HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-04-03SELECTMEN'S MEETING APRIL. 3, 1939. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Locke and Sarano were present. The Clerk was also present. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, it was voted that the following be signed: Commitment of Water Rates - $5789.17 Sewer Betterment Assessment - 90.00 Commitment of Water Liens - 102.58 Water Rates Abatement - 7.44 Abatements and commitments Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano it was voted to grant the following licenses: G. W. Bean, 359 Bedford Street - Sunday Golf Driving Range Ira A. Rix, 1734 Mass. Ave. - Sell popcorn, April 19th Ce -Lett Ice Cream, 1781 Mass. Ave.- Overhanging Sign Edson A. Pero, 1786 Mass. Ave. Chin Lee, 1784 Mass. Ave. Minute -Man Lunch, 1715 Mass. Ave. Gabriel Baker, 1741 Mass. Ave. Max Berman, 12 Mass. Ave. Eugene H. Partridge, 1709 Mass. Ave.- " " Ross Stores, 1789 Mass. Ave. - Eugene Derby, 11 Waltham St. - ►+ rr Forrest E. King, 6 Waltham St. - Dorothy D. Lappen, 1780 Mass. Ave. Lester Arbetter, 198 Mass. Ave. - Peddler's License Letter was received from the Town Accountant advising that the cash grants listed on this warrant amounted to $711.50 compared with cash grants on last week's warrant amounting to $1083.25. Mr. Russell said that the amount expended on Public Welfare since January 1 amounted to $20,284.14. The Chairman stated that Mr. Mitchell talked with him about some of the cases and said that they could not possibly exist on the amount of money granted them - the people would starve. The Chairman said he told Mr. Mitchell that it would be all right to come in before the Board and adjust these cases upward but he would have to adjust enough cases down- ward to make up the difference. The Chairman asked if his action met with the Board's approval, and it did. The Chairman stated that he thought it might be wise to have an accounting of the hospital cases taken care of so ' far this year. He asked permission to request Mr. Mitchell to submit this information giving the length of time each person was in the hospital, the illness, the cost per day Licenses Welfare Costs 248 and the amount of each bill. He said that Reading had made 'C an arrangement with Lawrence whereby they get a special rate on Welfare cases. The Board had no objection to obtaining this information. The Chairman explained that William A. Cann's appoint - Assessors ment as a member of the Board of Assessors did not expire appointment. until December 31, 1939, and therefor Mr. Roy Ferguson could not be appointed. Mr. Locke moved that because of the error made, the Board rescind its vote of last week appointing Roy Ferguson a member of the Board of Assessors. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from Mr. Carroll stating that money Town Clerkb was allowed in the Town Offices budget for the installation Shelves. of shelves underneath the counter in his office. He now has the use of the vault formerly used by Mr. Russell and he therefor asked that he be allowed to have the sheDres in- stalled in the vault rather than under the counter. The Board had no objection to this. Health & Mr. Potter moved that John Lamont be appointed Health Milk and Milk Inspector for the year ending March 31, 1940. air. Inspector Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Regs. of Mr. Rowse moved that Malcolm H. Clifford be appointed Voters. a member of the Board of Registrars of Voters for a three year term ending March 31, 1942. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Board of Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. J. Henry Duffy be appointed as Appeals an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals for the year ending March 31, 1940. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 Letter was received from the Metropolitan District Hearing re Commission advising of a hearing to be held on April 5th Met. water on the special report of the M.D.C. relative to the advis- system. ability of establishing a new basis of payments to meet the costs of the Metropolitan Water System of the Metropolitan Districts. The Clerk was instructed to call the matter to Mr. Raymondfs attention and request him or Mr. Ross, or both,• to attend the hearing. Letter was received from the Mass. Dept. of Public Slaughter Health advising that the Department did not approve the Inspector. nomination of John Lamont for the position of Slaughter Inspector. Mr. Potter moved that George G. Whiting of 333 Waltham Street be nominated for the position of Slaughter Inspector. Mr. Sarano seconded the motion and it was so voted. Health & Mr. Potter moved that John Lamont be appointed Health Milk and Milk Inspector for the year ending March 31, 1940. air. Inspector Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Regs. of Mr. Rowse moved that Malcolm H. Clifford be appointed Voters. a member of the Board of Registrars of Voters for a three year term ending March 31, 1942. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Board of Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. J. Henry Duffy be appointed as Appeals an Associate Member of the Board of Appeals for the year ending March 31, 1940. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 1 Letter was received from the Town Counsel advising that the Court had ordered hearings before a Master in the case of Cataldo vs. Lexington beginning next Thursday. The Town of Arlington is also a defendant in this case and it wants the testimony taken stenographically and Mr. Wright- Cataldo ington said that there were advantages in doing so. He case. requested authority to agree to share the expense of the stenographer with the Town of Arlington. Mr. Potter moved that he be granted this authority. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman read a notice to be sent to workers sent to the various P.W.A. contractors advising that they would be Notice to expected to do their part in meeting all requirements which workers. will enable them to retain their jobs. The Board had no objection to sending this to the workers. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said it would be necessary':to have some steel pipe inspected and tested right away. Metcalf & Eddy have contracted the different engineers and so far the best testing method seems to be through Skinner and ,Sherman and they through the Pittsfield Laboratories. Skinner and Sherman did not care to quote a definite linear foot price because of the uncertainty of the number of feet of pipe that would be put out per day. They will charge $20. per day plus the inspector's expenses, which will amount to about $1.50 per day. They thought that 1100 feet should be tested in about two days. Mr. Raymond recommended Skinner and Sherman be authorized to handle the inspection of the steel pipe at their quoted price. Mr. Rowse moved that the recommendation be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that there was a small amount of steel that would have to be inspected for Albert P. Rounds' con- tract, and it is important that it be inspected and tested. He therefor recommended that Skinner and Sherman be given the contract to test this also at a total cost of about $18.00. Mr. Potter moved that the recommendation be accepted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it w4s so voted. Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the contractor on the Vine Brook project had asked if he could eliminate the vehicular bridge at Sherman Street and provide a pedestrian bridge only. The contractor offered to plant two six inch elm trees in front of the Barnes cottage if they want them as an offset of whatever he would save by not putting in the vehicular bridge. Mr. Raymond said that he approved of the change. Mr. Potter asked how long the bridge would be in and Mr. Raymond said it would be in for about three weeks. lair. Potter moved that the request be granted and ' the change order signed. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Testing Pipe. Vine Brook job 250 r+ C Mr. Raymond said that he wanted to hold up on the ' Aldrich contract for tearing down the Aldrich buildings until he property. could talk with Mr. Wrightington and satisfy himself that the contractor could comply in the matter of insurance. Letter was received from Mr. Wrightington regarding the request of Albert B. Reid for permission to use the Opinion re public tennis courts for giving private lessons. Mr. use of Wrightington said that in his opinion this privilege could courts. not be granted. As to carrying on the business of giving tennis lessons on the courts of the Old Belfry Club or the property of Edward C. Stone, both of these courts are in R.1 districts and the Zoning Law gives no authority to carry on a recreational business in an R.1 district. The Clerk was instructed to send Mr. Reid a copy of the letter. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M. A true record, Attest: Clerk. 1 i 1 1 SELECTMEN'S 14EETING APRIL 3, 1939. The Board of Selectmen returned to the Selectmen's Room after the Town Meeting, at 9:45 P.M. All of the members were present. Mr. Raymond was also present. The matter of bids on trucks and a coupe was presented by Mr. Raymond. He reported that the bids on the 1T ton State truck for the Moth Department were received, five in number. The one from the Mack Motor Truck Co. for the net price of $1260.00 was received; and the others were as follows: International Harvester Co., for the net price of $841.09; Calvin W. Childs, for a Ford V -S, for the net price of $751.84; Colonial Garage, Inc., for a G.M.C., for the net price of; $750.00; F. K. Johnson, Inc. for a Chevrolet, $690.15. 250A Bids on Moth Dept. truck. Six bids were received for the two ton dump truck for Bids on the Highway Division. The Autocar Sales and Service bid Highway a net price of $1900.00; Mack Motor Truck Co., a net price Dept. trues of $1550.00; International Harvester Co., a net price of 1260.01; Sterling Motors Corporation, a net price of 1199.00 for a Federal truck; F. K. Johnson, Inc. a net price of W1062.65 for a Chevrolet cab over enging truck, and a net price of $947.90 for a Chevrolet conventional heavy- duty truck; Colonial Garage, Inc., 090.00 (net price) for a G.M.C. Three bids were received for a 3/4 ton pick-up truck Bids on for the Water Division, as follows; International Harvester Water Dei Co., a net price of 839.44; Colonial Garage, Inc., a net trudk price of 600.00 for a G.M.C.; F. K. Johnson, Inc., a net price of 596.15 for a Chevrolet. Four bids were received for a three -passenger coupe for the Water Division, as follows: Clifford H. Fanikingham, a net price of $636.50 for a Plymouth business coupe, and $584.00 for a Plymouth Road King coupe; Calvin 1V. Childs, a net price of $529.48 for a Ford V-8 (85); F. K. Johnson, Inc., a net price of $478.80 for a Chevrolet Master 85. All of the above net prices were with Federal excise tax and allowance on turn -in cars or trucks deducted. Bids on Water Dept, car. On motion cf Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to purchase a two ton dump truck for the Highway Votes on Division from the Sterling Motors Corporation for the trucks and net price of $1199.00. cars. On motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to purchase a Ford V-8 12 ton State truck fr6m Calvin W. Childs for the net price of $751.84. 250,B On motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Locke, it was voted to purchase a Chevrolet coupe for the Water Division from F. K. Johnson, Inc. for the net price of ;478.80. On motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter, it was voted to declare an emergency in the matter of a 3/4 ton pibk-up truck for the Water Division. On motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Sarano, it was voted to purchase a 3/4 ton pick-up truck for the Water Division from F. K. Johnson, Inc., for the net price of $596.15. The meeting adjourned at 10;40 P.M. A true record,, Attest: Cha an. �7 771 1 4 1 u C