HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-04-22 147 SELECTMEN'S MEETING April 22, 1940. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. At 7:30 P.M. John Lamont, Health Inspector, Mr. Raymond and Mr. J. L. Douglass of 13 Sheridan Street, appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that Mr. Douglass came in to discuss Sheridan the condition of Sheridan Street. Mr. Douglass said that Street. part .of the street was accepted and part was unaccepted and he owned 150 feet on the unaccepted portion. he has two lots. Dalrymple has a lot of 95 feet frontage of which 75 feet is accepted. Mr. Bullock, who lives across the street, has a lot on the unaccepted portion, but he is not interested in having the street accepted. Mr. Knight has his driveway on the paved street, but there is a portion of his lot on the unaccepted part. Mr. Douglass said that two years ago he did the excavating in the street and the Town built two catch basins. Be gave the Town an eight foot easement through his land. The street had a gravel surface before, but after DiMarco & Ciccone got through using the street, the gravel II was all gone and now the water runs down the middle of the street. The catch basins are above the level of the street and the water cannot drain into them but runs down the middle of the street. He said that all his loam and grass seed wag washed away and would have to be replaced. He said some time ago he received a price from Mr. Paxton of $720. for doing a small job there. He had two different chances to sell his house this spring, but lost both of them because of the condition of the street. The Chairman asked if he believed that a great deal of the trouble with the street was caused by the contractors using the street so much, and Douglass replied in the affirmative. The Chairman asked if it would help matters if the street was restored to what it was before the con- tractors went in there and Douglass said it would he4p a great deal. He said he realized that aperson was not compelled to build on an unaccepted street, but he did do it. He said that right in back of his house there was a house, the sewage from which drains into an open catch basin. A great many of the cesspools belonging to the houses on Fletcher Avenue always drained into the open brook channel. Mr. Raymond said he had not been down to Sheridan Street this spring, but it was his impression that DiMarco restored the street to what it was before he started work there . Mr. Rowse asked how much it would cost to construct this street according to town specifications, and Mr. Raymond said he thought it would cost about $5. a running foot. 148 r CO He dill not believe that the street would be taken care of properly until a finished street was built. He said that before the catch basins were put in, there was always water there. The Chairman asked how it would be to build the street under the W.F.A. Mr. Rowse said it might be a good project to go into after the sewer work was done. ue asked Mr. Douglass what the street was like after the spring weather and Douglass said it was dry but was very rough. Mr. Rowse asked Douglass how he would feel about having the street done under the W.P.A. and having betterments assessed and Douglass said he could not afford to spend any money such as that would cost. Douglass said that he had owned the land for sixteen years and until the past couple of years all the town got out of it was $53. a year. He has increased his investment there to $13,000. and the Town got something over $400. per year in taxes. Because of this he thought he was entitled to some relief. He said he had made arrange- ments to dam up the water so that it would go down onto some other property than his own. Mr. Douglass retired at 7:53 P.M. Mr. Rayiiond said that the street should be accepted by the Town and constructed. Under the Betterment Act the Selectmen cannot assess more than the actual betterment• He felt that the owners might not object if they were not assessed more than the land was actually bettered. Mr. Cosgrove said that no pact of Sheridan Street is accepted at the present time, although the Town has gone in there from time to time and done work. The Chairman asked if this was one of those streets where the Town had done work although'- it had never formally accepted the street, and Mr. Cosgrove said that he believed it was. Mr. Raymond said that the people there thought it was an accepted street but there is no record of such acceptance. Mr. Raymond said he thought an estimate of the cost of the work should be prepared and the matter presented to the Town Meeting. Mr. Sarano asked Mr. Raymond what he thought of building a cheaper type of street here, and Mr. Raymond said that this was a natural low spot and he thought there was a bad bottom to the street. He also aaid he did not want to recommend building second-class streets as he thought that in the end the cost to the Town would be greater. Mr. Rowse asked if the Town was obligated legally or morally in any way, and Mr. Raymond said he did not think it was. However, if Douglass asked the Town to build a street and the Town refuses, he could go to the County Commissioners and they could order the street built and betterments assessed. Mr. Rowse asked if the other abutters would have any claim for abatement . Mr. Raymond said that both Dalrymple and Knight should be assessed. Mr. Rowse said he thought Douglass had an immediate problem and that it was up to )11m to put in some fill him- self. He did not see how the Town was responsiule. Mr. 149 Raymond said he did not believe the Town was liable. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Douglass be advised that the Town was not in a position to do anything on the street this year. The Motion was not seconded. Mr. RayMond thought it might be in order to tell Douglass that the Selectmen would like to know what he would agree to pay for an assessment and ask him if_he wanted to put in a petition to have the street accepted. Me did not believe that the Selectmen would care to go to the Town Meeting without a petition. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Douglass be requested to present a petition for the acceptance and construction of Sheridan Street. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Lamont said that there was a drain across Fletcher:. Avenue which ran from the Jefferson Union to between #28 and #30 Fletcher Avenue. At #30 there is a cesspool with an overflow and it was Mr. Lamont's opinion that the overflow Draidage- was piped through into the drain although he had no proof Sheridan of it. The Chairman asked Mr. Lamont to establish whether St. and or not the overflow was running into the drain, and if so Fletcher he thought that the Board should order the owner to abate Ave. the nuisance. Mr. Lamont agreed to do this. He was requested to find out if Dalrymple was emptying any of his drainage into this private drain. Mr. Lenont retired. Mr. Potter said that there was an old drain on Grant Street near Hayes Lane that broke today when a car went over it. Mr. Raymond said that this was one of the drain- age projects recommended to be done under the W.P.A. this year. Mr. Cosgrove said that as soon as he was finished Drain- with the Liberty Heights sewers, he was going to start Grant St. preparing an estimate of the cost of replacing this culvert. The Chairman suggested that the Highway Department take such temporary measures as are necessary for safety. Mr. Rowse moved that the Chairman's recommendation be adopted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman said that there would be an Oldsmobile eight cylinder car with an ambulance body on it coming through in three weeks and this could be brought here for Ambulance inspection. Mr. Rowse moved that no action be taken on the matter of an ambulance until after the Board had seen the Oldsmobile. hr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman suggested that the Appropriation Committee be invited to look at the ambulance at the same time the Board viewed it as this machine will cost $2200. and it will be necessary to ask for a transfer of $100. from the Reserve Fund if it is to be purchased. The matter of the loan for the town's share of the cost of the W.P.A. sewers was discussed. The Chairman said 150 , to W.P.A. he thought the Board ehou]d be cautious as the Selectmen sewer loan told the Town Meeting that $7000. might be eliminated from the 05,000. if it was not needed. He said it Might take three weeks to get the loan through. Mr. Beach said there was no money to start the work and the whole crew would be laid off this Thursday, leaving 54 men out of work. Mr. Raymond wondered if it would not be possible to borrow on a short term note in anticipati -n of having the $85,000. loan approved by the Emergency Finance Board. The Chairman asked him if he could think of any solution W.P.A. to the problem and Mr. Raymond suggested that the materials materials be borrowed from the Sewer Department. Mr. Beach said he would also have to have a compre3sor for about a month and Mr. Raymond said that that bill would not have to be paid right away. He said that in the ordinary course of events the Sewer Department purchased a carload of pipe and f ittfngs in the spring, and it could do this if it did not have enough on hand and charge the cost to the Sewer Stock account. The W.P.A. could use it and when money was available in that appropriation, the materials could be replaced. The Chairman asked Mr. Beach what the shortage would be if he did this, and he thought he would require about $300.00 at least. The Chairman suggested that that could. be taken from the Labor and Materials Account and in the fall if that account was short, a transfer could be made from the Excess and Deficiency Account. Mr. Rowse moved that the Town Treasurer be authorized to take bids on a loan of 050,000. in accordance with the provisions of Statute 1939, Chapters 72 and 453, the bids to be approved by the Selectmen on Friday, April 26th, at 4:00 P.M., the notes to be dated May 1, 1940 and to be pay- able at the rate of $5,000. per year for ten years. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. It was decided to meet at 4:00P.M. on Friday. Mr. Cosgrove said he had seen the residents on Tarbell Tarbell Ave.Avenue and that all are in favor of the sewer extension on W.P.A. that street, although it will moan an addition of about Sewer. five hundred feet. Mr. Cosgrove thought this should be included, and the Board had no objection to it. Mr. Beach asked what the Board wanted to do about blasting. He talked to a man in Waltham who said he would W.P•A. furnish a bond of $10,000. but it would cost $5.00 a blasting thousand. The town would supply the materials and the man would be responsible for any damage done. The Chairman suggested that the matter be left to Mr. Beach as the Board felt that the Town ought not to do the blasting it- self but would want all the protection it could get. Mr. Beach said that the high explosives would be stored in Waltham. 151 Mr. Beach asked what the Board wanted him to do about the purchasing of materials. Mr. Sarano moved that Mr. Beach submit prices each Monday night to Mr. Raymond and that he be allowed to purchase whatever Mr. Raymond approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Sarano brought up the matter of flooding on Downing Road at the junction of Outlook Drive . He asked if it was Drainage practical to have the Selectmen, acting as the Board of Downing Health, have the work done and assess betterments. Mr. Ray- Road. mond said he thought that it was practical. He talked to Mr. Wrightington, however, who said that he did not believe the matter could be said to be a health menace and if the Board did contemplate saying that it was, it should have the expert opinion of a physician to that effect. The street is unaccepted and the Board felt that it had no right to do work on private property. Letter was received from Mr. Paxton advising that the cost of lowering the culvert near Adams Street and installing eighteen inch reinforced concrete pipe would be approximately Drainage $175. He said it also would be necessary to lower and widen Adams the brook for a distance of luOO feet and clean the brook Street. for the remainder of the distance to Grant Street. The cost of this work would be approximately $250. Mr. Sarano said he told Lidberg that if he would look after the cleaning of the brook, the Town would fix the culvert. Mr. Raymond said that Lidberg did not have the right to go onto other property and clean out the brook. He also said he was afbaid the Town would run into a claim from the other owners if this was done. Mr. Lidberg appeared before the Board at 9:30 P.M. He said that the Board told him last week that it would have an estimate prepared and if the cost of replacing the culvert was within $200, it would order the work done. The Chairman ellid it had been reported to the Selectmen that both he and his neighbor should do some work on the brook. Lidberg said that the culvert was not low enough and should be lowered. The Chairman said it could not be lowered more than six inches as there is a water main in there. Lidberg said that Wilson claimed it was up to the Town to keep his brook clean. Lidberg said that at the present time all he was asking was that the Town lower the culvert. Mr. Rowse said he went up and viewed the locus and at the present time water is running through the culvert even though there is debris in it. He thought the water would not drain off Lidberg' s land even though the culvert was put in. Mr. asked Lidberg if he would take the responsibility of keeping the ditch on Porter and Wilson's land free if the Town went to the expense of putting in the culvert and Lidberg replied in the affirmative. The Clerk was instructed to tell Mr. Paxton to proceed with the work of replacing the culvert. 152 cc oz Welfare Mr. Morse appeared at 9:45 P.M. relative to Welfare matters. Letter was received from Joseph A. Ross stating that he had taken bids on eight inch and six inch water-pipe and that the following bids had been received: Concern 16251 of 8" pipe 5001 of 6" pipe Pipe bids R. D. Wood Co. $1.30 Per. in . ft. $.91 per lin. 1 U. S. Pipe and Foundry Co. 1.33 _ " .93 " Warren Pipe Co. of Mass. , . 1.28 " .89 " Mr. Ross said that inasmuch as the Warren Pipe Co. of Mass. was the low bidder, he recommended placing the order with them. Mr. Locke moved that Mr. Roasts recommendation be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Paxton advising that bids were received from eleven companies for asphalt requirements Asphalt for 1940. All bids were the same. Mr. Rowse moved that bids Mr. Paxton be authorized to purchase the asphalt wherever he will get the best service . Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Paxton to which was attached a list of contractor's tools and supplies needed Supplies by the W.P.A. and Highway Dept. for 1940. He requested permission to purchase the supplies during the coming week. It was decided to hold the matter over and to find out if Paxton obtained bids for the supplies, The following requests for halls were received: Lexington Choral Club - May 21 - Cary Hall for a rehearsal from 8 to 9:30; Soft Ball League - April 26 - Conference Room - for a meeting; tea, of Hall V. la. W. - April 26 - Conference Room for a meeting; Chamber of Commerce - May 7 - Conference Room for a meeting. Mr. Potter moved that the uses of the halls be granted free of charge. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Bond of Clarence S. Walker as Treasurer of the Trustees Bond of Public Trusts for one year from March 6, 1940, in the sum of $1,000. was received. Mr. Potter moved that the bond be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman informed the Board that there was a $6,000. Insurance fire insurance policy expiring on May 4th through the office of George H. Gibson. Mr. Rowse moved that the policy be renewed through the office of Tracey W. Ames. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Garrity stating that two Cedar trees on the Bruce property on North Street had been 153 damaged by the snow plow and should be replaced at a cost of about $20.00. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Garrity be Damage to requested to settle the matter for an amount not to exceed Bruces' $20.00. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so trees. voted. Mr. Locke moved that the request of Lillian D. Parks Parks for permission to store petroleum products at the corner gasoline of Curve Street and Mass. Avenue be denied in view of the license. Board of Appeals decision on the same . Application for the re-admission of Helen Foley of Foley- 59 Congreve Street, Roslindale (Lexington settled) was San. appli received. Mr. Potter moved that the application be approved and signed. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that the following orders be signed: Orders ORDER OF TAKING By the Town of Lexington of Easement for the Construction of a Water Main LOCUST AVENUE (From the present end a distance of approximately 465 feet to Follen Road) WHEREAS, at a meeting duly called and held on March 25th, 1940 and adjourned to April Sth, 1940, the town meeting of Lexington pursuant to an article in the warrant of the meeting for which due notice was given, duly adopted by unanimous vote the following vote and made an appropriation therefor: "Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to install water mains in such accepted or unaccepted streets, as may be applied for during the year 1940 in accordance with authority contained in the By-Laws of the Town, subject to the assess- ments, and to take by eminent domain any necessary easements therefor, and for the purpose of said installation the sum of $4,000.00 be appropriated, this money to be provided by transfer from the Water Department Available Surplus Account." AND WHEREAS, the right of way and easement hereinafter described and taken are necessary for the establishment and maintenance of the said water main; NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, for and in behalf of the said town, by virtue of the authority conferred upon them by the foregoing vote and of every other power them thereto enabling, hereby adopt this order of taking by eminent domain, for the said public improvement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a water main in Locust Avenue, from the present end a distance of approximately 465 to Follen Road as aforesaid, the following easement, namely: 154 co tv cn The right to enter upon the land shown as Locust Avenue on a plan entitled, "Plan of Proposed Water Mian in Locust Avenue Lexington, Mass. Scaler 1 in. s 80 ft. Apr. 22, 1940 Joseph A. Ross, Supt. Water Dept." and owned by R. Lockwood Tower et al, and construct therein a line of water main with all necessary connections, shut-offs, and appurtenances sub- stantially as shown on a plan of Joseph A. Ross, Supt. , Water Department, dated April 22, 1940, to be recorded herewith. The easement covered by this taking includes the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said town or other duly authorized agents of the town to enter upon, dig up, open and use the land embraced within the said way as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of initially construct- ing and thereafter maintaining, operating, inspecting, re- pairing and replacing from time to time the said water main, (the said town being always bound to see that the ground after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and surface left in as smooth and good condition as at the time of entry) . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Cheter 80 of the General Laws. The area which it is expected will receive advantages other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement comprises the several lots shown upon the plan of Joseph A. Ross, Supt. Water Department, above referred to, which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that would be assessed upon each said parcel of land to be as shown in the said schedule . We determine that no damages have been sustained and none are awarded. To have and to hold the said easement to the Town of Lexington, its seccessors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever agreeable to the provisions of the said Chapter 79 of the General Laws and all pertinent acts in amendment thereof or supplemental thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned being a majority of the Board of Selectmen of Lexington Aforesaid have here- unto subscribed our names this twenty second day of April, 1940. SELECTMEN Archibalsi R. Giroux wiiiis , G. Potter OF Errol H. Locke A. Edward Rowse LEXINGTON George W. Sarco 155 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss April 22, 1940 Then personally appeared the aboved named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, George W. Sarano, A. Edward Rowse and Errol H. Locke, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Public Term March 14, 1945 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFE1RED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER LOCUST AVENUE (From the present end a distance of approximately 465 feet to Follen Road) Owner as of January 1st . 