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DECEMBER 27, 1938 ,
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 4:00
P.M. Chairman Giroux and Messrs. Potter and Clark were
present. The Clerk was also present.
Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board.
Mr. Clark brought up the subject 6f re-establishing
Town Home the Town Poor Farm, and after some discussion, he moved
that the Supt. of Public Works be instructed to look into
the matter of re-establishing a Town Home, considering it
from the angle of a new building either with the assist-
ance of Federal funds or otherwise; also the feasability
of moving the Aldrich buildings to the Town Farm to be
remodelled for use as a Town Home. Mr. Potter seconded
the motion and it was so voted.
The Chairman said that he had read the report of the
Sub -Committee of the Appropriation Committee regarding
Welfare problems, and reminded the Board that the Town
Welfare Counsel had said that there could be an Advisory Board,
Advisory but it had not worked out. He suggested that an Advisory '
Committee. Board be made up of the Department heads, including the
Chief of Police, and that this Advisory Board sit in on
discussions regarding Welfare. He said that at present
We had a bad situation, with regard to the relationship
between what some people get on Welfare, P.W.A. and from
the departments of the Town in wages. He thought that
the ddpartment heads could see and know some things that
the Selectmen could not, with the result that some of the
welfare recipients might be dropped, etc. No action was
taken on the matter.
Mr. Raymond requested
the Board approve the
agreement -
Chairman signing the contract
between William
No. Lex.
R. Conard of Burlington, N.
and the Town of Lexington,
for the testing of the cast
pipe on the North Lexington
sewer project. Mr. Clark moved
that the Chairman be author-
ized to sign the agreement.
Potter seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond reported that he had received a letter
Amendment from the Mass. Department of Public Works stating that
to Traffic they would be pleased to approve the proposed amendment
Regs. to the Traffic Rules and Regulations regarding one hour
parking in Lexington Center during business hours,
provided the necessary standard signs were erected. ,
Mr. Raymond asked if the Board wanted to try the thing
out for thirty days before the amendment was made, or
what it wanted to do. The Chairman asked how many signs
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the Middlesex
County Farm Bure.0 had requested the use of Cary Manorial
Hall on February 16th for a banquet and entertainment from
6:00 P.M. to 12:00 M., admission free. Mr. Potter moved Use of
that the use of the hall be granted subject to a fee of Hall.
$40.00. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so
voted. It was suggested that the Bureau be informed that
the town was collecting for merely the expense of letting
the hall.
Mr. Raymond stated that the Lexington Drum Corps had
requested the use of the Cary Hall on March 17th for a
concert and dance, admission 40.¢. Mr. Potter moved that Use of
the organization be granted the use of the hall free'of Hall
charge. Mr. Giroux relinquished the Chair to Mr. Clark,
and then seconded Mr. Potterls motion. The motion was
Mr. Raymond presented Proposal #73, a.W.P.A. tree- W.P.A.
trimming project, on which the Federal Funds amount to tree trim -
$19,744., as°comparea with Town Funds of $4,977., of which ming
latter amouht $1350.00 is for Superintendence. The project project
would be needed, and Mr. Raymond said he thought 30 signs
would be needed, involving an expense of $150.00. The
money would come out of Traffic Regulation and Control
and if the Board was going to do this, it would be necessary
to add $150.00 to that budget for 1939. Mr. Clark asked
what hours this amendment would be in effect, and Mr.
Raymond suggested 6:00'A. M. to 6:00 P.M.
Mr. Clark moved that the amendment to the Traffic
Rules and Regulations be advertised to provide for one
hour parking on Massachusetts Avenue from Merriam Street
to Wallis Court (both sides of street), also on both sides
of Waltham Street within the business zone near Mass.
Avenue. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so
Mr. Raymond said that in our heating system he found
quite a number of radiator and drip traps intended to
prevent the excape of steam from the radiators, and quite
a number of them are leaking, so that steam is escaping.
This makes it very difficult to heat all parts of the
building, and causes a loss of efficiency in the heat of
Repairs to
the coal burned. It would cost about $450.00 to put in
new traps, but Mr. Raymond said he had a quotation from
the Wm. S. Haines Co., Inc. to service the traps, etc. for
a sum not to exceed $200.00. He requested authority to
instruct the Company to do this work, so that the money
could be ear -marked now and the work done in 1939. Mr.
