HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-04-10SELECTMEN'S MEETING ' April 10, 1939. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7;00 P.M. Chairman Giroux and Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. The Chairman said that there were ten or twelve welfare recipients who objected to the cut and said they could not get along on the amount of money allowed them, and these people have asked for hearings. Due to lack of time, he suggested that the people appear in a group and that the Board tell them that a secretary would hear their complaint and'type it and bring it into the Board for consideration later on. The other members felt that this would be the best way to handle the situation. Mr. Ralph Dale appeared before the Board and presented 251 Welf are Police badges. a list of police officers who had re -qualified in markman- ship this year. He said that every police officer was entitled to a bar. He explained that there would be more experts if there was more .38 calibre ammunition to shoot. ' Chief Sullivan, Sergeant Neal and Officers Harvey, Russell, MacCormack, Day and O'Leary appeared before the Board. The Chairman told them that the Board was very pleased to have the opportunity to present medals for marksmanship to them this evening. He said that it had al- ways been the aim of the Selectmen to build up the kind of a department that the Chief and the Town wanted. He told the group that in the last year, the Board felt that the members of the departmnent were cooperating much better. He said that last Saturday morning a gentleman named Lee frcm Brookline called him to say that the police officer on duty at Lexington Center on Friday afternoon had been extremely courteous to him. The Chairman said that the Board was very much pleased with Mr. Dale's cooperation in this movement. Mr. Dale explained the qualifications for each type of rating. He said that it was necessary for each man to re- qualify every year in order to keep his bar. The Chairman presented badges to the officers in order of their standing as follows; Officer Day 870 It MacCormack 87 1/3,% Sergeant Neal 80 1/3% Officer O'Leary 79% Russell 78 2/3% Harvey 73 1/3% Chief Sullivan suggested that all of the officers wear their badges at all times, and upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter; a vote to that effect was passed. The group retired. 251 Welf are Police badges. 252 Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said that Telephone, he was incorrect in what he said it cost for the telephone Cary Mem. in the Cary Memorial Building. The actual cost is about ' bldg. $1.35 a month so that he recommended that the phone be left in. Mr. Potter moved that the vote of two weeks ago to have the phone removed be rescinded. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that he had had a number of complaints from the B. & M. Railroad about snow being left in ridges at the crossings. The company complained that this was dangerous to trains and liablO to cause de - Complaint railment. The last letter was very general, but referred to re snow, various,storms at all hours of the night and on Sundays. Mr. Raymond said that because several of the times mentioned were on Sundays or two or three o'clock in the morning, they must have been discovered by the snowplow crew. He felt that their complaints were unreasonable as they were complaining about times when there were no trains. He said he felt in- clined to ignore their complaints. He asked if the Board agreed with him and it did. He felt that it was not right to stop snow work to remove the ridges, but felt that it was all right to go back after the worst part of the storm had been cleared away. It was decided to leave the matter to Mr. Raymond's judgment. Mr. Raymond reported that he had taken prices on , Arsenate_'of arsenate of lead for spraying and the most favorable price lead was that of the Middlesex County Farm Bureau at ten cents less 2-lff°a per pound. He requested authority to purchase four tons, two for the Moth Department and two for the W.P.A. Moth crew. There will be a charge of about $400. to each department. Mr. Potter moved that the purchase be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said he took up with the Town Counsel, Drainage, Mr. Caouettets complaint relative to the drainage at the Blake Blake Estate at the foot of the castle. Mr. Wrightington estate. advised him to look up the orders of takings and when he did, he found that Somerset Road and Hayes Avenue were all right. The Franklin Road records are incomplete and there does not seem to be any deed to the town. This can be ad- justed by going; through the same process as we did on Eliot Road. Mr. Wrightingtoh agrees that before anything more is done, somebody should have a conference with Caouette to find out just what he had in the back of his mind when he complained. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Raymond have a con- ference with Mr. Caouette on the matter. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it wqs so voted. . Mr. Raymond had two orders of taking to clear up the North Lexington Sewer matter. one taking was a duplicate , of an earlier taking which was made under the old vote and cleared up the defect in the description. Mr. Rowse 25.3 moved that the order dated April 8th, be signed as follows,'- ORDER ollows; ORDER OF TAKING BY TOWN OF LEXINGTON FOR RIGET S OF NAY AITD EASTIMITT S UNDER CHAPTER 504 OF THE ACTS OF 18971, AS AMENDED. MIEREAS By Chapter 504 of the Acts of the year 1897 en- titled "An Act to authorize the Town of Lexington to con- struct a system of sewerage", as amended, said Town was author- ized, among other things, to lay out, construct, maintain and operate a system of sewerage, with the powers and authorities set forth in said Act, including full power through its Board of Sewer Commissioners, to take by purchase or otherwise any lands, rights of way and easements in said Town necessary for the establishment therein of a system of sewerage or of sewage disposal, or for any of the purposes mentioned in Section 1 of said Act; and WHEREAS the said Town of Lexington duly accepted said Act in the manner provided therein; and WHEREAS the system hereinafter referred to as about to be constructed, and plans showing the work to be done in constructing the same, have been duly approved by the State Department of Public Health; and WHEREAS, by Chapter 277 of the Acts of the year 1909, Mich was duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said Town in the manner provided in Section 5 thereof, the then Board of Water Commissioners of said Town and the Board of Sewer Commissioners elected under the provisions of said Act (Chapter 504 of 1897) were consolidated in one Board to be called the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, with the provision that all the powers and duties of said Board of�Sewer Commissioners should thereafter devolve upon said Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners; and WHEREAS, by Chapter 1 of the Acts of the year 1922, which was duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said Town in the manner provided in Section 5 thereof, the powers ' and duties of the Water and Sewer Commissioners were -assigned to the Board of Selectmen as a Board of Public Works; and WHEREAS, Archibald R. Giroux, George W. Sarano, William G. Potter, Errol H. Locke, and A. Edward Rowse, citizens and 254 residents of the said Town have been duly qualified and are now the duly elected, qualified and acting Board of Select- men pursuant to law and the provisions of the Act above referred to; and WHEREAS the Town Meeting of Lexington on the twentieth day of March, 1939 duly adopted the following by unanimous votes: "Article 31. VOTED: To appropriate the further sum of Nine Thousand 'Six Hundred Thirty-six Dollars in addition to the amount appropriated under Article 2 of the Warrent for the Town Meeting held August 25, 1936, making $163,636.00 in all, for the purpose of acquiring land and easements and con- structing a sanitary sewer, force main and pumping station for North Lexington and to enable the Town to secure the benefits of funds granted by the Federal Government under the Public Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938, the money so appropriated to be derived from the proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized in said original appropria- tion of August 25, 1938 and from funds granted by the Federal Government, and FURTHER VOTED: To authorize and direct the Selectmen to accept on behalf of the Town the amended offer of the Federal Em- ergency Administration of Public Works, dated March 9, 1939 for use in carrying out the project for the construction of a sanitary sewer, force main and pumping station for North Lexington, and FURTHER VOTED: To authorize the Selectmen to acquire land and easements by right of eminent domain or otherwise on behalf of the Town for a sanitary sewer, forde main and sewage pumping station as follows: 1. Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side line of Valley Road distant about 45 feet from the northeast corner of land now or formerly of George A. Bullock, thence southeast- erly by varying courses and northeasterly on lands now or formerly of James M. Burr, Anna E. Rardin, James A. and Mar- garet J. Aker, David J. Harrigan, Dorothy T. Taylor, Cornelia Bierenbroodspot and Louisa G. T. Bean, to the westerly side line of Bedford Street at a point which is about 75 feet southerly of the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. 