HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-11-24SELECTDLEN' S MEETING November 24, 1941 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room on Monday evening, November 24, 1941 at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke, and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. James J. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing of two jurors. Mr. Lawrence A. Husted, clerk, of Jurors 36 Kendall Road was drawn to serve on Criminal Business, First Session at Cambridge beginning January 5, 1942. Mr. Robert Porter of 23 Leonard Road, Western Union, was drawn to serve on Civil Business at Cambridge, First Session beginning January 21, 1942. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 7:32 P.M. and retired at 7:55 P.M. A letter was received from Mr. Ralph Nason, librarian, requesting that in the future the snow be removed from Mass. Avenue in front of the library. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He said that in 1935 they stopped lifting snow in that section. There are worse places in Town where they do not lift, but Mr. Nason's reasons for requesting that it be done were good ones. The Board instructed Mr. Paxton to comply with Mr. Nason's request. Mr. Paxton retired. A letter was received from the Dog Officer in ac- cordance with the Board's instruction to investigate the Dog complaint of Mr. C. B. VanWyck relative to the dog kennel Complaint being maintained on the property of Alfred Allcock of 152 Follen Road. Mr. Russell named several neighbors whom he visited and who said that the dogs were a nuisance because of excessive barking. The Board voted to request Mr. Allcock to cease main- taining a kennel on his property because the dogs are a source of annoyance. A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington to which was attached a bill in the amount of 046.00 for services and disbursements in the case of Lexington v. Gianino. Counsel Inasmuch as Mr. Lindstrom and Mr. Cann have informed Mr. Fee Lindstrom and "Ir. Cann have informed Mr. Wrightington that Gianino has net their requirements, the case will be dismissed. Gianino's attorney gave Mr. Wrightington a check for $6.00 to cover his disbursements in the case. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington's bill of $46.00 be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. • • • A letter was received from the Secretary of State's office requesting a certification of the character of Alfred H. Stewart of 118 Bedford Street, one of the in- corporators of the Bedford Progressive Association, Inc. A letter was received from Chief Sullivan stating that Mr. Stewart was a man of good character. Mr. Rowse moved that the Selectmen endorse Mr. Stewart's character. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:04 P.M. Mr. James H. Russell appeared before the Board. The Chairman read a copy of the orders from the United States Government instructing Mr. Russell to report for active duty'as of November 24, 1941. The Chairman asked him if the Board's arrangement with him would still stand and Mr. Russell replied in the affirm- ative. Mr. Russell said that Mr. Bond had reported for work and that the expert auditor said that he would be available when needed. After he pays these two men there will be about $20.00 left in his appropriation. Out cif this he will have to pay his girl for overtime. The Chairman told him that the Board would review the situa- tion with him as soon as possible after January 1, 1942 to see if either had any recommendations to make. The Chairman said that it was the Selectmen's understanding that insofar as the Town Accounting Department is con- cerned, the Board will look to him to still be in charge and responsible. Mr. Russell said that that was his understanding also. Mr. Russell retired at 8:25 P.M. 305 Cert. of Character Town Acct. called to Army Mr. Paxton and six representatives from the Moreland Avenue section appeared before the Board. This committee reported that it had raised money to finance the construction of the roads in the neighborhood and that the residents would take care of all expenses but would ask the Town to rent them equipment at a minimum cost. The group retired and the Board discussed the situation with Mr. Paxton. The group returned at 8:40 P.M. The Chairman told the group that the success of the project would depend upon annual maintenance and that this was so because there would be no drainage in the streets. He told the group that it was the Board's understanding that the group would pay directly for all materials and labor. The Chairman asked if it was the intention of the people to withdraw their petition to the County Commissioners and Mr. McCammond said that he would have to take that matter up with Mr. McLaughlin. The Chairman said that the Board wished to express its appreciation to Mr. Paxton for whatever help he had given and would give as he was doing it as a citizen and not as a Town employee. The group retired at 8:45 P.M. Moreland Avenue 306 Mr. Paxton said that the Community Churches requested the use of Cary Hall on December 21, 1941 for the presenta- tion of a Christmas pageant and on December 16th and 18th Use of for rehearsals. Hall Mr. Locke moved that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received a letter from Mr. Knipe, of the Lexington Country Club Estates, Inc., pertain- ing to its development at the junction of the Concord Turn - Drainage pike and Watertown Street. There was about 250 feet of Lex. Ctry. drainage that the company either forgot or did not know it Club Ests. was to have installed and Mr. Paxton called the matter to Mr. Knipe's attention. Mr. Knipe has ordered the con- tractor to install the drainage and has requested that the Town reimburse him for it on a basis that it is dumping water into the development from Watertown Street. Mr. Pax- ton said that the water that runs from Watertown Street will have to be piped into that drain sooner or later. He thought Mr. Knipe had a logical claim to some extent. In order to complete the job, Mr. Paxton recommended the in- stallation