HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-02-27D 1 r_; L NOR SELECTMENIS MEETING FEB. 27, 1939. A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held In the Selectments Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Clark and Rowse were Present. The Clerk was also present. Mr. Lindstrom, the Plumbing Inspector, appeared before the Board. He informed the Board that a certain plumber in town had taken a safety valve off the boiler at the. High School without notifying him of any change to be made. He said that the removal of the safety valve endangered the lives of the school children. The Selectmen informed Mr. Boiler at Lindstrom that the Board had no jurisdiction over the high school, School Department. Mr. Lindstrom stated that he merely Plumbing wanted to report the matter to the Board so whenever any Inspection. work was to be done on public buildings, he would be notified and consulted. He said that he was going to have an engineer go down to the High School with him in the morning to see what could be done to safeguard the boiler without spending a great deal of money. Mr. Rowse moved that the Supt. of Public Works be requested to inform persons under his jurisdiction having charge of public buildings, to notify the Plumbing Inspector when any changes in the plumbing or heating were to be made. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Wrightington appeared before the Board. Mr. Clark moved that the Town Counsel be instructed to contact the Uncollected Employers' Liability Assurance Corp. to request them to do taxes. everything possible to protect the townta interests in the matter of uncollected taxes. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He said he had written the Town Counsel about the negligence of the garbage contractor in conforming to the terms of his con- tract. Mr. Raymond said that he heard today that it was positively true that the contractor had put on some additional trucks. He talked with one of the men to see if he would agree to testify that collections had not been made properly,: but he had not received a reply. Mr. Raymond asked the Health Inspector to come in every day before noontime and get the complaints and check up on them. He said that if the matter was to be taken care of before bids on the new contract were taken, something should be started right away. He said that of course it would be possible to put town employees out and check up on certain parts of the town, and if their judgment was against the contractor, undoubtedly the town could collect from him. Mr. Potter said he believed it would be more Garbage collection effective to hold up on the man's check because it was so late in the year. The Board instructed Mr. Raymond to hold up the whole amount of Mr. Bieren's check. Weston Street. Mr. Raymond read a letter from Commissioner Callahan of the Mass. Dept. of Public Works and_ also a letter from the County Commissioners regarding Chapter 90 work. Mr. Callahan said that he would approve Weston Street if the County Commissioners would approve it, and the County Commissioners said that they probably would approve the work after the street had been specifically relocated and repaired. The Chairman said that he talked with Mr. Hayden and asked him how he would feel if the work was held up another year. Mr. Hayden was very much disappointed and wanted to know'if something could not be started this year at least. Mr. Raymond said that that was the idea of the department when only $2700. was requested this year. Mr. Raymond said that in order to obtain the County Commissionerst approval, It would be necessary to petition for the relocation and repair of the street. Mr. Potter moved that the petition be signed and sub- mitted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that all of the buildings on the Aldrich so-called Aldrich property were now vacant, and he asked property the Board what the next step was to be. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Raymond be authorized to draw up specifications and take bids for the razing of the buildings on the prop- erty. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he had been requested to make sure that the Board realized that extra duties had been Janitors. put onto the janitors recently and to say that the amount of money received outside of town wages was very small.. Of course the janitors now have to take care of the Barnes property in addition to their regular work. No action was taken on the matter. Mr. Raymond said that at a meeting of the Appropria- tion Committee held recently, he was requested to consider a W.P.A. projact for the establishment of a Town Forest in some of the low, swampy areas in the Town that have a low valuation. He had Mr. Garrity give him a report on Town Forest- the subject and he wrote to the Department of Conservation W.P.A. and asked for advice. He received a letter from Mr. H. A. Project. Cook, the Chief Forester, who said that it would be nec- essary for him to look at the property in question before giving an opinion. Mr. Cook forwarded an application for such an inspection. Mr. Raymond asked the Board if it wished him to submit the application. Mr. Potter moved that the application be submitted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond reported that he had been advised by M. Sewer E. Gilmore that the amendatory application on Docket Mass. Project. 