HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-01-27 34 ca Cl SELECTMEN'S MEETING JAN . 27, 1940 A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 2:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux and Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. The Chairman told Mr. Raymond that the Board would like some informa- tion on the Road Machinery Account . The amount requested was $14,175.00. Road Mr. Raymond said that the equipment for construction Machinery work would have to come out of the Road Machinery Account Account and that betterment streets should be taken into con- sideration; also, the price on gasoline is increased 13%. The sum of $2650. was requested for Gasoline and Oil and Mr. Raymond said that if there was no snow and no construction program, this probably could be reduced to $2400. The Chairman suggested that the Board approve $2400. for Gasoline and Oil and if the snow work is light, this amount may be reduced. If betterment streets come in, it may be increased. The Clerk was instructed to check this just before Town Meeting. The sum of $2900. was requested for Parts and Repairs. Mr. Raymond said that $500. of this was for tires and tubes and he thought this could be reduced to $200. if there was not much snow and betterment streets were not done. The item was reduced to $2500. $200. was requested for Coal , and the sum of $150. was approved, this item to be checked just before Town Meeting, also. The item for Sidewalk Tractor under Naw Equipment, was eliminated. $225. was requested for a paving breaker and Mr. Raymond said that this might pay for itself on betterment streets if they run into ledge. It was decided to approve $220. for this item $750. was requested for a service truck and Mr. Raymond said that it did not cost any more to operate the present truck than the others in the depart- ment so he did not know why they should not continue to run this one another year. The item was eliminated as was an item of $5,000. for a snow loader. $300. was requested for another sand spreader and this was eliminated. $50. was approved for Sundry Items, making the total approved $5325.00. Traffic Regulation & Control, Improvement to System, Traffic Reg. was next discussed. Mr. Raymond said he did not believe and the people were going to like having all the lights at Control Merriam, Clarke and Bedford Streets synchronized. The only way the lights may operate at the convenience of 3.5 motorists is to have actuators. It was decided not to. put these items in the warrant unless a petition requesting them comes in. Mr. Raymond retired at 3:00 P.M. lir. Morse appeared before the Board. He said that he had in mind running the Welfare Department under absolute control, cooperating with the State and Federal authorities so that expenses may be reduced to a minimum. He said he Welfare felt he had a group of employees who were pulling together Dept. with him and for that reason should be increased and budgets secondly, he feels that they are underpaid. Mr. Morse said he wanted to deal with problems relative to change in setp up, fuel costs, general welfare conditions, etc. Mr. Morse said that Miss Edkins had been in the department for six years and in that time had only been increased from $12 . to $15. He said that Personal Services amounted to only 7% of the total expenditures. He explained the situation relative to employees in Welfare Departments under Civil Service . He said that Belmont was required to put on two new investigators at $35. per week. He thought the best way to get a more efficient welfare department was to pay in- creased wages. Mr. Rowse told Mr . Morse that in his opinion, the first thing for him to do was to show consistent results before he asked the Board to consider a substantial increase in salary for himself. Mr. Morse said he thought he was showing consistent results now and Mr. Rowse agreed with him, but said he thought the time was too short to come to a conclusion. The Chairman stated that James E. Collins was put on a trial basis with the idea that if he made good, his salary would be increased to 625. It was decided to approve the following increases in salaries : James E. Collins from $22.50 to $25.00 Muriel C. Edkins from $15 . to $16.00 Thomas F. Fardy from $18. to $19.00 It was the feeling of the Board that an amount not to exceed the 1939 expenditures should be approved for 1940. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to approve a total of $123,250. for charities and soldiers' benefits, this amount to include personal services. Mr. Morse retired at 4 :15 P.M. Budgets were then discussed and acted on as follows : Account Requested Approved Parks and Playgrounds -Pers.Services $4030.00 $4030.00 It " - Wages & Expenses 10784.00 10500,00 Budgets (The only stipulation in this being that Mr. Garrity' s automobile allowance be increased from $250. to $400. ) Contributory Retirement System - Pension Accumulation Fund 12962.00 12962.00 Contributory Retirement System - Interest Deficiency on Funds 316.29 316.29 36 Account Requested Approved Pub.Works Bldg. -Special Equipment $600.00 $0.00 Public Works - Welfare Aid 1470.00 1000.00 Insurance 9990.00 9990.00 Water Maintenance-Wages & Expenses 17000.00 17000.00 Water Maintenance-Interest on Debt 2100.00 2100.00 Metropolitan Water Tax-(S b ect to e- 35000.00 35000.00 Water Replatement3 vision in March) 1250.00 1250.00 Water Services 5000.00 5000.00 Water -R 70 Con.-Replacement of Mains 8 0.00 5100.00 (Replacement of 4 inch main in Percy Road) Water Dept. - Eliminating Dead Ends 4900.00 2500.00 (Work at Grant Street approved) Water Construction - Oak Street 3200.00 0.00 (No expenditure approved unless sewer main is laid) . Water Construction - Sundry Streets 5000.00 4000.00 Mr. Rowse moved that the Selectmen recommend the trans- fer of $10,000.00 from the Water Dept . Available Surplus Account for payment of maturing water debt. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. The meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M. A true record, Attest : Clerk. 1