HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-08-18SELECTMEN'S MEETING 0 August 18, 1941 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, August 18, 1941 at 7:25 P. M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Locke, Rowse and Sarano were present. The Assistant Clerk was also present. At 7:25 P. M. Mr. Carroll appeared before the Board for the drawing of one juror to serve on Criminal Business Juror First Session at Cambridge, Mass., beginning Wednesday, September 3, 1941. Mr. Walter H. Wilson, market gardener, of 5 Pleasant Street, was the juror drawn. The records of the meeting held on August 4, 1941, having been mailed to each member of the Board on August Records 8, 1941, upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted that the reading of those records be waived and that they be approved. At 7:30 P. M. hearing was declared open upon the peti- tion of the Boston Edison Company and the N. E. Telephone and Telegraph Co. for permission to locate four (4) poles on Wood Street, easterly from a point approximately 800 feet east of the Lexington -Bedford Town line and for the Pole removal of six (6) poles on Wood Street, (Old Roadway), location easterly from a point approximately 770 feet east of the Lexington -Bedford Town line. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Potter moved that the locations be approved and the Order signed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 7145 P. M. Mr. John T. Cosgrove, representing Mr. Paxton who is away on vacation, appeared before the Board. Mr. Cosgrove asked approval of the rental of the Rental of Town grader and roller to Mr. R. H. Stevens for use in Town equip- the Follen Hill Estates development. It is the under- ment standing of the Board that the usual charge of $25.00 er day for the grader, plus the operator's time, and 15.00 per day for the roller, plus the operator's time, is to be paid. Mr. Potter moved that the rentals be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Cosgrove reported that Mr. Walker, of the Lex- ington Trust Company, informed him that the bank wants $1500. for the land at the corner of Waltham Street and Park Drive. The Chairman asked how much of this land the Town would need. • • • Mr. Cosgrove replied that the Town should have all of Lot B plus a parcel of land marked Charles W. Ryder, said land shown on a plan entitled "Plan of Land in Lexington belonging to Charles W. Ryder, Scale: 1 It 40' Feb. 4, 19240 J. Henry Duffy, Engineer, Lexington" containing 67,790 square feet more or less. Plan re- corde.d.at Registry of Deeds in Book 332, page 23 a copy of which is in the Engineer's office in land and lotting drawer 455. The Chairman said that he thought a letter should be written to Mr. Walker, giving the exact description of the land, and ask him'to submit a firm price to the Board. The Board will then decide whether or not to submit it to the Town Meeting. Mr..Potter moved that the Clerk write a letter to Mr. Walker, giving a description of said land, and ask what price the bank wants for same. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Land at Wal. St. & Park Drive Mr. Cosgrove reported that a claim for blasting damages at 27 Carville Avenue, in the amount of $20.00 had been re- ceived from Mr. G. Ware. Ware Mr. Rowse moved that the letter be referred to Mr. claim Wrightington with the request that he acknowledge the same. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8:10P. M. Toras Bashian appeared before the Board. He said that he had a stone wall between the two fields on Mass. Avenue; the field that is out across the street on the right going out, and the field on the left as it is now. The stone wall was between these two fields. When construction wort/ was done on Mass. Avenue the stone wall was taken away, by the Wellington place, to raise the ground higher in order to fill it up. He said that the Board of Selectmen at that time were going to put the stone wall back on Mass. Avenue as they were going to have a lot of stones left over. Mr. Bashian said that those were the stones the Town took out and dumped some place else, so the place stayed without a stone wall. He said that evidently rains washed the fence away and in some places the fence is bare, without protection;,being held together with a wire. Mr. Bashian said that the fence on Wood Street is no protection whatever. His animals have to be tied, and if they become loose will run onto someone elsets land. He said on Wood Street, the whole length of the wall is washed away. He wantd the Town to give him back his original fence so that he can protect his animals. The Chairman asked him, if the Selectmen felt the Town was responsible, would he want a fence or a stone wall. Mr. Bashian said that it was impossible to get his stone wall back so he would be satisfied with some kind of a fence to protect his animals. Sidewalk line at Edison Co. Mr. Bashian said that he had a right to the stone wall as other neighbors had their stone walls back. He said that he was not looking for trouble and he would like to co- operate with the Town, but he just wanted a fence to pro- tect his animals. Mr. Sarano Asked if there were only two posts bare now and Mr. Bashian replied that there were just two. Mr. Bashian retired at 8215 P. M. The Chairman asked how it would be if we wrote a letter to Mr. Trask about the fence. Mr. Cosgrove said that the wall was one that would never keep cattle within the pro- perty. Mr. Sarano said that they promised to put up a wire fence but it was never done. Mr. Cosgrove said that the wall was removed and the high wall opposite the house on the.far side of the Avenue contains most of that stone. The Chairman asked if the Board would want Mr. Cosgrove to talk with Mr. Trask and ask if he did promise a new wall. Mr. Sarano said that they had promised to put in a two foot retaining wall. The Chairman asked Mr. Cosgrove to have an estimate made giving the minimum cost of a fence and to re- port to the Board two weeks from now. Mr. Cosgrove retired at 8:20 P. M. Mr. Greeley appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of establishing the sidewalk line on Massachusetts Avenue in front of the Boston Edison Co. Mr. Greeley asked if the Selectmen would contact the Boston Edison Co. Phe Chairman suggested that where the Planning Board could ex- plain more clearly just what they have in mind, that they consult with the Boston Edison Co. and then advise the Board as to the result. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Greeley communicate with the Boston Edison Co. relative to the setback of the sidewalk line on Mass. Avenue and report to the Board. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Greeley retired at 8:30 P. M. Mr. Morse appeared before the Board to discuss welfare matters and retired at 9:20 P. M. A letter was received from the County Commissioners relative to Chapter 90 work for 1942. The Chairman said that a hearing was held this after- noon at the County Commissioners' office in Cambridge fcr the purpose of discussing the needs of cities and towns, under Chapter 90, for 1942. He informed the Board that he had authorized Mr. Cosgrove to send in a request in the amount of $20,000., the same program as this year, on the basis of doing about 1/2 of Grove Street -- $5,000. on the art of the Town, $5,000. on the part of the County and 10,000. on the part of the State. He also authorized Mr. Cosgrove to submit maintenance on a basis of $3,000. -- $1,000. on the part of each. The Chairman said that in submitting Grove Street, it does not necessarily bind the Town, and the street may be changed should it be decided to do some other one. He explained that his main object was to give the Town a free hand in any direction it wanted to go. He asked the Board's approval of his action. Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman's action be ap- proved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Stephen C. Garrity, State Fire Marshal, stating that a hearing would be held on Tuesday, August 19, 1941 at 11:00 A.M. at Commonwealth Pier, Boston, on the anplication of Edward J. Sheehan for reinstatement of the license granted by the Town of Lex- Gasoline ington on July 10, 1928, to install a 500 gallon gasoline license tank for private purposes on the premises of Dana F. Ward at Eliot Road, corner of Pelham Road. Unless valid ob- jections were made at the hearing and sustained, the li- cense would be reinstated. The Board had no objections to the reinstatement of the license. A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington relative to proposed changes in the Rules and Regulations of the Police Department. A letter was also received from Chief Sullivan stat - Ing that he had no recommendations as to any changes in the Police Rules and Regulations. Rules & Mr. Rowse moved that any action pertaining to this Regula - matter be held up until Mr. Wrightington returned from tions his vacation at which time he and Chief Sullivan will be Invited to meet with the Board. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk reported to the Board that the V.F.W. had requested to change the date of the Carnival permit from Carnival August 4-9 to August 18-23. permit Mr. Potter moved that the request for the change in the date of the Carnival be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Thomas J. Donnelly,Jr. Salary advising that he would be willing to serve on the Salary Committee Committee. A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee stating that that group would meet tonight at which time consideration would be given to requests which have been made for transfers. There were no matters that the Board had to take up with the Appropriation Committee. A letter was received from Robert C. Merriam advising that he would be unable to accept the appointment of Warden in Precinct Three. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Kelsey G. Reed, 10 Franklin Road, be appointed Warden in Precinct Three to take the place of Mr. Merriam. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board discussed the offer received from Mr. Frank Herrick to pay $250. for the land on Fletcher Avenue be - Offer for tween the Jefferson Union and the Murray porperty which land was held over from last week. Mr. Potter said that he had talked with Mr. Spencer relative to this property and they feel it is worth 01,000. Mr. Rowse moved that a letter be written to Mr. Herrick advising him that his offer was rejected as inadequate. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Nelson F. Fleming stat- ing that he would like to purchase Lot 19, Blocic 29, Center Street. The matter was held over for one week. A letter was received from Mrs. Alice E. Miller, to- gether with a check in the amount of $10.00. She reques- ted that her offer of $150. for Lots 74 - 82 in East Lex- ington Farms be held open for her acceptance or refusal Offer to until such time as the i ri--1- 9•u4e� t4nw ate -the --question buy land of street betterment is settled. She said that when she wrote on June 30th she was unaware that the residents of that section had petitioned for a hearing before the County Commissioners for street improvements. It was the feeling of the Board that the offer should not be accepted on this basis. Mr. Potter moved that Mrs. Miller's check be returned and her offer on this basis be declined. Mr. Rowse sec- onded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Town Accountant, con- taining a list of outstanding Ambulance Rentals. Mr. Rus - Ambulance sell stated in his letter that perhaps demands for payment rentals should be sent out or some of the accounts abated as un - collectable. Mr. Potter moved that the list be turned over to Mr. 5camman with instruction to make every effort to collect them and to advise the Board in a month of those accounts uncollected so that they may be turned over to the Town Counsel. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Board of Appeals Order denying the petition of Robert Board of H. Eldridge to erect a shed structure in the rear of his Appeals garage on•premises located at 495 Waltham Street, was re - Order ceived, A letter was received from the Town Treasurer stat- ing that it would be necessary at this time to proceed • • • 17'7 v to make a borrowing in anticipation of taxes for the amount of $75,000. He stated that,bids would be re- ceived Monday, August 25, 1941, dated August 26, 1941 Borrowing and payable August 21,'1342: Mr. Rowse moved that the Board meet Monday, Aug- ust 25, 1941 at 5:00 P. M. to act on the bids. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges was signed. The Meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M. A true record, Attest: • • AssCie