HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-11-14' SELECTMEN'S MEETING November 14, 1940. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 5:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux and members Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. The Town Clerk appeared before the Board for the drawing of three jurors, to serve on criminal business at Cambridge, 1st session, beginning Monday, November 18, 1940. The following men were draw: Richard P. Cassidy, Manager, of 16 Curve Street; Harry C. Boyd, bookkeeper, 30 Bedford Street; and Charles M. Willis, architect of 21 Colony Road. Mr. Beach and Mr. Russell appeared at 5t10 P. M. The appointment was made to discuss Mr. Beach's letter of October 30 advising that Miss Morrison and.Miss Bower, principals of the Adams and Parker Schools, had requested that some way be found whereby the children who now take their lunches to school could be served with the children being served by the W. P. A. Mr. Beach said that each ' child could pay one dollar a month, an average of five cents per meal. This money would be turned over to Mr. Beach. The Town would have to furnish a woman to render two hours service a day at each school, and Mr. Morse said that this labor could be supplied by the Welfare Department. Mr. Beach said that the Town would not have to spend any money on this project. The Chairman asked if this was starting something that would raise a cry from other people whose children went home to lunch, and Mr. Beach said he did not believe so. Mr. Sarano asked if the Government would object to feeding childred that were not under -nourished, and Mr. Beach said that the Government wanted to do it. Mr. Rowse wondered if some of the children that went on first should not be coming off now, as their families might be in a better financial condition now, and could feed them better. Mr. Beach said that some changes had been made, some had gone off and some others had been put on. He said that they had been receiving much more in commodities than they had use for. Mr. Sarano asked if they could stop the project if they found it caused trouble, and Mr. Beach replied in the affirmative. Mr. Beach said that this would reduce the Town's contribution to the project. ' Mr. Potter moved that the project be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Jurors WPA Lunch project 414 Boarders at 22 Hancock St. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Beach discuss the matter with Mr. Russell and decide how the receipts from the project should be handled, and Mr. Beach agreed to do this. He retired at 5120 P. M. At 5:20 P. M. the Town Counsel and Mr. Raymond appeared to discuss various legal matters. The Chairman told the Town Counsel that the person living at 22 Hancock Street had advertised for boarders or roomers in the local paper. Mr. Wrightington said it was his opinion that if a person had a regular business and was taking roomers or boarders for some extra money, it was all right; but if he were doing it has his main means of earning a living, it was a violation of the Zoning Law. He said that the Town could not do anything now just because the person had advertised in the paper -- it would have to wait until there was some proof that there were.boarders there. The Clerk was instructed to request the Building Inspector to ascertain if the person was taking boarders, and if so, how many. Mr. Giroux retired at 6:07 P. M. Mr. Wrightington then discussed the DeCristafaro case. He said he would have to ge.t a story from Mr. Whitman or Mr. Alden formerly employed by Metcalf & Eddy, but no longer connected with that firm. Mr. Raymond said that either man would have to be aid for his time, and Mr. Alden's charge would be 25.00 per day, and Mr. Whitmants fee would be $21.00 per day. Mr. Raymond said he did not believe that Mr. Wrightington could prepare the case properly without the help of either one or both of these men. Mr. Rowse moved that the employment of either man be approved, up to the point of obtaining this in- formation. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 P. M. A true record, Attest: C le rk 1 1 1 SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' November 18, 1940, A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building at 7:15 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:15 P. M. the Chairman of the Board of Assessors, Mr. Clyde E. Steeves and Mr. Fred Spencer appeared before the Board. Mr. Steeves said that the Assessor's office had to get ready for the 1941 census and would have to have an extra clerk for four weeks at $15.00 per week. They would like to hire Miss Mary Ormand who has been in the office on and off for the past four years. She has been receiving $12.00 per week and they thought they should pay her $15.00 per week. Mr. Rowse asked how much Miss Ormand had been employed this year and Mr. Spencer said that she had been in the office all year with the exception of one month. Messrs. Steeves and Spencer retired. It was the opinion of the Board that it should not deviate from its policy of not increasing salaries in the middle of the year. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation ' Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $48.