HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-03-31584 r� SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' March 31, 1941. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building on Monday evening, March 31, 1941 at 7:00 P. M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman asked the Board what kind of a motion it wished him to put under Article 2 of tonight's Town Meeting with reference to the salary study. He asked if the report was tio`be'made to the Board of Selectmen or to the Town Meeting. He took a poll of the. Board. Mr. Rowse thought that the study should be reported back to the Town Meeting. Messrs. Sarano, Potter, Locke and Giroux desired to have the report submitted to the Board of Selectmen. At 7:15 P. M. hearing was declared open for the layout as a Town way of the driveways to the depot in Lexington , Center. An application for a revision of the W.P.A. Sewer Pro- P.W.A. ject was submitted by Mr. Beach. Sewer Proj. Mr. Rowse moved that the project be approved and that revision the Chairman be authorized to sign it. Mr. Saran seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Dr. Blakely appeared before the Board. ' The Chairman said that some of the drug stores had requested a chance tobid on supplying the vaccine for the Rabies Clinic. He asked if the,doctor had any objection to purchasing it from the drugstores. Dr. Blakely said the Board of Health always bought the vaccine when he wanted it. He said that we always had used Pitman Moore vaccine and he wanted to continue with it as it had always proved satisfactory. He said that if the drug stores could Rabies furnish it at the same price, he would have no objection. Clinic The Chairman said that one of the druggists claimed vaccine that he could get an additional 10% for himself on top of the 12% allowed the Town. The Chairman asked the doctor if he had ordered the vaccine yet and Dr. Blakely said he had talked with Pitman Moore and undoubtedly he would be ordering his supplies from them. It was decided to have the Clerk write the drug stores in Town and ask them to submit bids on furnishing 500 single doses of vaccine and 500 tags from the Pitman Moore Company, Dr. Blakely retired at 7:14 P. M. At 7:15 P. M. hearing was declared open for the layout as a Town way of the driveways to the depot in Lexington , Center. ' Messrs. Paxton and Assistant Town Engineer, Higgins, were pre- the Depot Drive sent at the hearing. Mr. Higgins presented a plan showing exterior lines of the street. No persons appearing in opposi- way as Town tion, upon motion of Mr. Sarano seconded by Mr. Locke, it was way voted to establish as a public Town way the driveways as follows: 1 C Beginning at a point in the northeasterly line of Massa- chusetts Avenue, thence N. 440 15' 47" E. distant 164.79 feet to a point, thence S. 540 131 43" E. distant 151.81 feet to a SS. 400 581 17"SW.2distant21 E 111.92 distant feet4tolafeet point in thent thence north- easterly line of Massachusetts Avenue, thence along said north- easterly line of Massachusetts Avenue N. 540 13' 43" W. distant 40.17 feet to a point, thence N. 400 681 17" E. distant 39.61 feet to a point of curvature, thence bearing to the Aeft with a curve of 75.93 feet radius distant 126.21 feet to a point of compound curvature, thence bearing to the left with a curve of 77.50 feet radius distant 110.25 feet to a point of tangency, thence S. 440 151 47" W, distant 56.82 feet to a point in the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue, thence along said northeasterly line of Massachusetts "venue, N. 540 13t 43" W. distant 47.52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 20,630 square feet, all as shown on a plan entitled "Plan of land in Lexington Mass, Scale 1 in. 40 ft. March 24, 1941, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer." Mr. Higgins retired. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that the Four-H Club had requested the use of a conference room on April 3rd or April 4th for an afternoon meeting. Mr. Potter moved that the use -of the room be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was Uses of so voted. Halls Mr. Paxton reported that. the Chamber of Commerce had requested the use of a conference room on April 10th and that the Community Chest Committee had requested the use of a conference room on April 30th. Mr. Potter moved that both uses be allowed free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that bids on supplying tires to the Town for the ensuing year were received as follows: 586 Net Cost Discount I Arlex Oil Co. "Firestone" lst $735.96-. 