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.*PRIL 9, 1940.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen' s Room, Town Office Building, at 7:30 P.M.
Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano vivre
present. The Clerk was also present.
At 7:30 P.N. Father Mackey and Father Connor of the
Sacred Heart Church in East Lexington, and Mr. A. Thomas
Ferry, representing the American Legion, appeared before the
The Chairman said that the purpose of having them in
was to discuss the matter of a carnival permit for East
Lexington. He said that last year when the Selectmen had
applications for four permits, they asked that the four
Carnival organizations get together and decide which ones were to
permit, have the permits. They decided that the Church was to have
one for 1939. The Selectmen have taken the stand that they
would allow not more than one carnival a year due to cont..
plaints from the residents of East Lexington. Last winter
the Legion submitted an application for permission to run a
carnival in East Lexington the week of June 17th and the
Church has made a similar application for the week of June
16th. Father Connors said that nine years ago, his parish
was started. Eight years ago, they waw the prospect of
using the Viano lot on Mass . Avenue as a place where a
carnival might be successful. Shortly after that they ran
their first carnival and they have been running one each year
since . The Selectmen received complaints because the carnivals
were allowed to run for three consecutive weeks. However,
the people had no objection to the parish running the carnival.
Father Connors said he did not believe that the people
would object to two carnivals if one was run the first of
the summer and the other one later on. The objection before
was that there were carnivals there three weeks in succession.
He said that his parish needed the money it would realize
from the carnival. He said that some of the Legionaire■ he
talked to knew nothing whatsoever of the plan to have a
carnival. The Legion represents people from all over town,
but his parishoners are from East Lexington entirely. He
had no objection to the Legion, but thought that the parish
should not be penalized.
The Chairman read a letter from Nellie H. Viano,
owner of the lot of land in gxestion. She said a short
time ago two representatives of the Legion Post in Lexington
asked if the land would be available for a carnival for them
and she replied in the affirmative, but no agreement was
made. She said that since then she had heard of the
Selectmen's ruling allowing only one carnival in East
Lexington_and said that she would not make any contract
with the American Legirn or anyone else for the use of the
land if that would balk temporarily or permanently, the
efforts of the Sacred Heart Parish to run a carnival.
Mr. Ferry said that he believed the Church should come
first but if there was any chance of another permit being
granted later on, ,the Legion would like to have it. The
Chairman suggested that some of the Legionnaires might go
around and talk to the people to see if they would have any
objection to another permit. The group retired at 7:55 P.M.
Mr. Potter moved that the Sacred Heart Pariah be
granted a permit to operate a carnival the week of June 10th
and that the Legion be given a permit later on in the season
provided that they receive assurance from the neighbors that
they do not object . Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it
was so voted.
The Chairman stated that a representative or the concern
selling the Packard ambulance was here. The firm was that of
F. V. Midgley. He read a letter from Midgley offering to
sell the ambulance to' the Town for the sum of $1800. , as is.
The appropriation was $2100. and the proposition was to pay
Midgley $1800. and have the Town do the repair work itself.
The Chairman said he did not believe that could be done as
the appropriation was for the purchase of the ambulance and Ambulance
no part of it was to be used for repair work. He asked Mr.
Wrightington about this and Mr. Wrightington agreed with him.
Mr. Rowse said he talked with a Mr. Pineo in Cambfidge today
and found that there was a 1939 LaSalle ambulance for sale
very reasonably. The ambulance they are considering is a
1939 car. He thought that the price was entirely too high
and felt the Selectmen should go slow on it. Mr. Potter
agreed with him.
The Selectmen left to look at the car the Midgley Co.
had sent up. When they returned, a Mr. Bernson of the
Midgley Co. was with them.
Mr. Potter asked if the ambulance was a standard 120
Packard, and Bernson replied in the affirmative . he said
that no Packard dealer can sell a new ambulance. The car
has to be sold to the Kinney Co. and then they put the
ambulance body on it. This car sold for $4200. when new.
Mr. Rowse said that he wanted Mr. Bernson to know that
there was some competition and asked him to give his final
bid. Mr. Bernson said that the cost of painting the car was
included in the 42100. figure although the paint was very
good and really did not need to be done over. The Chairman
said he thought the company should give a final bid in writing
to the Selectmensnd state lust what the bid included. Mr.
Bernson said that the original figure included the cost of
two additional stretchers which he now understands are not
needed and also some additional equipment which the Committee
says now it does not want. He said that he told the Committee
that he would put in this ambulance anything they might see
in another ambulance and want.
Mr. Rowse asked Bernson to set a price for the car,
a price for the equipment, extra tires, etc. , all separate.