Russell says,that this is a proper procedure. Mr. Potter
moved that Mr. Raymond's request be granted. Mr. Clark
seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond informed the Board that the Middlesex
County Farm Bure.0 had requested the use of Cary Manorial
Hall on February 16th for a banquet and entertainment from
6:00 P.M. to 12:00 M., admission free. Mr. Potter moved Use of
that the use of the hall be granted subject to a fee of Hall.
$40.00. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so
voted. It was suggested that the Bureau be informed that
the town was collecting for merely the expense of letting
the hall.
Mr. Raymond stated that the Lexington Drum Corps had
requested the use of the Cary Hall on March 17th for a
concert and dance, admission 40.¢. Mr. Potter moved that Use of
the organization be granted the use of the hall free'of Hall
charge. Mr. Giroux relinquished the Chair to Mr. Clark,
and then seconded Mr. Potterls motion. The motion was
Mr. Raymond presented Proposal #73, a.W.P.A. tree- W.P.A.
trimming project, on which the Federal Funds amount to tree trim -
$19,744., as°comparea with Town Funds of $4,977., of which ming
latter amouht $1350.00 is for Superintendence. The project project
84 -
is for work on trees damaged by the hurricane. Mr. Clark
moved that the project be signed by the Chairman and
submitted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was
so voted.
The Chairman read a letter from John S. Valentine
advising that Policy ,10761 in the amount of 4p18,284.
expired on January 14th. Mr. Valentine requested per-
mission to renew the policy. Mr. Raymond said that on
the insurance list, this policy was under the name of
Valentine John G. Hall Ec Co'., and last week it was voted to give
insurance this policy to the John C. Paige Company, through Mr.
Norman Downs. The records 'in the Supt. of Public Works'
Office show that there was some difficulty in obtaining
an adjustment on the policy when the last valuation was
made, and the adjustment finally came through the office
of John G. Hall, and he presumed that that was how the
policy was p.t down in Hall's name. He said that if the
Board wanted to continue to give insurance to Mr. Valentine,
there were some other policies expiring this next year, one
in July through. Mr. Hall's office, and another through
Mabelle S. Peavy, who has moved out of town. No action was
taken on the matter.
Letter was received from DeTrafford Smith, Chief
W.P.A.Room, Clerk in the W.P.A. Commodities Division, requesting that
Barnes that department be allowed the use of the dining room in
property the Barnes property rather than a room upstairs. The '
Board had no objection to this arrangement.
Letter was received from the Town Engineer relative
Vine Brook to the claim of Annie McClure for damages on account of
Drainage Vine Brook Drainage. Mrs. McClure made no request for
Claim No. 1 compensation 'he said) but would do so if either a two
inch spruce or a twelve inch apple tree were damaged.
Both of these are located within the area covered by the
temporary leasehold interest. Mr. Cos urove recommend that
suitable markers be established. No action was taken on
the matter.
The Chairman informed the Board that a hearing was
Pole scheduled for this evening at 7:30 for joint pole locations
Location on Fottler Avenue, westerly from a point approximately 150
feet west of Hillcrest Avenue, two (2) poles. Mr. Potter
moved that the locations be approved, subject to no persons
objecting at the hearing. Mr. Clark seconded the motion,
and it was so voted.
Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared before the Board
Welfare to discuss Welfare matters.
Letter was received from Victor N. Rochette, M.D.
Town of 255 Bedford Street, stating that he was very desirous
Physician of being considered as a candidate for the office of Town
rsician for the salary customarily offered. The matter
was held over for one week.
The offer of the Isaac Harris Cary Educational Fund
to sell the lot adjoining the Cary Library for $1500. was Land ad -
discussed by the Board. Mr. Clark moved that an article joining
be inserted in the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting to Library -
see if the Town wished to purchase the land, as requested
by the Library Trustees. Mr. Potter seconded the motion Article.
and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Clerk advising that Fire
the following had been appointed by Moderator Robert H. Accommo-
Holt to investigate the matter of Fire Department dations
accommodations: Errol H. Locke, James Stuart Smith, F. K. Committee
Johnson, John Milton Brown, and Leland H. Emery.