2-30 2nd 655.16 Colonial Gar. "U.S. Royal" lst 670.39 2nd 621.72 General Tire Co. "Generals" lst 645.90 2%-10 inst. 2nd F.K.Johnson "Royal Fleetway" lat 970.11 Tire "U. S. Tire" 2nd 871.72 Bids Harold B. Needham "Diamond" lst 632.42 2nd 581.19 Ross Stores "Goodyear All weather" 1st 884.71 2%, "Goodyear Marathon " 2nd 754.66 2% Mr. Harold Needham was low on his bid for supplying' Diamond and Goodrich Silvertown tires with a price of $632.42. The General Tire Company was second with abid of $659.08 less 2% on a net of $645.90. Colonial Garage was third with its bid of $670.39. Mr. Paxton said in the past some of the local merchants felt that they should get the business as their establish- ments were in Town and they were paying taxes on their ' supplies and the other companies merely had their representa- tives living in Lexington. Mr. Rowse moved that the bid of Harold Needham be accepted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so" voted. Mr. Potter voted in opposition stating that he felt there was no comparison between the Diamond tires and the General tires. The Chairman asked if the Board wanted to reconsider. Mr. Sarano moved for reconsideration and Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Saran moved that the bid of the General Tire Company be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse voted in opposition. Mr. Paxton informed the Board that he had a request for the removal of pole 55/93 on Massachusetts Avenue where the Pole Viano block is being built. The Chairman asked if he Ap- removal proved of the removal and he replied in the affirmative say- ing that there was some question as to the cost of the work which could be straightened out easily. Mr. Potter moved that permission be granted for the re- moval of the pole. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. C eMr. Paxton presented a plan of the new reviewing stand for the 19th of April. The Board approved tbf the plan. The Board reviewed the snow removal appropriation. The Chairman stated that $10,741.00 had been spent to date and Mr. Paxton estimates that the cost of setting out the snow fence, cleaning, equipment and repair, and payment of road machinery bills will cost $2,975.00. Mr. Rowse said he would like to see this appropriation reduced to $15,500.00. He said there was not enough money in the appropriation any- way to pay for a big storm so he would like to have this saving reflected on the tax rate. Mr. Rowse moved that the snow removal figure be revised from $17,500.00 to $15,500.00 but the motion was not seconded. It was left that the amount to be requested for snow removal was 'to stand at $17,500.00. A letter was received from Francis Fay Miller, attorney for the Tower brothers, requesting that the Board confirm the understanding reached with the Board of Survey on March 24, 1941 that the Towers would not be requested to improve Follen Road, that Cedarwood Terrace was not to be constructed for its entire length; and that two catch basins. in the upper part of Dawes Road were not to be constructed. ' Mr. Paxton said that the statements made by Mr. Miller were in accordance with his understanding of the situation. However, the Clerk was instructed to ask the Planning Board if it approved of the understanding that Cedarwood Terrace was not to be constructed. The matter was held over for one week. A Board of Survey plan of land owned by the Ross Realty Corporation was submitted. The layout of the whole Wellington Estates Development was originally approved by the Board of Survey, November 16, 1937. This plan showed the following streets: Paul Revere Road, Newtowne Road, Revolutionary Road, Cannonball Road, Musket Hill Road, Oxbow Road, Ross Road, and Constitution Road, and also the proposed circumferential highway. Mr. Rowse moved that plan entitled "Plan of Wellington Estates in Lexington, Massachusetts, owned by Ross Realty Corporation, March 29 1941 Scale: 1 inch = 100 feet, Merrill A. Brown, Civil Eng. k Surveyor, originally approved Nov. 16, 1937." be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse asked if the Board would allow him to set up an Advisory Committee for the Welfare Department, this committee to include the Town Treasurer, Mr. James J. Carroll, the • Snow removal Agreement between Tower Bros. & Board of Survey Plan of Wellington Estates 588, Public Welfare Agent, Mr. George v. Morse, and himself., ' for the purpose of checking the charity cases and check - Advisory ing the work that the employees in the Welfare Department Committee were doing, in an endeavor to find out what the underlying Welfare Dept, trouble is. Mr. Rowse said that Lexington welfare costs were far in excess of those in the surrounding towns and he thought that an investigation should be made. He`saYd the reason he wanted Mr. Carroll on the committee was that he issued the checks and had some knowledge of the cases. The other members of the Board said they would have no objection to such a committee, but the Chairman told Mr. Rowse that no individual had the right to make any change in status of cases without bringing the matter be- fore the Board. Mr, Rowse said he understood this and that any proposed changes would be submitted to the Board. Commitment of water rates in the amount of $5978.05 and commitment of water guarantees in the amount of $941.74 were signed. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk M e L