HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-02-23206 SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEB. 23, 1939. ' A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held with the Appropriation Committee, in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7;30 P. M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Clark and Rowse were present. Budgets were discussed, and action was taken by the Board of Selectmen as follows; Police Department, Expenses; Mem for Additional Equipment increased from $350. to $425. in accordance with recommendation of Appropriation Committee, making total amount approved $42,250.00. Traffic Reelation & Control - Im rovement to System: Item for installationo pusa Dutton e c e at Bedford Street, Mass. Ave. and Clarke Street in the amount of $350. approved in accordance with recommendation of the Approp- riation Committee, Street Lights; —'—Ree$ucedi'rom $23,380. to $23,000. in accordance with recommendation of Appropriation Committee. ' Town Office & Cary Memorial Bldg., Outlay e item for Partitions and Railings was reduced from $250..to $100; the item for electric meter combination in Budgets. the amount of $250. was approved; the item for Rest Room partition and furniture was disapproved in accordance with the recommendation of the Appropriation Committee, making the total amount approved for this account $450.00. It was further voted to include the sum of $450. in the Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building Expenses account rather than have a separate account .for Town Offices and Cary Memorial Building Outlay. Public Works Bldg. - Wages and Expenses; The Item for Coal and Gas was re uced from $800. to $600.00; the item of Building repair was reduced from $240. to $177., both in accordance with the recommendation of the Appropriation Committee, making the total amount approved for this budget $8400.00. Public Works - Supt's. Office Personal Services= T e salary for the :Superintendent was approved in the amount of $4800. from April lst, 1939, making the total budget approved in the amount of $5738.00. 207 Article 28; $1500.00 to be appropriated for the purchase of Articles the land. The Appropriation Committee took no action on for this matter. warrant Article 37= The two Boards concurred in an appropriation of $2000. or such amount as is available at the time of the ' Town Meeting for unemployment relief if such a vote is legal, the money to be transferred from the Public Works, Welfare Aid account. In regard to the Article relative to the Plumbing By-laws, itwas voted to approve the sum of $45. to be charged to the Unclassified account for the purpose of printing the by-laws for distribution before the Town Meeting. It was voted to request an appropriation under Article 32 of $170.00 to cover the rest of the expense in connection with this matter: In connection with Article 36 relative to Storm Emergency, the Board voted to bond the expenditure over a period of five years, beginning in 1940. Mr. Clark voted in opposition inasmuch as he was in favor of paying the entire debt off this year. Letter was received from Mr. Raymond stating that he had received a price of $275. for a mower for the Park Department and a price o#' $225. for a mower for the Town Office Building grounds. The letter stated that these Mowers prices were for immediate acceptance and he stated that approximately $100.00 would be saved on the Park Dept. ' mower and $65, on the Town Office Building mower if the purchases were made at this time. Mr. Potter moved that the purch asesbe approved at this time. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Board discussed with the Appropriation Committee the advisability of purchasing a new ladder truck for the Fire Department. Mr. Potter and Mr. Giroux were in favor ' of purchasing the truck and paying for it in 1939. Mr. Rowse was in favor of purchasing the truck, but of doing Fire it in 1940 rather than in 1939. Mr. Clark was in opposition Dept. to purchasing the truck. It was decided to put an article Truck. in'the Warrant to see if the Town would vote to purchase the equipment. Mr. Clark voted in opposition. The cost of the truck will be $16,315.00, and the Appropriation Committee, voted to request that $6315. be raised out of the revenue and that the balance be bonded over a period of five years. The Board discussed with the Appropriation Committee the articles in the Warrant and it was voted to take the following action= Article 23= $20,000.00 to be appropriated, $5500. of which shall be for drainage work. Article 28; $1500.00 to be appropriated for the purchase of Articles the land. The Appropriation Committee took no action on for this matter. warrant Article 37= The two Boards concurred in an appropriation of $2000. or such amount as is available at the time of the ' Town Meeting for unemployment relief if such a vote is legal, the money to be transferred from the Public Works, Welfare Aid account. In regard to the Article relative to the Plumbing By-laws, itwas voted to approve the sum of $45. to be charged to the Unclassified account for the purpose of printing the by-laws for distribution before the Town Meeting. It was voted to request an appropriation under Article 32 of $170.00 to cover the rest of the expense in connection with this matter: In connection with Article 36 relative to Storm Emergency, the Board voted to bond the expenditure over a period of five years, beginning in 1940. Mr. Clark voted in opposition inasmuch as he was in favor of paying the entire debt off this year. Letter was received from Mr. Raymond stating that he had received a price of $275. for a mower for the Park Department and a price o#' $225. for a mower for the Town Office Building grounds. The letter stated that these Mowers prices were for immediate acceptance and he stated that approximately $100.00 would be saved on the Park Dept. ' mower and $65, on the Town Office Building mower if the purchases were made at this time. Mr. Potter moved that the purch asesbe approved at this time. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. P Budgets, The Board approved the following changes in budgets previously approved to conform to the reoommendations of the Appropriation Committee: Elections & Registrations, Expenses; '----Y-educed rom . to Parks & Playgrounds,, Wages & Expenses: Item oinstructors re uced from. Histhwav Maintenance Wages and Expense §1645. to $1545.00. reduced o .6W.VV inasmucn as is to be transferred from the Highway Fund to be conjunction with the $19,300. appropriated. 16,700, used in Friend Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Wrightington be given suit* authority to proceed to bring suit against Friend Brothers on account of damage to a Water Department truck. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. A true record, Attest: Chai . 1 LJ