of a drainage system which would cost approxi- mately $200.00. That would satisfy any claim Mr. Knipe might have and the Town might reimburse him to some small extent for the installation of extra pipe. The Chairman asked how much reimbursement Mr. Knipe expected and Mr. Paxton said that he did not know. The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to determine the amount of money Mr. Knipe expected in reimbursement and to consult with Mr. Wrightington before askingthe Board to consider Mr. Knipe's request. Mr. Rowse sad that if the company was to be reimbursed it would have to be by special vote of the Town. Mr. Paxton read a letter from the Town Engineer to the !Work on effect that all the work required under the Board of Survey 'Tower Dev. agreement between the Town and the Towers on Follen Hill (completed had been completed and that the bond might be released. Mr. Paxton said that the proper procedure was that the Selectmen, acting as the Board of Public Works, write Mr. Miller, the attorney for the Towers, approving the con- struction of the Streets. Mr. Rowse requested Mr. Paxton to have Mr. Wrightington send the letter. Mr. Paxton said that last winter the Town installed a Tower sewer in Richard Road. Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36 drop off request suddenly and therefore are not bettered by the sewer.. Mr. abatement Miller, representing the Towers, requested abatement of the betterment assessments on these lots. The assessments total X449.00 Mr. Sarano moved that the Selectmen authorize the abatement of the betterment assessments as requested. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion andit was so voted. • 0 Mr. Paxton said that Mr. J. T. Carlson had requested permission to rent the grader to scrape Grant Street. Mr. Paxton recommended that this be allowed. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Carlson be allowed to hire the grader subject to the usual rates. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 9:00 P.M. A letter was received from the Committee on Public Safety turning down the suggestion of the Selectmen that that group aid in the construction of the streets in the Moreland Avenue section as a community project. OU7 Rental of grader A bill in the amount of 097.03, representing the taxes on the 20,630 square feet of land conveyed by the Boston & Maine Railroad to the Town on July 16, 1941, was received. Taxes This bill covers the taxes from July 16. 1941 to December 31, 1941. A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington saying that he felt the bill was a just one and suggested that a transfer be provided by the Appropriation Committee. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $97.03 from the Reserve Fund to pay this bill. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A report of the W.F.A. Lunch Project for the month of October was received. A letter was received from Charles Appolonio of 75 Kendall Road offering to pay the sum of $100.00 each for Offer to lots 36 and 37 on Kendall Road. The offer was acceptable purchase to Mr. Spencer and Mr. Kimball. Mr. Potter said that he lots would prefer to look at the lots before passing on the offer. A letter was received from Mr. 71rightington recom- mending an insertion of Articles in the warrant for the next Town Meeting to see if the Town will accept General Articles Laws Chapter 40, Section 27A as inserted by Statute, 1938, Chapter 133, Section 1, and General Laws, Chapter 40, Section 30A as inserted by Statute 1938, Chapter 133, Section 2. He said that this Statute was for the purpose of preventing multiplicity of proposals of the same change in the Zoning By-laws. It was decided to insert these articles in the warrant. A letter was received from the Commissioner of Cor- • porations and Taxation establishing the sum of $48,000.00 Treas. as the amount not less than which the 1942 bond of the Tax Col. Treasurer shall be written and the sum of $55,700.00 as Bonds the amount not less than which the 1942 bond of the Col- lector of Taxes shall be written. Mr. Locke moved that these amounts be established by the Selectmen as the amounts not less than which the bonds may be written. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application for approval of Peddler's license was re - Peddler ceived from Abraham Alpert of 22 Sylvia Street, Lexington. license Mr. Rowse moved that the Board sign the application. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton returned at 9:25 P.M. The Chairman declared a recess from 9:40 P.M. to 9:55 P.M. There was a general discussion of budgets. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the amount of $887.31 were signed. List of water liens in the amount of $756.75 were signed. The records of the Selectmen's meeting held on November 17, 1941 were declared approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: erk F-1 L__A The Chairman reminded the Board that some time ago he discussed with Mr. Worthen the matter of indexing and filing old records. Mr. Worthen believes that the most Indexing important of these are the records of the Water and Sewer & Filing Commissioners, the Board of Health, and the Hiway Sur - Old rec. veyprs.. He thought that it would cost about $1500.00 to have the work done. The Chairman said that to his mind this work was most important in view of future law suits. The Board agreed with him and it was decided to inform Mr. Worthen that funds would be requested in 1942 to have the work done. The Clerk was instructed to tell Mr. Worthen that the Board would leave the selection of the person to do this work to him and also that it understood that he was to supervise the work. The Chairman declared a recess from 9:40 P.M. to 9:55 P.M. There was a general discussion of budgets. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the amount of $887.31 were signed. List of water liens in the amount of $756.75 were signed. The records of the Selectmen's meeting held on November 17, 1941 were declared approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. A true record, Attest: erk F-1 L__A