1940 Lot No. Assessment R. Lockwood Tower et al 17 *90.00 +► n " n n 18 96.82 " " " " 19 105.68 e " 20 108.00 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, as. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington at a Town Meeting duly called and held on March 25th, 1940, duly adopted under Article 20 of the Warrant the followingvote: "Voted: That the sum of 85, 000. be appropriated for the construction of sanitary sewers with the cooperation of any agency of the United States as provided in General Laws, Chapter 40, section 5, clause 39; the said construction to be under the authority of Statute 1897, Chapter 504, as amended, and subject to the assessment of betterments as provided in Statute 1939, Chapters 91 and 446; the said sewers to be constructed in some or all of the areas shown on the following ,plans on file in the office of the Town Engineer: "Lexington, Mass. Manor Sewerage System Construction Drawings 1940 - Town of Lexington John T . Cosgrove, Town Engineer"; "Lexington, Mass . North Lexington Sewerage System - Scales Hor. 1" 40+ - Ver. 1" - 4+ Dec. 1939 John T . Cosgrove, 156 CZ Town Engineer"; "Lexington, Mass. Liberty Heights Sewerage System, Scales Hor. _1" is 401 - Ver. 1" • 41 Dec. 1939 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer"; and that the Selectmen be authorized to construct or cooper- ate in the construction of any or all of such sewers and to take by eminent domain any necessary easement therefor; and that under the authority of and as provided in Statute 1939, Chapters 72 and 453 the Town Treasurer, with the ap- proval of the S€aleatmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of 085,000. and to issue notes of the Town therefore payable in not more than ten years ." Voted: By the Selectmen, acting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Chapter 504 and Acts in amendment thereof arAa clition thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lexington / t e o, at sewer be constructed in Oak Street, from Ellis Street southeasterly distant approximately 420 feet, substantially in accordance with a plan made by John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, dated April 18, 1940, and entitled "Plan of Proposed Sewers in "Liberty Heights" Lexington Mass. April 18, 1940 Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer" . Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 91 and 446 of the Acts of 1939. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of those properties on each side of Oak Street from Ellis Street southeasterly distant approximately 420 feet. The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this twenty- second day of April 1940. Archibald R. Giroux SELECTMEN William G. Potter OF Errol H. Locke LEXINGTON A. Edward Rowse George W. Sarano 157 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS II Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. April 22, 1940. Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G, Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Errol H. Locke, George W. Sarano and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners in the Town of Lexington, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Public. Term March 14, 1945 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER OAK STREET (From Ellis Street southeasterly distant approximately 420 feet . ) Owner as of January 1st. 1940 Assessment Marion C . Smith $77.00 Addie M. Mason 49.0.0 James H. and Margaret B. Barnes 47.00 Edith N. Monto 93.00 m o and Mary Carvalho t by e 209.00 Dorothy 0 Hayward 140.00 George F. Stygles, 69.00 Herbert A. and Frances C . Flint t by e 128.00 Chester H. Monto 35.00 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Middlesex, ss. Town of Lexington WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington at a Town Meeting duly called and held on March 25th, 1940, duly adopted under Article 20 of the Warrant the following vote: "Voted: That the sum of $85,000. be appropriated for the construction of aanitary sewers with the cooperation of any agency of the United States as provided in General Laws, Chapter 40, section 5, clause 39; the said construction to be under the authority of Statute 1897, Chapter 504, as amended, and subject to the assessment of betterments as provided in Statute 1939, Chapters 91 and 446; the said 158 wl _-4 sewers to be constructed in some or all of the areas shown on the following plansthe on file in t e office of the Town Engineer: "Lexington, Mass. Manor Sewerage System Construction Drawings 1940 - Town of Lexington John T . Cosgrove, Town Engineer"; "Lexington, Mass. North Lexington Sewerage System - Scales Hor. 1" - 40' - Ver. 1" • 41 Dee. 1938 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer"; "Lexington, Mass. Liberty Heights Sewerage System, Scales Hor. 1" • 401 - Ver. 1 • 41 Dec. 1939 John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer!; and that the Selectmen be authorized to construct or cooperate in the construction of any or all of such sewers and to take by eminent domain any necessary easement therefor; and that under the authority of and as provided in Statute 1939, Chapter 72 and 453 the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, be and hereby is authorized to borrow the sum of $85,000. and to issue notes of the Town therefore payable_ in not more than ten years." Voted: By the Selectmen, asting as a Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners under the authority conferred by Statute 1897, Chapter 504 and Acts in amendment thereof and in addition thereto, and of votes of the Town of Lexington pursuant thereto, that a sewer be constructed in Oak Street, from the existing sewer in Massachusetts Avenue southeasterly to Ellis Street distant approximately 1105 feet, substan- tially in accordance with a plan made by John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer, dated April 18, 1940, and entitled, "Plan of Proposed Sewer in Oak Street Lexington, Mass. April 18, 1940 Scale 1 in. = 40 ft. John T. Cosgrove Town Engineer". Betterments will be assessed for this improvement in accordance with the provisions of Chapters 91 and 446 o#' the Acts of 1939. The area which it is expected will receive benefit or advantage other than the general advantage to the community from such improvement is described as follows: That portion of those properties on each side of Oak Street from Massachusetts Avenue southeasterly to Ellis Street distant approximately 1105 feet. The said area comprises the several lots shown upon the plan hereinbefore referred to which are designated in the schedule hereto annexed and made a part hereof. We estimate the betterments that will be assessed upon each parcel of land to be as shown in the schedule which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof. Witness our hands at Lexington aforesaid this twenty- second day of April 1940. Archibald R. Giroux SELECTMEN William G. Potter Errol H. Locke OF 159 A. Edieard Rowse George W. Sarano LEXINGTON Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. Lexington, Mass. April 22, 1940. Then personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Errol H. Locke and George W. Sarano and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them subscribed to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners in the Town of Lexington, before me, James J. Carroll Notary Public Term March 14, 1945 SCHEDULE OF ESTIMATED BETTERMENTS REFERRED TO IN THE FOREGOING ORDER OAK STREET (From Massachusetts Avenue southeasterly to Ellis Street distant approximately 1105 feet) Owner as of January 1st. 1940 Assessment Howard S. 0. Nichols $1002.00 John C. Russell 75.00 Howard S. 0. Nichols 993.00 Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted Mr. Potter moved that the water main in Locust Ave. not be started until construction on one of the houses requiring an extension of the water main is started. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Locke moved that the following Pasteurization of Milk Licenses be granted: Licenses Lowland Dairy - 92 Adams Street Fair Oaks Dairy - Sheridan Street. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Rachella Belcastro of 181 Marrett Road requesting that something be done to clean out 160 -. Belcastro- the ditch on her property. The Clerk was instructed to drainage ask Mr. Paxton for a report on the matter for the nett meeting. Letter was receivedfrom William E. Mulliken calling the Boardts attention to a condition on his land on Drainage Waltham Street which he claims is due to the failure of the Mulliken Town to properly drain the North Branch of Vine Brook. Mr. Rowse moved that the matter be referred to Mr. Raymond and Mr. Wrightington and that a report be requested from both. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Sarano told the Board that Jerry Cataldo called Dumping him and said he had an opportunity to take refuse from the Cataldo Town of Arlington and dump it on his property near the property Reservoir and fill it up. The Board felt that this would cause a great deal of trouble as complaints have always been received about the Town of Arlington dumping in this vicinity. No action was taken on the matter. Mr. Potter brought up the matter of dumping on the Dumping on sides of streets. He said that Pleasant Street was in very streets poor condition. The Chairman suggested that Mr. Lamont get as many Welfare men as possible and have them clean up the streets and to prosecute any person that he is able to identify as having dumped on the sides of streets. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M. A true record, Attest : Clerk. r