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Assessors -Personal -Service Account in order that Miss Mary Ormand might be employed for four weeks at $12.00 per week. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that the balance in the Board of Health Expense Account was $43.77 and it is estimated that the balance needed to carry through to December 31, 1940 will be $969.80, leaving a deficit of $926.03. However, because of the uncertainty of the Board of Health expenses he thought that $1,000.00 should be provided. Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be rqquested to transfer $1,000.00 frorp the Reserve Fund to the Board of Health Expense Account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Notice was received from the Board of Appeals that the balance in that account was $1.80 and that Board esti- mated that the sum of $25.00 would be needed to carry through December 31, 1940. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $25.00 from the Re- serve fund to the Board of Appeals Expense Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Extra Clerk Board of HealtY Exp. Account B'rd.Appeals Exp. Account 416 Letter was received from the Public Welfare agent Welfare advising that the sum of $200.00 would be needed to Account carry the Public Welfare Surplus Commodities Appropri- ation to the end of the year. Mr. Sarano moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of 0200.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Public Welfare Surplus Commodities Appropriation. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that there was. an outstanding bill of $21.00 in the Election Account and that the balance was $7.59 leaving a deficit of $13.41. Election Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee Exp. Acct. be requested to transfer $13.41 from the Reserve Fund to the Election Expenses Account, Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Clerk informed the Board that the cost of re- pairing the boiler at the Public Works building was Boiler $208.20. Inasmuch as only $100.00 was allowed in the Repair bud et for boiler repairs this year, the account will be 4108.20 short. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $108.20 from the Reserve Fund to the Public Works Building Wages and Expenses account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. At 7:30 P. M. Board of Survey hearing was declared open upon the application of the Lexington Homes, Inc. Briggs for approval of a plan of a street to be known as "Briggs Road Road" in the Lexington Country Club Estates development. Mr. Brthur Locke and Mr. Stacey, representing the Lumber Company, appeared and also Mr. Albert A. Miller their engineer. Mr. Paxton was present also. The notice of the hearing was read bn the Chairman. Mr. Miller presented plans of the developtient and said that the Planning Board had approved the plans and had in fact passed a blanket approval of the entire develop- ment. He said that there were 25 to 30 acres in the whole development. The Chairman asked if the new Sub--: division Regulations had been complied with and Mr. Miller said that the plan showed drainage and outlets. They plan to install drainage. Mr. Locke said he understood that his company had agreed to put in grades up to F. H. A. spebifidations which are practically the same as the Town's. No persons appeared in opposition. - . Mr. Locke and Mr. Stacey retired at 7:58 P,.M. The Chairman said that the Selectmen were not very ' familiar with the new Sub -division Regulations and he thought that it would be a good idea for the chairman of the Planning Board, Supt. of Public Works and the Town Engineer to meet with the Board to discuss the subject. Mr. Rowse suggested that in the future when applications for Board of Survey hearings were received, the Planning Board and the Town Engineer should make a written report on the subject to Mr. Paxton prior to the hearing. Mr. Paxton said that this company had arranged for a minimum amount of drainage and he thought that an additional 300 feet or 400 feet were necessar-,r. He said that Crescent Road had been approved some time ago and he thought a line of pipes should lead from that street with two more catch basins at one point and two more farther along. Mr. Paxton said he would study the lay- out and report at the next meeting. He retired at 8;00 P. M. At 8:07 P. NI. Mr. Wrightington and Mr. Raymond appeared to discuss the Stevens and Ham cases. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington be in- structed to try to settle the Ham case for $1500. and if rejected, that he take the case to trial. At 8:30 P. M. hearing was declared open on the application of the Boston Edison Co. and New England Tel. & Tel. Co. for permission to erect four poles on the Cambridge -Concord highway, westerly from Blossom Street. No one appeared in favor or in opposition, so it was decided to request Mr. Paxton to investigate that matter and report at the next meeting. Letter was received from the Building Inspector advising that he had contacted Mrs. W. J. Wixson of 22 Hancoclj� Street in accordance with the Board's request that he determine how many roomers or boarders she had. Mr. Ferguson said that at the present time Mrs. Wixson has no roomers or boarders. He suggested that the Town Counsel or the Selectmen write