Letter was received from Philip M. Caughey, J. H. S.
Faculty Manager of Athletics, requesting the use of the
hockey rink located on the Reservoir by the Junior High Use of
School. Mr. Caughey requested the use of the rink on hockey
Wednesday and Friday afternoons between three and four rink
o'clock. Mr. Potter moved that the request be granted,
and referred to Mr. Garrity for the arrangement of the
schedule. Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was
so voted.
Letter was received from the Supt. of Schools thank- Letter of
ing the Board for the work done by the welfare men at thanks
the Hancock School and for the assistance Mr. Raymond gave.
Letter was received from the Town Treasurer advising Tax Title
that the final decree in the tax lien case of Lexington vs. property
Ryder was granted October 20th on land on Waltham Street,
near Vine Brook; also on land on Woburn Street opposite
Webb Street. It was decided to hold the matter over for
one week.
Letter was received from Hazel I. Baker of Waltham
making an offer of $200. for Lot #12, Marrett Road (near Baker offer
Prospect Hill Road). Mr. Potter said that the land was for land -
last assessed for X630.00, and contained 10,547 sq. ft., Marrett Rd.
sufficient to build on. He said he would not recommend
accepting the offer. He moved that Mrs. Baker be notified
that the amount offered was insufficient, and that the
offer was therefor refused. Mr. Clark seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
Mr. Clark said he felt that something should be done
to dispose of the property acquired by foreclosure of tax
titles. He moved that the Committee on the sale of prop-
erty acquired by the Town by foreclosure of tax titles list
a dozen or so pieces of this property, placing on each the
money the Town should realize on the sale of it, and sub-
mit the list to the Board of Selectmen, so that an auction
may be held to dispose of the property. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Auction on
tax title
Bill in
with a bill
the case of
In favor of
was received from the Town Counsel toether
in the amount of X250.00 for his services in
Cheney v. Lexington, which case was decided
the Town. Mr. Clark moved that the bill be
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so
Letter was received from James J. Carroll,Clerk of
the Board of Registrars advising that the work of listing
persons twenty years of age and over would be done by
Transfer to persons acting as Assistant Registrars and Assistant
,Registrars Assessors, and the cost divided between the two depart -
account. ments. Mr. Carroll said that the amount of money needed
by the Board of Registrars for January, February and March
was y322.96. Mr. Clark moved that the Appropriation
Committee be requested to transfer this amount from the
Reserve Fund. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was
so voted.
Letter was received from the State Forester advising
that Lexington might be required to spend X5,000. for the
Insect suppresion of gypsy and brown tail moths and ten caterpillars
Suppression during 1939, and recommending that ,5,856.00 be approp-
riated. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the
letter to Mr. Garrity.
Petition re: Letter was received from the Town Counsel relative to
Sewers - the petition of East Lexington residents for legislation
East Lex. to amend the Lexington sewer acts. The Clerk was instructed
to make copies of the letter for each member of the Board
and to bring up the matter main next week.
The Clerk reminded the Board that the appointments of
Appoint- the Supt. of Public Works and the Town Accountant expired
ment of on December 31st. Mr. Clark moved that Mr. John Vd. Ray -
Supt. of mond, Jr. be reappointed Superintendent of Public Works
Public Worksfor a period of one year from January 1, 1939, with the
recommendation that his salary be set at $5100.00 per year
from April lst, 1939. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Appointment Mr. Clark moved that Mr. James H. Russell be reappointed
of Town Town Accountant for a three year term from January 1, 1939.
