HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-03-201 L .'BELECTP+EN I S MEETING MARCH 20, 1939. A regular meeting of the Board'of Selectmen was held in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse, Sarano and Locke were present. The Clerk was also present. The Secretary and seven members of the Appropriation Committee appeared before the Board. The Chairman said that he had talked with Senator Cotton who informed him that he believed the Bill to re- register every voter would be repealed almost immediately and would apply to the City of Boston only. He sugested that it might nbt be necessary to appropriate the 600. for the Registrars of Voters. Mr. Rowse moved that the $600. extra compensation in the appropriation be indefin- itely postponed. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. 235 Regs. of Voters account. The Chairman stated that a bill in the amount of $791.10 had been received for printing the Town Report. Town It is an unchecked bill, but he suggested that that amount Report. be appropriated. Mr. Potter moved that the sum of $791.10 be approved for this account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman asked permission to submit to the Tow. Meeting the following resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, at a time when the right of people to select their own rulers and to be governed according to their own desires is being seriously impaired in many parts of the world, it is well for us, the Citizens of Lexington, to pause in the transaction of our own affAirs and give some consideration to the benefits which we enjoy from the perpetuation in this country of that freedom to which the very soil of our Town was dedidated by the first blood shed for freedom on this continent; and WHEREAS, the survival of government with the consent of the governed has guaranteed to every citizen the right to express himself on any question of Public policy without fear of personal harm and with the confidence of respect of his knighbors however they may differ in their own opinions; and ' WHEREAS, in this process it has been the privilege of this Town to have its townsman JOSEPH R. COTTON elected for six terms to the Massachusetts Senate, and it is with a great sense of pride that this Meeting records Resolution 236 the fact that Senator Cotton has been selected by the Senate to preside over its deliberations; NOW, THEREFORE, be it -- RESOLVED that we, the Citizens of Lexington in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in Town Meeting assembled, hereby express our congratulations to our fellow townsman JOSEPH R. COTTON upon his election as President of the Massachusetts Senate, and by this Resolution express our concurrence in the confidence thus expressed in his sagacity, judicious wiSciom and qualities of leadership which have marked his progress from Moderator and Selectman of this Town to the high office in the Commonwealth which he now holds. Mr. Potter moved that the Resolution be submitted to the Town Meeting Members for consideration. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. . The Chairman explained that the Appropriation Committee Snow had approved $18,000.00 for Snow Removal. He asked what Removal. the Board wished to do about it. Mr. Rowse moved that the $18,000. be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Upon motion of Mr. Potter., seconded by Mr. Rowse, it ' was voted togrant the following licenses; Patrick J. Shanahan - 52 Pleasant St. - Past. of Milk Leslie J. Wood - 62 Webb Street- Auctioneer's Licenses Louis J. Reynolds - 1736 Mass. Ave. - Overhanging Sign Theatre Pharmacy, Inc. - 1792 Mass. Ave.- rr If Ernest C. Martin, 11 Eliot Road - rr rr Edgar J. Thivierge, 1620 Mass. Ave. Calvin W. Childs, 409 Mass. Ave.= rr rr Ida B. Harmon, 150 LowAAell Street. - Common Victuallers la v�. J. ReynoldsP,al Louisa ,A�Mass. - Auctioneer's. Radio The radio contract for the year 1939 with the Town of contract. Arlington was signed in triplicate. Next It was decided to hold the next meeting of the Board Meeting. on Monday evening, March 27th, at 7;30 P.M. Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the Commitment. amount of 020.93 was signed by the Board. Highway Betterment Assessment"abatement in the amount Abatement. of 0175.70 was signed by the Board. Letter was received from the Town Counsel calling the ' Board's attention to Chapter 44 of the Acts of 1939 which required a bond from the Town Collector corresponding with 237 ' the bond he gives as the Collector of Taxes. The amount of Bond for the bond is to be fixed by the Selectmen but shall not be Town less than that established by the Tax Commissioner. The Collector Act will not be in effect for 90 days from March 4, 1939. The Chairman reported that the Clerk had talked with the office of the Commissioner of Taxes and was informed that the bond as Town Collector would amount to 250 of the bond for Tax Collector. Inasmuch as the bond for the Tax Collector was in the sum of $47,300.00, it was voted to add $120. to the expenses for Tax Collector's appropriation to pay the premium on the bond for the Town Collector. The meeting adjourned at 7;40 P.M. A true record, Attest: p Clerk. At 10150 PM. the Board returned to the Selectmen's Room from the Town Meeting. ' The Chairman said that the Legislation on Storm Emer- gency had been passed and signed by the Governor. He suggested that the Assessors be requested to give the Storm Selectmen at least thirty days' warning prior to setting Emergency the tax rate for 1939, so that a Town Meeting could be Act. called, if necessary. Mr. Potter moved that such a request be made of the Assessors. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion, and it was so voted. Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board Welfare to discuss Welfare matters. The meeting adjourned at 11;30 P.M. A true record, Attest; 1