HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-10-28400 Fee for Rey- nolds in Stevens case SELECTMEN'S 14EETING October 28, 1940 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:50 P. M. Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano, and Locke were present. The Clerk was also present. In the absence of Mr. Giroux, Mr. Rowse was elected to serve as Chairman. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said that he would like the Board to take some action with regard to compensation for Donald D. Reynolds, the gravel expert who made an investigation and report on the Stevens pit. Mr. Raymond and Mr. Wrightington both feel that Mr. Reynolds should be in court when the opposition is putting in its evidence. That means hold- ing him on call available to get to Court in half an hour. We have already held Mr. Reynolds two days. His work at the present time is in Rhode Island, where he is developing a sand and gravel deposit for his company in connection with the 'Quansett seaplane base. Mr. Raymond talked to Mr. Reynolds about compensation, and he thought he ought to be paid $100. per day, but Mr. Raymond told him he believed that the Town would not pay him over $50.00 per day. Mr. Raymond believed that he should be paid $50.00 per day. Mr. Sarano moved that the Board approve retaining Mr. Reynolds until the evidence is in in the Stevens case, and that he be paid at the rate of $50.00 per day. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Star Market Co. Sign at advising that they would look into the possibilities of Fruit Spot decreasing the size of the sign at the Fruit Spot on Mass, Ave. The Board considered Mr. Morse's letter of October 8 advising that an additional $6,000. would be needed 'Transfer for Ch. 117 for the balance of the year. Mr. Potter for Ch.117 moved that the Appropriatign Committee be requested to transfer the sum of $6,000, from the Reserve Fund to the Public Welfare, Aid & Expenses Account. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion,and it was so voted, Letter was received from Mr. Garrity to which was attached a letter from Mrs. Mary R. O'Halloran OtHalloran stating that her son Edward was injured by the Claim merry-go-round at the playgound in July. She re- quested that the Town pay the doctor's bill of $29.00/ 1 1 Mr. Garrity said that the merry-go-round was inspected and ' was found to be in perfect condition. He felt that the Town was in no way responsible for the accident. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Wrightington answer Mrs. O'Halloran. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Statement showing all of the expenditures made for or on account of the work covered by Memorandum of Agreement between the Dept. of Public Works of the Commonwealth and the town of Lexington dated July 2, 1940. We, the duly authorized officials of the town of Lexington in the County of Middlesex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, hereby certify that the statement of ex- penditures accompanying this certification and attached thereto is an accurate statement of the total cost of all work done under Memorandum of Agreement #7444, be- tween the Dept. of Public Works of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the town of Lexington dated July, 1940. (sd.) William G. Potter Board (sd.) George W. Sarano (sd.) Errol H. Locke of (sd.) Edward Rowse Selectmen Labor 656.23 ' Materials 3761.19 Equipment 582.12 $4999.54 Chapter 90 Statement Letter was received from J. Willard Hayden request- ing that the Special Police Commission issued to his care Sp. Police taker, Clyde Witham, be transferred to Joseph S. Wellington. Commission Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Letter was received from E. W. VanDeusen of 224 Woburn Street requesting that the excess charge on his July water bill be abated. A letter was received from Mr. Ross advising that the meter Diad been removed from Mr. VanDeusen's house and was found to be registering accurately. Mr. Potter moved that no action be taken on the request. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton appeared before the Board at 8:00 P. M. At 8240 P. M. Mr. & Mrs. Merton H. Jillson, owners ' of Lot 31, Richard RoFad, a Mr. Hamilton, owner of Lot 82, and.Mr: N. L. Knipe of the Lexington Lumber Co. appeared before the Board. VanDeusen Re- quest for water abate- ment. 402 Cunningham, Higgins, and Smith of the Boston Con- solidated Gas Co. appeared before the Board. Mr. Gas main in Cadwallader said that the Government was requesting Lexington the company to supply it with a sizeable amount of for Camp gas at camp Dev6ns, and that it would be necessary Devens to lay a new line from the'Belmont line to Camp Devens. Part of the maiti will go through Lexington, and it will be necessary to obtain consent of the Selectmen before They stated that they desired to have the sewer the work may be started. main extended to serve their lots, Mr. Paxton said was to take care of the traffic and the resurfacing of that Mr. Ross talked with Mr. Caouette, and he was ' very much opposed to the extension and was opposed the full satisfaction of the Selectmen. to paying the assessment. Out of the rive lots to Mr. Paxton asked