Accountant. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Application -for a license to slaughter was received
from Brank Bowman of 51 Webcowett Road, Arlington: The
Slaughter Slaughter Inspector recommended that the license be
License. granted, and that Mr. Bowman be charged five cents per
head for each animal slaughtered. Mr. Potter moved that
the recommendation of the Slaughter Inspector be approved
Mr. Clark seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Upon motion of Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Potter, it
was voted to grant the following licenses:
Mary F.Jaynes, 1840 Mas. Avenue, Common Victualler
Herbert F. Cooke, Marrett Road it e
George J. Robertson, 269 Bedford St., it "
Roy C. Peterson, 344 Con®rd Highway - Methyl Alcohol
At 5:50 P.M., the Chairman opened the following bids
on the printing of the Annual Town Report for the year 1933:
The Hampshire Press, Inc. - 1121.76 per page, including addit-
ional copies of Accountant's and School Report;
Adams Press, Inc. - w61.69 per pabe, X24.00 for 100 reprints
of the Accountant's Report, and X17.00 for 100 reprints
of the School Dept. Report, plus $2.00 per hour for
author's corrections;
Somerville Printing Company, Inc. - t1.37 per page, one
hundred copies of the school reports for 30/ per page and
one hundred copies of the Accountant's Report for 30�
per page, plus �2. per hour for author's corrections;
E. L. Grimes Printing Co. - y`2.05 per page, including copies
of the Accountant's Report and the School Dept. Report.
Mr. Clark moved that the proposal of the lowest bidder
be accepted. Mr. Potter seconded the motion, and it was so
voted. The Clerk was requested to check the bids with Mr.
Alan Adams.
It was decided to meet next Tuesday, January 3rd, at
4:00 P. M.
Commitment of water miscellaneous charges in the amount
of $24.63, water guaranty abatement in the amount of $113.70,
a4d water liens in the amount of X155.17 were signed by the
Mr. Raymond said that Rita McNamara was the Clerk in the
WPA office, and had done some very good work and had put in
long hour's. She was almost on tre verge of a nervous break-
down, and was entitled to a vacation, so he instructed Mr.
Beach to give her two weeks' vacation. Mr. Raymond said he
also took the responsibility of having Mr. Beach tell her
that she was going to get an increase in salary to 412.00
per week, and that the increase would be in effect the last
week of the year. Miss rpcllamara took the place of James
Collins and the part-time clerk from the Park Dept.' She
has been receiving 410.00 per week for a five-day week.
Mr. Potter moved that Miss McNamara's salary be increased
to 112.00 per week, this to be effective December 26th,
1938. Mr. Clark seconded the motion, and it was so voted.
The meeting adjourned at 6:05 P. M.
A true record, Attest:
Bids on
Salary in-
Spe ci al
Poli ce .
JAN. 31 1939.
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held
in the Selectments Room, Town Office Building at 4:00 P.M.
Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Potter, Ross and Rowse were present.
The Clerk was also present.
Town Clerk Carroll appeared before the Board. He said
that the Registrars of Voters had planned to divide the work
of listing persons over twenty years of age between its de-
partment and the Assessors. However, a letter has just been
received from Sec etary of State Cook stating that that
could not be done as it was doubtful if the Statute allowed
it. However, the letter stated that police officers could
be used by the Registrars if they were available and he
suggested that the Selectmen appoint special police officers
to do the work. He submitted a list of the Assistant
Mr. Rowse moved that the following persons be
appointed Special Police Officers in the Town of Lexington
from Jan. 3 to Jan. 173, 1939;
Frederick J. Spencer
Charles P. McEnroe
Richard E. Truesdell
Frederic B. Hunneman
Matthew Stevenson
Jesse E. Condinho
Daniel J. Cronin
Alexius R. Shea
Kenneth Kelley
George F. Smith
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond appeared before the Board. He thanked the
Board for his reappointment as Supt. of Public Works for
the year 1939.
Mr. Raymond read a letter received from R. L. Clapp of
the Middlesex County Farm Bureau requesting that the Board
Use of reconsider its charge of $40. for the use of Cary Memorial
Hall Hall. The letter stated that the organization was not a
money -making one. Mr. Ross moved that the charge be set
at 100.00 and that Mr. Clapp be advised that the Board con-
sidered this merely the actual expense of the hall. Mr.
Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond read a letter from John McCammond of 21
Moreland Ave. advising that the expense incurred by him as
a result of slipping on the ice on Fern Street on Feb. 25,
1938 amounted to x;1008.00. Mr. Raymond said that on
March 16th, Mr. McCammond notified the Selectmen of his
fall and requested that the town assume the cost of the
injury. Mr. Raymond went down to see MCCmrunond and looked
at the spot described as that at which the accident
occurred. He saw nothing there that could be construed
as a defect in the street. Idr. Raymond said it was his
understanding; that when there was ice in the street and no
defect that the town was not liable. He suggested that the
whole matter be referred to the Town Counsel. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
T 0 1
Letter was received from Clifford Harvey of Waltham
who owns property at 232 Lincoln Street, Lexington, request-
ing that the Board of Public Works investigate his claim for.
damages on account of blasting on Lincoln Street. Mr.
Harvey claimed that a year or a year and a half ago, he wrote
a letter to the town claiming damages on account of this
blasting but no one has been able to find any such letter.
Mr. Raymond said that the blasting work on Lincoln Street
was -finished about November, 1936. Mr. Ross moved that the
matter be turned over to the Town Counsel Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from Paul Bowser stating that it
had been called to his attention that a sewer was going to
be installed in front of his house on Grant Street. He
said he would have preferred to have the town talk the
matter over with himbefore making final plans. Mr. Bowser
built the road there according to town specifications and
at his own expense and he requested that the street be put
back in as .good condition as it is now. Mr. Raymond said
that the contract and specifications called for putting the
road back in its original shape. -Mr. Potter suggested that
Mr. Raymond write Mr. Bowser and explain the matter to him
and apologize for his not being notified in advance.
cl aim
Sewer -
Grant St.
Mr. Raymond said that it had been suggested that it
might be a good idea to have some talks in the Public
Works Division such as safety talks and those illustrating Pub.Works
drain construction, highway construction, etc. He Dept.
wondered if the Board would approve of anything of that talks
sort and if so, if it would allow the Public Works Depart-
ment to use Estabrook Hall free of charge for that purpose.
He said he probably would give one talk, the superintendents
would give one, and possibly some salesmen and insurance men
would give talks. Mr. Ross moved that the scheme be tried
out. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond read a letter from Supt. Paxton stating
that through an error in a bill rendered by the Mass. State Street
Prison, the Street Sign appropriation was overdrawn twenty- Sign
eight cents. He recommended that the Selectmen request a account
transfer from the Reserve Fund in this amount. Mr. Rowse
moved that the Appropriation Committee be requested to
transfer this amount from the Reserve Fund. Mr. Potter
seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Mr. Raymond said that the matter of establishing one
hour parking in Lexington center was not as easy a matter
as one might think. We now have one hour parking in several
One hour
locations in the center and Mr. Raymond said it was his
impression that this regulation was not enforced. The
present signs limit parktng from 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. and if
the new ordinance limited parking for that same period,
it would cost but $150. for new signs, but to buy new signs
and change the old onesto limit parking from 8 A.M. would
cost about $225.00. Mr. Potter moved that the vote of
last week be amended to read "between the hours of 9 A.M.
and 6 P.M.". Mr. Rowse seconded the motion and it was so
Mr. Raymond said that he had discussed the matter of
No parking
the bus stop at Waltham Street with Mr. Paxton. Paxton
at bus stop.took
the matter up with Mr. French, Supt. of the M. & B.
Street Railway Co., and they both agreed that the present
stop was the proper location. Mr. Raymond thought that if
the officers in the center would enforce the "no parking"
in front of the Fruit Store, there would be no trouble.
It was decided to write to the Chief of Police and insist
that the "no parking" ordinance in front of the Lexington
Fruit Co. store be strictly enforced.
Mr. Raymond said that the oil burner in the Barnes
property was entirely out of commission and beyond repair.
On Friday, December 30th, it was necessary to draw off
the water and the engineers had to move out of the house.
Mr. Clyde Steeves looked over the system and recommended
that a new burner be installed. His figure for installing
Oil Burner
a Lynn Oil Burner with new tank and new pipe is ;260.00.
At the suggestion of Mr. Clark, Mr. Raymond contacted'the
Delco people and their price, with new controls, was
$355.00. The estimate of the Esso -Beacon Oil Co. for a
new burner with outside tank is $315. and $285. with an
Inside tank. From talking with the two representatives
of the oil companies and with Mr. Steeves, Mr. Raymond
was inclined to believe that Mr. Steeves' proposition was
the best one, as even if it was necessary to put in new
controls, the cost would be not more than $300.00. Mr.
