HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-08-05448 SELECTMEN'S MEETING AUG. 51 1938. ' A special meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held in the Selectmen's Room, Town Office Building, at 5:00 P.M. Chairman Giroux, Messrs. Ross and Potter were present. The Acting Clerk was also present. The Chairman stated that the purpose of the meeting was to discuss the votes for the Tovai Meeting to be held on August 8th relative to Vine Brook Drainage. The Chairman stated that there were some recommendations in the Vine Brook Drainage report which conflicted with other articles in the Warrant, and he therefor recomnmnded that he be allowed to move for indefinite postponement under Art- icls 2. Mr. Ross moved that the Chairman be authorized to move for indefinite postponement under Article 2. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. The Chairman explained that a change had been made in Article 3 wherever there was a specified amount of a taking. The Article has been rewritten to read "not exceeding" the specified number of feet so as to allow some leeway should it be needed, except under'(d), which is as recommended in the Vine Brook Drainage Report. He stated that under (f), ' which refers to the land from East Street to North Street, where it was recommended that 1LD feet be taken, an agree- ment has been reached with Mr. .Burnham that a width not exceeding 50 feet should be taken. The Chairman stated that Mr. Rowse, by telephone, raised the question as to whether or not fifty feet would be enough to do work there if nex- essary, and if not, should we have some 'written statement from Mr. Burnham that he will give an easement so the work could be done there. Mr. Raymond explained that line (g) Vine Bxtook took care of that. Line (g) reads as follows: "temporary Drainage leasehold interest in adjoining land for use during con - Votes. struction". The Chairman stated that he and Mr. Raymond con- tacted Yr. Burnham and reached this agreement. The Chairman stated that Mr. Rowse had also raised a question in regard to a section of Article 3 which reads as follows: "and that the Selectmen be authorized to do such work as may be required to restore and maintain or supplement existing private water supplies now in use (exclusive of operating expenses) which may become diminished or impaired as a result of the construction of the proposed Vine Brook Channel". Mr. Rowse wondered if the Board might be getting itself into a legal technicality as to who is going to judge if the water supply is damaged. He asked if the town might not be involved in law suits. 1,1r. Raymond said that with this clause in the Article you would be authorized to come to an ' agreement rather than go to law on any cases. Messrs. Ross and Potter stated that they saw no objection to the clause. M ' In regard to the clause reading "to grant rights of way and to lay out such streets and ways across the lands to be acquired under this vote as may be deemed advisable", the Chairman stated that Mr. Burnham felt he might lose his rights of way under a future Board and wanted town action on the matter in case a question was raised if he wanted to develop his land. Mr. Raymond stated that Mr. Burnham might like to have a road lAid out starting from Adams Street and crossing his land just downstream of his downstream pump - house, going in almost a direct line, to open up land when he wants to develop his farm into house lots. He did not wish the project to go through so he could not have the road if he petitioned for it. The Board felt that this was a reasonable request. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Burnham was willing to say now that he would grant the town an easement to put the channel in. He thought he would say it on the town meeting floor. Mr. Potter felt that the Board should be sure Mr. Burnham would be perfectly willing to state it publicly and should be asked again the night before the Town Meeting. Mr. Ross asked if Mr. Burnham had seen the votes and Mr. Raymond replied in the affiisnative. Mr. Raymond said that he and Mr. Russell were going to take copies of the votes into Mr. Waddellâ–ºs office Monday morning to make sure they were all right. The Board felt that that was the ' proper thing to do. Mr. Raymond said that Mr. Russell had raised a question in regard to the appropriation. He felt that only a certain percentage of the appropriation should be made. However, Mr. Raymond thought the entire amount should be appropriated. The Chairman stated that Mr. Rowse also raised the question as to whether or not Mr. Raymond knew if the proposed dam at Lowell Street would be in conflict with the State plans for the new Lowell Turnpike. Mr. Raymond said he thought there would be nothinf done there that would not be benef icial to both the State and the town but would see the State Engineer and ask him about it. The Chairman said that Mr. Rowse stated he would be in favor of the project if the matters with Mr. Burnham were all straightened out. Mr. Ross moved that inasmuch as the Town Meeting has been called primarily for the question of Vine Brook and as the Appropriation Committee will speak on it immediately after the opening; of the meetin", that the question of Vine Brook shall take precedence over other matters. Mr. Potter seconded the motion and it was so voted. Mr. Raymond said that he expected to have aproposition from Metcalf & Eddy, and if the Town Meeting approves of the Vine Brook project, he would like to have a majority of the Board get together after the Town Meeting and vote to instruct Metcalf & Eddy to proceed at once. He will have 450 their price at that time. Mr. Ross thought the Board would be criticized by men who live in town and work for engin- eering concerns in Boston, if the work was not let out on bid. It was decided to meet again after the 'down Meeting to discuss the matter. "Zetter'.*as r®ce ved from'the County Commissioners stating that the State Department of Public Works had re- duced its contributions for Chapter 90 work as much as Change in twenty percent in some instances, and had also reduced Chap. 90 the towns', cities' and. County's appropriations in like allotments proportion. They asked if the Selectmen wished to con- tribute the amounts originally voted for this work,.or not. The Clerk explained that the County Commissioners wished to have this information telephoned them before today, and that therefor she had telephoned all of the members regarding the matter. Mr. Raymond had recommended that the amounts originally voted, that is, $5000. for Bedford Street and $3000. for Chap. 90 Maintenance, be made available. She stated that all of the members had agreed to adopt Mr. Raymond's recommendation. Meeting adjourned at 5:40 P. M. A true record, Attest: Acting Clerk. V 1