2. A parcel of land now or formerly of Ethel F. Bean on the easterly side of Brook Street so-called, a private way, near Myrtle Street, and bounded on the west by the said Brook Street and for about 100 feet in length and having a depth of about 100 feet." WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined the location of basements to be"tsken for the donstruction and ihaixt enance off the sewer and force main for North Lexington between Vall°ey'' Road and Bedford Street as follows: 255 1. The location -line begins at a point on the southwesterly ' side line of the said Valley Road distant about 45 feet from the, ortheast corner of land now or formerly of Geopge A. Bullock, thence S 310 24+ 45" E distant about 340 feet to an angle point, thence S 580 06' 30" E distant 383.56 feet to an angle point, thence S 380 40+ 45" E distant 258.62 feet to an angle point, thence S 550 09+ 45" E distant 347.00 feet to a point, said point being the southwesterly exyremity of the center line of the easement 20.00 feet in width extending southwesterly from Bedford Street herbinafter described, on land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean and for a width of 12.50 feet on the northeasterly side and of 17.50 feet on the southwesterly side of said location line on lands now or formerly of James M. Burr, Anna E. Rardin, James A. & Margaret J. Aker, David J. Harrigan, Dorothy T. Taylor, Cornalia Bierenbroodspot, and Louisa G. T. Bean. 2. The center line begins at a point on the westerly side line of Bedford Street which is 75.00 feet southerly of the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean, thence S 640 02T 30" W distant 101.15 feet and for a width of 10.00 feet on each side of said center line on land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. All as shown on sheets 1 and 2 of 3 sheets entitled, "LEXINGTON, MASS., NORTH LEXINGTON SEWERAGE PLAN OF EASEMENTS, BROOM ST. PUMPING STATION TO HAMILTON ROAD;' Scale 40 feet ' to 1 inch, dated December 20, 1938, John T. Cosgrove, Town Engineer. WHEREAS the rights of way and easements hereinafter taken are necessary for the said purpose; NOW.. THEREFORE, the said Board of Selectmen acting for and on behalf of the said Town under authority of the said Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897, as amended, and of every other power them thereto enabling, do hereby take rights of way and easements within the locations abo#e described and shown on the said plans, as follows, viz; the right on the part of the Selectmen of the said Town or other duly authorized agents of the Town to enter upon, build and maintain the sewer and force main with manholes and such appurtenances as are required, and to dig up, open, excavate, fill and use the land between the said exterior lines of said easements as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of constructing said sewer and force main and appurtenances, together with the right to enter thereon from time to time as may be necessary for repairs and maintenance of the said public improvements and of maintaining, operating, inspecting, and repairing the same from time to time thereafter. The said Town being always bound to see that the ground directly after the completion of the work in each case is cleared of all surplus material and the surface left in as smooth condition as at the time of entering. Trees within the said locations are included in this taking. 256 No assessments for betterments are to be levied for the I said public improvement. The following damages have been determined and they are awarded. Owner Amount James A. and Margaret J. Aker ;175.00 Anna E. Rardin 20.00 David J. Harrigan 15.00 Dorothy T. Taylor 20.00 Cornelia Bierenbroodspot 15.00 Louisa G. T. Bean 30.00 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said rights of way and easements to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to its and their own use and behoof forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Board of Selectmen have here- unto subscribed their names this eighth day of April, 1939. ARCHIBALD R. GIROUX A. EDWARD ROWSE GEORGE W. SARANO WILLIAM G. POTTER ERROL H. LOCKS ' Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. On this 8th day of April, 1939, personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, Errol H. Locke and George W. Parano, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them to be their free act and deed and the free act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me, Wm. S. Scamman Notary Public, Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that the other taking was one of leasehold interest and lands of Louisa G. T. Bean, who was the only owner who would not sign a release in that area not covered in the original vote. The damages awarded herein amount to about $30. and it will be necessary to use about 3000 square feet outside of that area chiring con- struction. Mr. Raymond recommended that damages in the amount of $15. be awarded for the use of the land for one ' year. Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter; it 257 was voted that the recommendation be approved and that the ' order be approved as follows: ORDER OF TAKING BY TOWN OF LEXINGTON OF A LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN LANDS UNDER THE ACTS OF 1897 CHAPTER 504 AS AMENDED. WHEREAS BY CHAPTER 504 of the Acts of the year 1897 entitled "An Act to authorize the Town of Lexington to con- struct a system of sewerage", as amended, said Town was authorized, among other things, to lay out, construct, main- tain and operate a system of sewerage, with the powers and authorities set forth in said Act, including full power through its Board of Sewer Commissioners, to take by purchase or otherwise any lands, rights of way and easements in said Town necessary for the establishment therein of a system of sewer- age or of sewage disposal, or for any of the purposes men- tioned in Section 1 of said Act; and WHEREAS the said Town of Lexington duly accepted said Act in the manner provided therein; and WHEREAS the system hereinafter referred to as about to be constructed, and plans showing the work to be done in constructing the same, have'been duly approved by the State Department of Public Health; and ' WHEREAS, by Chapter 277 of the Acts of the year 1909, which was duly accepted by a majority of the voters of said town in the manner provided in Section 5 thereof, the then Board of Water Commissioners of said Town and the Board of Sewer Commissioners elected under the provisions of said Act (Chapter 504 of 1897) were consolidated in one Board to be called the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners, with the provision that all the powers and duties of said Board of Sewer Commissioners should thereafter devolve upon said Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners; and WHEREAS, by Chapter 1 of the Acts of the year 1922, which was duly accepted by a majority of the voters of skid Town in the manner provided in Section 5 thereof, the powers and duties of the Water and Sewer Commissioners were assigned to the Board of Selectmen as a Board of Public Works; and WHEREAS, Archibald R. Giroux, George W. Sarano, William G. Potter, Errol H. Locke, and A. Edward Rowse, citizens and residents of the said Town have been duly qualified and are now the duly elected, qualified, and acting Board of Selectmen pursuant to law and the provisions of the Act above referred to; and ' WHEREAS -the Town Meeting of Lexington on the twentieth day of March, 1939 duly adopted the following by unanimous vot eas : 258 met "Article 31. VOTED: To appropriate the further sum of Nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty -Six Dollars in addition., to the amount appropriated under Article 2 of the Warrant for the Town Meeting held August 25, 1938, making $163,636.00 in all, for the purpose of acquiring land and easements and constructing a sanitary sewer, force main and pumping station for North Lexington and to enable the Town to secure the benefit of funds granted by the Feddral Government under the Public Works Administration Appropriation Act of 1938, the money so appropriated to be derived from the proceeds of the sale of bonds authorized in said original appropria- tion of August -25,, 1938 and from funds granted by the Federal Government, and FURTHER VOTED. To authorize and direct the Selectmen to accept on behalf of the Town the mended offer of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works, dated Mareh,9, 1959 for use in carrying out the project for the construction of a sanitary sewer, force main and pumping station for North Lexington, and FURTHERVOTEDt To authorize the Selectmen to acquire land and easements by right of eminent domain or otherwise on behalf of the Town for a sanitary sewer, force main and sewage pumping station as follows. 1. Beginning at a point on the southwesterly side line of ' Valley Road distant about 45 feet from the northeast corner of land now or formerly of George A. Bullock, thence south- easterly by varying courses and northeasterly on lands now or formerly of James M. Burr, Anna E. Rardin, James A. and Margaret J. Aker, David J. Harrigan, Dorothy T. Taylor, Cornelia Bierenbroodspot and Louisa G. T. Bean, to the westerly side line of Bedford Street at a point which is about 75 feet southerly of the northeast corner of land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. 