Raymond requested that the Board give him authority to do
what he thought was the best thing to do. Mr. Potter moved
that Mr. Raymond be given authority to purchase the burner
he thought best. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was
so voted.
Mr. Raymond read a letter from Mr. Paxton relative
Nutt to Charles Nutt, stating that since 1935 he had been
wages. used as a foreman during the busy season and had been
receiving only sixty cents per hour. Nutt is taking '
evening courses in highway and drain construction and is
valuable to the department. Mr. Paxton recommended an
increase to 0.65 per hour. Mr. Raymond said that Nutt
was in charge of the Reed Street drainage job in 1935 and
last year had charge of the drainage work on Taft Avenue.
Mr. Potter moved that the Board approve an increase to
$.65 per hour beginning Feb. 1, 1939. Mr. Ross seconded the
motion and it was so voted. Mr. Rowse said that he did not
second the motion as he believed that as a general thing
all increases in wages should be effective at one time,
which is usually April lst. He did not believe that this
was the proper time to increase wages.
Mr. Rowse moved that water guaranty abatements in the Abatements
amount of $5213.95 be approved. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Commitment of water rates in the amount of $5528.63 Commitments
and commitment of water liens in the amount of $107.85 were
signed by the Board.
The Chairman stated that Mr. Robert Holt had requested
that the moving picture screen in the Cary Memorial Building Moving
be painted before the next lecture. Mr. Rowse moved that picture
Mr. Raymond be instructed to have the work done in accord- screen.
ance with Mr. Holtts request. Mr. Ross seconded the motion
and it was so voted.
The Board discussed the matter of having'an Advisory
Board for Welfare. The Chairman suggested that the follow-
ing persons comprise the Board: the Chief of Police, three
sergeants, Mr. Paxton, Mr. Joseph Ross, Mr. Garrity, Mr. Welfare
Beach and C4ief Edward W. Taylor. He suggested that meet- Advisory
Ings be held in the afternoon at 4:00 otclock and that as Board
many members of the Board as possible be present at that
time. Mr. Rowse suggested that Mr. Mitchell meet with the
Committee in the afternoon and discuss the cases and then
report to the Selectmen in the evening the committee's
suggestions. He further suggested that food orders be given
if necessary, but that no dfeinite action be taken by the
Selectmen until the Advisory Committee had reported on the
case. Mr. Potter said he thought it would be better if the
department heads listened to the discussions at a regular
It was decided to hold a meeting on Monday, Jan. 9 at
4:00 P.M. and that the members of the Advisory Board be
requested to be present at the meeting and that Mr. Mitchell
bring in the names of any new applicants for welfare.
Letter was redeived from Mr. Garrity suggesting that
a committee of five be appointed to take charge of the Community
Community Day to be held to dispose of the wood at the Day
Public Works Building. It was decided to request Mr.
Garrity to submit names for this'committee at the next meet -
Letter was received from Arnold E. Nichols, coach of
the High School hockey team, requesting the use of the
boarded rink at
Use of Ross moved that
skating be requested to
rink. schedule. Mr.
the Reservoir three days a week. Mr.
the request be approved and that Mr. Nichols
consult with Mr. Garrity and arrange his
Potter seconded the motion and it was so
Letter was received from Edward R. Allen who was,
granted a Common Victualler's license at 854 Mass. Ave.
Refund for for the year 1939. Mr. Allen stated that he was forced
license, to close the store and therefor requested that the fee of
05.00 be refunded to him. Mr. Ross moved that the. fee' of
X5.00 be refunded to Mr. Allen. Mr. Potter seconded the
motion and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel enclosing
bill in the amount of $297.50 for services in the Ryder
tax title cases, $15.00 for other tax title cases and 015
Counsel's for services in connection with the estate of Caroline A.
bills. Simonds. The Clerk stated that the Law Dept. wages and
expenses account would be short $16.44 if these bills were
to be paid. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee
be requested to transfer the sum of 016.44 from the Reserve
Fund to that account. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Forest Mr. Ross moved that Edward W. Taylor be appointed Forest
Warden. Warden for the year 1939. Mr. Rowse seconded the motion '
and it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Counsel to which was
attached a draft of an act which he thought might be used
Sewer Act. in petitioning the Legislature to amend the Lexington
Sewer Act so that sewer extensions might be made.with the
aid of W.P.A. funds. Mr. Wrightington suggested that the
draft be examined by the departments interested. It was
decided to hold the matter over for one week.
