HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-02-15 ( 8 t!" CZ CZ SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEB. 15, 1940. A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen' s loom, Town Office Building, at 8:00 P. 14. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Locke were present. The Clerk was als-) present . This meeting was called to discuss witn the Appropriation Committee, the 1940 budget. Seven members of the Appropriation Committee and the Secretary, James H. Russell, were present. The members present were Messrs . Merriam, Brask, Sheldon, Maynard, Fawcett, dynes and Emery. The Chairman said he had been asked to bring up the Ambulance question of whether or not the time had come when the Town should do sometning about securint, an. ambulance. In the last year or two, we have had some serious things happen in town and have been handicapped because we had no ambulance. He mentioned an accident which Father McCarthy suffered last week when he had to be taken to the doctor in the police car; he mentioned an accident in East Lexington where a little girl had to be put in an open truck; a_td he mentioned an accideht on Mass. Ave. near his house when a man who was near death had to be taken away in the police car . He asked if the Boards wished to have an article inserted in the Warrant and then look into the matter of cost before Town Meeting, He asked the opinion of various doctors in town about purchasing a mediun-priced ambulance that would cost around X2500. and they all said it would be ample for t e Town' s needs. Mr. Potter said that when Mrs. Alice McCarthy was dis- posing of.her ambulance, he suggested that it be purchased and kept in the Fire Department . The Chairman said that there was no room in the Fire Department to keep the ambulance but there was room at the Barnes property. Mr. Merriam asked if there was enough business in town to warrant someone purchasing an ambulance and renting it out, but the Board felt that there was not enough business for that. Mr. Potter moved that an article be inserted in the warrant for the purchase df an ambulance. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Budgets were then discussed as fo71lows : Accounting Dept. - Personal Services : The Selectmen approved X4173. and the Appropriation Committee approved 41;4073. Mr. Merriam stated that Mr. Russell was spending about 415150. worth of time on the Appropriation Committee work, so the Committee put an additional 4,100. in the Appropriation Committee, Personal Services account and rediced this account by 4100. The Selectmen then approved 4154073.00. Assessors - Personal Services : The Selectmen approved 45454. and the Appropriation Committee approved 'i4,5300. Mr. Merriam said that the Committee 6.9 approved $314. for eAtra clerical and this would pay one clerk at $12. per week until June 1st . The Appropriation Committee felt that the Assessors ought to be able to get along the balance of the year witn the present staff. The Chairman said the Assessors told the Selectmen they would need the gitl for nine months . The Appropriation Committee felt that the extra work on personal taxes should be over by June. The Selectmen then approved the $314 making the Board in agreement on the total of 4,5000. Assessors - Expenses : The Selectmen approved 0510. and the Appropriation Committee approved 0490. Mr. Merriam said that the Assessors agreed to a reduction from '150. to 0125. for Transfer Fees. The Binding item was increased from 010. to $15. because that is an expense they actually can see now. Both bodies agreed on $490.00 for this budget . Election Expenses - Selectmen: The Selectmen approved $214b. and the Appropriation Committee approved 01995.00. The Chairman said that $150. would not take care of the food on the basis we have been going on. Mr. Merriam said that they figured they would eliminate the item of 0100. for a recount as it is unforseen fl : and if it is necessary to ha e one, the money can be transferred from the Reserve Fund. 3oth bodies were in agreement on $2045. for this budget. Public Works - Supt ' s . Office - Expenses : The Selectmen approved $265. and the Appropriation Committee approved 0195.00. Mr. Merriam said, that the reason for reducing this budget was that the office of the Supt. of Public vIlorks was now vacant and it was felt that the iudget could be reduced. The Selectmen agreed with the Appropriation Committee in the sum of $195.00. Town Offices & Cary Mem. radg. - Outlay: The Selectmen approved 040. and the Appropriation Com- mittee did not approve anything. Mr. Merriam said his Committee was not opposed to the metal folding gate for the Assessors