HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-06-23SELECTMENIS MEETING M ' June 23, 1941 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, June 23, 1941 at 7:15 P. M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Rev. Crawford 0. Smith and Mr. Morse appeared before the Board to discuss the case of Mr. Claude A. Palmer. They retired at 7:40 P. M.' At 7;45 P. M. Mr. James J. Carroll appeared before the Board and presented bids on a loan of .;100,000.00 in anticipation of revenue. The following bids were re- ceived: Second National Bank of Boston and Loan Boston Safe Deposit Trust Company .1270 Lexington Trust Company .174% The loan is to be payable April 241, 1942, notes to be dated June 24, 1941. Mr. Rowse moved that the bid of the Second National Bank and the Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Company be accepted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted., At 7:50.P. M. Mr. Wrightington and Mr. Greeley appeared before the Board. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Scott saying that he was prepared to enter into negotiations with the Town on substantially the same basis as laid down by the terms and conditions of the agreement relating to this property, adopted by the Town Meeting December 16, 1929. Mr. Greeley read the Planning Board's report on the George matter. They felt that if Mr. Scott would accept in lieu Scott of his present property An identical parcel of land 25 feet further from the southeasterly boundary of Massa- chusetts Averse, the Town could then consider deeding him the fire house lot, and no cash would be involved. If he will not accept such an agreement, the Town will have a choice of taking his front strip to a depth of 12.5 or 25 feet and asking the Court to fix the damages, or of lett- ing him build to the present line. Tile Planning Board felt that an attempt should be made to make some satisfactory arrangement with Mr. Scott and if this failed, consideration should be given to the complete abandonment of the plan to establish a building line. The Chairman asked if a 12,.-� foot widening would take the building back into the fire station property and Mr. I0 0 Greeley said that it would. The Chairman said that Mr. Sarano had suggested that the Board tell Mr. Scott that it was willing to ask the Town to build a new fire sta- tion, and ask him if he would go ahead with his building, designed to go through the fire station, but stop it with- in a few feet and give the Town a year or two to make other provisions for the fire station. He asked Mr. Greeley if this could be done and Mr. Greeley said it was very doubtful. It could be done from a building point of view. However, it probably would not be practical. The Chairman asked what the Town would do for a fire station for a couple of months and Mr. Greeley said he had in mind moving it back to the Mara property for two or three years. Mr. Greeley retired at 8:30 P. M. The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Edward W. Kimball presenting his views as an individual. He said that he be- lieves a building line at least 112 feet back of the ex- isting line should be established and he felt that the Town was warranted in expending not more than w5,000.00 for pro- perty damages. He saw no justification in being "jockied" out of the present fire station location. Mr. Kimball also thought that the Board should be assured that the project. would fail through lack of parking area alone. The Board discussed the matter informally with Mr. Wrightiggton. Upon motion of I3r. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was Voted: That the Board of Selectmen make the follow- ing recommendation to the Town with reference to the widen- ing of Massachusetts Avenue to the Central Block; the Town offer Scott no money and that it offer the fire station land in exchange for a 25 foot street widening, provision to be made by Scott for a fire station site on the Mara property facing Merriam Street, it being understood that the Town is to move the fire station and pay rental for the site for a period not to exceed five years, and final build- ing plans as to appearance of the new block to be erected by Scott, to be subject to the approval of the Selectmen. At 8:30 P. M. hearing was declared open upon the peti- tion of the Boston Edison Company and the New England Tele- phone & Telegraph Company for permission to locate one pole on Locust Avenue at the southeasterly corner of Lexington Avenue. No persons appeared in favor or in opposition. Mr. Potter moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Pole Location At 8:55 P. M.