Letter was received from the V.F.W. inviting the Board
Invitation to a smoker on January 18th. The Clerk was instructed to
accept for the Board.
The Chairman asked if the Selectmen wanted to consider
the submission of a Bill before the Legislature for the
Separate creation of a separate Board of Public Welfare. The Clerk
Welfare was instructed to write the Town Counsel and ask him to
Board. furnish the Board with information on the general type of
bill that would be necessary to accomplish this purpose
so that the Board could discuss the matter further at the
next meeting.
Letters were received from the Appropriation Committee
advising that the following transfer from the Reserve Fund I
had been approved:
Public Welfare Aid & Expenses - $900.00
' Registrations -_Personal Services - $292.00
Pub. Works Bldg., Wages and Expenses - $50:00
The transfer of $30.96 requested for Registrations
Expenses account was not approved inasmuch as it was felt
that expenses to this amount could be paid in 1939. The
request of $200. for the completion of the Paul Revere
water main was not approved as there was not sufficient
money in the Reserve Fund, and Mr. Raymond had reported
that the work could not be done until spring anway. The
vote of Dec. 13th approving the transfer of $1000. to the
Snow Removal account was rescinded and the sum of $350.
was transferred, that being sufficient to cover outstand-
ing expenses. The vote of Dec. 13th to transfer $150. to
Aid to Dependent Children was rescinded as the money was
not needed.
Letter was received from the Surplus Commodities
Division advising that it would 'cost approximately $1012. Surplus
to deliver the commodities to fifty per cent of the Comoro dities
recipients as compared with the cost of $1636. for deliver-
ing to all the recipients in 1938. No action was taken
on the matter.
The Board discussed the letter of Dr. Victor N.
Rochette, stating that he would be willing to accept the
' office of Town Physician. It was the feeling of the Board Town
that the Selectmen had committed themselves to Dr. Newell Physician
in saying that they would ask for an additional $400. in
the fall of 1938 to be paid to him. This amount was not
requested k.d the Board felt that it would be only proper
to at least recommend that Dr. Newell be paid an additional
$400. in 1939. Mr. Potter moved that the budget for the
Town Physician for 1939 be made up in the amount of $1150.
Mr. Ross seconded the motion and it was so voted.
The Board considered the application of the Lexington
Fruit Co. for a license to sell all alcoholic beverages Liquor
in packages at 1740 Mass. Ave. Mr. Rowse moved that the license
application be denied because of the fact that there are denied.
no licenses available. Mr. Ross seconded the motion and
it was so voted.
Letter was received from the Town Clerk relative to
the Board's request that the annual reports be reduced as
much as possible. Mr. Carroll suggested that the
Appropriation Committee reports be eliminated from his Town
report. Mr. Rowse moved that the Appropriation Committee Reports.
reports be omitted from the Town Clerk's annual report.
Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted.
Upon motion of Mr. Potter, seconded by Mr. Ross, it
was voted to grant the following licenses;
Welf are
Childts Old Coffee House, 1775 Mass, Ave.
Celect Ice Cream, Inc., 1781 Mass. Ave. -
EdBon A. Pero, 1786 Mass. Ave. -
Hattie E. A. Peckham, 37 Hancock Street -
Charles M. Pierson, 807 Mass. Avenue -
Irving A. Rich, 314 Marrett Road -
Partridgets Food Shop, 1709 Mass. Ave. -
Frank Gricus, 132 Lincoln St., Brighton -
N. E. Rendering Co., Brighton -
Morris Motors, 400 Waltham Street -
-Common Victualler
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2nd Class Agent
Messrs. Mitchell and Morse appeared relative to Welfare
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 P.M.
A true record, Attests
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