HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-02-10524 -_ cd SELECTMEN'S MEETING , Feb. 10, 1941. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, grown Office Building at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. A letter was received from the Fuelite Natural Gas Corporation, Marrett Road, stating that in the last four weeks they had overcome certain difficulties in obtaining the right type of scale for their delivery work. The writer said that it was through the cooperation of Ralph E. Chad- wick., Sealer of Weights and Measures, that the difficulties were solved. He wished to commend Mr. Chadwick for his cooperation. At 7:30 P.M. Mr. Ralph E. Chadwick appeared before the Board. He said that in 1935 the fees taken in amounted to 4106.93, in 1936 - 3103.460 in 1937 - $106.57, in 1938 - $78.68, In 1939 - $112.61 and in 1940 - $143.48. There were twelve Court cases and the Town received as its share of the fines, Ralph the sum of 452.50. Mr. Chadwick said the peddlers licenses Chadwick increased from X32.00 to 048.00 in 1940. Besides those who report, were arrested, there were 83 other peddlers whom he evicted ' from the Town. He said that his mileage in 1940 was 5,556 miles. He said that most of the $143.48 was taken in In 10¢ amounts. Mr. Chadwick said that the State notified all sealers to check up on all bags,.of flour for instance, and they found that those that were supposed to weigh 24-1/2 pounds weighedfrom two to seven pounds short. He said that they had trouble with olive oil, bag coal, and wood. Mr. Rowse questioned if it were necessary for the Town sealer to check on such things as olive oil as these come under the jurisdiction of the State. Mr. :Chadwick said perhaps he was doing some things that the State should do, but that if the Director of the ?necessities of Life was short of help, he asked the sealer to help him. Mr. Chadwick retired at 7:50 P.M. A letter was received from Frederick Sgrosso,•25 Ward Street, Lexington, offering to pay X75.00 for Lot 3 and ,part Offer to of Lot 2 on Ward Street. The Clerk stated that the piece buy lots. Sgrosso desired to purchase was 100 feet deep and had a frontage of 37-1/2 feet. Mr. Potter said he would discuss the offer with a committee and report at the next meeting. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Franklin Colman had a client who made an offer of 41500.00 for the land,on ' 1 1 Woburn Street formerly owned by the nyders. Mr. Potter said he would take this up with his committee also and report at the next meeting. The Clerk informed the Board that Mr. Frank Winn of 26 Bedford Street had requested that the Board grant an abatement of his February lst water bill which amounted to $35.64. The excess charge was due to a leak in the plumbing which Mr. Winn knew nothing about. The leak was in a pipe under a floor and it was not located for two days: after the loss of water had been noticed. The cost of the excess water to the Town was X10.90, but adding the minimum charge of $3.75, the bill would amount of 14.65. The Board -toted to authorize an abatement of 821.002 leaving the amount to be paid by NIr. Winn 414.64. 525 Offer to buy land. Abatement of Water bill. A letter was received from Chief Taylor stating that he agreed with the Board that the ambulance should not be used for trryasporting people from the hospitals back to their Homes. Mr. Potter moved that the Fire Department be ordered not to transfer persons from hospitals to their residences. unless there is some extraordinary reason for it. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Seiler's "1775" House, Inc. requesting that something definite be done to prevent Ernest DeVincent from spreading fertilizer on his farm at the corner of the Concord Turnpike and Pleasant Street in the summer months. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Lamont to do everything possible to induce Mr. DeVincent to spread any fertilizer before April lat. At 8:10 P.M. Mr. Robert C. Merriam and Mr. Clarence S. Walker appeared before the "oard. Mr. Walker presented, a letter addressed to the Selectmen stating that in 1936 the Lexington Trust Company engaged Anthony Ross & Son, Inc. Ambulance Complaint re: Ferti- li zer odor. to install approximately 268 feet of six inch water mains Re: water in Blake Road and approximately 959 feet of 8 inch water mains in mains in Blake and Preston Road. The cost of the-installa- Blake & tion which included labor materials and fittings was Preston Rds X32955:00. The letter stated that all pipe and appur- tenances used were in co#ipliance with the Town of Lexington specifications and the installation was approved by the Supt. of Public Works. The Trust Company felt that time had arrived for the Town to acquire ownership of these water mains and it requested that the Town purchase them and.reimburse the 526 bank the sum of $2,276.50. This figure was arrived at by deducting what would have been assessed in betterments if the Town has installed the mains. The betterments would have amounted to $1,678.50. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Walker why the Trust Company installed the mains and Mr. Walker said that at the time there were no houses in Blake or Preston Roads and the bank did not feel justified in asking the Town for water services. The Trust Company installed drainage and water mains accord- ing to Town specifications and then put in fairly good streets. Mr. Rowse wondered if there was any danger that there might be a cost to the Town for maintaining the pipe inasmuch as it was laid by a private contractor. Mr. Walker said that it was the same pipe that the Town would lay and that the Select- men or the Water Department had inspected the line before it was covered up. The Chairman asked how many houses were now taking water from the line and Mr. Walker said that there were eleven. Iar Mr. Merriam said that he was asking reimbursement for the cost of installing the water main in Patriot's Drive plus the acceptance of the street. He is not asking reimburse- ment for the cost of installing the sewer main. He said that all of the utilities were underground in his develop- ment. All of the work was done according to Town specifi- Re: Water cations and under the supervision of the various superintendents. ' mains in Anthony Ross & Son, Inc. did the drainage, water, and Patriot's Rupert H. Stevens built the street. The engineers were Dr. & Barnes and Heals of Waltham. The sewer line was laid from Accept- the summit of the hill in Patriot's Drive to Hancock Street. ante of Another sewer line was started at Lot 7 and flowed down Street. into a private sewer in a right of way to Meriam Street. Mr. Merriam said that Mr. Paxton thought that there might be some difficulty because the sewer emptied into a private sewer laid in a right of way. He asked for reimbursement for the water main plus the cost of laying nine services to the street line. Mr. Rowse said he thought the Selectmen should have a statement from both parties to the effect that the work was done according to Town specifications and under supervision of the Town. Mr. Merriam said that while he could not say that Town Officials were on the job evert* day, he could say they were there at the essential times. He said that Mr. Cosgrove, the Town Engineer, telephoned him about ten days ago and said that there was going to be an article in the warrant for the acceptance of Blake Avenue and he thought that the whole street should be accepted. Mr. Merriam went to Mr. Marshall and Mr. Stone, who objected to the street being made a through street, and asked 1 r C them how they felt on the subject. Last summer the way was opened and there was some obnoxious driving through. Mr. Merriam therefore put up a fence and left only room for a foot path. Both Mr. Marshall and Mr. Stone said that while they are satisfied with things as they are now, they appreciated that Mr. Merriam had a claim for reimbursement from the Town so they did not object to the street being accepted. Mr. Merriam said he was asking the Town to accept the street with- out reimbursement for the cost of constructing it. Mr. Walker said the Trust Company was not asking for the acceptance of the street but is simply asking for reimburse- ment for installing water mains. Mr. Merriam said when he took over the premises in 1936 the valuation was $48,900.00 of which $2100.00 was on ob- solete buildings. Four houses have been built and the assessed valuation is $72,075.001 a gain of x'23,175.00. The Chairma k i bot e would e w l n t have an understanding IA1A�� of eervjer} �,Ait e � men voted warrant in accordance with their requests, that the Board has not had an opportunity to discuss the amounts involved. Both men s&id'-that they understood that. The Chairman asked the men to be prepared to argue their own cases at the Town Meeting and they agreed to do so. Mr. Merriam and Mr. Walker retired at 8:37 P.M. Mr. Potter moved that an article be inserted in the warrant Kimburse the LexinE'ton Trust Company for approxi- Art. for mately 268 feet of 6 inch and approximately 959 feet of Warrant 8 inch water mains laid in Blake and Preston Roads. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so'4voted. Mr. Potter moved that an article be inserted in the Art. for warrant to see if the Town will vote to accept Patriot's Warrant. Drive. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that an article be inserted in the warrant to see if the Town will reimburse Mr. Robert C. Merriam for approximately 500 feet of 8 inch and approxi- mately 176 feet of 6 inch water pipe in Patriot's Drive, Art. for plus the cost of installing nine water services to the Warrant. street line. At 8:45 P.M., Sergeant Frank Neal, Malcolm Clifford, and Paul Mooney appeared before the Board. They requested that an article be Inserted in the warrant for the installa- tion of a two-way radio system for the Police Department. The Chairman told them that the Selectmen would recommend that a committee be appointed to study the matter as the Selectmen did not feel qualified to recommend any particular 528 ev system. ' Mr. Rowse asked why they did not wait to have a committee study the question. Mr. Mooney said he understood the committee was going to study the new type of equipment and the group did not feel that was necessary. They felt the present equipment was perfectly capable of taking care of Radio equip -all Lexington needs. They felt the people should have an went for opportunity to vote on the matter. Mr. Monne-, said that, it Police car. would cost X494.00 for each,.extra car that was equipped. The Chairman asked if there was any requirement that a technician be employed and Mr, Mooney said he understood that a contract could be made with a man who serves other towns so that it would cost only about $100.00 per year. Mr. Rowse,asked if it was necessary to have an operator inside the station. Sergeant Neal said any operator could do it. The Chairman asked what the maintenance would be and Mr. -Mooney thought that it might amount to 625.00 per year. The Chairman told the group that if the Hoard de- cided to insert an article in the warrant that they should be prepared to give all the information and facts on the system to the Town Meeting Members. Sergeant Neal said he felt the Police Department should be brought up to date with a two-way radio system. The group retired at 9:15 P.M. It was decided to insert an article in the warrant ' Art. for to see if the Town would vote to purchase a radio trans Warrant. mitter and the necessary equipment for a two-way radio system for the Police Department. It was decided to add the sum of X125.00 to the Police Police Department budget to cover the cost of repairs, Dept. bud- maintenance, and services of a technician. get. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board. He said the Chamber of Commerce had requested per - Uses of mission to use a conference rooxp on February 12th. Mr. Halls. Potter moved that the request be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said the Lafayette Club wanted to use Cary Hall April 14th for a play and April 13th for a rehearsal. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of x'15.00 on April 14th and X10.00 on April 13th. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton read a letter from E. J. Albertini, Jr. of 26 Melrose Avenue, stating that he had rented one of his trucks to the Town for snow removal during the past two , winters. They now find that they have to be covered with a Public Utility permit and said that it was necessary to ' Post some agreement with the Department of Public Utilities to cover their contract. Mr. Wrightington approved a statement saying; that the Town agreed to hire Albertini's truck if and when there was Re: Alber- any work available, but that the Town undertook no definite tini's obligation and that the Selectmen, through their a,ents, truck on have the sole right to decide when the truck is to be snow re- used, moval Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Paxton be authorized to sign, the agreement. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton read a letter from Walter A. Gleason of Waltham, stating that on January 30th his car was damaged due to the negligence of the Town and the cost of repair- ing the same was estimated at 47.00. Mr. Gleason said that his car dropped into an open manhole. Gleason Mr. Paxton obtained a report from officer Smith who claim for covered the accident and he talked with Mr. Wrightington damages on it. Mr. Wrightington said that the Town would have to check all the evidence as much as possible before he could give an opinion. The Board discussed the matter at some length and finally authorized Mr. Paxton to settle the claim for a ' sum not to exceed $25.00. Mr. Paxton said he had talked with Mr. Edwin B. Worthen on the matter of painting and relettering historical signs and they estimated the cost of the work at $75.00. They Historical felt that the expense should be charged to the Unclassified signs. Account. Mr. Potter moved that the Unclassified Account be increased by $75.00 to pay for this work. Mr. Sarano second- ed the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said he had received a suggestion from officer, John Barry, concerning the driveway leading from Daniel J. O'Connell's parking lot. On Friday and Saturday evenings, particularly, it is very difficult for people Traffic coming out to turn left on Massachusetts Avenue. Officer sign Barry suggested putting a sign "No Left Turn" up. Mr. Paxton approved it$ and the Board authorized him to have the sign erected. Mr. Paxton read a letter from Mr. Copell of the State Department of Public Works relative to the traffic control Traffic system at Waltham Street and Marrett Road. The estimate for system a new system is 02900.00 of which the Town's share would be at Waltham 41450.00. Mr. Paxton thought that the Board would be St. & ' Marrett Rd 530 better satisfied if the entire system was installed. The foot plates would allow a clear run to Waltham unless a car coming up Marrett Road hit the plate, therefore people might have difficult- crossing 'Waltham Street unless a car happened to trip the plate on Marrett Road. Mr.. Copell said that if the housing was taken from the lights at Harrington Road and Bedford Street and used, it would cost about 0265.00 to put the lights in working order. That estimate is based on the assumption that the cables under ground are all right. Art. for Mr. Potter moved that an article be inserted in the Warrant. warrant to see if the Town will vote to improve the traffic system at bYarrett Road and 'Waltham Street. Mr. Locke_ seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said he had received a letter from the H. F. Davis Tractor Company quoting a price of X2,145.00 To pur- for a Cletrac Model E-31 tractor complete. Mr. Paxton j chase trac- said this tractor was the most efficient unit made but it tor. had no summer use whatever. It is simply snow equipment. He said that there was about 012,050.00 in the Road Machin- ery Fund and the Board has already approved X7500.00 for the Road Machinery Account for 1941. Mr. Sarano moved that the sum of 62100.00 be added to the Road Machinery Account for the purchase of a tractor. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton discussed the W.P.A. sewer costs and said that they allotted x$20,000.00 for the Oak Street sewer; 15,000.00 for the Meriam Street -Coolidge Avenue sewer; W.P.A. 150,000.00 for the Manor Sewer. To date about X18,000.00 sewer costs has been spent on the Oak Street job which is less.than 50% completed. There has been a great deal of ledge and there will be as much more to go through. A letter was received from Mrs. Walter E. Sands re- questing that a sewer be laid in Meriam Street during; 1941. Request for Mr. Paxton said he thought that they would reach Meriam Street sewer in this year. They are within 300 feet of Revere Street at the Merriam St. present time. A letter was received from Mr. Eugene J. Viano re - Request for questing sewer service at 32 Vine Brook Road. Mr. Ross sewer ser, said this would require an extension of 100 feet and the in Vine cost would be about 0300.00. It could be charged to the Brook Rd. Sewer Construction -Sundry Streets Account. A letter was received from Francis S. Dane of 1 Bennington Road stating that he would build a house on 1 1 1 sin ' Washington Street between the tennis court and the Butter's property if sewer and drainage were installed. It was de- Request cided to hold the matter over until the next meeting so for sewer that Mr. Paxton could give it some study. Washington St. With reference to the Ross Realty Company's request for 3,000 feet of water mains in the Wellington Farms Development, the Chairman said that there was vW,000.00 Ross allotted in the Water Construction - Sundry Streets account Realty Co, and he thought that that would be sufficient to take care water of this year's needs. mains Mr. Rowse said that there was something wrong with the moving picture machine in Cary Hall and that small Cary Hall slides fell through the lantern. He wondered if the moving machine could be fixed up. picture He also said that the acoustics in Cary Hall were machine. poor and felt that there should be some sort of amplification. Mr. Paxton wondered if there might be some money in the Cary Fund for this work. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the Trustees calling their attention to these two matters and ask if there was any money avail- able so that the trouble might be remedied. A -letter was received from the Town Accountant, to which was attached a statement showing the condition of P.W.A. the P.W.A. Accounts. The Clerk was instructed to send a Accounts. copy of the letter to the Supt. of Public Works and to the members of the Board. A letter was received from the Boston and Maine Rail- road stating that it was willing to deed to the Town the driveway from Mass. Avenue to the railroad station in Lexington center. This driveway has an area of 20,630 B & M square feet and the Railroad would be willing to convey driveway it to the Town upon the express condition that it shall be forever kept open and used for highway and sidewalk pur- poses. Mr. Rowse moved that an article be inserted in the warrant to see of the Town will vote to accept the drive- Art. for way, provided the Town Counsel approves of the conditions. warrant Mr. S�Lrano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 10:20 P.M. The Board discussed the matter of parking in front of Julius Seltzer's store at the corner of Meriam Street. The Clerk was instructed to notify Chief Sullivan that No parking the Board insisted that he enforce the regulation of No at cor. of Parking in this area even to the point of taking offenders Meriam St. to court. 532 A petition for permission to relocate a pole on Gleason Road was received. Mr., Locke moved that the Pole Loca- petition be authorized and the order signed. Mr. Sarano tion. seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from the Middlesex County Extension Service requesting use of Cary Hall. on June Use of 3rd for the annual Homemakers Day. Mr. Sarano moved Hall, that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. A letter was received from Pauline E. Bartlett of 41 Pleasant Street requesting that she be appointed Request Inspector in Precinct- One to take the place of Bartlett for Appt. J. Harrington. as Insp. The Clerk was instructed to write the Warden of in Pre. I the precinct to see if he approved the appointment. A letter was received from the Town Clerk advising Elections that an additional sum of 078.00 was needed for the Account. Elections Account. A letter was also received from Mr. Carroll advising that an additional sum of x'41.50 was required for the Registration Department. Mr. Potter moved that both requests be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Morse appeared at 10:50 P.M. and retired at'11:10 P.M . Commitments of water and.sewer connections in the sum of $101.13 were signed. A letter was received from the Lexington Trust Company advising that the bank voted on February 5, 1941 to Food Stamp cooperate with the Town in connection with the operation Plan of the Food Stamp Plan by making available a revolving fund in the amount of '53,000.00. This is to continue until such time as the -necessary legislation is passed which shall permit the Town to finance a revolving fund. The Executive Committee was instructed to study the problem in detail before final ratification was given. The matter of the salary of the Sealer of Weights and Measures was discussed. Mr. Rowse felt that the salary Sealer's should be kept at $500.00 this year and that no change be made salary. until after the salary survey has been completed. Mr. Potter moved that the sealerts salary be increased ?100.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 P.M. true record, Attest: _ rk. 1 1 1