2. A parcel of land now or formerly of Ethel F. Bean on the easterly side of Brook Street so-called, a private way, near Myrtle Street, and bounded on the west by the said Brook Street and for about 100 feet in length and having a depth of about 100 feet," WHEREAS the Selectmen have determined the location of temporary leasehold interests in land adjacent to the ease- ment on land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean in the order of taking dated April 8, 1939 as follows; Parcel 1. A strip of land 15 feet in width adjoining the northwesterly side of the 20 foot sewer easement and 12.8 feet in width adjoining the northeasterly side of the 30 ' foot s6wer eatement described in the order of taking dated April 8, 1939 and extending first southwesterly and then northwesterly from the southwesterly line of Bedford Street 259 over land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. ' Parcel 2. A strip of land 15 feet in width adjoining the southeasterly side of the said 20 foot sewer easement and extending southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Bedford Street to the North Lexington Brook over land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. Parcel 3. A triangular parcel of land between the south- westerly side of the said 30 foot sewer easement and the North Lexington Brook on land now or formerly of Louisa G. T. Bean. All as shown on a plan entitled, °Plan Showing Areas for Temporary Leasehold Interest During Construction of North Lexington Outlet Sewer on Land of Louisa G. T. Bean, Lexington, Mass. February 27, 1939, Scale 1 in. - 40 ft. John T. Cos- grove, Town Engineer". WHEREAS the said temporary leasehold interests herein- after taken are necessary for the said purpose; NOW, THEREFORE, the said Board of Selectmen acting for and on behalf of the said Town under authority of said Chapter 504 of the Acts of 1897 as amended, and of every other power them thereto enabling, do hereby take by emiftent domain a temporary leasehold estate within each of the loca- ' tions above described as shown on the said plan for a term of one year for temporary use during construction of the public works of the sewer and force main for North Lexington, including the right to use the said lands by the Selectmen or other duly authorized agents of the Town or contractor with the Town and their agents and servants for the operation of engineers and workmen and the storage of equipment and of materials for construction or materials removed from exca- vations, for such construction or for any other purpose in the construction of the said public works. On completion of the work before the expiration of the said term of one year, all materials will be removed and the surface of the ground of said locations restored to as good condition as they are at the date of this taking. The rent of the said premises for the said term is included in the damages awarded. The following damage has been sustained and it is awarded. Owner Amount Louisa -77.77. Bean .0 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said temporary leasehold estate to the Town of Lexington, its successors and assigns, to ' its and their own use and behoof for a period of one year from April 10th, 1939. 260 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Board of Selectmen have hereunto subscribed their names the tenth day of April, 1939. ARCH IBALD R. G IROUX A. EDWARD RaJiSE GEO. W. SARANO ERROL H. LOCIE WILLIAM G. POTTER Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. On this 10th day of April, 1939, there personally appeared the above named Archibald R. Giroux, William G. Potter, A. Edward Rowse, George W. Sarano, and Errol H. Locke, and severally acknowledged the foregoing instrument and statement by them to be their free act and deed and the fPee act and deed of the Town of Lexington, before me, Wm. S. Scamman Notary Public. Mr. Raymond said that the Mass. Building Wrecking Co. ' had not complied with the specifications in the matter of Aldrich insurance. Mr. Rowse moved that the vote of last week buildings. awarding the contract to tear down the Aldrich buildings to the Mass. Building Wrecking Co. be rescinded and that the contract be awarded to the next highest bidder, the Mystic Building Wrecking Co., subject to the approval of Mr. Raymond and Mr. Wrightington. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. ., Mr. Raymond said that he had received request for the Rental of rental of the scraper for Sunnyknoll and Vaille Avenues and scraper Grant Street. He recommended that a charge of $25. per day, plus the wages of the operator, be made. Mr. Rowse moved that the recommendation be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said he had received a number of requests to purchase the sand picked up off the roads, and he told the Supt. of the Highway Department that it would be all Sale of right to deliver the sand if the place it was to be Sand delivered was close to the job. He recommended a charge of $1.50 a load. Mr. Sarano moved that authority be given to Mr. Raymond to sell this sand provided the money for it was collected in advance. Mr. Locke seconded the motion and it I was so voted. 