office, but it made no out in the Town Offices Expenses account and it felt that the gate could be purchased fro0 that budget . The Selectmen agreed to eliminate the item. Engineering Dept . - Expenses : The Selectmen had approved $1600. as compared with $900. approved by the Appropriation Committee Mr. Merriam said the Appropriati n Committee had a sub-committee that investigated the request for the new beach wagon. He said that the main difficulty with the Jody was that the gutter pipe became loose and Water has rotted out the wood and they felt that that could be replaced for 4)15. or 2O. He said the paint on the body was in bad snipe and they figured that should be painted. One of the committee went over the motor and reported that it had no knocks, was not doing very well on gas , and used one quart of oil per 100 miles . This man thought the extra 70 oil would not cost more than 910. or $12 a year. The car has only 41,000 miles , n it and toe Committee felt it was not in too bad shape. The Selectmen agreed to eliminate the item. The Appropriation Committee reduced the automobile allowance and travel expenses item from $205. tk $1::0 . $150. was spent last year for this item so the Appro.,riaticn Committee recommended 4190. for it this year to take care of the extra oil. The Selectmen agreed with the Appropriation Committee on a budget of 4900. Board of Appeals, Expenses : The Selectmen approved $200. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved 4150. Mr Merriam quoted the expenses for this Board for the last three years . He said the Committee felt that $150. was sufficient. The Selectmen agreed to change its approval to $150. Building Dept. , Personal Services : The Selectmen approved 41100. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approled 4916.67. Mr. Merriam said that the Approp- riation Committee had given considerable time to this budget and Mr. Ferguson had een interviewed. The Committee felt that this man was very competent. The Committee fells that 41100. should be the top salary for this position and it did not favor putting in a new men, regardless of who he is, at the top salary They felt that if $1100. w&s approved this year, there would be a request for an increase next year. Mr. Rowse asked if the Committee had approved an increase for the Plumbing Inspector, and Mr. Merriam replied in the affirmative. he saic his Committee felt that the work of the Bldg. Inspector and the Plumbing Inspector were about the same. Mr. Potter said that the duties of the Building Inspector had increased materially since the zoning laws went into effect . The Chairman suggested that the salaries of the inspectores be left at the prevailing rates . Mr. Merriam asked what the attitude of the Selectmen would be another year and the Chairman said that it would be that the salary of the Inspectors should remain the same. Mr Rowse said that it was a fortunate thing that the Town had been able to get a man as capable and public-spirited as Mr. Ferguson. No change was made in the amounts approved. Building Dept. , Expenses : The Selectmen approve ZP115. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approve $90. Mr. Merriam said that his Committee tried to put automobile allowances on a basis of 3' per mile. Mr. Potter said he thought they were going to get into trouble going on a mileage basis . Mr. Merriam replied that he thought there was not much percentage in building up the mileage at the rate of 32ci per mile. Mr. Rowse agreed that they would get into trouble going on a mileage basis. The Appropriation Committee finally agreed to approve the sum of $115. for this account. L_ 711. Weights & Measures - Expenses : ' The Selectmen approved $165. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $125. Tne difference _.n this item was on Transportation. The Selectmen finally agreed on the sum of $125.00 for this budget. Insect Suppression - Wages & Expenses : The Selectmen approved $3933.40 and the Appropriation Committee approved $3300. Mr. Merriam said that last year the sum of $3290. 01 was spent in this department, in 1938 $3414.57 was spent and in 1937, $29u0.76 was spent. The Appropriation Committee felt that the Town Meeting Members did not want to spend any more money this year than was spent last year. He said that the sponsor' s cost on the W.P.A. Insect Suppression work had gone up so that the estimated cost to the Town was about twice that of last year. The Chairma n said that the Selectmen had approved what the Moth Committee had recommended, and Mr. Merriam said that the Appropriation Committee had read that report but did not feet that it had to concur with other committees No change was made in the amounts approved. Shade Trees, Wages & Expenses : The Selectmen approved $2130.00 and the Appropriation Committee approved $2100. The Selectmen agreed to change their approval to $2100.00. Health Department - Expenses : The Selectmen appro,ed $5000. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $4700. Mr. Merriam said that in the past two years, the expenditures for this department had been below $4700. and if the Appropriation Committee is wrong in approving this amount, he presumed there would have to be a transfer from the Reserve Fund. The Selectmen agreed to approve $4700. for this account. The Appropriation Committee had approved $105. for the automobile allowance for the Inspector, and the Selectmen agreed to approve that amount also. Posture Clinic, Expenses : The Selectmen approved $625. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $225. No change was made in the amounts approved. Plumbins Dept . - Personal Services : The Selectmen approved $800. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $875. The Appropriation Committee agreed to change its approval to $800. Sewer VY-Maintenance 'abes & e yFatpenses . The Selectmen approved $4675. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $4100. Mr. Merriam said that in the old days, Mr. Ross used to get descarded hose from the Fire Dept. but there has not been any available lately. There is some availabe t.ais year and they find that they can get second- hand hose at the Boston Woven Hose Co The amount requested 72 t. cn for Equipment and Repair was $300. and the Appropriation Committee added 4175 tc this for the ptrichass. of second- hand nose. Mr Ross agreed to a reduction in the item for Pipe and Fittings from $200. to 4l00. Mr. Ross said that if the North Lexington Collecting Sewers were not built this year, the item for Power and Attendance at the Pumping Station could be reduced to $50. The Appropriation committee approved the sum of $100. for Sundry Items. The Chairman said he thought that the $300. for Power and Attendance at the Pumping Station should be left until the matter of the North Lexington Sewers had oeen decided. This item is to be checked just before Town Meeting. The Clerk was instructed to ask Idr. Ross if he could get along on $100. for Sundry Items if $175 was included in the Equipment and Repair Item, for hose. She was instructed to request Mr. Ross to list the Sundry Items. The Selectmen approved $250. for Sundry Items and approved the total budget in the amount of $4500. Sewer Services : The Selectmen approved $1550. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved $1350 Mr Merriam said that his Committee approved $1350. because that was the ave age expenditure. Mr. howse said he thought that more money should be allowed for services because of the W.P.A. sewer program. The Appropriation Committee agreed to approve $1550. Sewer Construction, Sundry Streets : The Selectmen approved 01,000. and the Appropriation Committee approved $400. Mr Merriam said that Mr. Ross told him that t__ere would be a carry-over about $1600. so they approved $400. making a total of approxiiiately $2000. He said the average expenditure in the past three years was $1785. Mr. Russell said that this money did not come out of the tax rate and the money not used would carry over to 1941. The Appropriation Committee then approved the sum of $1,000. for this budget. Highway Maintenance - Personal Services : Both boards approved of 45409 57 for this budget. it was agreed that the salary of the ''upt . should be on an annual basis of $3120 per year. Highway Maintenance - Wages & Expenses : The Selectmen approved 436,000. and the Appropriation Committee a pproved $35,000. Mr. Merriam said that inasmuch as the $3,000. approved by the Committee for Chapter 90 Mainten- ance would probably not be matched by the State and County, the Committee would reduce that account to $2,000. and approve 436,000. for this account. Highway Maintenance - Chapter 90 : Both Boards agreed on a budget of $2,000. for this account. 73 Snow Removal : '1'ne Selectmen approved *20,000. for this account and the Appro_.riation Committee approved 410,000. The Chairman said that Mr. Paxton had given a rough estimate of $6,000. as the cost of the February 14th snow storm. Mr. '°'erriam said that Oct . Nov. and Dec. this year probably would cost about $1500. No change was made in this budget . Highway Dept. - Road Machinery: The Selectmen approved $6325. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved 46075. Mr '''erriam said that the Appropriation Committee recommended replacement of the service truck which would cost x;750. The present one is a 1935 truck and it was second-hand when purchased. It has gone 91,000 miles . 