HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-04-07n 1 1 SELECTMENIS MEETING April 7, 1941 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evenings April 7, 1941 at 7:00 P. M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:00 P. M. the Town Clerk appeared before the Board for the drawing of a juror to serve on Criminal Business at Cambridge, First Session, beginning May 5, 1941. Mr. Edward Sibley, mechanical engineer, of 18 Eliot Road was the juror drawn. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He stated that the Briggs Class had requested the use of Cary Hall for its noonday meeting on April 20th. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the Hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the following uses of halls had been requested: The Parents -Teachers Association requested the use of . Cary Hall on May 5th and May 12th from 7:30 P. M. to 97130 P. M. fora rehearsal of a chorus. The Four-H Club requested the use of a conference room on April 8th for a meeting. The Middlesex County Arts and Crafts Society requested the use of Cary Hall on April 30th in order to set up exhibits for a fair. Mr. Rowse moved that the uses be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Board told Mr. Paxton to have the Parents -Teachers Association use Estabrook Hall if possible. Mr. Paxton said when the boy scouts used the hall last, they had an accident to the sprinkler system and did some damage, to one of the rooms in the basement. Mr. Hill looked at the room and it was decided to tepaint the entire room. The insurance company has approved $25.00 and Mr. Paxton thought that the damage could be repaired for that sum. Mr. Paxton said that W. S. Caouette wanted to know how the Board would feel about having the water mains in the Tower Development installed before the street surface was put in. The Chairman asked what streets he wanted the mains put in. no* and M% Paxtoiy, said they: were Locust Avenue, Dawes Road, and Buckman Drive. Mr. Rowae thought the Board should know what Mr. Caouette was going to do on the roads first. Mr. Paxton said he had asked for bids and was going to receive them Wednesday. The Chairman said that as the Towers did say they were going to put in a finished street, he thought the water mains should be installed. Juror Uses of Halls Sprinkler damage Water mains Tower Den. Rental of Town equipment Rix request brook put underground Mr. Rowse was opposed to installing the water mains until some lots were sold. Mr. Paxton said the Town would save money if the mains were installed first. The Board in- structed Mr. Paxton to consider each street a specific question and to see that the finished surface of the street was built immediately after the installation of the water main. Mr. Paxton said that Mrs. George E. Briggs had requested the privilege of renting the grader to scrape Outlook Drive and Fair Oaks Drive. Mr. Locke moved that this privilege be granted Mrs. Briggs. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Town of Lincoln had requested permission to rent the roller as it did last year. Mr. Rowse moved that the roller be rented provided a Town employee operated the equipment. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton stated that last week A. Thomas Ferry had requested the use of the Town power saw to cut up the large tree which was felled on the Viano lot. He allowed Ferry to use the power saw and requested the Board's approval. Mr. Saran moved that Mr. Paxton's action be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted."' A letter was received from David A. Rix of 503 Waltham Street stating that he had purchased the land and stand at the corner of Marrett Road and Waltham Street. Mr. Rix said that it would be necessary to have the brook which runs through his property put underground before he could proceed with the plans as already laid out and approved by the Planning Board. He said he was willing to have the `trench dug when the Town was ready to supply the pipe and put it in position. Mr. Paxton said he believed the flown had a certain responsibility in the matter as the drainage from Farmcrest Avenue was emptied into the brook. 'However, Mr. Rix has not made application for a Board of Survey hearing and he thought action on the request should be de. ferred until after that had been done. No action was taken on the matter. Mr. Rowse moved that the following licenses be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Frederick W. Shaw Thomas M. Mon -#ague Walter J. Rose Thomas M. Montague Permit to keep swine Public Carriage n n Funeral Director 1 l J fl Mn Salvation Army of Mass., Inc. Louis J. Reynolds George J. Robertson Dorothy Day Lappen Marie A. Miller James Phillips H. P. Hood & Sons D. F. Ross Harry Gee Edson A. Pero $finest C. Martin Eugene Derby Louis J. Reynolds Harriet L. Childs Colonial Garage, Inc. Junk Collector Auctioneer Sunday Sales n n tt n n n Overhanging sign u it The Chairman said that he had instructed Mr. Morse to handle the welfare cases as he saw fit until the next meeting. The Chairman said that Chief Sullivan wanted to know if he could order the new motorcycle for the Poltce Department so that it would be available for the 19th of April. The Motorcycle Clerk was instructed to advise the Chief that it would be Police Dept. all right for him to order the motorcycle, but not to order the cars. The Chairman said that on May 30th some 400 to 600 members of the U. S. Probation Officers Association were coming to Lexington for a meeting and luncheon in Cary Hall. He re- Use of quested approval of the use of the hall. Halls Mr. Potter moved that the Chairman's action be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the moti&n, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that he had received a letter from Mrs. Helen C. Whittemore requesting the privilege of renewing fire insurance policy in the sum of $3300.00 expiring April 21st through her office. Mrs. Whittemore said that she still- Fire Ins, owned property in the 'Town and planned to move back to Lex- Policy exp, ington on May lat. Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through Mrs. Whittemore, Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Ira A. Rix requesting permission to sell pop corn bars in front of 1734 Mass. Ave. Permit to on April 19th, sell pop Mr. Sarano moved that the request be granted. Mr. Rowse corn bars seconded the motion, and it was so voted. 592 Special police Food Stamp Revolving Fund The Clerk stated that Joseph S. Wellington should have been appointed a special police officer last week. He is the caretaker for the Hayden Estate, Mr. Sarano moved that the appointment be made for a period of one year. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. George V. Morse stating that he had consulted with the Supervisor of the Surplus Marketing Administration, Cdr. Chester A. Halnan. When this 4lan was first designated for Lexington, Mr. Halnan stated 5,000.00 was the minimum that could be used in the Revolving Fund, When Mr. Morse reported that we had purchased $4500.00 worth of stamps and had used only $1466.00 out of this pur- chase, Mr. Halnan said that the Revolving Fund could be re- duced to $3,000.00 at tonight's Town Meeting rather than one of $51,000.00. The Chairman said that perhaps the Town Meeting members would ask many questions with reference to the Vine Brook Vine Brook projects and if so, he wondered if the Board would have any committee objection to telling them that they could appoint a committee to study the figures. The Board had no objection to this. The Chairman said that the sum of $8,000.00 was :set up for sewer extensions, this amount to be appropriated from revenue of the current year. He said that Mr. Rowse was going to recommend that the $8,000.00 be bonded and he wondered if,the Board wanted to change its stand. Upon taking a poll, Messrs. Locke, Potter and Giroux felt tt would be best to appropriate the money from revenue rather than to bond it, so no change was made in the recommendation. The following letter was received from the Health Inspector: April 7, 1941 Hon. Board of Health Lexington, Mass, Gentlemen: I wish to report that there is an overflow- ing verflow-ing septic tank at #6 Aerial Street, Lexington, now owned by one Anna Bergstrom of 50 Brighton Street, Belmont, Mass. I made an inspection of the premises on March 13, and on March 14 talked on the telephone with Harry Johnson, whom I believed owned the.house. Johnson promised to abate the nuisance. On March 29, I again visited the premises with Mr. E. A. Lindstrom, Plumbing Inspector, and found that the septic tank was still overflowing. 1 1 1 �j 1 593 Today I visited the premises, and found the same condition, which in my opinion is a nuisance and source of filth. I recommend that the Board of Health order the condition abated immediately. Yours very truly, John Lamont Health Inspector. Mr. Locke moved that the following order be adopted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Lexington, Mass. April 7, 1941 The Board of Selectmen of Lexington, acting as a Board of Health, after receiving a report from Mr. John Lamont, Health Inspector, as to the condition of the premises located at 6 Aerial Street, Lexington, find that the overflowing septic tank located on said premises is a menace to the public health and a nuisance by reason of its filthy condition, and therefore, the Board adopts the following order under the authority of G. L. Ch. 111, sec. 123 and every other power enabling it to do so. ORDERED that Harry E. Johnson of 50 Brighton Street, Belmont, Massachusetts, in the Countyof Middlesex, the owner of the pro- perty at 6 Aerial Street, Lexington, at his own expense remove the nuisance and source of filth thereon consisting of an over- flowing septic tank, within two days from the date of the service of this Order. Archibald R. Giroux SELECTMEN Errol H. Locke A. Edward Rowse OF George W. Sarano LEXINGTON Mr. Locke moved that Dr. Chester L. Blakely be appointed Animal Inspector in the Town of Lexington from April 11 1941 Animal Ins. through -March 31, 1942, Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and appointment It was so voted. A letter was received from Miss Eleanor M. Lowe advising the Board of her acceptance of the appointment as Board of Health Agent for the Town of Lexington for the period, April 1, 1941 through March 31, 1942, Miss Lowe Board of Health Agt. A letter was received from Dr. William A: Dr. Corwin the Metropolitan State Hospital accepting the Bd. of Hlth. as Board of Health Agent for the period, April Agent through March 31, 1942. Corwin of ' appointment 1, 1941 A surety bond #F-53888, in the amount of $51,300.00 Tax Collector issued by the American Employers' Insurance Company in be - Bond half of William S. Scamman as Tax Collector, was received. Mr. Potter moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Commitment of water liens was signed. The meeting adjourned at 7=50 P. M. A true record, Attest: er ,�, A National Surety Corporation bond in the sum of Bond, Cl. of $1,000.00, issued on behalf of Miss Eleanor M. Lowe, as Selectmen Clerk of the Board of Selectmen, was received. Mr. Locke moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Malcolm Clifford and a Mr. Anderson, service man of the outlying towns for the RCA Manufacturing Company, Two-way Inc. appeared before the Board at 7530 P. M. radio The Chairman asked Mr. Clifford if his committee ap- proved purchasing the RCA two-way radio system and Mr. Clifford replied in the affirmative. The Chairman said that the Board had no right to order the equipment until. five days after the Town Meeting was dissolved, and that All it could do was to write a letter stating that on 14th of April we could order the radio. Mr. Clifford presented an agreement drawn up by the radio company which the Board was to sign. The Chairman said that he would want the Town Counsel to look over the agreement before the Board signed it. The Clerk was instructed to forward the contract to Mr. Wrighti ngton and to write Mr. Strauss of the RCA Manufacturing Co. and tell him that a formal order for the radio would be placed on April 14th. Mr. Clifford said that he had arranged with the company for two police generators to be furnished at no additional cost. He said that Mr. Anderson was the service B Lincoln, Wakefield, Beverly, man for Belmont, Concord, Li o , a , y, Reading and Stoneham and would take care of our service. Mr. Anderson said that his charge was $75.00 per unit per year, and as we have three units our cost would be $225.00 per annum. This includes Federal inspection. The only extra cost would be for parts, tubes, etc. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Clifford retired. It was decided not to appoint Mr. Anderson as the service man until next week. A surety bond #F-53888, in the amount of $51,300.00 Tax Collector issued by the American Employers' Insurance Company in be - Bond half of William S. Scamman as Tax Collector, was received. Mr. Potter moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Commitment of water liens was signed. The meeting adjourned at 7=50 P. M. A true record, Attest: er ,�,