HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-06-11230 Aq SELECTMEN'S MEETING June 11, 1940. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectman was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office tuilding, at 10:45 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. Mr. James Bean of Parker Street appeared before the Board to discuss the matter of his sawing wood on the Bean re: premises. The Chairman told Mr. Bean that the Board had sawing had many complaints because of the noise and Mr. Bean said wood. that he would be willing to saw only two or three hours a day, those hours to be between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. It was decided to tell the Town Counsel to defer legal action on the matter to see what the reaction to this plan might be. The Warrant for the Town Meeting to be held on July 1st was signed. Letter was received from Dr. James J. Walsh calling the Boardts attention to the fact that persons receding Old Age Assistance and Aid to Dependent Children had the Town choice of their physician in time of illness and that the Physician bills for such services were to be paid by the relief agencyl The Federal Government pays 50% of the services, the State pays 2/3 of the remaining 50% and the Town pays the balance, which is one-sixth of the total. Dr. Walsh stated that our Town Physician was now treating cases of this sort as part of his duties as Town Physician. He recommended that Dr. Rochette be paid for his services in such cases. The Clerk was instructed to refer the matter to Mr. Morse and Mr. Wrightington and ask them for their opinions on the subject. Letter was received from the Lexington Choral Society Use of hall requesting the use of Estabrook Hall on Thirty evenings during 1940 and 1941. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. The Board discussed the bids received on broken stone Bids on and sand and gravel, and inasmuch as only one bid had been Sand & received on each of these, it was decided to instruct Mr. Stone & Paxton to ask for bids on these from the same companies gravel 1 n L he has asked in other years. Letter was received from John. Lamont asking if the residents of Cary Avenue might use the town grader and pay the expenses in connection with such use. It was moved and seconded that the residents be allowed to use the grader at the regular rate provided the Town operator is used on the equipment. �n Use of grader Letter was received from Mrs. F.M. Shaw of 15 Hamblin Street, asking that Cedar Street be straightened and widendd. Cedar It was decided to refer the matter to Mr. Paxton for report. St. A petition signed by several residents was received asking that street lights be extended in North Street be- Street tween the Edward Jotnson property and the end of the street. light No action was taken on the matter. Certificate of character for Arthur N. Maddison and Cert. of William H. Ballard was signed. Charac- ter Letter was received from the Blass. Dept. of Public Works advising that in July the Dept. would hold hearings on petitions for Chapter 90 work in 1941 and 1942. The Chapt. Commissioners requested that the Town be prepared to be 90 work represented at the hearings and to have the data in connection with any request prepared. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Paxton to submit a list of recommended streets for construction and estimated costs of same. Letter was received from the Appropriation Committee advising that the Board's request for a transfer of $50, from the Reserve Fund for out-of-state travel for the Town Accountant had been approved and the,Board's request Transfers for a transfer of $30: from the Reserve Fund for out-of- state travel for the Sealer of Weights and Measures had been denied. The Chairman stated that Mr. Chadwick believed that the conference was of such importance that he attended it, taking a chance that the transfer would be approved. He reported that the conference was very instructive and worth- while. The Board felt that inasmuch as Mr. Chadwick was intbreeted enough to go to Washington to attend the confer- ence, that the Town would be justified in paying at least one-third of the expenses. It was therefore voted to request the Appropriation Committee to reconsider the request. Common Victualler's license to Lionel J. Gouben for the sale of food at the roadside stand at the corner of License Waltham Street and Marrett Road, was granted. P74 Carnival pe rmit Request was received from the Lexington Post, V,F,W, for permission to operate a carnival on the Murphy lot at East Lexington during the week of August 5th. A statement signed by 22 residents of the Brick Village development stating that they would agree to allow the Post to hold a carnival in August, was received. The persons whose names appeared on the petition were the ones who objected to carnival permits in other years. In view of the fact that these persons removed their objections, it was voted to allow the V.F.W. to hold a carnival on Ithe Murphy lot in East Lexington during the week of August 5th. The following commitments were signed: Water Betterment Assessments - $400.50 Water Miscl. Charges - 673.78 Commitments Water House Connections - 21.95 Sewer House Connections - Np bal. The Board certified a list of water betterment assess - Assessment ments for Locust Ave. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 midnight A true record, Attest: C1e--rk--.���� 1 n 1