•Ivlessrs. Sheldon, Houghton, Grindle , and Russell appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Houghton wanted to talk Coal for about coal for the schools this coming winter. Mr. Houghton Schools said the School Committee wanted to Dut in 400 ton of soft coal and 325 ton of hard coal now. They can store about 3/4 of their supply. Mr. Rowse asked how much money they had for this and Mr. Houghton said about 6'5,000. but they would need 6300. to store what they wanted now. This 725 ton would carry them through January only. The Chairman said that he took the responsibility, of telling Mr. Paxton to order as much coal as he could with the money available at the bid price of V8.40 per ton which was received from the Lexington Coal Company. He read a statement from Mr. Paxton saying that an addi- tional $1300.00 would be heeded to purchase sufficient Coal for coal for the Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building. Town Mr. Paxton felt that it was not advisable to store coal Offices outside at the Public Works Building because he thought there would be too large a loss due to insufficient pro- tection during the night. Mr. Houghton asked if there was a possibility of there being a Town Meeting soon and the Chairman said . there was, but he he couldn't say when it would be. Mr. Rowse asked if there were any funds available.for trans- fer now and Mr. Russell said that there were not. The Chairman told Mr. Houghton that if the School Department wanted additional funds, it should apply to the Appropria- tion Committee for a transfer from the Reserve Fund. Mr. Houghton said that Mr. Truesdell had been call- ing him about putting a street light in the rear of the Light at Follen Church. He said that this had nothing to do with • Adams Sch. the School Department, but was up to the Selectmen. The Chairman asked the Selectmen if they wished to do anything in the matter, but they did not. Messrs. Houghton and Greeley retired at 9:15 P. M. Mr. Sheldon asked if a shortage of money for the pur- chase of coal could be called an emergency and the Chair- man said that even if it was, it would be necessary to call a Town Meeting and there are no funds available for transfer. Mr. Russell retired at 9:20 Y. M. Messrs. Harold B. Lamont, Robert C. Whitney, Mel- ville IV. Webb, and Allen C. Rucker appeared before the Board at 9:21 P. M. The Chairman said that Mr. Lamont was Chairman of the Planning Division and the others were Vice -Chairmen Giroux re- of the Committee on Public Safety. He said that the had signs from been Chairman on the Committee for over a year and now, Comm. On for the best good of the community, he felt that he had Public to resign. He said he could not give the work the neces- Safety sary time and was submitting his resignation to the Select- men. Mr. Giroux said he was not resigning because he was not willing to do the work, but simply because it was a Physical impossibility. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Girouxts resignation be accepted with regret. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. T...r. C-iroux requested the group to retire and nominate a new Chairman. The group retired at 9:30 P. W. A letter was received from the Viano Realty Corp. with reference to the drainage from their new building to the Vine Brook culvert. Mr. Viano said that his at- torney and Mr. Wrightington had agreed upon the form of agreement and that he was ready to deliver it to the Town if it insisted, but only under protest. He listed his objections to the agreement. Mr. Wrightington said that he forwarded the agreement to Mr. Bidwell and he understood that the connection was all made before the agreement was even signed. He felt that the Board should insist that the agreement be filed. Upon motion of Mr. Sarano, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was Voted: That the Viano Realty Corp. be informed that the present unauthorized connection of their drain with the Vine Brook culvert must be replaced by a connection approved by the Supt. of Public Iloorks and that the agree- ment with the Town, previously agreed upon by the attorney for the Viano Realty Corp. and the Town Counsel, must be executed and delivered, and that unless these conditions are met, the connection of the drain with the Vine Brook culvert must be removed. A petition to the County Commissioners was submitted