'ir. Rowse said that Mr. Raymond told the Board he felt that"they could get along with the old truck. The Appropriati n Com- mittee reconsidered the matter and decided to eliminate^$750. for replacing the truck. The total amount approved by both Boards was 45325. Sidewalk Construction, Sundry Streets : The Selectmen approved p1,000. and the Appropriation Committee approved $500. ;fir . Merriam said there was a carry- over of 4564.00 so they approved $500. , making a total of $1064. $1,000. has been the normal appropriation The Selectmen then voted to approve $500. for this appropriation. ' Charities : The Selectmen approved 41,6,308.57 and the Appropriation Committee approved $111,477.16. The Chairman said that last year the Welfare Dept . asked for an appropriation of $129,000. and the Selectmen approved 4115,000. The Approp- riation Committee felt that they could not possible get along on that and so allowed extra money in the Reserve Fund for charities . A transfer of *8,000. was made, making a total of $123,000. spent. .dir. Morse has requested $129,000. for 1940 and the Selectmen told him he would nave to get along on $123,308.57. The Chairman said he did not see- the logic of the Appropriation ''ornmittee in saying that the Welfare Dept. could get along of $111,400. this year when last year it was certain that it could not get along on $115,000. He said he supposed that they would allow a large amount in the Reserve rind for charities but he pointed out that charities are not an unforseen expenditure and an amount sufficient to cover estimated expenses srould be appropriated. He said that the Selectmen had always been against borrowing on tex titles but that was what would have to be done if the smaller amount was appropriated and money was needed later on in the year and there was not any money in the E & D account or Reserve Fund. Mr. Potter said he thought it would look bad to the general public. He did not believe that the Appropriation Committee was being honest with itself . .v 1r. Merriam said that the Committee was agreeable to giving Mr. Morse every incentive to make a good srnwing, and felt that there would be more of an incentive if his appropriation was reduced to 74 r" $111 ,400. 'ihe 'domnittee 2as tried tc be as scientific as possible and has gone over the case loads. The 457000. approved for Aid and Expenses was arrived at by figuring an average estimated load of 120 cases , which they think it likely to prevail this year. They have ultiplied tris by $34. per case per-month for twelve months, which makes a total of $46,000. They added 44,000. for hospitalization and 45,000. for other cities and towns. The Selectmen did not want to change its position on charities so the budgets were left as previously approved. A recess was declared from 10:15 to 10:25 P. M. Parks & Playgrounds , Personal Services : The Selectmen approved 44069 .33 and the Appropriation Committee approved $3724.33 Mr. Merriam said that the Appropriation Committee had reduced the item for Instructors from $1545. tO $1200. He said the Committee was impressed with the determination of the taxpayers to get some relief from taxation and it felt that the reduction should come from items such as this which aremmething that everybody wants out got along without previously. Mr. Potter said he did not approve of having children at the playgrounds without proper supervision. The Chairman said he would prefer to talk to Mr. Garrity before making any change in the budget. Parks & Playgrounds - Wages & Expenses : The Selectmen approved $10,500. and the Appropriation Co_mnittee approved 410,300. Mr. Merriam said that the Appropriation Committee deducted $200. from Equipment and Repair which was included for a sickle bar. The Selectmen decided to approve the budget in the amount of $10,300. The Appropriation Committee recommended transferring $350. from the Tower Fund and $250. from the Fiske Fund to Pe applied against this appropriation, and the Selectmen approved these transfers . The Appropriation Committee deducted $100. from the transportation item, leaving it at 475. This was deducted because the transportation of the children to Canoby Park at the end of the season was disapproved. Parks & Playgrounds, Outlay: The Selectmen approved $3200. and the Appropriation Com- mittee approved nothing. This item would pay for the enclosed fence . Mr. Potter said that the income would not only maintain the field itself, but also would help to maintain the other parts of the playground. He said that Lexington was the only town around that did not have an enclosed field. Mr. Merriam said his Committee understood that the Selectmen were going to try to get a private committee to raise money for this fence and that Mr. Garrity wanted to allow the grass to grow or the field this year and tnerefor would not use the field anyway. No change was made in this budget. 