261 ' Mr. Raymond said he had three W.P.A. projects to dis- cuss. He asked whether or not the Board would approve the W.P.A. submission of the Raymond and Muzzey Street drainage project projects In place of the Charles Street drainage project, which work was done by town employees. The townts share of this roject would be $1712. as compared with the Federal share of 4516. Mr. Rowse asked if the Raymond and Muzze Street drains were included in the drainage work for which 44,000. was approved. Mr. Raymond said he did not have any plans for drainage costing $4,000.00. His drainage program amounted to $12,000.00. He felt, however, that this was the most im- portant job. Mr. Rowse moved that the project be submitted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. The second project was one for brook drainage and cleaning in the area near Valleyfield and Bridge Streets to eliminate the mosquito Nuisance and improve the land drainage. The Town's share of the total cost of $21,000. would be $4452. Mr. Locke moved that the project be submitted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. The third project was a vdiit a collar project to secure data relative to the 64 miles of town streets. He said it was a project very similar to the tree survey project, and probably would be used quite a lot in years to come in making up budgets, estimates, etc. The sponsor's contribu- tion is 1150.00 in comparison with a Federal contribution of $9000. Mr. Rowse thought it would be better to hold up this project, until he could write up one that would be more productive. However, upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the project be submitted. Mr. Rowse voted in opposition. Letter was received from George W. Nary of 82 Oak Street requesting that a bituminous sidewalk be constructed in front of his house, he to pay one-half the cost. Mr. Nary Nary also complained about the condition of the present sidewalk sidewalk. The Clerk was requested to furnish Mr. Raymond with a copy of the letter and ask him to report on the matter next week. Letter was received from Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Keene and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haynes, asking if there could not be Sewer - something worked out so that they could connect with the Grant St. trunk line sewer in the rear of their property. They said that they were thoroughly dissatisfied with the hearings -and interviews they had had. Mr. Raymond said that in one of the lots, it would be necessary to go through 25 feet of solid ledge. He said that the sewer would not be ready to use until August or September anyway and if the town accepts the new Sewer Act, ' a sewer could be installed in Fletcher Avenue under the W.P.A. He said that Mr. Lamont and Mr. Alden have suggested that a private sewer be installed, but he did not like the idea. This would be parallel to the trunk line and would 262 Net join it at Hayes Lane. However, in fairness to all con- cerned, he felt that studies should be worked up. He felt ' that the people should be told that we are going to give the matter further study and work out more details. Mr. Raymond said he believed that the Board should make itself entirely familiar with all angles of this matter. - Letter was received from Oscar B. Kenrick of 114 East Street claiming several damages because of the Vihe Brook Kenrick Drainage project. Mr. Raymond said that he had referred claim this matter to Mr. Alden who would take care of it. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Raymond answer Mr. Kenrick's letter. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mrs. Edward,A. Meade of 21 Sewer - No. North Hancock Street complaining about the condition of her Hancock St. cesspool and the expense she has to stand becaus.e of clean- ing it out. Mrs. Meade said she was very anxious to have a street sewer installed in North Hancock Street so that her property could be connected to it. Letter was received from Judge Pierre A. Northrup claiming damages to the property at 8, 10 and 12 Sheridan The doors were then opened so that the Welfare reci- pients wishing to object to their cuts could be admitted. The Chairman said that the Selectmen knew why the group was b:er.e�.and that the Board was sympathetic. However, he Welfare said that the town voted the money for Welfare and not the Selectmen. He said that in the first three months,02000. was spent out of $61,000. appropriated. After the amount set aside for hospitalization, clothing, etc. was,deducted, only $25,000. or $26,000. was left for the next nine months. He said that the Board had tried to divide that money so that it would be able to give something to the welfare recipients in the winter months. He said there was not ' Street owned by Mrs. Esther R. Barnes and the Barnes heirs. Barnes Mr. Raymond said he thought it would be well to advise Mrs. claim. Barnes that a change order would go through by which two six inch elms would be placed in front of the house. They claim more damages, but no damages were awarded for the taking. He thought it would be well for the Board to advise that after the work was completed, they could then advise the Board as to the amount they claimed their damages were and that the Board would then be glad to consider the matter. It was decided to adopt Mr. Raymond's recommendation. Beachts Mr. Rowse moved that the vote of February 20 to charge salary. Clayton Beach's entire salary to W.P.A. Labor and Materials be rescinded as of April 7, 1939. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond retired. The doors were then opened so that the Welfare reci- pients wishing to object to their cuts could be admitted. The Chairman said that the Selectmen knew why the group was b:er.e�.and that the Board was sympathetic. However, he Welfare said that the town voted the money for Welfare and not the Selectmen. He said that in the first three months,02000. was spent out of $61,000. appropriated. After the amount set aside for hospitalization, clothing, etc. was,deducted, only $25,000. or $26,000. was left for the next nine months. He said that the Board had tried to divide that money so that it would be able to give something to the welfare recipients in the winter months. He said there was not ' ' much the Board could do abou consider every case. He sai of time, the Board would be he told the group to retire stenographer could take down group retired. t it, brit it did want to d that because of the lack unable to hear every case and to another office so that a their complaints. The Letter was received from Ronald Dempsey of 94 Winter Street -offering to purchase lot 56 Morris Street for the sum of $50.00. Mr. Potter said that this lot was adjacent to the one on which Dempsey now lived and it was too small to build on. He said the Committee recommended that the offer ,be accepted. Mr. Rowse moved that the offer be accepted. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr.,Potter presented a letter from Father Connor of the Sacred Heart Parish, requesting permission to con- duct a carnival. It was decided to invite Father Connor and the Commander of the American Legion and the Commander of the V. F. W., together with the Grand Knight, K. of C., to appear before the Board next week to discuss the matter. Sale of lot Request for Carnival The matter of Frank Canessa+s request for a third class agent's license was discussed. The Clerk thought that the request was for 904 Mass. Ave. but'the Chairman thought Agents it was for Albemarle Avenue. In view of the uncertainty License of the location, it was decided to hold the matter over for one week. Letter was received from Mr. Garrity stating that the town was going to receive 1150, for tearing down the Aldrich property and asking if this amount could be used to repair the cellar of the barn. The Clerk was instructed to inform Mr. Garrity that no money could be expended unless there was an appropriation for it. A letter was received from the Town accountant calling attention to a voucher made payable to F. K. John- son, Inc. for the purchase of an automobile for the Police Department. The Chairman said he had authorized Chief Sullivan to go ahead and order the car and he asked the Boardts approval of his action. Mr. Sarano moved that the Chairmants action be approved. Mr. Locke seconded the motion, and it was so voted. At 9;00 o'clock, Messrs. Houghton and Fischer of the School Committee, Supt. of Schools Grindle and Messrs. Merriam, Emery and Fawcett of the Appropriation Committee, appeared before the Board. Aldrich Property Police car 264 Mr. Houghton said that the reason for the conference was that the School Committee wanted to know what the policy on budgets for 1940 was to be. He said that the School Committee was quite willing to take the first step in cutting down, but wanted to know what the policy was because contracts had to be signed in the next few weeks. He said the School Committee wanted to know that if it did reduce the teacher's increases, the Selectmen were ready to make a reduction also. The feeling was to either materially reduce or eliminate entirely annual Increases. The Chairman asked how much would be saved if automatic increases were eliminated entirely,,and Mr. Houghton said he thought it would amount to $3500. School The Chairman said that there had been some talk of Committee cutting our tax rate to $30. next year, (exclusive of the re State tax) compared with town expenses this year, causing budget. the tax rate to be $34.50. If it is definitely decided that the tax rate is going to be $30., the Board could ask Mr. Russell to furnish the amount each appropriation would have to be cut in order to accomplish that rate. Mr. Rowse said that he had talked with several people after the Town Meeting and the general feeling was that salaries in the cho 1 Depa tm t should not be r duce but formulate. to• re cp t4e that the Scho 1 omm�ttee sliou��. 