Mrs. Wixson and tell her how the Zoning Law would be violated by her keeping boarders at this locatipn. He suggested this because of the Statute defining a lodging house and the requirement that a license for the same be issued by the Board of Selectmen. The Chairman requested the Clerk to send a copy of Mr. Ferguson's letter to Mr. Wrightington and request him to settle the matter with the Building Inspector. RE Sub -division Regulations Ham case Bost. Edison N. E. Tel. Poles Wixson case 418 eo A letter was received from the North Avenue Savings Bank stating that in view of the fact that Mrs. Sally ' White was forced to vacate the property at 283 Mass. Ave., Sally White it might become necessary for the bank to foreclose its property mortgage. They asked if the Town would be interested in hiring or purchasing the property for the purpose of main- taining a home for its poor. The Clerk was instructed to inform the bank that at the present time the Town would have no use for the property. Mr. Wrightington said that Mrs. White's new attorney told him that she had acquired a new place in Everett, that the furniture had been moved and that she was going to get out herself. He understood that there was only a watchman down there now. The Chairman told Mr. Wrightington that there was some agitation in Town for the revision of the precincts. Revision He read that part of Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929 of with reference to revision of precincts. Mr. Wrightington Precincts said he thought this was a subject which required con- siderable study. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. Wrightington and ask him the proceedure to be taken in order to revise the voting precincts. Mr. Wrightington and Mr. Raymond retired at 9:13 P.M. , Chief Edward W. Taylor of the Fire Department appeared before the Board. He said that he needed $650.00 in the Fire maintenance Account to carry through the end of the year. The Chairman asked why he was running short and he replied that the Appropriation Committee had granted him $485. less than he asked for this year and last February he had to spend $170. on foam powder to control a fire. The Chairman suggested that Chief Taylor appear before the Appropriation Committee and explain why his account was running short. Mr. Locke moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer $650.00 from the Reserve Fund to the Fire Maintenance Account. Mr. Saran seconded the motion and it was so voted. Chief Taylor retired. Mr. Robert L. Ryder appeared before the Board at 96-20 P. M. He said that last July he appeared before Ryder Sewer the Board and made request for four abatements on sewer abatements betterments on Vine Brook Road. Three of his requests were granted but he heard nothing about the fourth which was a question of interest upon the assessment on Lot X and Lot Eleven. He said that the assessment should never have been made on these lots as under the Sewer Act they were illegally assessed in the first place. ' Mr. Ryder said that these lots were entirely under water until after the completion of the Vine Brook Drain- age Project. He said that he would pay the principal if the Board would abate the interest. Mr. Ryder retired and Mr. Paxton appeared. The Chairman said that the reason Ryder's request had not been granted in July was that the Board wanted to get a release of any claim for damages on the bridge at Winthrop Road in exchange for the abatement. Someone was supposed to get this release but nothing further was heard from it. . Mr. Paxton said that when the Town anticipated going ahead with the W. P. A. on the South Branch that Ryder signed a release of all claims for damages. I Mr. Locke moved that the abatement of committed interest in the amount of $24.42 on lot Eleven and $24.86 on Lot X be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton discussed the Water Construction Appro- priation. He said that the amount needed for the comple- tion of Richard Road and for payment of bills owed to the departments was $1650. In addition they have a request for an extension of approximately 125 feet in Burlington Street which will cost another $350. making a total of $2,000. Water Constr. Today the Water Department received a request Sundry Streets for water construction in East Lexington between Taft Avenue and Charles Street which will cost approximately $7,000. and $6,000. for sewer extension. Mr. Rowse said that when Paxton talked about the job on Riehbrd Road, it was his recollection he stated the amount of funds he needed and the Board told him to go as far as he could with the funds available and to disregard resurfacing of the road. He said that we had no legal right to go in there and do any patching work until we -,had the money to do it. Mr. Paxton said he thought he explained at the time the subject was discussed that there were some inter- department bills that he would have to withhold payment of. Mr. Sarano moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer $2,000. from the Reserve Fund to the Water Construction Sundry Streets Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said the appropriation for Water Services Water Services was $5,000. this year. About 100 services have been Account installed and there is only $60. left in the