HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-30Scott Pro- posed build. SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 30, 1941. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen, duly called by telephone notice by the Clerk on Friday, June 27, 1941, was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday June 30, 1941 at 5:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Wrightington appeared before the Board. He said he had discussed with Mr. Elwyn G. Preston, the Scott matter. Mr. Preston had discussed the matter with the attorneys for Chandler & Co. and he asked just how interested the company was. He said that they were very much interested and they wanted to be in the store for Christmas Day. Mr. Preston asked if they had any option on the Mara Property and they said they did not as Mrs. Mara wanted too much money. If they got the fire house land, they would have room enough for parking in the rear. However, they must have the fire house site. Mr. Preston told them that the Town had made the owner an offer.of $30,000.00 ten or twelve years ago, but no one would make such an offer now. The attorney told Mr. Preston that he thought that the exchange of the fire house site for a 25 foot setback was a fair exchange and Mr. Preston re- commended that the Selectmen stand their ground. Mr. Preston thought we could get along with the old fire house and that we did not need a new one. Mr. Sarano said he understood that the Town could move the fire station onto the Boston & Maine land without any cost to the Town. Mr. Wrightington said that he had had a conference with McIntosh Mr. Rose and Mr. McIntosh on the latter's outstanding water water guarantees. He understood that Mr. McIntosh would be guarantee satisfied if the bills for the Fair Oaks Development were computed together instead of separately. Mr. Rose and Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. Mr. Ross and Mr. Wrightington retired at 6:07 P.M. Mr. Paxton said that the Red Cross had requested the Use of use of a conference room on Tuesday, July 1st. conf. rm. Mr. Saran moved that the use of the conference room be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Eugene Viano had requested that Viano req. a sidewalk be constructed in front of his new block. The for side- estimated cost is 4550.00 for the sidewalk and the estimated walk, cost of the curbing is $140.00. Fifty percent of the sidewalk cost is $275.00 and Mr. Viano has deposited a check in this amount, r. u 0 �-A 0 11.4'3 He asked if the Board would authorize him to proceed with the work and he was given this authorization. Mr. Paxton said that it would be necessary to install street lights on Mass. Avenue from Waltham Street to the Viano Block. He contacted the Edison Company on it and hp asked the Street Board if it would be all right to authorize the Company to lights. proceed with the work if the plans were ready before the next meeting. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to order the work done. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton read a letter from David A. Rix stating he would sign an agreement in connection with his Board of Survey Layout when it was ready, with the understanding that Rix Board the Town reimburse him tp to $150.00 in addition to the of Survey $400.00 it will cost for the Town's share of the drainage layout. work. Mr. Paxton said he would draw up an agreement and present it to Mr. Wrightington for approval. The Chairman said that at the present time there were no funds to pay Mr. Rix the $150.00 and all the Board could do would be to'ask the next Town Meeting to approve it. The Board told Mr. Paxton to include in the agreement a statement to the effect that the Selectmen would request the Town Meet ing to reimburse Mr. Rix an amount of money not to exceed $150.00. Mr. Paxton read a letter from the H. F. Davis Tractor Co. stating that they could not sell to the Town two tractors for less than $2200.00. Mr. Paxton said he had this money available. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to purchase the two tractors for the sum of $2200.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Purchase two tract- ors. The Chairman said that there had been many requests from heads of departments that the Town Offices close on Saturday, Close Off. July 5th. July 5th. Mr. Locke moved that the Offices close on that day. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Chief Sullivan stating that in his opinion it would not be practical to make Forest St. a one way street. A letter was also received from Mr. T. A. Custance saying that he felt it was not necessary that Forest Street be made a one way. He suggested however, that heavy trucks Forest St, be excluded from Forest Street. Mr. Locke moved that the proper steps be taken to ex- clude heavy trucking on Forest Street. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that in connection with the Hearing on the construction of streets in the Moreland Avenue area, Morelandto be held by the County Commissioners"on July 29th, the Ave. Commissioners feel that it is necessary to have a Court hearing stenographer. Mr. Wrighington recommends this also. It Steno, may cost $50.00. bill Mr. Locke moved that the Town pay onehalf of the Court stenographerts bill. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mayor LaGuardia of New York re- questing that the Town commorate Rededication Day on Friday, July 4th. The Chairman suggested that the matter be referred to the Legion and it was decided to do this. A letter was received from the United States Treasury De- partment asking that a Defense Savings Committee by formed Defense in Lexington. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Clarence S. Savings Walker be asked to take charge of the Defense Savings pro. Comm. gram in Lexington. The Clerk was instructed to contact Mr. Walker on the matter. A letter was received from the Town Treasurer advising that the Town's borrowing capacity for the year 1941 was $7700876.56. Mr. Sarano moved that the following licenses be granted. Licenses Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. granted. Lillian Newlands 1775 Masa. Ave. Common Victuallers Geo. E. Wardrobe 807 Mass. "ve. Sunday sales Frank Ready 1760 Mass. -Ave. Overhanging si§n Forrest King 0 Waltham Street " A letter was received from H. L. Etheridge who has been working on the W.P.A. tax title project. This work has been operating since last November and ended as of June 273, 1941. Mr. Etheridge suggested that since the Town has already'spent Tax time and money on the work, that it carry on for a few weeks until title the W.P.A. situation is clear. He estimated that it would cost prop. approximately $102.00 per week to continue the project and that the work would take about ten weeks. The Chairman said that no funds were available to do this and anyway funds appropriated for W.P.A. projects must be used in conjunction with W.P.A. work. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Etheridge that there were no funds with which to continue the project and that the balance in the Reserve Fund had to be saved for emergencies. 0 L -I A report on future debt costs of the Metropolitan District was received. The Chairman suggested that the report be referred to Mr. Charles E. Ferguson and that in the matter of Le1ington being incorporated in the Metropolitan District Commission, Mr. Ferguson be instructed to vote against it. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 P.M. A true record, Attest: • erk. _455, .