O by residents of the Oakland Avenue section for the con- struction of streets in that area. The petition stated that a hearing: on t'_ie matter would be held on July 29, 1941 at 2;00 P. M. in the Selectmen's Room. Mr. Giroux said that he would not sit at the hearing and he requested Mr. Wrightington to attend and represent the Board. The Board told him to oppose the Commissioners authorizing this construction work unless it is done in the manner in which the Selectmen were willing to do it before. Drainage from Viano Bld Hearing on Constr. of Oakland Avt Section The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Crightington in which he said that he made demand for payment of a water Hannaford guaranty from Louise Hannaford amounting to $174.27. Her Water niece telephoned him and said that she would make monthly Guaranty payments of $10.00 each. The Board felt that this was a satisfactory arrangement. The Chairman said that several people had talked with him about water guaranties, saying that they were willing to try to do what was right, but they considered it unjust and unfair that some people had to pay and others didn't. Mr. Wrightington read a letter he received from Floyd L. Carr who was surety on R. 13. Stevens' bond. Mr. Stevens told Mr. Carr that some people had to pay and others did not and that he was not going to pay until the Board's policy in the matter had been definitely set up. Select- men's Records Burnham dam Mr. Wrightington said that these debts were an asset to the Town and it is the Town's job to collect them as far as possible. They are legal obligations entered in to voluntarily by the signers. Mr. Wrightington said that the Clerk had been asked to copy certain records and he felt that any requests for information should come through him. Mr. Potter moved that in the matter of these water guaranties any requests for information shall be referred to the Town Counsel.- Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so 'voted. Mr. Potter moved that in the future any requests for the Clerk to copy Selectmen's records be denied. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington informed the Board that the flash - boards at Vine Brook have not been put in yet. Mr. Burn- ham signed an agreement which referred to certain plans. Mr. Wrightington looked at those plans tonight, but there is nothing on them with reference to the height of the dam. He saw no reason why we should not go ahead and put in the flashboards. The Clerk was instructed to tell Mr. Paxton that after further conversation with the Town Counsel, the Board wished him to proceed with putting in flashboards at the dam. Further that if the flashboards are removed that Mr. Paxton advise the Town Counsel at once and that the Town Counsel take the proper legal action to enjoin anyone excepting proper Town employees from removing the flashboards. Mr. Wrightington then discussed the Rounds case. Mr. Rounds' attorney told him to sign an agreement which turned out to be the wrong one but Mr. Wrightington felt Rounds that his intention was all right. Mr. Rounds will settle case for 550.00 and if the Government will not pay its 45% of this, he will accept the Town's 55%. He recommended that the Town settle for this amount. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Wrightington's recommenda- tion be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington said that he had received a letter Hilda from an attorney representing Hilda Bjork who claimed that Bjork she fell on a trench in Oak Street last year. This woman claim claims personal injury and damage to her clothes. Her attorney feels that she should receive w150.00. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Wrightington be authorized to settle for an amount not to exceed w25.00. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Rob't. Lord A letter was received from George T. Lord of Lowell claim relative to the accident of Robert Lord in Cary Hall on • • • April 20, 1941. Mr. Lord wanted to know what was going to be done about Roberts bills. The Board discussed the matter and instructed the Clerk to suggest to the Briggs Class that they pay one half of the bills, the Town to pay the other half. The Committee on Public Safety returned and said that they recommended that Mr. Luther Putney be appointed Chair- man of the Committee on Public Safety. Mr. Potter moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington retired at 11:00 P.M. Mr. Potter moved that the Jury List for one year, beginning �entember 1, 1941, be adopted as follows. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Name Anderson,Ernest 'N. Andrews, Lester L. Arnold, Gilbert A. Ballard, Lewis H. Bartlett, Russell S. Bears, Chester P. Beaudry, Charles S. Berglund, Ernest IN. )Berry, Thomas W. Bevington,Alfred J. Jr. Bond, Frank C. Borella, Samuel A. Bowker; Winthrop H. Britt, Edward J. Broderic, Hubert D. Burtch, John J. Buttrick, Gorham Cady, Robert C. Clemmer, Harry C. Clifford, Russell L. Cole, Winthrop E. Coleman, Franklin W. Collins, Charles M. Comley, George E. Condinho, Jesse E. Cott1, Jesse T. Cowdrey, Paul B. Cress, Leonard Crozier, Clyde B. Custance, Warren Cutter, Glenny S. Davis, Charles G. Donnellan, James Doran, David J. Occupation Sheet Metal Plumber Vice Pres. Edison Elect. Professor Lathe Hand Engineer Tel. Repairman Salesman Salesman Laborer Barber N.E. Tel. At Home Broker Real Estate Farmer Salesman Salesman Foreman Plant Engineer Real Estate Plumber Mechanic Landscape Gard. Salesman Representative Truck Driver Telephone Co. Salesman Salesman Engineer Clerk Florist Address Putney Public Safety 26 Ames Ave. 1 Hill Street 3 Richard Road 12 Glen Road 6 Stetson St. 36 Waltham St. 5 Raymond St. 1 Ames Avenue 20 Outlook Drive 130 Marrett Road 5 Sherman Street 22 Garfield St. 2184 Mass. Ave. 7 Raymond Street 9 Hancock Avenue 684 Lowell Street 6 Locust Avenue 10 Greenwood St. 396 Lincoln St. 25 Chase Ave. 4 Bowker Street 13 Somerset Road 44 Forest Street 64 Grant Street 610 Waltham Street 25 Outlook Drive 27 Stedman Street 10 Cottage Street 58 Middle Street 19 Shirley Street 577 Marrett Road 9 Washington Street 40 Cottage Street 5 Sheridan Street Name Occupation Address Dowling, Alton C. Mechanic 27 Percy Road Dreselly, Andrew Sculptor 15 Goodwin Road Eaton, David H. Clerk 668 Lowell St. Elvedt, Ralph H. Clerk 67 No. Hancock St. Etheridge, Harold L. Engineer 000 Waltham St. Fardy, Samuel Agent 30 Pine Knoll Rd. Faulkingham, Clifford Mechanic 38 Bow Street Fletcher, Alfred W. Painter 82 Waltham St. Fletcher, Fred B. Painter 74 Burlington St. Fletcher, Wilbur R. Pattern Maker 18 Independence Ave. Flint, Iierbert A. Gage Maker 8 Carville Ave. Fo&s, Leonard F. Credit Mgr. 12 Hancocl� Ave. Foster, George E. Real Estate IO Plainfield St. Friend, Frank W. Engineer 39 Clarke St. Fuller, George R. Salesman 1 Sunny Knoll Ave. Gates, Arthur Carpenter 77 Oak Street Gay, Frederick M. Salesman 7 Robbins Road Grimwood, Arthur C. Tailor 440 Mass. Avenue Harmon, Victor Radio Repair 6 Rowland Avenue Hauck, Giza J. Mechanic 202 Lincoln Street Hayward, Alfred W. Draftsman 69 Oak Street Heywood, Sidney B. Tea Room 271 Marrett Road Hopkins, Clarence R. Adjuster 15 Merriam Street Howard, Harry F. Newspaper 94 Gleason RSad Howe, Ralph W. Auditor 20 Hancock Street Husted, Lawrence A. Clerk 36 Kendall Road • Hutchinson, Edwin W. Farmer 169 Blossom Street Hutt, Charles 141. Edison Co. 43 Adams Street Hynes, George IT. Cashier 28 Locust Avenue Irwin, James Builder 58 Taft Avenue Johnson, Arthur Salesman 43 Baker Avenue Kelley, Robert J. Manager 109 Follen Road Knights, 'ilallace G. Vice. Pres. 63 Hancock: Street Lamont,- John Health Insp. 11 Spencer Street LaRose, Ernest W. Engineer 60 Harding Road Lee, Russell H. Drug Clerk 1632 Mass. Avenue Leiby, Arthur Supt. 1265 Mass. Avenue Lewis, James H. Banker 23 Merriam Street Lewis, Robert W. Edison Co. 11 Hancock Avenue Lidberg, Chester Milk Business 92 Adams Street Locke, Arthur E. Salesman 63 Farmcrest Avenue Lombard, Francis E. Accountant 27 No. Hancock St. Longbottomp Fred Retired 16 Independence Ave. Love, Donald B. Salesman 1361 Mass. Avenue Lowell, Fred. 'JJ. Mechanic 103 School Street Mabey, Edson R. Mover 119 Grant Street MacPhee, Clarence Store Keeper 14 Baker Avenue Marshall, William J. Shipper 9 Independence Ave. Mathaurs, Charles E. Insurance 40 Locust Avenue Maynard, Richard W. Salesman 77 Merriam Street 0 Name Occupation Address McIntosh, Neil Land Developer 8 Hancock Avenue McKearney, John Salesman 125 Grant Street McNamara, Edward J. Plumber 116 School Street Mooney, Paul F. Radio 144 Grant Street Moore, William A. Gen. Manager 52 Hancock Street Morgan, Eugene L. Architect 20 Robbins Road Mortimer, Alfred C.Jr. TTanager 14 Dexter Road Newhall, Fred H. Teller 45 Outlook Drive Nickerson, Benjamin S. Tel. Operator 81 Gleason Road Nickerson, William C. Cabinet Maker 41 Somerset Road Noyes, Brainerd J. Meat Business 36 Reed Street Olsen, Paul W. Engineer 18 Bertwell Road Olson, Manfred B. Sheet Metal 42 