HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-12-30470 SELECTIJiE N' S MEETING , December 30, 1940. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's "Room, Town'Office Building, at 7:00 P.M. Messrs. Giroux, Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Potter made the motion, seconded by Mr. Locke, that the following licenses be granted: Partridge's Food Shop, 1709 Mass. Ave. Common Victualler's Charles M. Pierson, 807 Mass. Ave. Ida B. Harmon, 150 Lowell Street Manor Spa; 269 Bedford Street Sunday Sales Peter J. McDonough, 301 Mass. Ave. Methyl Alcohol Licenses Peter Canessa, 286 Lincoln St. tt " granted Calvin W. Childs, 409 Mass. Ave. It " W. H. White Motor Co., 7 Mass. Ave. Agent's License Swenson Bros., 210 Marrett Road Past. of Milk Calvin W. Childs Agent's License The Town Counsel's bill in the sum of $50.00 for his services in the case of William B. Porter, et als. v. Lex- ' ington was received. Mr. Potter moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk called the Board's attention to the fact that no action had been taken by the Board of Survey on the petition of the Lexington Country Club Estates Develop - Briggs Road ment for approval of a plan of a street to be known as plan refused "Briggs Road." The hearing was held on November 18, 1940. Section 81-F of Chap. 211 of the Acts of 1936 says that "Failure of the Board to take final action regarding a plat submitted to it within forty-five days after such sub- mission shall be deemed to be an approval of such plat." The Clerk reported that she had checked with Mr. Paxton and the bond had not been filed. Mr. Potter moved that the plat be disapproved because the Sub -division Regulations had not been complied with in that the bond of $1,000.00 required had not been filed. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 76*15 P.M. Mr. Paxton and the following members of the Appropriation Committee appearedt Messrs. Russell, Sheldon, Maynard, Brown, Hynes, Bond, Hoyt and Rosenberger. The Chairman said that there had been a misunderstand- ingI in the matter of the beach wagon for the Engineering Department. 1 1 The Selectmen understood that even though a new motor was to be purchased for this car so that it could be used by the Welfare Department later on, an appropriation for the pur- chase of a new car would be recommended at tonight's Town meeting; whereas the Appropriation Committee understood that there was to be no appropriation at tonight's meeting. Mr. Sheldon said that the Appropriation Committee did not like to see this car purchased at this time out of the Excess and Deficiency Account and both Boards said at the time of the spring meeting the purchase of this car was not necessary. He said the time to buy equipment was in the spring. The Appro- priation Committee also thought that there was a definite use for this beach wagon in the Welfare Department as it could be used for picking up and delivering old clothes. If one defers putting a piece of equipment on the road for three months, it means that three month's depraeiation is saved. Mr. Potter said that the Selectmen were in favor of purchasing the new car last spring, but the Appropriation Committee was not so the Board finally agreed to go along with that Board. He did not agree that there was a need for the car in the Welfare Department. He said it would mean a man to drive it and this no doubt would end up in a full time job. It was his belief that a private organization should solicit and pick up old clothes. Mr. Sheldon said it was the Appropriation Committee's idea that it would be best to spend $100.00 or so to replace the motor. Mr. Paxton said the beach wagon was out of commission right now. Mr. Hoyt said that when the matter was discussed by the Appropriation Committee last week, it was felt that if a new motor was put in it probably would be all right, as although it had gone 50,000 miles that is not a great deal today. He thought however, if the car was completely off the road, that was a different matter. Mr. Rowse said the connecting rod was gone and apparently the money spent on the car in the past year had done no good. Mr. Potter said the car now owned by the Welfare Department could pick up the old clothes and if there were bulky objects to be picked up, a truck from one of the Town Departments could be used. Mr. Sheldon asked for a show of hands on the question of recommending the purchase of a new car at tonight's meeting and the committee was unanimous in voting to approve it. The Appropriation Committee retired at 7:27 P.M. Mr. Paxton said that the Red Cross had requested the use 14" Car For Engineering Dept* of a conference room on January 14th. Use of Conf. Mr. Potter moved that the room be granted free of Boom charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that Mrs. Germaine Comeau of Lincoln Street had requested the use of Cary Hall, January 30th for Use of a dance for the British War Relief Fund. Cary Hall The Chairman asked if she was backed by any organization and Mr. Paxton replied in the negative and said that she was running the dance as an individual. The Board felt that it would consider the request of an organization but that it should not grant the request of an individual. Mr. Paxton thanked the Board for his appointment as Superintendent of.Publie Works. He retired at 7;35 P.M. Messrs. Greeley, Kimball, Ellis, Worthen and Nickerson, of the Planning Board, appeared before the Board. ,Report on Mr. Kimball said that the Planning Board had gone ahead Traffic with its Traffic Survey and he read the report of it. He Survey said that the Minute -Man would print the report this week at no cost and he asked if the Board would approve its going in the paper. Mr. Locke moved that the Board approve having the report printed in this week's issue of the paper. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, .and it was so voted. The Planning Board retired at 7 02,B.M. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Raymond would no longer be available for immediate contact but had offered to handle such particulars of the Vine Brook and North Lex- ington Sewer projects as the Board might wish him to see through to final completion. Mr. Raymond believes it will be at least six months before the things are cleaned up. ' Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Alexander Marvin, who is developing the area between Taft Avenue and Charles Street, Request for had requested the use of the grader for approximately four use of days. Mr. Marvin is willing to give a certified check to grader cover rental of the equipment. A Town operator will be used. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the equipment be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Chairman said that a group was complaining about the condition of Oak Street and Carville Avenue where the W.P.A. sewers had gone in. They say they are unable to get into their garages and one man is losing his garage customer. Complaints Mr. Paxton said that he planned to put in some gravel Oak St. and to cover up the mud. He said he was not anxious to have Carville cars go over Carville Avenue as he feels that the trench is not safe yet. The Chairman told Mr. Paxton that the Board felt it should have a close connecting link.with this W.P.A..work ' and wanted him to keep close supervision on the job and correct anything that went wrong. Mr. Paxton thanked the Board for his appointment as Superintendent of.Publie Works. He retired at 7;35 P.M. Messrs. Greeley, Kimball, Ellis, Worthen and Nickerson, of the Planning Board, appeared before the Board. ,Report on Mr. Kimball said that the Planning Board had gone ahead Traffic with its Traffic Survey and he read the report of it. He Survey said that the Minute -Man would print the report this week at no cost and he asked if the Board would approve its going in the paper. Mr. Locke moved that the Board approve having the report printed in this week's issue of the paper. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, .and it was so voted. The Planning Board retired at 7 02,B.M. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Raymond would no longer be available for immediate contact but had offered to handle such particulars of the Vine Brook and North Lex- ington Sewer projects as the Board might wish him to see through to final completion. Mr. Raymond believes it will be at least six months before the things are cleaned up. ' 1 u FI The Chairman asked him what he desired in the way of compen- sation and he said he would serve without compensation pro- vided the Town paid his expenses for telegrams, telephone calls and such trips to Boston as were necessary. He said he would not be able to serve as a witness. The Chairman said that with reference to Mr. Raymond's request to P.W.A. authorities for reconsideration of the - grant on the engineering work, he had not been turned down but the Federal authorities wanted to wait until the final costs of both projects had been determined before they gave a final decision. He said he would want some assistance from Mr. Russell and Miss Corcoran and perhaps there would be some things that Mr. Wrightington would have to handle.' Mr. Raymond said that the Town Accountant would make out the applications for the final grants and, if given authority by the Board, could sign the applications. The Chairman could sign the correspondence. Mr. Raymond retired. The Board voted that Mr. John W. Raymond, Jr. be con- tinued as P.W.A. correspondent without compensation but with the proviso that he shall receive reimbursement for expenses incurred. Mr. Raymond as F.W.A. correspondent Letters were received from the Appropriation Committee advising as follows: The Committee voted to rescind its vote of September 9, 1940 to make the sum of 23,00.00 available for Dependent Children g, Aid and Expenses. The Committee voted to transfer the sum of $1.45.from the Reservme Fund to the Building Department - Expenses Account. The. Committee voted to authorize a transfer of a sum not to exceed $100.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Old Age Assis- tance - Aid and Expenses Account. The following commitments were signed: Water Miscellaneous $4.80 Water Rates, Section II 5959.03 List of Water Liens 227.24 The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. A true record, Attest: , it- G le rk