75 Public Works Bldg. - Wages and Expenses : The Selectmen approved $8551. and the Appropriation com- mittee approved $8333. There was a difference of $200. in the Equipment and Repair item. Mr. Merriam said that Mr. Spellman looked intb the request for repairs to the boiler and felt that the cause of the trouble was not dampness but he fouxid that the foundation was incorrectly put in. The Selectmen agreed with the Appropriation Committee on $300. for the Equipment and Repair item. The Labor item was approved by both boards in the amount of $6726. The total budget was approved oy both boards in the amount of $8351. Mr . Merriam said that he hoped this year the Selectmen would decide on a maximum salary oasis for clerks and make up some sort of a salary schedule for clerks . Unclassified: The Selectmen approved 4300. and the Appropriation Committee approved 4250. Mr. Merriam said that $236.85 was spent in 1939 so the Appropriation 'ommittee thought that $250. was ample. The Selectmen agreed on the budget of $250. Water Maintenance - Wages & Expenses : The Selectmen approved '$19,100. and the Appropriation Committee approved $18,900. Mr. Merriam said that Mr. Ross agreed that the item of $150. for Recording Fees could be reduced to $125,00. Mr Merriam said it was not contemplated to spend more on any budget this year than in other years and because not more than $18,900. had been spent previously, that was the amount approved. The Selectmen agreed to approve $14900. Mr. Rowse moved that the -previous vote to transfer the sum of $10,000. from the Water Dept . Available Surplus account to pay off Maturing Debt be rescinded and that the sum of $8,000. be transferred. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Public Works, Labor, Materials & EApenses : The Selectmen approved 420,000. and the Appropriation Committee approved $22,080. Mr. Merriam said the Committee arrived at its figure by taking $23,805. to start with and that was arrived at by approving a cert-in list of projects which were as follows : Moth project; tree trimming; sewing unit; topo survey No . Hancock Street drain; Sidewalk survey; And Liberty Heights sewer. That figures $23,805. sponsor ' s cost, and allows for 1854 man months ' labor, or an average of 142 men for the year. In 1:)39 the average was 129 men. They did not feel that the Town Meeting would want to approve more work oa W.P.A. than they had a year ago. The Committee added $4,097. for administration. There is a carry-over of $5821.98 and deducting this from the total projects approved, there is a balance of $22,080 They figured the sponsor's contribution on Liberty Heights was $10,572. which tney approved being bonded, leaving a balance of $11,508. to be 76 to to appropriated Mr Merriam said the Appropriation Committee appreciated the difficulties involved in selecting projects. The members feel that it would be very desirable to have every project that is done under W.P.A. approved by the Town Meeting, but they appreciate that that probably is not practical. They do not believe in the theory of giving a blank check to anybody. They doubted very much if some of the projects would get the approval of the Town Meeting if the members had an opportunity to vote on them. The Approp- riation Committee feels that there slould be some control over the projects accepted and it proposes to make an amendment to the vote offered by the Selectmen to the effect that this sum of money shall be appropriated for a W.P.A. fund from which transfers shall be made to specific projects upon approval of a majority of the Board of Selectmen and the Appropriation Committee. Tney felt that there should be worthy projects of iitnnediate benefit to the Tcwn which could be done. They thought there shculd be en-ugh of that type of project without getting into controversal projects. They feel that as far as collecting sewers go, that W.P.A. will probably be here for a number of years. They feel therefor, that it would be sufficient to do only one of these collecting sewer jobs this year. Mr. Merriam said the Selectmen had been working up a great many of these sewage and drainage projects which involved a lot of engineering and the expense of which is stood by the Engineering Department . They feel that there could be equally worthy projects which woLld not need so much engineering work. The Appropriation Committee felt that there shculd be some relief