HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-02-20200 0" tz c SELECTMEN'S MEETING FEB. 200 1939. , A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 7.30 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Rowse and Clark were present. The Acting Clerk, Elinor Moakley, was also present. Welfare, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Morse appeared before the Board relative -to Welfare matters. At 6;00 P. M. Mr. Ralph E. Chadwick, and Mr. John P. McBride, Director of Standards, appeared before the Board. Mr. Chadwick is Sealer of Weights and Measures in the Town of Belmont and has applied for the position in Lexington. The Chairman stated that the Board had written the Sealer of Civil Service Commission to see if they would be allowed to Weights & employ Mr. Chadwick and had received a verbal answer that Measures* they could not do so, but would have to appoint one of the persons listed on the eligible list furnished the Board by the Civil Service Commission. Mr. McBride stated that he felt it would be much more satisfactory if the town could have a Sealer who lived nearer to Lexington and stated that he would be glad to take the matter up with the Civil Service Commission again if the Board so desired. ' The Chairman informed them that the matter would be held over for one week pending information, and they retired. Mr. Rowse moved that the Town Accountant and Mr. Frederick H. Tullar be notified that in accordance with instructions received from the Civil Service Commission, Mr. Tullar's employment as provisional Sealer of Weights and Measures was terminated as of February 17th and that no further compensation be paid him from that date. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Thomas H. Shinkwin of Natick, one of the persons on the eligible list for the position of Sealer of Weights and Measures, appeared before the Board. He informed the Board of previous positions he had had which would benefit him if he were appointed to the position of Sealer, and stated that he would be interested in the position and would like to have the Board consider his application. The Chairman informed him that the matter would be considered next week and that his application would be given consideration. Mr. Shinkwin retired. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to (Committee on the Committee to be appointed to study the question of 'Tenement apartment houses in the Town. Mr. Wrightington suggested House Act, that the Secretary of State be requested to furnish the committee with:A list of towns which had accepted the "I Tenement House Act. The Acting Clerk was instructed to ' obtain this information from the Secretary of State's office. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to the case of Marulli v. Lexington in which he stated that Marulli v. the District Court found for the plaintiff in the sum of Lexington. $350.00. The letter also stated that the plaintiff's attorney was considering whether or not to appeal to the Full Bench of the Supreme Court. 1 Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. Mr. Clark informed him that there were deep holes in Somerset Road where lanterns or fill was needed. Mr. Raymond stated that he would have lanterns placed there tonight. Mr. Raymond stated that the garbage situation was not improving, - that he had been receiving complaints every month. The garbage contract does not expire until October 19th and Mr. Raymond presented a letter which he had drawn up to be sent to the Town Counsel stating that the contrac- tor was not living up to his contract and requesting that he take the matter up with the contractor. Mr. Raymond requested the approval of the Board to send the letter to the Town 9ounsel. The Board informed Mr. Raymond to send the letter to the Town Counsel Somerset Road. Garbage contract Mr. Raymond stated that the Lexington Girl Scouts had requested the use of Cary Hall on April 15th for the pur- Use of pose of holding a scout rally. Mr. Potter moved that the Hall use of the hall be granted free of charge. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he understood that the budget for the -Park Dept., which included a new mower, and the budget for the Town office Building, which included a new mower, had been approved by the Selectmen and the Approp- riation Committee. Mr. Raymond felt that if he were given authority to get prices on the mowers now, he would be able to get a better figure than he would get later on. Mr. Rowse moved that Mr. Raymond secure the figures and report to the Board on the matter. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he also understood that the request for a Meter Combination had been approved and he would also like to get prices on that at the present time. The Board suggested that Mr. Raymond get figures on this, also, and report to the Board. Mr. Raymond reported that he understood the price of e vitrified pipe was going up and inasmuch as the town would need a carload or so for the year, he would like authority to order it now at a cost of approximately $400, and charge it to the Sewer Stock account. Mr. Clark moved that the authority be granted. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mowers Meter combination Purchase of pipe. 202 Mr. Raymond reported that he had received a petition, , Article - signed by eight property owners, for the installation of street a treet light at the corner of Daniels and Aerial Streets. lights. He suggested that an article be included in the warrant to see if the town would authorize the installation of this light. Mr. Potter moved that an article for this purpose he inserted in the Warrant. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that letter had been received from the Works Progress•Administration stating that it will be necessary for all W.P.A. project employees, N.Y.A. workers and all persons employed on projects of other Federal agencies to execute an affidavit as to their citizenship W.P.A. status. These affidavits must be administered by a Notary registration.Public and the letter requested that some official be requested to do this without charge to the workers. Mr. Raymond stated that the Town Clerk and the Tax Collector were Notary Publics. The Board requested Mr. Raymond to make arrangements to have the affidavits notarized without charge and to notify the W.P.A. authorities of his action. W.P.A. The Chairman reported that the W.P.A. quota for Lex - quota. ington had been increased by 20 persons. Mr. Raymond stated that Mr. Garrity requested that the State Flags be cleaned and the poles painted. He had State obtained a figure from Mr. Seltzer of $.35 each for clean - Flags. ing the flags and an estimate of $.30 each for painting the poles. The total cost would be approximately $32.00. Mr. Raymond stated that he felt this work should be charged to the Unclassified account. Mr. Rowse moved that the flags be cleaned one month and the poles painted.the next month and that the expense be charged to the Unclassified Account. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond stated that he had received an estimate Plumbing of printing 500 copies of the proposed plumbing laws of Laws. $45. After discussing the matter, it was decided to get further information and consider the matter at a later meeting. Mr. Raymond stated that he would like authority to go Ahead with the partition in the present Water Dept. office before the Town Meeting. He stated that if he did it now Partitions* he could move the present partition in the accountantts office upstairs and save expense rather than put in a new partition. The question was whether or not the Board wanted to have the partition bemain in the Accountant's office. If it is taken down, it will enlarge the room for the Town Treasurer. Mr. Rowse moved that the partition be removed ' if Mr. Raymond deemed it advisable. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted% 203 Mr. Carl Hauck appeared before the Board. He stated 4 ' that he had been out of work for several years, and requested thatthe Board consider some way of assisting him. Mr. Hauck is a woodcarver, and he stated that he had thought of sev- eral things that could be done, such as a new seal over the Hauck re Town Office Building door, some identification over Cary work. Memorial Hall or some seal in the Selectmen's room. He discussed at length the possibility of having a wood -carving class at the High School, but the Board informed him that it had no jurisdiction over the School Department whatsoeves�-. The Chairman asked him if he would consider doing the work as a W.P.A. project if this could be arranged, and he replied that he would not be interested in a State-wide project, but might consider a local project. The Chairman told him the matter would be discussed and he retired. Mr. Potter moved that Mr. Raymond be requested to secure information as to the possibility of sucha.�project. Mr. Clark seconded the motioh and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Health Inspector relative to an application from Samuel Stacci to keep 10 pigs at his property in the rear of 96 Laconia Street, The InY- Stacchi spector stated that in August, 1938, Stacci was ordered to pig remove his pigs because they were improperly housed. How- permit' ever, he has now leased some property Mich is a suitable place to keep swine, and the Inspector recommended that ' the permit granted him last year be reinstated for the new location. Mr. Rowse moved that the application be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Letter was received from the Lexington Botanic Garden, In** stating that the notice of the taking for the proposed sewer in North Lexington met with the approval of the Board of Directors. They asked what was to be done next. Mr. Potter moved that the letter be referred to Mr. Raymond for reply. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so North vo ted . Lexington Letter was received from Ernest As Snow, Jr. and Sewer. Bernice F. Snow petitioning for an award of damages for the taking of land on their property at 253 Bedford Street for the North Lexington Sewer. Copy of the letter had been furnished Mr. Spencer and Mr. Cosgrove. Letter was received from Helen R. Fitzgerald stating that she was to continue the insurance business carried Insurance on by her hudband, John G. Fitzgerald, and would appreciate any consideration the Board might give her. The Chairman suggested that a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. Raymond for his attention. Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to articles for the annual town warrant. In regard to the Warrant Pluimbing By-law, Mr. Wrightingto n stated that he usually felt it desirable to tholude the entire By-law in the 204 warrant. However, he enclosed a draft of an article of a general nature which he felt would take care of the ' matter. The article provided for the printing and dis- tributing of copies of the by-law to the Town Meeting Mem- bers at the opening of the firstineeting after the election. Application was received from Marion B. Holt for an License. Intelligence Office License at 854 Mass. Avenue. Mr. Rowse moved that the license be granted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Commitment of Mater Betterment Assessments for Paul Commitment, Revere Road in the amount. of $320.88 was signed by the Board. The Clerk stated that Nathan Bidwell had requested Abatement. that the taxes for 1939 on the strip of land owned by Ethel W. Bean and sold to the town for the pumping station site be abated. It was decided to take the matter up with Mr. Wrightington, Mr. Potter moved thatthe flags on all town buildings and at the Battle Green be placed at half mast on Feb - George H. ruary 22nd until 12 noon oilt of respect to George H. Lowe, Lowe, Jr. Jr., Chairman of the Board of Selectmen of Arlington, who passed away on February 18th. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted, Mr. -Potter moved that the action of the Chairman in ' ordering flowers be approved and that the expense be charged to the Unclassified account, Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman was instructed to write to Miss Eleanor M. Lowe and the family and to' the Board of Selectmen of Arlington, expressing the Boardts sympathy. It was decided to hold the meeting on March 6th at Meeting. 8:001?.M, and to make no appointments for that evening. Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Rowse, the following action was taken on budgets: Selectmen's Dept., Personal Services: Extra Clerical item approved for $150.00; Budgets. Parks and Playgrounds, Personal Services: Instructors item approved for $1645.00; Assessorts Dept., Personal Services: Reduced from $5213. to $5209. It was voted that one-seventh of Mr. Garrity's salary be charged to Insect Suppression and six -sevenths -be charged to Parks and Playgrounds, It was voted that Mr. Beachts entire salary be charged to W,P.A. Labor and Materials as -of April 1st, 1939. It was decided to meet with the Appropriation Com- ' Meeting mittee on budgets on Thursday, Feb. 23rd, at 7:30 P. M, 205 The Board signed the Warrant for the Annual Town Town I Meeting, Meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10;30 P. M. A true record, Attests lXnn� o+�, 1 r ► o Acting Clerk.