The Chairman asked if these were the original tires, and
Bernson said they were not. He recommended that instead of
painting the ambulance, that four new heavy duty tires be
purchased. Mr. Locke asked him what he thought of puncture-
proof tubes. Bernson said they tended to make a car ride
very hard but would wear very well. Bernson agreed to send
in a written figure and he retired at 8:20 P.M.
The Chairman asked Mr. Rowse to get more information
on the LaSalle.
Letter was received from B. J. Harrington and W. J.
Dailey offering to pay the Town $5.00 for the prat#lege of
tearing down the old Adams School building and taking the
Old Adams material which is in it. Mr. Potter moved that inasmauch as
School B. J. Harrington and W. J. Dailey are the highest bidders,
that the tavern agree to accept their offer to tear down the
building and pay the town the sum of $5.00, provided they
will sign an agreement that they will tear down the building
themselves and will not hire any help. Mr. Serano seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Morse appeared before the Board at 8:45 P.M. rel-
Welfare ative to Welfare matters, and retired at 9:30 P.M.
The Chairman asked the Board if it would approve
having a carpenter from the Welfare rolls make another
Platform section for the platform on which the Moderator stands at
for Town Meetings. Mr. Rowse moved that the Chairman's
Moderator suggestion be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted. The Chairman said he would find out
what the materials would cost.
The Chairman eAid that Chester Lidberg of Adams Street
had called and complained about his land being flooded
Lidberg which he claims is a result of the Vine Brook project.
property- He asked if the Board would go up to look at it within the
flooding. next couple of days. The Clerk wasinstructed to request
Mr. Raymond to view the property.
The Chairman stated that Mr. A, B. Tenney was very
Traffic much pleased with the stop sign at Hancock and Adams Street
Street but now wanted to know if the Selectmen would authorize
sign having a couple of arrows put on it. No action was taken
on the matter.
Mercadante ' The Clerk informed the Board that A. Mercadante's
Garbage transportation of garbage license fee for 1940 had not
license been paid. Mr. Rowse moved that the fee be waived, inasmuch
as the man has no funds. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Mr. Potter moved that the vote of April 2nd to have
the salary increase for the Sealer of Weights and Measures
effective on April 1st be rescinded. Mr. Locke seconded
the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Potter moved that the
Sealer' s increase be effective as of January 1st, 1940.
Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. salary.
Request was received from the Lafayette Club for
permission to use Cary Hall on Sunday afternoon, May 19th,
for a rehearsal. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the- ha/1 Use of
be granted subject to a charge of $10. Mr. Locke seconded Hall
the motion and it was so voted.
Bequest was received from the Lexington Choral Group
for permission to use Cary Ball Wednesday, May 22nd, for a
concert. Mr. Rowse moved that the use of the hall be
granted subject to a charge of $25. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Request was received from the Chamber of Commerce
for a conference room on April 10th for a meeting. Mr. Rowse
moved that the use of the hall be granted free. of charge.
Mr. Potter: seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Request was received from the 1exington Community Chest
for a conference room on April 25th for a meeting. Mr.
Rowse moved that the use of the room be granted free of charge.
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it wa:. so voted.
The Town Engineer informed the Selectmen that a street Street
light had been requested in front of the new Phelps residence light
on Follen Road. He recommended that a light be installed
on pole #159 over 41. Mr. Rowse moved that the street light
be installed. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so
Letter was received from Clayton F. Beach advising
that Frank Friend had been hired for the Liberty Heights
sewer project at a salary of $150. per month. It is W.P.A.
understood that when the Merriam Street sewer project is
opened, he will take care of both jobs and his salary
will be $160. per month.
Mr. Rowse moved that the polls be opened from 2 P.M.
to 8 P.M. on April 30th for the Primary Election. Mr. Primary
Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. election
Warrant for the Presidential primary to be held on
April 30th was signed by the Board.
Letter was received from the Middlesex County Extension
Service requesting that a member of the Board of Selectmen Extension
greet the Homemakers on May 21st . Mr. Potter moved that Mr. meeting.
Giroux extend the greetings of the Board to the group.
Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative
to the special Legislation to enable the Town to construct
streets under the W.P.A. Mr. Wrightington said this would
Streets not be necessary. The reason we had to have a special Act
W.P.A. for sewer construction was that our sewer betterments are
assessed under a special Act applicable only to Lexington.
Letter was received from Mr. Raymond relative to the
petition for the Town to do work on Grant Street, advising
that after going over Grant , Sheridan and East Streets, he
saw nothing which could be held as requiring repairs at the
expense of the contractors on the Vine Brook or North
Lexington Sewer Projects. He failed to see where there
could be a just claim that the conditions of the streets
were in any way due to the action on the contractors. Mr.