if they had any detailed plans be assessed, two owners are in favor, two are opposed have them. Mr. Paxton said that he would be glad to and the fifth is not certain. It would cost $1100. talk prices with them when he found out how much pave- ' to carry the extension to serve Lot 31. Mr. Rowse Sewer in asked Mr. Hamilton if he was in favor of the exten- Richard Rd. sion, and he said that there was not much doubt in his mind. Mr. Knipe said he believed that the fifth lot was up to Probate Court now, and that no one could get a statement from the Mr. Finestein, in whose name the lot now stands. Mr. Jillson said that he would have to have a septic tank and a cesspool too, and would have to know if the sewer was going to be ex- tended by tomorrow. Mr. Knipe said that the two lots across the street were of practically no building value, as there is a 456 slope. The Chairman said that if they were definitely of no value, that would be justi- fiable reason for abatement. Mr. Hamilton said that he would make a'written request for the sewer. The group retired at 8:27 P. W The Board felt that the activity of the Town in the Tower development this summer and fall had been a contributing factor toward the sale of lots. Mr. Potter moved that the sewer be extended in Richard Road for a distance of approximately 320 feet ' from Robbins Road, provided that a request for the ex- tension is received from Mr. Hamilton, and subject to the assessment of betterments. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 8r40 Mr. Frank D. Cadwallader and Messrs. Cunningham, Higgins, and Smith of the Boston Con- solidated Gas Co. appeared before the Board. Mr. Gas main in Cadwallader said that the Government was requesting Lexington the company to supply it with a sizeable amount of for Camp gas at camp Dev6ns, and that it would be necessary Devens to lay a new line from the'Belmont line to Camp Devens. Part of the maiti will go through Lexington, and it will be necessary to obtain consent of the Selectmen before the work may be started. The Chairman said that the Board*'s chief interest was to take care of the traffic and the resurfacing of the road. Mr. Cadwallader said that they would file a bond to guarantee that they would repair the road to the full satisfaction of the Selectmen. Mr. Paxton asked if they had any detailed plans at the present time, and they said that they did not have them. Mr. Paxton said that he would be glad to talk prices with them when he found out how much pave- ' ment they were going to disturb. Mr. Rowse said that he did not believe that there ' was any general objection to this, although no action had been taken on the Gas Company's letter. He said that all the Board was interested in was seeing that the townspeople were not inconvenienced any more than possible, and that the surface was put back into the condition it is now. Mr. Cadwallader said that it would be a 6" main. The Chairman told him to work out the details with Mr. Paxton and the Town Engineer. The men retired. Mr. Locke moved that the project in general be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. L Mr. Paxton stated that J. Chester Hutchinson had re- quested the use of a conference room on October 29th for the Boy Scouts. Mr. Locke moved that the use of the room be granted free of charge. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that the K. of C. had requested the use of Cary Hall for a musical comedy on December 2, and for a rehearsal on Sunday, December 1. Mr. Potter moved that the use of the hall be granted on December 1 up to to 6t00 P. M. only, free of charge, and on December 2nd, subject to a fee of $25.00. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Mr. Paxton said that in 1938 the sewer was extended in Hibbert Street, and Isadore Berman was assessed $120.00. He paid the assessment in 1938 and 1939, but this year he requested an abatement of the remaining amount due, on the basis that the lot was served through Woodberry Street in Arlington, and he paid the assessment in Arlington. The amount remaining is 101.76, plus the interest charges. Messrs. Cosgrove and Spencer approve the abate- ment. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Mr. Paxton said that the Outlook Club would like a closet to keep their dishes and silver in, and he suggested building one in the basement of the Cary Memorial Building. He though the whole thing would cost $7. or $8., and said that possibly the Club would pay half of the cost. The Board had no objection to the building of the closet. The Chairman asked Mr. Paxton if there were sufficient funds in the P. W. Building Account to pay for the labor of putting in the new section of the boiler, and he said that there were, but that the account would be short $70. The Chairman suggested that he go ahead and have the work done, and that he notify the Board when the total cost was Use of Halls Berman re- quest for sewer abate- ment Closet at Cary Hall Boiler at P.W. Bldg. 40404 known, so that the Appropriation Committee could be requested to transfer sufficient funds from ' the Reserve Fund. Mr. Paxton retired at 9:30 F. M. Mr. Morse appeared at 10:00 P. M. and retired at 10:07 P. M. A true record, Attest: Clerk 1 P -j