Bertwell Road Omand, Edward W. Merchant 10 No. Hancock St. Pekins, George E. Machinist 9 Oakland Street Phelps, Alton M. Cashier 227 Follen Road Phelps, Noel C. Insurance 42 Percy Road Pierce, Arthur Chauffeur 6 Dexter Road Piefce, Clifford W. Salesman 917 Mass. Avenue Pippette, Geoffrey L. Executive 45 Shade Street Potter, William G. Retired 25 Walnut Street Porter, Robert Western Union 23 Leonard Road Pritchard, Joseph Jr. Clerk 8 Chase Avenue Pring, Donald T. Bank Clerk 20 Vine Brook Road Ray, Francis C. Drug Clerk 4 Muzzey Street Reed, Haskell Milk 72 Lowell Street Reed, Kelsey G. None 10 Franklin Road Reilly, Stephen P. Salesman 40 Lincoln Street Robertson, Peter Retired 39 Somerset Road Robinson, Gordon W. Printer 80 Hancock Street Rosenberger, William R. Executive 2139 Mass. Avenue Ross, Dominic F. Merchant 86 Robbins Road Russell, Warren E. Real Estate 1505 Mass. Avenue Sands, Walter T. Adv. Manager 103 Merriam Street Schofield, Charles H. Real Estate 30 Fletcher Avenue Schublin, Harry Salesman 11 Crescent Hill Ave. Scribner, Ralph E. Merchant 66 Hancock Street Seth, Reuben L. Salesman 7 Jackson Court Shanahan, William H. Milk Man 50 Pleasant Street Shenrock, Edward Carpenter 15 Fletcher Avenue Slocum, Curlys L. Civil Engineer 92 Blossom Street Spellenberg, George H. Express 111 Laconia Street Spencer, Charles 11. Clerk 38 Parker Street Stacy, Ford L. Salesman 10 Tower Road Stevens, Frederick R. Chemist 52 Gleason Road Stoney, Benjamin S. Clerk 3 Fern Street Stoney, Joseph H. 7orks MGr. 15 Fern Street Sumner, Carl Inspector 53 grant Street Sumner, John T. Foreman 25 Chase Avenue Taft, Fletcher W. None 4 Upland Road Thomas, Webster H. Salesman 50 Bloomfield St, Flame Address Occupation Tower, Winslow C. Ins. Clerk 23 Bloomfield St. Townsend, Fred A. Draftsman 8 Wallis Court Turner, Gerald C. Salesman 9 Hillside Terr. Tutin, Alfred H. Agent 9 Revere Street VanGemert, James Shipper 67 Baker Avenue Ward, Paul R. Truck Driver 2 Sherman Street Weatherby, Percy A. Carpenter 21 Butler Avenue Webb, Edmund A. Plumber 43 Hayes Avenue Welsh, Warren P. Plumber 73 Grant Street Wellington, Samuel W. Janitor 19 Sherman Street West, Alphonse B. Salesman 33 Oak Street Whipple, Paul Salesman 15 Belfry Terrace Whipple, William D. Salesman 9 Chase Avenue White, Raymond L. Plumbing 12 Middle Street Wilson, Donald Engineer 33 Bloomfield St. Wilson, Walter H. Market Gard. 5 Pleasant St. Wood, Cyril A. Clerk 15 Manley Court Woodward, Milford 0. Milkman .63 Gleason ;toad Woodward, William C. Leather 15 Dexter Road Worthen, Edwin B. Jr. Architect 5 Winthrop Road Yates, Harry '11. Operator 11 Charles Street The Chairman said that the police complained that their eyes were hurt by the reflection of the sure on the radiators of the white cars. Mr. F. K. Johnson said they Police could put on a flat vt1ite paint which might help. It cars would cost about $5.00 per car. It was decided to put the flat white on one car at a cost not to exceed 05.00. If this is successful, the other car will be done. The Chairman said he consulted with Chief Sullivan Two-way about the two-way radios and asked him if he thought the Radios old radios should be installed in the new cars because of delay in receiving the new equipment. Chief Sullivan said that they were getting along all right and it would not be necessary to put the old radios in the new cars. The Board of Appeals order denying the petition of Francis M. 'Nilson, Inc. for permission to maintain an under - Board of taking establishment at 1556 Mass. Avenue and the Order jAppeals granting the petition of Clesson C. Schofield for per - Order mission to add one room at the house at 7 Pleasant Street, were received. A letter was received from the Building Inspector, William A. Cann, recommending that footings be required under concrete block walls. It was decided to refer the matter to the committee revising the Building By-laws. A letter was received from Mr. Morse recommending the establishment of a Petty Cash Account for Wilbur 'N. Roberts, cashier of the Food Stamp Plan. • �J 0 This would enable Mr. Roberts change and to exchange script X50.00 would be adequate. Mr. Rowse moved that the to set up a Petty Cash Account Roberts. Mr. Potter seconded voted. to have some means of making orders. Mr. Morse felt that Town Accountant be authorized in the sum of ~ 50.00 for Mr. the motion, and it was so :1.39 Petty Cash Acc1t. for Food .Stamp Plan A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington to which were attached several bills incurred in the trial of P. DeCristofa- DeCristofaro against the Town. ro bills Mr. Rowse moved that the bills be approved for pay- ment.Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Allen C. Smith would be unable to serve on the Salary Committee. Salary 11r. Rowse moved that Mr. J. Milton Brown of 8 Plymouth Committee Road be appointed to the Committee. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee recommending that the automobilesowned by the Police and Welfare Departments be washed and greased at the Public Works Building. The Clerk was instructed to request ?Tx. Paxton to tbLke charge of this, and if he believes it is the best policy to see that it is done. A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee stating that the Committee had organized for the year 1941- 1942 as follows: Chairman George C. Sheldon Vice-chairman Robert J. Fawcett Secretary James H. Russell A letter was received from the Appropriation Commi- ttee advising that the sum of 9"175.00 had been transferred from the Reserve fund to the Selectmen's Department for expenses of the Committee on Public Safety. A letter was received from the Appropriation Committee relative to the Board's request for the transfer of x250.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Public Works Building Account for the repairs to the lighting system. The Appropriation Committee discussed the subject with Mr. Paxton and felt that an investigation as to the advisability of fluores- cent lighting should be made. Mr. Sarano said that fluores- cent lighting would not be practical and that the work as previously recommended should be done. The Clerk was in- structed to so advise the Appropriation Committee. The financial report of the School Lunch Project for the month of May was received. Appropria- tion Comm. Officers Lighting at Public t'iks. Buildi ng Mr. Potter moved that the following licenses be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. I. Michelson, 29 Parker St. Overhanging Sign George Holman, 20 Hill Ave. Slaughter house rr a n n if it Mr. Potter moved that the vote of May 12, 1941 rela- tive to the purchase of the Chevrolet truck be rescinded. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Chevrolet Mr. Potter moved that the Board authorize the pur- truck chase of the truck for the sum of $1138.65 less an al- lowance of 100.00 on the Ford truck, leaving a net of 1038.65. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A petition for the acceptance and Construction of Cary Avenue was received. The petition was signed by property owners representing 630 of the total awsessed Petition to valuation. The Chairman said that it was customary to construct require approval of at least 75% of the property owners Cary Ave. and furthermore, no action could be taken on the petition at this time inasmuch as there were no funds available. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. George DeLesdernier who presented the petition, that the matter would be dis- cussed when the budgets for 1942 were under consideration. • The Clerk was instructed to write Chief Sullivan Forest St. and Mr. Paxton to find out how they felt on the matter One way of making Forest Street one way. Mr. Potter moved that fire insurance policy on Insurance municipal equipment, expiring throw the office of policy Edwin B. Worthen on July lst, be renewed through the same office. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted The Chairman said that Matthew Stevenson had sug- gested that "Slow" signs be placed on Grant Street near Street Glen Road extension. Mr. Paxton believes that these signs signs would not be practical. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Sarano moved that the Appropriation pro riation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 1300.00 from the Reserve Fund for the purchase of coal for the Town Office Building and the Cary Memorial Building. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Morse appeared at 11:00 P.M. to discuss welfare matters and retired at 11:20 P.M. 11 u �J The Chairman said that the Planning Division had re- quested money for the purchase of maps for the Committee on Public Safety. The maps desired would cost about %>75. Mr. Potter moved that the Board approve an expendi- ture of an amount of :Honey not to exceed V20.00 for the purchase of maps. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 12:20 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk 141 Maps for Planning Division