HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941-01-13488 rz SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' January 13, 1941 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held. in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7t30 P.M. the Town Clerk appeared before the Board Juror for the drawing of a Juror. Mr. John E. Hossfield, drawn chauffeur of 128 Reed Street, was drawn to serve at the first session, Civil Business in Cambridge beginning Monday, February 17, 1941. Sewer Maintenance - Services Mr. Ross said he was asking for an appropriation of $2500.00 this year because he was figuring on several ser- vices being installed in Liberty Heights. Mr. Rowse asked him how much he would need if part of it was set aside in the Reserve Fund and Mr. Ross sug ested that the appropri- ation might be $1500.00 provided 61,000.00 was set.aside in the Reserve Fund for sewer services. Sewer Construction - Under Betterment Act Mr. Ross said he was asking for an appropriation of $6,000.00 and the reason it is so large is that he is planning to take care of.the Marvin Development which is ' between Taft Avenue and Charles Street. Robert E. Durkin appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Durkin had talked with him several times on the matter of getting a job so he suggested that Mr. Durkin come down and talk to the Board. The man Robert E. went up to Camp Devens and was supposed to see a certain Durkin person, but he could not get in to see him. Durkin maid he was willing to work and was an all round workman. He . asked the Board to do what it could for him and retired at 7;45. Mr. Joseph A. Ross appeared before the Board and d:is- , cussed budgets as follows: Sewer Maintenance - Wages & Expenses Mr. Ross said that this budget was $500.00 less this Mr. Ross year because he had devised a new method of flushing sewers budgets which was very economical and would result in a saving of about $300.00t Sewer Maintenance - Services Mr. Ross said he was asking for an appropriation of $2500.00 this year because he was figuring on several ser- vices being installed in Liberty Heights. Mr. Rowse asked him how much he would need if part of it was set aside in the Reserve Fund and Mr. Ross sug ested that the appropri- ation might be $1500.00 provided 61,000.00 was set.aside in the Reserve Fund for sewer services. Sewer Construction - Under Betterment Act Mr. Ross said he was asking for an appropriation of $6,000.00 and the reason it is so large is that he is planning to take care of.the Marvin Development which is ' between Taft Avenue and Charles Street. ' The Town will receive $4,009.75 back in assessments in this development. The Chairman wondered if it might be a good idea to borrow this money with the provision that the assess- ments paid back would be used to pay off the loan. Sewer Construction - Sundry Streets Mr. Ross said there is a balance of $1,455.37 carried over from 1940 but that there were still some bills for the Winthrop Road sewer to be paid from the account. Water Maintenance - Wages & Expenses Mr. Ross said that the $19,200.00 requested included $1,250.00 for water replacements: These were in a separate account last year but the Appropriation Committee suggested that they be included in the Water Maintenance account. He said that the gasoline item was higher this year due to the fact that the W.P.A. was using a great deal of gasoline and oil and that department got its supply of both from the Water Department. Mr. Ross said he was not asking anything for Replacembnt of Mains this year as he did not plan to do any replacing for a year or two. Eliminating Dead Ends Mr. Ross said that there is a balance of $741.00 in this account, the reason being that when the main was laid in Grant Street, it was not necessary to blast as it had already been done in connection with the P.W.A. projects. This account does not carry over. Water Construction - Under Betterment Act. The sum of $8,500.00 was requested for the Marvin Develop- ment and $2,800.00 for the Follen Hill Development. Mr. Ross said that from past experience with Richard Road and Lexington Avenue, they found that it cost over $1,000.00 more to put the water main in after a street is paved. The Water Department has to pay back the expense involved in breaking the pavement and putting it back in good condition. He estimated that it would cost $6,000.00 to replace the pavements in the Follen Hill Development. The return in assessments will be $10,557.00. Mr. Rowse thought that these accounts should be set up in some other way and Mr. Ross said the only other way they would be s5t up would be in Water Construction - Sundry Streets. The Chairman said that in the next few years we undoubtedly would