Potter said he would talk to Mr. Salvucci to see if he would
do anything On the matter.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel giving the
status of various North Lexington Sewer and Vine Brook
Drainage suits.
The Chairman said he told Mr. Wrightington that he
P.W.A. would take the responsibility of authorizing him to hire
suits. Neil McIntosh as an expert in the Wheeler and Innis and
McLennan cases . Mr. Rowse moved that ,the Chairman' s
action be approved. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it
was so voted.
Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Wrightington' s request for
permission to employ Paul Dempsey in the three cases of
William Leary be granted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Giroux said that Mr. Cosgrove recommended that
permission be granted to the Planning Board to erect a
Bulletin bulletin board on the first floor of the Town Office Build-
Board ing on the outer wall between the Chain entrance and the door
to the ladies' room. Mr. Sarano moved that the recommenda-
tion be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was
so voted.
Letter was received from Mrs. Paul F. Mather of
43 Wachusett Drive requesting that the traffic lights at the
junction of Marrett Road and Waltham Street be put in
Traffic proper working condition.
lights. Letter was received from Mr. Paxton advising that it
would cost about 415,00 to adjust the present control box
at this location. Mr. Potter moved that the work be author-
ized and that Mrs.Mather be so advised. Mr. Locke seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Mr. W. S. Qaouette calling
Low-cost the Board' s attention to the fact that several houses were
homes. being built in town to sell for $4000. and under. He
thought this was not economically sound but did not know
what might be done to block it. The Chairman s.aid that
possibly the new Board of Survey regulations would have
some effect on this type of building.
Request was received from Ira A. Rix of 503 Waltham
St. for permission to have a pop corn stand on the 19th of Apr. 19th
April in the doorway of 1734 Mass . Ave. Mr. Sarano moved permit
that the request be granted. Mr. Locke seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Potter stated that he had talked with Mr. Walker Retirement
who had agreed to serve as a member of the Board of Retire- Board
Mr. Potter moved that the following licenses be granted:
Morris Motors, 400 Waltham St. Agent's License
Busy Shop and Employilent Bureau, Intelligence Office
854 Mass. Ave.
Louis J. Reynolds, 1738 Mass. Ave. Auctioneer's
Sarah Berman, 56 Mass . Ave. Sunday Sales
Max Berman, 12 Mass. Ave. Overhanging Sign
H. P. Hood & Sons, Inc., Overhanging Sign
1729 Mass. Ave.
San orn' s Ce-Lett Ice Cream, Inc., Overhanging Sign
1781 Mass. Ave.
Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Henry S. Raymond of 16 Clarke
Street advising that his water bill for April 1st was $71.40.
Mr. Raymond said that there was a leak in the service which Raymond
caused the excess charge. water bill.
Mr. Joseph A. Ross reported that it was noticed last
December that the consumption was considerably higher than
usual and that fact was conveyed to Mr. Raymond. On March
18th, Mr. Raymond was again notified of the high consumption.
The service has been renewed so that there probably will
be no more leaks .
After discussing the matter, Mr. Rowse moved that the
Selectmen approve charging the excess water at the rate of
$.18 per hundred cubic feet and that Mr. Raymond be advised
that the Town was in no way responsible for the leakage.
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Marion R. Coughlin of 10
Dexter Road requesting that no action be taken on the sale Sale of
of Lots 36 and 37, Block 22, Lexington Manor. The Clerk Lots.
was instructed to notify Mrs. Coughlin that the Selectmen
had already agreed to sell the lots.
The Town Counsel' s bill in the case of Cataldo v.
Lexington was again discussed. Mr. Potter moved that the Cataldo
bill be approved for payment. Mr. Saran seconded the case
motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to
the case of Hannam v. Lexington for alleged damages as a
Hannam result of blasting on Lincoln Street in 1936. Judge Northrup.
case. Hannamts attorney, has offered to settle for *100. Mr. Rowse
moved that Mr. Wrightington be authorized to make an offer
to settle for *75.00. Mr. Locke seconded the motion€:.and it
was so voted.
Letter was receive& from the Supt. of Schools contain-
ing the number of children that would be fed at the various
W.P.A. schools if W.P.A. projects were carried on.
School Letter was received from Mr. Beach advising that the
lunches . Parker School had been approved by the Federal government
for a lunch project.
Mr. Potter moved that the lunch project be extended
to include the Parker School. Mr. Locke seconded the potion
and it was so voted.
Commitment Commitment of Water Miscellaneous charges in the amount
of $123.98 was signed by the Board.
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P. M.
A true record, Attest: ���
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