from the number of personnel in the Engineering Department . It was felt that the Town was working up a substantial street construction program for the next few years. Mr. Rowse explained why he was in favor of doing sewage work under W.P.A. The Chairman said that the Selectmen are going to submit all three sewer projects in the warrant. The Chairman ex- plained why he was in favor of sewer projects this year. He said that if his figures were accurate and the work was not done under W.P.A. but was done later by the Town funds, 50% of the cost would have to be assessed and the cost to the Town would be $117,000. If the three jobs were done this year, it will cost the Town $16,000. over a period of ten years. He said there was a chance to get rid of a bad health condition and a chance to get a major part of the work done at very low cost and also the low assessment rate was an inducement to people to sign the betterment assessment lists. The sewage work will absorb 120 men. He said that he learned today that the Merriam Street project had been approved by the State Dept . of Health. The Chairman said that if these projects were started and the administration changed, the W.P. A be obligated to complete the projects. He said that if such a program went through, a W.P.A. appropriation of §15,000. would ce needed in addition to what was bonded. The following projects ha1. e been approved: 77 School Lunch (for women) $1573.00 Sewing Unit (for women) 1942.00 Topo Survey 315.00 Sidewalk Survey 465.00 Moth Control 3800.00 Tree Trimming 300.00 Winter Sports 2500.00 (This to be closed down when the other projects start. ) North Hancock Street Drain 5542.00 Administration 4500.00 Total 20945.00 Balance from 1939 5821.00 Amount to be appropriated $15124.00 He said that the men wo_ild nave to oe kept on the Winter Sports area until the sewer projects were approved. Mr. Merriam said that Mr. Raymond reported that 75,E of the men would be able to work onthe sewage projects. He said he would like to study Mr. Giroux's figures and that if the money was appropriated for the sewer projects this year, we should have a much lower W.P.A. appropriation next year. He asked that the Selectmen get the signatures of the abutters before going ahead with the projects Mr. Merriam asked if the Selectmen had gone on record that they were not going ahead with any of these sewer projects until the required number of applica- tions had been received, or if they were prepared to force the sewer extension under the health laws . The Chairman asked what Mr. Merriam called the right percentage of sig- natures. He said whatever had been the practice in the past. He slid that if a low percentage of required signatures was W.P.A. set and a subseantial portion of people are not willing to pay their assessments, there would be a bad mess The Chairman said that it was safe to assume that no board would go ahead unless it had a reasonable number of people requesting the extensions. Mr. Merriam said that the more definitely the projects were shaped up, the better his Committee would like it. The Chairman said that the assessment lists had been submitted but had not been returned, so ne did not know how many signatures there would be . He asked the Appropriation Committee to consider the matter in the light that there was a bad health condition in Town. The Chairman said that the Board had received letters Bingham from five or six towns who had had the Bingham Associates Survey make surveys and there was nothing in the letters that would tend to recommend having such a survey made in Lexington. Mr Rowse said he understood that Mr. Harold B. Lemont was setting up some sort of machinery to try to get a $30. tax rate regardless of either the Appropriation Committee 's or the Selectmen' s recommendations. He thought it might forestall some trouble if the Appropriation Committee had some facts available to show what would have to be appropriated 7' CC in order to accomplish this $30 rate. lie thought that the Bor.rds should be forearmed. The Chairman said that when the Appropriation Committee had submitted its recommendation, its duty was done. The Town Meeting has no authority to issue a mandate to anyone to Town come out with a certain tax rate. In the first place, the Meeting Board of Assessors fix the tax rate. If the Selectmen attempted to set a certain tax rate, they would have to go to the Assessors and ask them what they intended to do first. The only power the Town Meeting has is to act on the budgets sub- mitted to it. In reality, the Town Meeting has no power to do what Mr. Lamont intends to ask. The meeting adjourned at 11 :50 P. M. A true record, Attest : Clerk. 1