a later date. The method of placinC orders was discussed and Mr. Sheldon surrFested that the present Town order forms be used. The Committee on Public Safet- would ,°!rite up the orders, Mr. Giroux will sign them for the Board of Selectmen and Mr. Sheldon will si n them for the Appro- priation Committee. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.m. A true record, Attest: er � •