9-Labs b 1 ce tain courses'. enc al s hoof p se -- minatin lr. oughtcon sa�� tiat a chiled n schoor took so many courses, and if a boy had been taking mechanical drawing, for instance, and dropped it, he would have to take some other course. He said in figuring their budget for next year, they let two or three teachers go when perhaps they should not have done so. The Chairman said he thought it would be best to hold the matter over for one week and try to find out how much would have to be cut and then discuss it again. Mr. Rowse asked Mr. Houghton if a salary cut were to be made it would be a permanent or temporary thing. Mr. Houghton'said it would not be permanent, as if it were, it would lower the standard of teachers. It was decided to meet again next week at 8;30 to discuss the matter. The group retired. The Town Counsel and Jerry Cataldo appeared before the Board. Cataldo said that they had been trying to settle his case, but could not come to an agreement. He said he Cataldo wanted the Town of Arlington to take up Mill Brook to the case. same level as Lexington had for a distance of about 800 feet in region #3. Arlington says it will not do this and will merely clean out the brook. If Arlington will clean out the brook and pay him $500. to cover expenses, he will settle, but if not, he said he was going to stop the case for the time being and later on when he had some more money, hire another laywer and take the case up again. If he did this, e he would not settle for any $500.00. He suggested that the Selectmen of Lexington get together with the Selectmen of I Arlington to see if they could come to some sort of an agreement. He retired'. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington containing his interpretation of Chapter 84, Section 25, G.L. The Clerk was requested to send a copy of the letter to Mr. Raymond and request him to discuss the matter with the Board next Monday. She was requested to ask Mr. Raymond to check the records of the Highway Dept. to find out if there was any record of work ever having been done by the Town on Fern Street. 265 Fern Street Letter was received from James J. Carroll advising that the Allied Veterans Council had been the recipient of Gift of a gift of forty American flags from Annie F. Shepard of flags. 1836 Mass. Avenue. Invitation to review the parade on April 19th was re- ceived from the April 19th Committee. Upon motion of Mr. Invitation Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted that the Board accept the invitation with thanks. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Saran, it was voted that the Board sign an agreement with the Lexington Lease Golf Club to lease to that organization land on the 9th tee to Golf for a period of three years, subject to a charge of $10. per Club. year. Letter was received from J. Henry Duffy stating that Board of because of lack of time, it would be impossible for him to Appeals. serve as an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals. Letter was received from John J. Garrity stating that he had been requested by the Lexington 4-H club to pick Planting out a suitable place on public land where they could plant of trees. ten trees on Arbor Day, April 29th. Mr. Garrity suggested Bowman Park and asked if this met with the approval of the Selectmen. Mr. Potter moved that the location suggested by Mr. Garrity be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Locke, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to grant the following licenses: Thomas M. Montague, 21 Bedford St. p Public Carriage Licenses John W. Leary, 45 Waltham St. - Marian B. Holt, 854 Mass. Ave. - Intelligence_Office Jacob Bornstein, 4 Sylvia St. - Junk Collector Hyman Weiss, Chelsea, Mass. - Ernest K. Ballard, 148 Wood St. - 200 -swine Swenson Bros., Allen Street - 100 " ' C. E. Barnaby, 1804 Mass. Ave. - 6 Bowling Alleys Thomas M. Montague, 25 Depot Sq. - Undertakerst License Ralph H. Marshall, 1844 Mass. Ave. - it " Abraham Balanoff, 33 SzL via St. - Peddler's License. , 80 "i3e Alice M. McCar thydford St. - Undertaker's License. 266 r-� C Peddlers' Mr. Locke moved that the Board Approve a Peddlers License License for Abraham Balanoff of 33 Sylvia Street, subject to the Chief's approval. Mr. Saran seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse moved that Robert Kelley of 109 Follen Road Committee. and Mr. Robert C. Merriam of Oakmount Circle be appointed to the Committee to study the Tenement House Act for Towns with relation to apartment houses. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the Commitment. amount of $64.17 was signed by the Board. Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board Welfare. relative to Welfare cases. The meeting adjourned at 12;00 P.M. A true record, Attest; �p Clerk. 1