have heavy construction and he thought it would be a good plan to finance the cost of water construction in 1941. Mr. Ross retired at 8:35 P.M. 490 Chief, Edward W. Taylor appeared before the Board and dis- cussed budgets as follows: Fire Department - Personal Services Chief Taylor said the only difference in this budget was the automatic increases. He spent $437.00 for extra duty in 1940 and the reason that he spent so much was that the firemen did traffic duty after the big snow storm of February 14th. Fire Department 6 Expenses Chief Taylor said it would be necessary to repair the outside of the East Lexington fire house before it could be painted. The cost for giving the station two coats of paint would be about $425.00. Mr. Rowse asked why the painting could not be done by the firemen themselves and the chief said that it was necessary to have licensed riggers; also if there was an accident the Town would be responsible. The Chief said last year the Appropriation Committee eliminated the $35.00 item for stenographic services so he could not have his budget books prepared as in previous gears. He said it cost about $18.00 to prepare the books. Mr. Rowse suggested that this item be set at $20.00 this , year. The Chief said that he had a new item of'$625.00 in this year for Rescue and Salvage. He asked that the Board approve the purchase of a resuscitator. We now have two inhalators. The resuscitator would cost $425.00 and the balance of $200.00 is for the upkeep of the ambulance. The Chief said he had spent $460.67 in 1940 for repairs as it was necessary to enlarge a room at the East Lexington station so they could handle the apparatus after the ambulance went into service; also they painted the front of the center station and this cost $102.00. The Chief said he was asking $100.00 this year for photographic supplies, a new item. He said he wanted to start a Bureau of Record on all fires that we have with a history of the fire in back of them. He said these pictures were good evidence in court in arson cases and also served to teach the firemen. Fire Department - Outlay Chief Taylor said he desired to do a major repair job at headquarters which would cost about $250.00. The ceiling in the main'room has to come down. The ceilings in the bed- rooms have to be repaired and the walls have to be fixed. He said several people thought we should have more fire alarm ' boxes. He thought Follen Hill and the Marvin Development ought to have them and he requested ten new boxes. They would cost $1,250.00 installed. ' The Chief recommended underground installation in Massachusetts Avenue frdm`Forest Street to School Street and estimated the cost at $3,054.00. He recommended overhead installation on Route 2 so that there could be a box at Seilerrs. Chief Taylor retired at 9:07 P.M. Chief Sullivan appeared before the Board and discussed budgets as follows: He, recommended that a new motorcycle be purchased inasmuch as the one now in service is four years old. Mr. Rowse asked why it was necessary to have $75.00 in.for ambulance service now that the Town has an ambulance and the Chief said that the item could be eliminated. He asked for $2,644.00 for a two- way radio. The Chairman said several people had talked to him about the radio and they thought it should be a three-way rather than a two-way. The Chief said he did not believe that was necessary as he never has two cars on the road at the same time. The Chairman asked him to get figures on the three-way radio. However, the Chief questioned whether or not the Town was big enough -for a two-way or three-way radio and the Chair- man said he thoughtit was necessary because the Town covered such a large area. The Chief retired at 9:25 P.M. ' Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 9:30 P.M. to dis- cuss Welfare matters and retired at 9=55 P.M. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 10:00 P.M. The Chairman read a letter from him advising that he had contacted every garage and filling station owner in Lexington and determined the individual complaints. He ex- plained to each one that the snow lifting, if approved by the Board, would not be done until after the work in other business areas had been completed and this seemed satisfactory to every- one. Mr. Paxton listed the garage and filling stations from which the snow was to be lifted. Mr. Paxton thought this additional work would cost about $250.00. Previous to 1936 the department used to take care of all garages and filling stations. Mr. Rowse thought this subject should be discussed with the Appropriation Committee first before the Board decided to do the work. Mr. Paxton said it was customary in other municipalities to take care of snow that falls on the right of way. Mr. Potter moved that snow be lifted from the driveway entrances into garages and filling stations as mentioned in Mr. Paxtonts letter. The motion was not seconded however, so was lost. Mr. Rowse moved that the persons who signed the petition for the removal of snow from driveway entrances to garages and filling stations be notified that after investigation Chief Sullivan Budget Snow lifting at garages & filling sta- tions 492 and full consideration, the Board of Selectmen had voted to deny the request. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said the Boston Market Gardeners Association had requested use of Cary Hall, January 23rd for banquet and entertainment. Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted subject to a fee of $30.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Use of Mr. Paxton said the Lexington Girl Scouts had requested Halls the use of Cary Hall on May 16th for a rally and also the use of the hall on May 14th for a rehearsal in the afternoon. Mr. Potter moved that both uses be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Beach had requested authority Franklin to open the Franklin School Lunch Project. Mr. Potter moved School lunch that the Board authorize Mr. Beach to open the Franklin School project Lunch Project. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said he had discussed the Abbott Road 36wer Main Project with Mr. Ross and the latter estimated that if the main were carried to Oakland Street it would cost an , additional $1200.00. Mr. Ross recommended that only the 75 feet be laid at the present time because of the frost in the ground. He thought that later on in the spring, however, the gap should be tied in. It was decided to lay only the 75 feet now. Mr. Paxton said that the extension of the Sewer Main in Abbott Road had been discussed with Mr. Whitney but he was not agreeable to sign an agreement to pay the better- ment assessment of $334.00. Mr. Paxton said that he had received bids on the painting supplies for the Town of Lexington for 1941 as Paint follows: � Bids E. G. Barker Lumber Company $593.00 Clevo Company (incomplete) 480.71 Warren Custance 546.15 Diemont-Levy Company 541.17 H. M. Lawrence Company 577087 Lexington Lumber Company 672.77 Edward H. Mara Company 525.02 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 526.67 Frank H. Tobin 603.37 Waverley Hardware & Supply Co. 433.76 Mr. Paxton said that the Waverley Hardware & Supply Company was low but the Town painter did not like the paint they bid on. Edward H. Mara.Company was next with its bid of $525.02. Mr. Rowse moved that the bid of Edward H. Mara Company be accepted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said he had received bids on the suburban wagon for the Engineering Department as follows: Master Service Station - F. K. Johnson, Inc. - Harold Johnson - Plymouth, Net Price $779.75 Chevrolet 828.50 GMC 773.00 Mr. Potter moved that the Chevrolet be purchased from F. K. Johnson, Inc. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from Mr. Wrightington to which was attached a draft of agreement between the Town and Oscar B. Kenrick for the purpose of settling his suit against the Town for a taking by eminent domain in the Vine Brook Develop- ment. He said this form of agreement had Mr. Raymond's ' approval, and he requested that the Board sign the agreement and return it to him. Mr. Potter moved that the agreement be signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 10!40 P.M. the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that this year there was going to be a heavy construction program because of water and sewer ex- tensions and he asked that the Committee consider what the policy was going to be; that is, whether or not the money should be bonded. Mr. Russell said the Appropriation Committee had already considered this and had voted to recommended that 6,500.00 be taken from Water Surplus and that $30,000.00 be bonded for ten years. The Chairman said the Selectmen would prefer that the $36,000.00 requested for Water Con- struction - Under Betterment Act be put into the Water Construction - Sundry Streets Account. Mr. Russell retired at 10:45 P.M. and the Committee re- mained until 11:10 P.M. discussing Personal Services. It was decided to meet on Thursday, January 16th at 7:30 P.M. to discuss budgets. ' A letter was received from Elmer H. Bartlett of East Walpole commending the Town of Lexington on its snow removal after the last storm. IM Bids on sub- brban wagon Oscar Kenrick v. Town Re: bonding for water & sewer constr. Letter was received from the Boston & Maine Railroad asking if the Town was interested in purchasing the driveway to the depgt in Lexington center. The Clerk was instructed B & M to advise the railroad that it was the ppinion of the Board driveway for that the Town Meeting members would not be willing to pay sale anything for the acquisition of the property, but if the railroad wished to give the land to the Town, the Selectmen are willing to submit it to the Town Meeting members. Mr. Potter said that the committee had looked at the lot on Marrett Road which Mr. David A, Rix wished to pur- Mr. Rix to chase and it was in favor of accepting his offer, purchase lot Mr. Rowse moved that lot 10-B be sold to Mr. Rix for the sum of $150.