account. There are eight houses being constructed at the present time that they know will need water and Mr. Ross feels that an additional $350. will be needed to carry through to the end of the year. 1 420 Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $350. from the Reserve Fund to the Water Services Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton retired at 10:00 P. M. and Mr. Morse appeared to discuss Welfare matters. Application was received from the Boston Edison Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for permission for re- moval and erection of a pole on Mass. Ave. opposite Bow Street. Mr. Paxton said he approved this petition. Mr. Sarano moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Arlington Gas Co. have Gas Main requested approval of the extension of a gas main in Eaton Road from the present end, a distance of approxi- mately 100 feet. Mr. Paxton approved the request. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received bids on , supplying oil for the Barnes property as follows: Mr. Morse requested that the Board give consider- ation to the epplication of Gertrude E. Doe for permission G. E. Doe to maintain a Home for Aged at 24 Maple Street. Mr. permit Rowse suggested that the matter be taken up with the Town Counsel as to whether or not the Board had the right to approve the application and it was decided to do this. Mr. Morse retired at 10:50 P. M. and Mr. Paxton returned. Mr. Paxton said that the Veterans of Foreign Wars desired the use of Estabrook Hall on Sunday, November Use of 24th for a County Council Meeting. Mr. Sarano moved Halls that the use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the DeMolay had requested use of Cary Hall on December 3rd for a play rehearsal. Mr. Sarano moved that the use of the hall be granted subject to a charge of $10.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. ' Application was received from the Boston Edison Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for approval of the re - Pole moval of one pole on Eaton Road, approximately 330 feet Removal northeatt of Bertwell Road to a point approximately 360 feet northeast of Bertwell Road. Mr. Paxton approved the petition. Mr. Locke moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Application was received from the Boston Edison Co. and the N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co. for permission for re- moval and erection of a pole on Mass. Ave. opposite Bow Street. Mr. Paxton said he approved this petition. Mr. Sarano moved that the petition be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the Arlington Gas Co. have Gas Main requested approval of the extension of a gas main in Eaton Road from the present end, a distance of approxi- mately 100 feet. Mr. Paxton approved the request. Mr. Sarano moved that the request be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that he had received bids on , supplying oil for the Barnes property as follows: ' Present Price Maximum Price Discount Arlex Oil Sales Co..061 gal. .076 gal. No A. G. Davis Ice Co. .064 11 .06 3/4 " No Philip -A. Nelles'& Son .061 !' .077 " 1% ten days Mr. Paxton said that we had been doing business with Mr. Nelles and he had given very fine service. He re- commended continuing with him. Oil Bids Mr. Rowse moved that the bid of Philip A. Nelles & Son be accepted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted.' Mr. Paxton said that at 7;30 this evening Mr. Joseph A. Ross had received a request for a sewer ex- tension in Richard Road. Walter Black is building a house on lot #30 and has requested sewer service which would mean an extension of 110 feet at a cost of about $400. The department is working on Richard Road now and Mr. Ross would like approval to continue. Mr. Rowse moved that the sewer be extended a dis- tance of 110 feet in Richard Road and that the expense be charged to the Sewer Construction, Sundry Streets Account. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Chief Edward W. Taylor calling the Board's attention to certain defects in the construction of the new Oldsmobile ambulance. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the letter to Mr. Paxton and to have him investigate the matter. Mr. Paxton asked what the 1941 registration on the ambulance was to be charged to and the Board felt that there should be an amount for ambulance expense included in the Fire Department Appropriation and that the registration should be paid from that account, Letter was received from George A. Giles & Son stating that one of their customers was going to do some work in Lexington and they would like to know how much a sidewalk permit would be. Mr. Rowse moved that the amount of the bond re- quired be set at $1,000. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received fr_o4i :John W. Leary requesting that the driveway at 45 Waltham Street be plowed by the Town this winter for the convenience of the school buses which have to leave early in the morning. Mr. Leary also requested that a "Taxi" or "No Park- ing" sign be placed in front of 45 Waltham -Street, Sewer Extensioi Ambulance Sidewalk bond Request for plowing 422 " rz� The Chairman said that inasmuch as the drive- way was private property, the Town could not plow it. ' Mr. Paxton said he would investigate the matter of the signs and report at the next meeting. Letter was received from R. Lockwood Tower re- questing that Follen Road be reconstructed. Mr. jTower re- Paxton said that the Board had requested him. to in - 'quest Follen elude the reconstruction of this street in hid budget 'Rd. Reconstr. for 1941 and he was planning to do this. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Tower that the Board was considering Follen Road as a project for 1941. The Clerk said that she had received several re- ports from the Fire Department with reference to the use of the ambulance. She asked what charges, if any, were to be made for the same. Ambulance The Chairman suggested that Mr. Paxton, Mr. Russell charges and Chief Taylor make a study of the reports and make a recommendation to the Board with reference to charges for the use of the ambulance. The Chairman said that the Town of Bedford wanted to know if it could use our ambulance in the case of Town of emergency. The Board felt that this might be a bad Bedf. req. ' practice as the ambulance might be being used by use of Ambu- Bedford when Lexington might have an emergency call. lance The Chairman requested Mr. Paxton to discuss this phase of the matter with Chief Taylor also. Letter was received from the Lexington Botanical Request for Gardens, Inc. requesting that an elm tree near the en- tree removal trance to their property at 93 Hancock Street be moved. Letter was received from Mr. Garrity stating t�iat he had no objection to posting this tree for removal. He said the tree was repaired in July, 1939 and was in fairly good condition. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Mr. Paxton said he wished to discuss the rental of conference rooms in the Cary Memorial Building. He Use of said as he understood it, all requests for use of con - Halls ference rooms, or any rooms, should come before the Board of Selectmen yet the Chamber of Commerce will call in the afternoon of any day and want the use of a conference room that evening. The Chairman said that no one other than the Board of Selectmen had the right to allow the use of the rooms and that if Mr. Paxton was asked to allow the use of a ' room, he would not have the right to grant it without the approval of the Board. IM Mr. Paxton said that Mr. Ross had talked with him about the water extension in Winthrop Road. He felt ' that because this main would be laid in the same trench with the sewer pipe, and because no betterments would Water extension be assessed, that the cost should be charged to Water Winthrop Road Maintenance. He said that on two similar occasions this had been done. The Board felt however, that this was a construc- tion job and that the expense should be charged to Water Construction, Sundry Streets. The Clerk informed the Board that the Outlook Club had made 13 calls on November 13th and she wondered if Outlook Club they should be billed for them. The Board instructed her phone calls to bill the Outlook Club at 50 a call. Letter was received from Mrs. Nellie Samuels offer- ing to purchase lots 27-28-29 Meagher. The Clerk said Samuelst she had talked with Mr. Spencer who informed her that offer -to pur- the W.P.A. was checking every lot in Meagherville and he chase lots believes nothing should be sold until the data had been compiled.' Mr. Rowse moved that Mrs. Samuels' offer be rejected. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. ' The Board considered Charles Cassellots offer to pur- Casselo's chase lots 25 and 26 in block 19 Meagher. The Clerk said offer to pur. that Mr. Spencer had informed her that the lots had not chase lots been assessed for many years and the Town did not own them so could not sell them. The constable's bill in the amount of $13.10 for services in the Ham and Stevens cases was received. Constable's Mr. Rowse moved that the bill be approved. Mr. Locke Bill seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from Elmer A. Lord & Co. ad- vising ofexpiration of sprinkler insurance in the Franklin sch. Franklin School in the amount of $12,000. on December Sprinkler Ins 17th. The letter stated that contents could be issued for $375. at a cost of $e.7D for three years. Mr. Rowse moved that the sprinkler policy itself be renewed but that nothing be done on th6 contents. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. The Town Counsel's bill in the amount of $20.00 for his services in the case of Ferderico & Son Co. vs Town Counselt, Ferguson was received. Mr. Locke moved that the bill bill be approved for payment. Mr. Sarano seconded the ' motion and it was so voted. Application for a common victuallerts license at 1835 Mass. Ave. was received from Vincent P. Randeo of 5 Appl.for Main Street, Concord. A letter fwas received from com. Vic. Chief Sullivan stating that Mr. Randeo is a man of license good character. Mr. Randeo will not have access to the store until December 15th. The Board said that it could not grant the license now but that if Mr. Randeo complied with all rules and regulations they saw no reason why the permit would not be granted. The following commitments were signed: Water House Connections $110.76 Sewer House Connection 17.89 Water Miscellaneous charges 674.93 The meeting adjourned at 11:45 P. M. A true record, Attests a+� S� Clerk r 9.r 1 1