1464-F had been increased from $69,300.00 to $73,636.00. 1 1 211 Mr. Raymond reported that Mr. Garrity would like to ! start the tent caterpillar campaign on March 3rd and also Oatterpi would like to increase the reward for collecting the nests Campaign.} from five cents to ten cents per hundred. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Garrity be given authority to start the campaign on March 3rd and that the increase of the reward be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. . Mr. Lawrence F. Ingram of 65 Reed Street appeared be- fore the 'Board. He said that he came in to see if there was anything the Selectmen could do to remedy a source of great annoyance to the people in his heighborhood. He Complaint said that apparently all the people on the street bought re milk milk from different dealers, and beginning with two o'clock trucks. in the morning, the trucks came up Reed Street and Sunnyknoll Avenue and made such a noise that it interfered with the sleep of the residents. The Chairman said that at'least two of the milk dealers had been written to last year to see if they mould change their hour of delivery, but nothing was accomplished. The Chairman suggested that the matter be reported to the Health Inspector and to the Police Department and that each'submit a report and reteommendation, The Clerk was also instructed to write surrounding towns to see what they have done to abate the annoyance. Letter was received from the Middlesex County Home- makers' requesting the use of Cary Hall on June 6th. or Use of Hall June 7th. Mr. Potter moved that the use of.the hall be granted on June 6th free of charge. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lexington Savings Bank to which was attached copy of letter addressed to DiMarco Claim & Ciccone, Inc., contractors on the Vine Brook job, pres- enting claim for damages from blasting. - Letter was received from the Town Engineer advising that he and the Clerk of the Assessors had completed a plan of Meagherville showing ownerships, etc. He said, however, that the Town Clerk had a number of old deeds from which they would get information relative to land titles and areas through which Route 128 will probably pass. Mr. Cosgrove said he believed it would take between 140 and 170 hours to check the titles at the Registry of Deeds. The Chairman asked Mr. Raymond if there was going to be much of a loss to the town if the pie4-up truck for the Public Works Building was not purchased this year. Mr, Raymond said probably the truck would pay for itself in ' one year, but said it was an intangible thing. The Chairman asked Mr. Raymond if the ledge exca- vation at the Public Works Building could wait another year, and he replied in the affirmative, but said a great deal depdnded on the weather. Meagh ervi l]e Plan. Pick-up truck Ledge excavation 212 The Chairman said that Eugene Viano had called him and complained that he had been stopped from putting ice in the gutter. Mr. Raymond said that the Highway Department men started cleaning up the sand from Mass. Avenue this Complaint morning and some of the men from the Colonial Garage were re au.tting The Chairman asked Mr. Raymond what was being done Sand from with the sand that was swept Ap from the streets. Mr. , streets. Raymond said that it was used for filling in frost cracks and putting a top covering on dumps. He said it was dusty and would not be serviceable for sidewalks. ' The Chairman informed the Board that there would be Middlesex a hearing on Thursday at 10;30 A.M. on the Middlesex Turnpike. Turnpike. He suggested that Mr. Raymond attend. Mr. Clark said that he was opposed to the layout of the new turnpike in view of the fact that it was going to cost the Town of Lexington some $90,000. Mr. Clark moved that Lexington declare 'Itself opposed to the project at this particular time because of the condition of State and Town finances. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so Sealer of voted. The Chairman said that Eugene Viano had called him and complained that he had been stopped from putting ice in the gutter. Mr. Raymond said that the Highway Department men started cleaning up the sand from Mass. Avenue this Complaint morning and some of the men from the Colonial Garage were re au.tting throwing ice out on the street. The foreman requested ice in the Police Department to ask the people to find other weans gutter. of disposing of the ice, and the Police Department answered that it had to have instructions from the Supt. of Public Works before it would do such a thing. Mr. Raymond said ' he recalled something had been said about this before, and because cooperation was not received, it was includdd in the snow removal regulations that the Police Dept, should prohibit the throwing of ice in the gutters. Mr. Raymond called the Police Dept. and asked them to request the Colonial Garage to dispose of the ice in some other manner. No action was taken on the matter. The Chairman said that he hadtalked with John C. Gilbert, Secretary of the Civil Service Commission, about Sealer of the Sealer of Weights and Measures and he first took the Weights & position that one of the two men on the list would have to Measures, be appointed. The Chairman told him that Mr. 0►Connor was was not interested. He said he had written Gilbert a letter explaining the -situation and asking if in view of the fact that Mr. Shinkwin lived so far away, it would be possible to appoint a man from a neighboring town. It was decided to hold the matter over for one week. The matter of appointing a committee to study the Committee re Tenement House Act for Towns was discussed. Tenement House Upon motion of Mr. Rowse, seconded by Mr. Potter, it Act, was voted to appoint the following committee; Charles E. Ferguson , William H. Ballard Roland V. Baldrey Edwin B. Worthen One member of the Planning Board.. 213 Letter was received from Dr. Solomon Gagnon of the ' Metropolitan State Hospital advising that he was being Board of transferred and submitting his resignation as Agent of the Health Board of Health. Agent. The Supt. of the Hospital suggested that Dr. William Corwin be appointed in Dr. Gagnon's place. Mr. Rowse moved that the resignation be accepted and that Dr. William Corwin be appointed as Agent of the Board of Health to serve until April 1, 1940. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the W.P.A. Federal Music Project office, requesting that the Town contribute $18. to W.P.A. defray non -labor expenses in the Federal Music Project for Music one Lexington resident for six months. In view of the fact Project. that this contribution was disapproved last year, the Clerk was instructed to obtain more" information on the matter. The Chairman informed the Board that the legal meeting with the Appropriation Committee before the Annual Town Meeting. Meeting would be held on Sunday, March 5th, at 4:30 P. M. The Board discussed budgets as follows: Weston street: Mr o er moved that the sum of $2700.00 be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. ' Clark voted in opposition. Cary Lot Clarke Street: Mr. Howse movecL triat the Chairman find out whether or not the Trustees would agree to hold this lot for an- other year, and if so, that it would be omitted from this year's appropriations; if not, that it be included in this year's appropriations. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted, Pick -u Truck: ..Rowse moved that the stun of $390, be approved for the purchase of a truck. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Fire Truck: `- r, Potter moved that the punch ase of a fire truck be approved with the sum of $6315. to be included in this yearts levy and the balance bonded for a five year period. Mr. Giroux said he was in favor of this also. Mr. Rowse said that he approved putting it in the warrant but would like an opportunity to discuss it further. Mr. Clark said that he was opposed to the purchase. The Chairman told the Board that the Public Health Association had paid a woman $2.10 per week for six hours work in aiding Mrs. Meadows of Woburn Street, a Tubercular patient. The Association has asked if the Board would pay this bill. The Chairman explained that Mrs. Meadows was doing very well at home and that this was the least ex- pensive way of helping her. Mr. Clark moved that the $2.10 per week be approved. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Budgets Me ado ws case. 214 v� Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board Welfare. relative to Welfare matters. I Commitment of water rates in the amount of $5478.39 Commitment. and list of water liens in the amount of $194.87 were approved by the Board. . Letter was received from Mr. E. B.O'Connor of 15 Muzzey 'Tax title Street, offering the sum of $1,000. for lots 5,.6 and 7 on land. Waltham Street recently acquired by the Town by foreclosure on the Ryder estate. The Chairman suggested that the matter be referred to the committee on the sale of tax title prop- erty and that the matter be discussed again next week. The meeting adjourned at 10t55 P. M. A true reco rd, Attests Clerk. V 1 1