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. . The Board voted to rescind the vote passed on November 9, 1937 with reference to flying the flags at half staff. Mr. Rowse moved that the following vote be adopted: Voted: In the case of the death of a present or Flying flags former elected town official serving without compensa- half staff tion, the flags on all town buildings shall be lowered to half staff from the time of death until after the funeral service; 1 7 An application for the admission of Doris Amato of 29 Bow Street, to the Middlesex County Sanatorium was signed by the Board. .The Clerk said that the Board should not have stated that transfers were to be made from the Trust Funds to various accounts last week. The sum of $9950.00 was approved for Parks & Playgrounds - Expenses and $1415.00 for Shade Trees. Application for a Motor Vehicle Agent's License was received from the Master Service Statioh. Mr. Viano, the ropriertor, asked if the Board would reduce - the fee of Viano K0.00 because he did not take out his 1940 license until Agent's May 27th. The Board felt that it should not deviate from License its policy not to pro -rate license fees. Mr.. Locke moved that the license be granted subject to a fee of $10.00 and that an alcohol license be granted the Waverley Hardware & Supply Company at 1756 Mass. Ave. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was'so voted. Letter was received from the Sacred Heart Church re - Carnival questing permission to operate a Carnival on the Viano permit lot in East Lexington for one week from June 16th through June 21st. Mr. Locke moved that the permit to operate a carnival be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Boston & Maine Railroad asking if the Town was interested in purchasing the driveway to the depgt in Lexington center. The Clerk was instructed B & M to advise the railroad that it was the ppinion of the Board driveway for that the Town Meeting members would not be willing to pay sale anything for the acquisition of the property, but if the railroad wished to give the land to the Town, the Selectmen are willing to submit it to the Town Meeting members. Mr. Potter said that the committee had looked at the lot on Marrett Road which Mr. David A, Rix wished to pur- Mr. Rix to chase and it was in favor of accepting his offer, purchase lot Mr. Rowse moved that lot 10-B be sold to Mr. Rix for the sum of $150.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. . The Board voted to rescind the vote passed on November 9, 1937 with reference to flying the flags at half staff. Mr. Rowse moved that the following vote be adopted: Voted: In the case of the death of a present or Flying flags former elected town official serving without compensa- half staff tion, the flags on all town buildings shall be lowered to half staff from the time of death until after the funeral service; 1 7 ' in the case of elected or appointed town officials receiving compensation, the flags at the Town Office Building and the Common shall be placed at half staff the day of the funeral. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. A letter was received from G. G. Henry Kuipers complain- ing about his water bills. Mr. Kuipers said that a bill he re- ceived on July 10th should have been rendered the previous owner: Kuipers A letter was received from Mr. Ross stating that the complaint Department was not notified that the property had been trans- re: water ferred to Mr. Kuipers until October and the Department was not bill requested to obtain a reading of the meter at -the time the trans- fer was made. At any rate, water bills are liens on real estate and Mr. Kuipers will have to straighten the matter out with the previous owner. The Clerk informed the Board that the Board of Appeals had denied the petition of George W. Bean for permission to erect a gasoline station at 365 Bedford Street. Mr. Locke moved that the Selectmen refuse Mr. Bean's application for permission to store gasoline at 365 Bedford Street. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' Water assessment abatements in the amount of $232.76 were signed. The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk 1