HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-12-08:pec. .._ reccris-na�,;e �l SELECTMEN'S MEETIT•:G December 8,1941 y A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux and Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano, and Locke were present. The Clerk was also present. 0 0 At 7:30 P.M. 14r. Morse appeared before the Board. He said that the Welfare Investigation Committee had rec- ommended the installation of a new record system. Bids were received as follows: Remington Rand Co., $192.77; Yawman Erbe Co., $147.75; Acme Recording Co., 0124.05. The Committee recommends the purchase of the Acme system. Mr. Morse recommended that the forms which are in stock be purchased, as they have to buy forms for 1942 anyway. The cards will cost about $30.00, and they have the money available. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to order the cards and charge the expense to Aid to Dependent Children. Mr. Morse said that the cabinet to hold the cards involved the major expense, and he thought that this should be charged to Public Welfare. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to instruct Mr. Morse to order the cabinet and to charge the expense to Public Welfare. Mr. Morse then discussed Welfare cases. He retired at 7:55 P.M. The Chairman said that the Lexington Minute Men had requested the use of a conference room on December 17th. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the use of the room free of charge. The Chairman said that the Lexington Red Cross had requested the use of a conference room on December 9th. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to grant the use of the conference room free of charge. The Chairman said that Workmen's Compensation policy expire on January 1st through the office of Elmer A. Lord & Co. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to renew the policy through the same office. The Chairman said that public liability policy ex- pired on January lst through the office of Edwin B. Worthen. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted to renew the policy through the same office. Equipment for Welfare Dept. Uses of Rooms Insurance 310 Report of the Building Inspector for the month of November was received. Letter was received from the State Department of Restraint Public Health advising that a rabid dog was discovered on dogs in Woburn last week, and recommending that a ninety -day restraining order be issued. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to issue the following restraining order: "VOTED: That for a period of ninety days begin- ning December 15, 1941 all dogs shall be restrained by their owners or :peepers on the premises of said owners or keepers, or shall be on leash when off said premises. All dogs running at large shall be seized and the owners or keepers thereof shall be subject to penalties provided in said Chapter 140, General Laws, Tercentenary Edition, and amendments thereto. The provisions of this order shall not be applicable to owners or keepers of dogs who have, within the nine months immediately preceding December 15, 1941 had such dogs inoculated against rabies and who have a certificate duly signed by a registered veterinarian certifying, to the same." The Chairman said that on last Friday, Mr. Crosby of Arlington and Chief Probation Officer Smith met.him to discuss the matter of retribution by the Wilsons. Restitution They had Arlington's and Lexington's water rates. They to be made discussed the matter of Crosby's land being high and by Wilsons dry, and the Wilson's land being low and wet. Mr. Crosby said that he went on the basis that even though that was a fact, he considered his figure a fair one, inasmuch as any man using water which he was not paying for would use it very generously. Mr. Smith agreed with that. r� • The Chairman said that Mr. Wrightington approved of the Selectmen, acting as the Board of Survey, sign - Tower ing the certificate of approval of the performance of Cert. of the Towers in connection with their development on Approval Follen Hill. Mr. Potter moved that the Certificate of Approval be signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington advising the Bbard that he had written the County Commissioners Henry requesting them to dismiss the petition of Henry Flynn Flynn against the Town. He enclosed his bill for services in petition the amount of $125.00. Mr. Rowse moved that the bill be approved for pay- ment. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Report of the Building Inspector for the month of November was received. Letter was received from the State Department of Restraint Public Health advising that a rabid dog was discovered on dogs in Woburn last week, and recommending that a ninety -day restraining order be issued. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to issue the following restraining order: "VOTED: That for a period of ninety days begin- ning December 15, 1941 all dogs shall be restrained by their owners or :peepers on the premises of said owners or keepers, or shall be on leash when off said premises. All dogs running at large shall be seized and the owners or keepers thereof shall be subject to penalties provided in said Chapter 140, General Laws, Tercentenary Edition, and amendments thereto. The provisions of this order shall not be applicable to owners or keepers of dogs who have, within the nine months immediately preceding December 15, 1941 had such dogs inoculated against rabies and who have a certificate duly signed by a registered veterinarian certifying, to the same." The Chairman said that on last Friday, Mr. Crosby of Arlington and Chief Probation Officer Smith met.him to discuss the matter of retribution by the Wilsons. Restitution They had Arlington's and Lexington's water rates. They to be made discussed the matter of Crosby's land being high and by Wilsons dry, and the Wilson's land being low and wet. Mr. Crosby said that he went on the basis that even though that was a fact, he considered his figure a fair one, inasmuch as any man using water which he was not paying for would use it very generously. Mr. Smith agreed with that. r� • • Both Arlington and Lexington have a sliding; scale for large consumers, but Arlington's is figured quarterly, and Lexington's is figured annually. Both Mr. Smith and Mr. Crosby felt that two farmers, one in Arlington and one in Lexington, using the same amount of water, would receive bills of about the same amount. It is now up to the Board to recommend what it wants to do. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the Board of Selectmen approve of the figure of $597.37 per ,year as submitted in Mr. Crosby's letter of November 26th, this to total $1792.11 for the three years in question, less the amount paid by the Wilsons during that time of $345.31. The Chairman said that Probation Officer Smith and he discussed the matter of compensation for Mr. Crosby. Mr. Crosby was present durinthe discussion. They felt that he should be paid 950.00. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to pay Mr. Crosby $50.00 for his services in the Wilson case, this amount to be paid out of the Law Department Expenses account. A petition for the Registration of Title of the land on Woburn Street recently acquired by the Town by fore- closure ore -closure of tax title, in which was included a stipulation as to a right of way, was received from Mr. Wrightington. This Agreement had been signed by 11,11nnie M. Ryder, and Mr. Wrightington requested the Selectmen to sign it. Mr. Potter said that the Planning Board approved of this, and that it was a proposed way for a future street to land in the rear owned by Mr. Ryder. Uaon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was unanimously voted to sign the agreement. Mr. Allen VJ. Rucker appeared before the Board and said that the War Departmetn had asked that the Air Ob- sdrvation Post be open twenty-four hours a day. ley are using the Lexington CTolfClub house now. The present emergency calls for a shelter Bx8x8 in size tivith a glass roof. 1.x. Sarano said that the Water De�urtment had a shelter that would be suitable, and the lerk was in- structed to request Mr. Paxton to have the shelter moved up to the golf course, and to have a glass window put in the top of it. Mr. Rucker said that a portable stove would be needed, also. Mr. Sarano said that he had one that he would loan, so nothing more was done on this item. Mr. Rucker retired at 8:55 P.M. The Chairman said that he had talked with Mr. Russell about the shortages in various accounts. There is a bal- ance of $2900.00 in the Reserve Fund. Mr. Russell figures that X1650.00 will be needed for Old Age Assistance, 31-, Crosby compensation Ryder agree- ment Observatior Post at golf links 312 The Chairman said that it viould cost approximately • $125.00 to call the Town Meeting, and that there were no Transfer funds available for this in the Selectmen's Account. Mr. for Town Rowse moved that the AP ropriation Committee be requested (Meeting to transfer the as ef.1��4.9�-Ppem-tne-F�eseptre-Fuad-fie the sum of $125.00 from the'Reserve Fund to the Select- men's Expenses Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The sleeting adjourned at 10:15 P. Ni. A true record, Attest: Clerk 0 rather than $2500.00, and taking the $1650.00 from the $2900.00, the balance is only $1250.00. There is Def. in about $1250.00 available in the Snow Removal Account, Accounts and if we have a snow storm this will be inadequate. Chief Taylor says he needs 4500.00 in the Forest Fires Account, and $820.70 in the Fire Department -Expenses Account. The Committee on Public Safety wants some money. The School Department needs an additional $500.00, because it was necessary to repair the roof at the High School. The Chairman said he thought that, under the circumstances, the Selectmen would be very unwise not to call a Town Meeting. There is also a pos- sibility that some more money will be needed for Public Welfare Mr.. Potter moved that a Town Meeting be called for Town Tuesday evening, December 30, 1941. Mr. Rowse seconded Meeting the motion, and it was so voted. The warrant having been prepared by the Clerk, the Board signed it. It was decided to include in the vote for funds for Public the Public Safety Committee a phrase to the effect that Safety all single expenditures over $100.00 are to be approved funds by the Selectmen and the Ap-oropriation Committee before commitment is made. The Chairman said that it viould cost approximately • $125.00 to call the Town Meeting, and that there were no Transfer funds available for this in the Selectmen's Account. Mr. for Town Rowse moved that the AP ropriation Committee be requested (Meeting to transfer the as ef.1��4.9�-Ppem-tne-F�eseptre-Fuad-fie the sum of $125.00 from the'Reserve Fund to the Select- men's Expenses Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The sleeting adjourned at 10:15 P. Ni. A true record, Attest: Clerk 0